No Jokes

This is where you post your RPs for Warfare, Pay Per Views, and for character development! The deadline for RPs for the current card will be posted in a countdown timer at the top of the forum.
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No Jokes

Post by D.J »

OOC: Here's a quick one for the match at Warfare. Good luck to everybody!

The scene opened up in a very lavish looking hotel room. There were 2 King Sized beds, side by side. A big refrigerator, several pieces of expensive furniture. It looked like the Villa straight out of the scene in the Hangover (before it gets trashed). Sitting on one of the comforters was Alex Riley. His elbows were on his hands, and he was dressed to the nines in an expensive suit. His hair was slicked back, like Pat Riley when he was the coach of the New York Knicks. He looked down at his wrist which was covered by an expensive Rolex watch. He yelled across the suite to break the silence.

Alex Riley: Miz, when did he say he was going to be here?

The Miz walked into the scene. He was wearing a white button up, light blue jeans, and clean white Nike's. He had a serious look on his face as he was ready to answer Riley.

The Miz: Said in 5 minutes- like 10 minutes ago- which for him means he's still got about another 10 before we should expect him.

Alex Riley looked annoyed.

Alex Riley: That's annoying.


Alex Riley: I don't understand why I'm sitting here waiting on this guy. He's only going to be the the EBWF Champion until Elimination Chamber- and then I'm going to beat the hell out of him, and those other idiots to make myself the proud owner of this companies two top titles. Then people will wait on me, but you see Miz.. they won't friggin have to.. you know why? Because when you're a champion.. like not you obviously since you don't wrestle.. but when you're a champion like I am- there is a certain standard, a certain level of professionalism, a certain level of excellence that people expect from you. You show up early, you stay late, you be amazing, you don't keep people waiting- that's busch league. AJ Styles is friggin busch league, he's a loser. God musta got high, and forgot that good things shouldn't be happening to an absolute douche bag

By this time AJ Styles had walked into the room, without Alex realizing. Miz had seen, but kept his mouth shut and continued to nod his head listening to Riley. AJ was mocking Alex's mannerisms and the expression on his face. He was also opening and closing his hand to indicate that Riley was blabbering on and on.

Alex Riley: He's nothing. He isn't even good enough to carry my bags in the airport. He doesn't have that level of professionalism or excellence that the EBWF Champion should have. It's a joke, don't you think? I mean he still isn't here..

AJ Styles: Oh relax Nancy, I'm here.

Alex was startled. He gathered himself, and turned around. To his credit, he didn't back down.

Alex Riley: Finally, what did you lose your bong?

AJ Styles: Come on Alexander, I don't do that anymore alright.

The Miz: I thought you sai..

AJ Styles: Miz hush okay, weekends don't count.

The Miz smiled. He was used to being the one in this back and forth's with his former stable mate/biggest rival.

Alex Riley: Look, I don't care about Seth Rollins being here. Obviously if we are going to win this match- which we are- it's going to have to be due to the performance of you and I. Mostly me.. pretty much all me.. but I'll at least concede you are going to be more helpful than Rollins.

AJ thought for a second.

AJ Styles: I'll cherish that compliment forever.

Alex squinted and Miz had to smile.

Alex Riley: Very funny. You'll need that sense of humor to cheer yourself up after you lose to me in the Elimination Chamber.

AJ Styles: Well thank god I have it.

Alex was getting tired of being talked down to.

Alex Riley: Alright, stop talking down to me like you're better than me.. I'm tired of it.

Told you.

Alex Riley: The fact is- on Warfare we are partners. We are facing a team of 3 guys that though it's hard for me to even believe- are pretty damn successful around here. PJ Black, Jimmy Havoc, and Chris Jericho.

AJ Styles: Boring, More Boring, Boring and fat.

Alex smirked.

Alex Riley: Agreed. PJ Black especially. PJ Black- Path To Glory Champion- he's awesome, said nobody. It's hard to even really take this guy serious. Like he's going to come out from here on out and be even edgier, even darker than before.

AJ Styles: PJ Blacker.

The Miz: PJ more black.

AJ Styles: PJ Black Out.

The Miz: PJ Black Sabbath.

AJ Styles: PJ Black Widow Baby!

Alex Riley: Enough!

Miz and AJ started snickering like two kids who got yelled at in school.

Alex Riley: Seriously bro, how are you even the champion? How? Like you think you can just turn it on and off? That's like PJ Black, like you can't just flip a switch and be intimidating PJ. You can't just blabber on and on about how you're going to be a force in this company, and then forget to ever do it. I'm a big match guy- I win when it really counts.. and in this six man tag match it is my mission to make sure that everybody knows the favorite going into the Elimination Chamber is none other than Alex Riley. PJ Black.. is too PJ WHACK to prove me wrong.

AJ Styles: PJ Black Pack.

The Miz: PJ Black Attack

AJ Styles: PJ Black Lives Matter.

The Miz: Ohhh good one.

Alex Riley: Seriously guys! Stop. Miz- go iron my shirts or something.

The Miz rolled his eyes, knowing the deal. He got up to go do it.

AJ Styles: Seriously Miz- what the hell happened to you?

The Miz: Only a matter of time before I'll be back kicking both of your asses.

Alex Riley: Okay buddy maybe on Xbox- run along.

AJ Styles smirked at that development. Miz left the scene

AJ Styles: Gotta say- I obviously hate you- but pretty awesome to see Miz belittled. Especially by you of all people. No offense.

Riley ignored the insult.

Alex Riley: He just couldn't back up his mouth, which is something I'm determined to not have happen to me. It's like Jimmy Havoc. Ran his mouth too many times, about how he was going to beat you and become the EBWF Champion, and boom lost. Then boom lost again.

AJ Styles: Boom!

Alex Riley: There's nothing worse that that. Like PJ Black just gets more monotonous and boring. Jimmy Havoc just thinks that after a loss the answer is to worship satan more or like weird us all to death. Like no wonder you're the champion, if these are the guys you have to go up against. To all of that, I just say finally, because on Warfare we are going to beat the strange out of Jimmy Havoc, the dullness out of PJ Black, and the yodels out of Chris Jericho. It'll be a win for me. Sure it'll be a win TECHNICALLY for you too AJ, and even that idiot Seth Rollins.. but don't get used to winning because the only one who's going to be happy after Elimination Chamber is me.

AJ Styles: Thanks for the continued reminder that you AREN'T going to be the type of guy to run his mouth and then lose- like you're REALLY showing me that's what you plan NOT to be.

Alex Riley: Make your jokes- do your little sarcasm bit- bottom line is- we got a match to win. Let's put Elimination Chamber on the back burner and hit the bar for a drink and talk about how we're going to destroy Jericho, Havoc, and Black.

AJ Styles: Sounds good to me.

The two men left the hotel room. We picked the scene back up at the bar. Both men had a drink in front of them.

AJ Styles: So Havoc, is no threat. I own that guy. He's property of AJ Styles. He literally can NOT beat me, and I'm in Jericho's head more than he'd ever want to admit right now as well.

Alex Riley pounded his drink.

Alex Riley: I don't think there's even much to discuss. You show up and do what you can do, and I'll do the same- hopefully Rollins doesn't mess it up for us.

AJ Styles: It's not possible.

Alex Riley: Simply put, Jericho, Havoc, and Black better be ready.. because come Warfare we are going to absolute destroy them.

AJ Styles looked confused as to how to end this conversation.

AJ Styles: Fuck yeah.

Riley stormed off- AJ sat confused at the bar. Finally he chugged his drink, shrugged, and flashed the camera a peace sign, and the scene faded to black.

EBWF World Champion (x7- Current) EBWF Intercontinental Champion (x3) EBWF Tag Team Champion (x2) EBWF PTG Champion (x2 ) EBWF Gateway Champion (1x)