Warfare Results 01/09/2017

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Warfare Results 01/09/2017

Post by Ashlee »


Tyler Breeze made his way to the ring, followed by JTG. When both superstars were in the ring, the referee called for the bell. JTG hit Breeze with a kick to the midsection, then grabbed his opponent, dragging him towards the corner and slamming his head against the turnbuckle. JTG punched Breeze in the corner several times, before whipping him against the ropes. As Breeze ran back towards him, JTG went for a clothesline, but Breeze ducked out of the way, then hit JTG with an Enzuigiri. Breeze went to set JTG up for the Unprettier, but JTG blocked it, then lifted Breeze up for a belly to back suplex, transitioning it into a neckbreaker. He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! JTG got to his feet and stomped on Breeze several times, before taking a step back, waiting for Breeze to stand. When Breeze was up, JTG hit him with Da Shout Out! He hooked the leg once more – 1... 2... 3!


Joey Styles: Up next, we've got "Miss Hell in Boots" Paige in action against Daizee Haze!

Daizee Haze made her way to the ring first to a mixed reaction from the crowd. When Daizee had entered the ring, "Stars in the Night" by CFO$ hit and the crowd cheered as Paige stepped out onto the stage. Upon entering the ring, Paige smiled confidently at her opponent. After her music was cut, the referee called for the bell and the two women locked up. Paige grabbed Daizee by the hair, tossing her across the ring. Daizee got to her feet and Paige whipped her into the corner, before hitting her with a high knee. Daizee staggered out of the corner and Paige lifted her up, hitting a fisherman suplex. She hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Corey Graves: Paige starting the match strongly, Joey! Miss Hell in Boots is taking the fight to Daizee Haze!

Paige pulled Daizee to her feet and whipped her against the ropes, then as Daizee ran back towards her, Paige hit a short-arm clothesline. Daizee got to her feet, and Paige hit another clothesline. Daizee rolled out of the ring, but Paige followed her to the outside, chasing Daizee around the ring and hitting another clothesline at ringside! Paige threw Daizee back into the ring, then hit a fallaway slam, before hooking the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Joey Styles: Another near fall! Paige is dominating this match, Corey!

Paige turned Daizee over and went to apply the PTO, but before she could lock it in, Daizee grabbed the bottom rope. Paige stepped back, allowing Daizee time to get to her feet. When Daizee was back on her feet, Paige ran towards her, but Daizee Haze bought back, hitting a heart punch. Paige staggered backwards, and Daizee hit a dropkick. Both women got to their feet, and Daizee went to set Paige up for a German suplex... but Paige blocked it, then took Daizee down with a bulldog. Paige pulled Daizee to her feet, then hit the Ram-Paige! She hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Corey Graves: It's over! Another victory for Paige!

Paige celebrated her win as Warfare went to a commercial break.


As Warfare returned from a commercial break, "We Are The Champions" by Queen hit and the crowd cheered as Cesaro made his way to the ring.

Joey Styles: Welcome back, Cesaro! The Swiss Superman returns to EBWF against Kevin Owens here tonight.

Corey Graves: What an exciting match this is going to be, Joey!

Cesaro looked confident as he walked down the ramp. Upon entering the ring, Cesaro climbed the turnbuckle and raised his arms in the air, causing the crowd to cheer once more. Cesaro then stepped down, awaiting the arrival of his opponent. "Fight" by CFO$ hit and the crowd gave a mixed reaction as Kevin Owens stepped out onto the stage. Owens was wearing his black and red KO Prizefighter t-shirt, and a pair of black and red KO shorts. As Owens entered the ring, he stared at Cesaro, who was wearing his red Cesaro Section shirt. Cesaro ripped off his shirt and through it into the crowd, then smirked at Owens as he showed off his physique. Owens teased ripping off his t-shirt, then shook his head. The referee called for the bell and Cesaro went to lock up with Owens, but Owens rolled out of the ring, causing the crowd to boo. Cesaro followed Owens out of the ring, and Owens hit Cesaro with a knee to the midsection, then threw Cesaro into the ringside barrier. Cesaro fell to the ground and Owens stomped on him several times, then re-entered the ring.

Joey Styles: Kevin Owens is trying to get Cesaro counted out, Corey!

Corey Graves: Haven't you realised yet, Joey? Owens doesn't care how he wins, as long as he wins!

As the referee counted to 5, Cesaro got to his feet and re-entered the ring. Owens whipped Cesaro against the ropes, then went for a clothesline. As Cesaro rebounded off the ropes, Owens went for a clothesline, but Cesaro ducked out of the way, ran towards the opposing set of ropes and springboarded off the second rope, hitting Owens with a European uppercut. Cesaro then grabbed Owens by the legs and the crowd cheered in anticipation of the giant swing... but Owens rolled Cesaro up in a small package! The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Both men got to their feet and began exchanging right hands back and forth. Cesaro gained the upper hand, and hit Owens with another uppercut, before lifting him up and hitting a gutwrench suplex. Cesaro followed it up with a double foot stomp, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Joey Styles: Cesaro is starting to seize control now... can he mark his return to EBWF with a victory?

Cesaro got to his feet and grabbed Owens by the legs, going to set him up for a sharpshooter. Owens kicked Cesaro away, then got to his feet. Cesaro went to kick Owens in the midsection, but Owens blocked it, grabbing Cesaro by the leg and spinning him around, before hitting a superkick. Owens then went to the top rope, hitting a frog splash!

Corey Graves: Bullfrog Splash! This could be it, Joey!

Owens hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... Cesaro kicked out! Owens got to his feet and stomped on Cesaro several times, then pulled Cesaro to his feet. He whipped Cesaro against the ropes and went for the Pop Up Powerbomb... but Cesaro countered with a hurricanrana! He pinned Owens on the mat, hooking both legs – 1... 2... kickout! Both men got to their feet, and Cesaro set Owens up for the Neutralizer... but Owens countered with a back body drop. As Cesaro got to his feet, Owens grabbed him, throwing him out of the ring. Owens followed Cesaro out of the ring and tried to powerbomb him onto the ring apron... but before he could lift Cesaro up, Cesaro broke free, grabbing Owens and slamming his head off the edge of the ring. Cesaro then grabbed Owens once more, throwing him into the ring steps. Owens struggled to his feet, and Cesaro slammed his head off the ring post. Owens looked dazed, and Cesaro went to throw him into the ring, but Owens fought back, hitting Cesaro with an elbow smash. Cesaro staggered backwards, and Owens grabbed him, lifting Cesaro over his shoulders and slamming him onto the ramp. Owens and Cesaro continued fighting on the ramp, paying no attention to the referee as he continued the 10 count. The referee called for the bell, counting both Cesaro and Owens out and declaring the match a draw.

Joey Styles: Well Corey, the match might be over, but the fight between Owens and Cesaro is not!

Owens and Cesaro had fought their way to the top of the ramp, exchanging right hands back and forth furiously. Referees and road agents rushed through the curtain to separate the two superstars as Warfare went to a commercial break.


Corey Graves: And right now, the newcomer Finn Balor will take on the former IC Champion…

Reigns theme hit, and he came out to the ring to take on the man also known as The Demon King. The crowd gave Balor a pretty big ovation when he made his entrance into the arena, and soon, both men were in the ring set to start the match. The bell rang.

Joey Styles: Here we go!

Reigns punched Bálor in the gut and tossed him across the ring. Bálor was rolling around the ring in pain. Reigns picked him up and tossed him to the other side of the ring. Reigns whipped Bálor into the corner. Bálor jumped to the apron and kicked Reigns in the head. Reigns whipped Bálor into the ropes, but Bálor met him with a dropkick. Bálor hit the ropes, but ran right into an elbow by Reigns. Reigns trapped Bálor in the corner and hit multiple clotheslines in the corner. Reigns dumped Bálor out to the apron. Reigns charged Bálor, but Bálor hit a standing double foot stomp. Reigns tumbled to the outside. Bálor crushed Reigns with a devastating running dropkick that sent Reigns careening into the barricade.

Corey Graves: These two have to get back into the ring!

At the six count, Reigns helped Finn back into the ring. Reigns leveled Bálor with a clothesline for a two count. Reigns backdrop bombed Bálor for another near fall. Reigns grabbed a side headlock. Bálor fought out of it, but Reigns head-butted Bálor to stopped his momentum. Reigns went for a schoolboy but transitioned into a one-arm powerbomb for a two count. Reigns called for the Superman punch. Bálor moved. Reigns mounted the second rope, but Bálor dropkicked him in the head. Reigns fell to the outside. Bálor punt kicked Reigns in the head! Reigns rolled back into the ring. Bálor dove off the top and double foot stompped him in the back for the head for a two count. Bálor tried to set up the 1916, but Reigns fought out of it.

Corey Graves: What a kickout from Reigns!

Bálor landed the sling blade. Bálor went to the corner and tried the diving dropkick. Reigns Superman punched him before he could hit it. Bálor kicked out at two. Reigns tried to powerbomb Bálor, but Bálor reversed it into a sunset flip. Reigns kicked out, but he picked up Bálor and double powerbombed him for another two count. Reigns called for the spear. Bálor reversed it into the sling blade. Bálor hit the running dropkick. Bálor went up top and hits the coup de grâce!

Joey Styles: Are you kidding me!?

Corey Graves: What a win! What a win for Finn Balor!


Corey Graves: Now it’s time for the Main Event. Tag Team Championships on the line! The Broken take on AJ Styles and a partner of his choosing!

Joey Styles: Who do you think he’s got as a partner Corey?

Corey Graves: Well, we’ve had the recent invasion from the Bullet Club, maybe one of his old friends is with him? We also have Samoa Joe who Styles is very familiar with. Either way, we’re gonna find out right now!

“The Broken” by Lit blasted throughout the arena as Jimmy Havoc and Baron Corbin made their way down the ramp. The fans booed loudly for their disdain of both men. Both carried the Tag Team belts, Baron with his Breakout Championship around his waist. They got to the ropes where Baron waited on the apron until Jimmy got in the ring, Baron entered and stood behind Havoc and to the left, they both held up there tag belts and Havoc walked to the ropes facing the titantron and waited for the entrance for AJ and his partner.

“Phenomenal” by CFO$ played as the crowd cheered for AJ, he walked out the curtain with a huge smirk on his face. He pointed at Havoc and then looked down at his EBWF Championship. His music faded out as he is still stood on the rampway wearing his smirk proudly. He looked at Havoc, put on a devious smile and looked towards the curtain….

“Second Coming” by CFO$ Played! The crowd popped!


Corey Graves: Seth Rollins! Seth Rollins is back!

Joey Styles: Jimmy Havoc is irate!

The camera panned over to Havoc in the ring kicking the ring ropes, screaming towards the entrance and grabbing hold of Corbin.

Seth and AJ fistbumped on the rampway and made their way to the ring, they got in the ring and Christy Hemme made her introductions and the tag titles were handed to the referee.

Seth motioned to start the match and Havoc pushed Corbin away as he wanted to start the match. The referee rang the bell, Havoc charged straight at Rollins but Seth ducked the line and rolled up Havoc and hit him with the Avada Kedavra Superkick. Havoc fell back into his teams corner and held his hand up for Corbin to tag, Corbin took no time taking the tag and rushed straight at Rollins but Rollins fell backwards and pulled the top rope down and Corbin flew over. Him and AJ fist bumped yet again and Seth played to the crowd as TV cuts to commercial.

As Warfare returned from break, Corbin had AJ in a headlock and attempted to wear him down until AJ reversed it and hit Corbin with a Pele kick. He climbed the top rope and hit the Spinal Tap on Corbin, covered him…

AJ looked beside himself as he went to tag in Rollins. Rollins got in the ring and began to stomp on Corbin until he was bored. He then picked Corbin up and hit an enzuguiri which knocked the big man to his knees and Seth hit another Avada Kedavra Superkick. Seth went for the cover but noticed Havoc trying to get in the ring, he ran over and delivered a kick to the stomach knocking Havoc to the outside. Corbin had begun to stir and had started to bring himself up. Seth saw his opportunity, ran against the ropes…

Curb St...NO! Reversed! End of Days!

Both men are down!

Corey Graves: Did you see that reversal Joey?!

Joey Styles: That took all the monentum out of Rollins’ return!

Both men began to crawl towards there corner...Seth tags AJ! Baron went for the tag but Jimmy dropped off the apron. AJ took advantage and began to set up Baron for the Styles Clash…

Jimmy Havoc entered the ting with a steel chair! He hit AJ over the head with it! The ref calls for the bell as Havoc pushes Baron out the way. Seth rushed in the ring but ate a chairshot to the gut and one to the back dropping him to the ground. Jimmy dropped the chair and got on top of AJ Styles and began to punch AJ in the head, over and over. He kept going until his fist and AJs head were bloody, he got up and smirked towards the camera. He picked up AJ and grabbed the wrist from behind, bringing him round for an Acid Rainmaker! Jimmy then left the ring and grabbed the Tag Team Belts but noticed AJs EBWF Championship aswell and picked it up. He entered the ring again and stood over Styles with the EBWF Championship held above his head, Warfare faded out.
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