Seeking Asylum

This is where you post your RPs for Warfare, Pay Per Views, and for character development! The deadline for RPs for the current card will be posted in a countdown timer at the top of the forum.
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Seeking Asylum

Post by Ashlee »

Jon Goode had been summoned to the office of the head of talent relations, Jim Ross. He showed up in the Wells Fargo Center with a black v-neck tee and blue jeans, and headed straight to the room where JR had set up a desk. He knocked and then poked his head in.

Dean Ambrose: Hey Jim, you um, wanted to see me.

Jim Ross: Yeah, Dean. Thanks for getting here so quickly. We just wanted to tell you that we have really enjoyed your work, and we're looking forward to seeing what else we can do with you.

Dean Ambrose: I appreciate that Jim. Thank you.

Jim Ross: So you have Randy Orton tonight...

Jim couldn't finish his thought.

Dean Ambrose: Welp, that was fun while it lasted...

JR smiled.

Jim Ross: There's something for you around the corner. Trust me.

Dean Ambrose: Anything's better than walking around calling myself "The Lunatic Fringe". Did anyone figure out what that is anyway? Thanks for the kind word, Jim. I won't keep you. I'm sure Randy and I will put on a great match.

Jim Ross: Go find him. I'm sure he'd love to talk you about it.

Dean Ambrose: I'll do that.

Dean shook JR's hand and left his office, surprised that he didn't feel too deflated about his loss. Instead he went in search of Randy Orton, determined to be the best looking loser on the show.
Writers aren't exactly people. They're a whole bunch of people. Trying to be one person.
The only living, breathing, Queen of Efeds in captivity
"You can't blame a writer for what the characters say." - Truman Capote