King of the Ring Results 06/25/2017

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Ben M
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King of the Ring Results 06/25/2017

Post by Ben M »


Joey Styles: Good evening and welcome to King of the Ring! We are live from the Joe Louis Arena one last time as we crown this year's King and Queen!

Corey Graves: Later on tonight, we'll see the finals of the King and Queen of the Ring tournaments, but first we've got two semi-final matches in the men's tournament. We're kicking things off tonight with the "King of the Goths" Jimmy Havoc against the 2011 Royal Rumble winner and former EBWF World Champion, Edge!

"I Hope You Suffer" by AFI hit and the crowd gave a mixed reaction as Jimmy Havoc made his way to the ring. When Havoc was in the ring, "Metalingus" by Alter Bridge hit and the crowd cheered as Edge stepped out onto the stage. Edge headed down the ramp, and upon entering the ring he removed his trenchcoat, staring across the ring at his opponent as he did so. The referee called for the bell and the two superstars locked up. Havoc applied a headlock, but Edge broke out of it and hit Havoc with a series of punches. He whipped Havoc against the ropes, then hit him with a dropkick. Both men got to their feet and Edge went to lift Havoc onto his shoulders for an electric chair drop, but Havoc rolled him up – 1... 2... kickout! Both men got to their feet again and Havoc hit Edge with a kick to the midsection, then whipped him into the corner. He ran at Edge and hit a forearm smash, then as Edge staggered out of the corner, Havoc lifted him over his shoulder, hitting a back-to-belly piledriver. Havoc hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Havoc got to his feet and stomped on Edge several times, before dragging him to his feet and lifting him up for a Death Valley Driver. Edge wriggled free and got behind Havoc, hitting the Edge-o-matic. He pulled Havoc to his feet and hit the Edgecution, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Edge grabbed Havoc by the legs and went to lock in the Edgecator, but Havoc kicked him away and got to his feet. The two men exchanged punches back and forth, and after gaining the upper hand, Havoc hit an uppercut, then followed it up with a discus elbow smash. Edge staggered backwards, and as he leaned against the ropes to steady himself, Havoc charged towards him and hit a clothesline, sending Edge over the top rope. Havoc followed Edge out of the ring, and grabbed the Rated R Superstar, dragging him towards the steel steps. Havoc was about to slam Edge's head off the steps, but Edge blocked it, and hit Havoc with an elbow smash. Edge turned around, hitting Havoc with a big boot, then as Havoc staggered backwards, Edge hit the...

Joey Styles: Spear!

Corey Graves: What does Edge do now though, Joey? Does he get Havoc back in the ring and try to pin him, or does he go for a count out victory?

Edge took a moment to figure out his strategy, then slid back into the ring. The referee had already reached the count of 4, and as Edge re-entered the ring, he continued counting - 5... 6... 7... at the count of 8, Havoc got to his feet, and he rolled back into the ring as the referee counted 9. Edge grabbed him, setting him up for a northern lights suplex, but Havoc blocked it and countered with a DDT. Both men got to their feet, and Edge swung a right hand at Jimmy Havoc, but Havoc blocked it and spun Edge around, applying a sleeper hold. Just when it looked like Edge was losing consciousness, the Ultimate Opportunist fought back, hitting a stunner and forcing Havoc to break the hold. Havoc looked dazed, and Edge went for another Spear... but Havoc moved out of the way, causing Edge to go shoulder first into the ring post! As Edge clutched his shoulder, Havoc applied a wrist lock, before spinning him around and hitting the Acid Rainmaker! He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Joey Styles: It's over! Jimmy Havoc advances to the final!

Corey Graves: He needs one more win to be crowned King! But will he face The Miz or Edge's tag team partner, Randy Orton, in the final?

Joey Styles: We'll find out next!


Joey Styles: Well moments ago we saw Jimmy Havoc beat Edge in the first of our King of the Ring semi-final matches. We've got the second semi-final next as The Miz goes one on one with "The Viper", Randy Orton!

"I Came To Play" by Downstait hit and Miz made his way to the ring. "Counting Bodies Like Sheep" by A Perfect Circle and Randy Orton came out next. Both superstars received a mixed reaction from the crowd. When Orton was in the ring, the referee called for the bell and the two superstars began circling one another, waiting to see who would make the first move. Miz ran at Orton, going for a clothesline, but Orton ducked out of the way, then hit Miz with a series of right hands. He whipped Miz against the ropes and took him down with a Lou Thesz press, before hitting mounted punches on the mat. He pulled Miz to his feet and lifted him up, hitting a suplex. He followed it up with a leaping knee drop, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Orton pulled Miz to his feet and hit him with some more right hands, then whipped him into the corner. He ran at The Miz, going for a corner clothesline, but Miz got his knees up and blocked it. As Orton staggered backwards, Miz climbed to the second rope, then hit a diving double axe handle. Miz stomped on Orton several times, then as Orton got to his feet, Miz hit a kick to the midsection and followed it up with a snap DDT. He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Corey Graves: Great back and forth action so far! Which of these two superstars can seize control and get the victory?

Miz grabbed Orton by the legs, and went to apply a figure four, but Orton kicked him away and got to his feet. Miz ran at Orton, going for a clothesline, but Orton countered with a snap scoop powerslam. He got to his feet and hit the Garvin stomp, then pulled Miz to his feet and dragged him towards the ropes. After trapping Miz between the ropes, Orton hit a rope-hung DDT! He hooked the leg once more – 1... 2... Miz kicked out! Orton got to his feet and began stomping on Miz again, but Miz clutched the bottom rope and the referee ordered Orton to take a step back. As Orton stepped back, Miz used the ropes to pull himself up, and Orton ran towards him... but Miz pulled down on the top rope, sending Orton tumbling to the outside. Miz rolled out of the ring and threw Orton into the ringside barrier, then hit him with repeated kicks. He grabbed Orton, and dragged him back towards the ring, slamming his head off the ring steps before rolling him back into the ring. As he re-entered the ring, Miz hit Orton with a snapmare driver, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Miz looked frustrated at only getting a two count, and after stomping on Orton several times, he pulled The Viper to his feet. Orton reacted quickly, hitting a European uppercut, then followed it up with an inverted headlock backbreaker. Orton began pounding the mat, signalling for the RKO! Miz got to his feet, and Orton grabbed him... but Miz blocked the RKO and countered it, hitting an inverted facelock backbreaker followed by a neckbreaker slam. Miz pulled Orton to his feet and hit him with the Skull Crushing Finale, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Joey Styles: Miz has done it! He's beaten the two time King of the Ring!

Corey Graves: We'll see him take on Jimmy Havoc for the crown later on tonight!


Matt Sydal beat Seth Rollins with the Shooting Sydal Press then started talking about a bunch of wrestlers who aren't in EBWF.


"#MMMGORGEOUS" by CFO$ hit, and the crowd gave a mixed reaction as Tyler Breeze made his way to the ring for the next match.

Joey Styles: Up next, we've got Tyler Breeze in action as he goes one on one with Kevin Owens!

When Breeze was in the ring, "Fight" by CFO$ hit and Kevin Owens stepped out onto the stage. Owens began walking down the ramp, but he was attacked from behind by...

Corey Graves: What the hell? That's Sami Zayn!

Joey Styles: Owens cost Zayn a place in the King of the Ring semi-finals last week, and it looks like Zayn is out for revenge!

Zayn and Owens exchanged punches back and forth on the ramp, but the Zayn's fury gave him momentum and he was able to overpower his former best friend. Zayn hit Owens with a clothesline, and as Owens hit the ground he rolled down the ramp. Zayn ran after Owens and dragged him to his feet, then threw him into the ring apron. Zayn ran at Owens, and hit him with the Helluva Kick!

Corey Graves: Well Joey, I don't think this match is happening. Owens is out cold!

Joey Styles: I think he's snapped, Corey!

Zayn wanted to continue the assault, but referees and road agents rushed down the ramp, dragging Sami away.


Eva entered the arena first, followed by Poison. Rebel was next, and then Velvet made her entrance to a warm reception. Eva and Poison both left the ring to avoid Rebel and Velvet.

Joey Styles: I’m not sure about this strategy, Corey.

Velvet and Rebel squared off. Eva and Poison ran back in and attacked them both from behind. Poison set Rebel up in a tree of woe. Velvet clotheslined Poison and bulldogged Eva at the same time. The crowd got to their feet.

Corey Graves: That was awesome!

Eva and Poison attacked Velvet and Rebel again. Velvet his a German suplex on Eva, and went for a pin.




Poison was making her way back in from the ring apron, but Velvet gave her a hip toss. Velvet missed a kick to Rebel which allowed Rebel to hit a strait jacket neck breaker for a near fall. Velvet sent Rebel to the outside. Velvet tried to kick Rebel in the head from the apron, but Rebel ducked and tripped Velvet. Rebel hit an elevated rolling neck breaker off of the ring apron on Velvet. The crowd gave a “This is Awesome” chant.

Joey Styles: Huge maneuver from Rebel.

Rebel wasn’t finished. She went up top and took out Poison and Eva with a flying cross body. Poison and Eva helped Rebel up and tossed her into the barricade. Rebel fought them both off. Rebel threw Poison over by the announce desk. Rebel climbed the announce desk. Eva Marie did some quick thinking and tripped Rebel on the announce desk. Poison and Eva suplexed Rebel off the announce desk through a table. Poison and Eva ran back into the ring and assaulted Velvet. Eva picked up Velvet and Poison hit a running knee.

Corey Graves: This is an interesting alliance Eva and Poison have formed here. I wonder what on earth they’re doing!

Joey Styles: In wrestling, Corey, women are enemies for no reason, and just as quickly become friends for no reason!

Velvet kicked out. Rebel ran back in the ring and started trading punches with Poison. Velvet lit Eva up and the brawl continued until Rebel hit a Split Legged Gourdbuster. Velvet hit a Beauty Mark on Eva, and both women went for the pin.

Joey Styles: What is this?


Corey Graves: Velvet is pinning Eva Marie.


Joey Styles: But Rebel has the pin on Poison!


The bell rang signaling the end of the match. Both women stood up, victorious.

Corey Graves: Wait a minute? Ref! Who won?

The two women seemed to realize there had been some kind of mixup.

Joey Styles: There has to be a winner! Who is the #1 Contender?

Rebel and Velvet mouthed off to one another as a promo video for Bobby Roode and PJ Black began to play.


“Glorious!” The crowd popped for the catchy tune that signaled the arrival of Bobby Roode. Once he was in the ring, Black’s theme hit.

Christy Hemme: And his opponent, he is the EBWF World Champion, from Cape Town, South Africa, PJ Black!

PJ got into the ring, and held the world championship over his head. He handed the belt over to the referee.

Joey Styles: Tonight we find out who the King of the Ring will be. It’s Jimmy Havoc or the Miz, and they’ll take on the EBWF World Champion at Summerslam.

Corey Graves: Bobby Roode has him tonight. This is sure to be a good one.

The bell rang. Black kicked Roode in the leg. Roode backed up and tried to go behind PJ, but he turned it into an armbar. Roode stood out of it and locked in a headlock. PJ forced Roode into the ropes. Black taunted Roode, and Roode answered by doing the Glorious taunt, sending the crowd cheering.

Joey Styles: A little bluster there.

PJ tried to lock up with Roode, but Roode retreated to the ropes. Roode elbowed Black in the heard. Bobby took Black down with a top wrist lock. PJ did a front flip out of it, but Roode reversed it into a head scissor. PJ did a headstand out of it.

Corey Graves: That’s why he’s the world champion! Check out the athleticism.

Roode tried to taunt Black again, but Black kneed him in the gut then stuck him with a flying knee drop. Black hit a spinning enzuigiri and charged at Roode in the corner. Roode caught him and sat Black on the top rope. Roode pushed Black off the top. Black took a nasty spill to the outside. Roode got a four count before PJ made it back inside.

Joey Styles: Bobby Roode getting right back to it here.

Roode followed through with a corner clothesline. Roode mounted the second rope and crushed Black with a double axe handle. Roode stomped on Black over and over and hit two jumping knees to PJ’s chest. PJ rolled into the corner. Roode stomped Black n the corner. Roode put his foot on Black’s neck and tried to choke him there. PJ tripped him on the apron and hit a running knee, then a diving knee to the back of Roode’s head. Black clinched Roode and kneed him over and over again. PJ draped Roode on the top rope. Roode moved out of the way and PJ kneed the top turnbuckle. Roode tried to charge Black in the corner, but PJ hit a running knee. PJ tried to stomp Roode’s head, but Roode moved out of the way and rolled Black up for a two count.

Joey Styles: Roode almost stole one from the champ!

Roode tried the glorious DDT, but Black reversed it into a knee strike. Black hit the ropes and ran right into a big spine buster for another near fall on Black. Roode was getting frustrated and set Black on the top rope for a superplex. Black fought out of it. Black hit the gourd buster on Roode off of the top rope, and then hit a diving kick. PJ yelled at Roode to come on, and Roode charged him, running right into the Black Diamond. PJ went to the top rope and hit the 450 Splash! PJ went for the pin.




Corey Graves: PJ Black is victorious here tonight.

The referee reunited PJ with his world championship and he held it above his head as his music played.


"Sky's the Limit" by CFO$ blasted out of the speakers as Sasha Banks came out to a huge ovation from the Detroit crowd. She went through her trademark entrance and put her sunglasses on the top of her head as she got into the ring and showed off to the audience.

Christy Hemme: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and will determine the 2017 EBWF Queen of the Ring. Introducing first, from Boston, Massachusetts, SASHA BANKS!

Joey Styles: I'm really excited for this contest, Corey. Sasha Banks and Trish Stratus are bona fide warriors in the EBWF. They have scratched and clawed their way to this moment.

"Bossy" by Kelis was heard next and Trish came to the ring. She had the EBWF Breakout Championship over her right shoulder and the crowd greeted her with a chorus of boos.

Lillian Garcia: And her opponent, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, TRISH STRATUS!

Trish climbed into the ring and looked at Sasha Banks with disgust. Banks mouthed something inaudible at her opponent. The referee checked with both Trish and Sasha to make sure they were ready. Finally, the bell rang, and the match was off and running.

Joey Styles: Well here we go Corey, we will now find out who the Queen of the Ring is!

Corey Graves: This should be a great match, Joey. The Quintessential Diva versus the Boss!

The two women circled each other and then reached in to lock up.

"Your sin gonna waste you brother."

The crowd stood up and turned their attention to the entranceway as "Missile" by Dorothy began playing.

Joey Styles: Wait, what is... we're in the middle of a match here!

Corey Graves: Can it be?! Are we going to be joined by true royalty?!

The crowd booed as the EBWF Women's Champion, Natalya, walked out brazenly in the middle of the Queen of the Ring match. The two contenders in the ring stared daggers at the Champ as she made her way down the ramp wearing a black skirt suit with a pink blouse. Her heir was tied back tightly in a neat pony tail, and the Women's Championship belt was over her shoulder.

Corey Graves: IT'S HAPPENING, JOEY! She's headed in our direction!

Natalya, ignoring the crowd, headed around the ring and towards the announce table. Corey Graves hastily stood up, giving her hearty applause. He offered Natalya a headset. She smirked and sat down in the seat set up for her.

Joey Styles: Well, uh Natalya, welcome to the announce desk.

Natalya: Good to be here.

Sasha and Trish turned their attention back on each other. Banks took Trish into a side headlock and Trish threw her off of her, into the ropes. When Banks rebounded Trish went for a hip toss, but Banks countered and went for one of her own. Trish blocked it, spun Banks around and planted her with a clothesline. She went for the first cover of the match up and got a 2 count. Trish picked Banks up to all fours, and connected with an axehandle smash to Sasha's back that sent the challenger crashing back down to the mat. This time Banks tried to get back to all fours on her own, but Trish forearm shivered her to the back and Banks was back down. Trish turned her attention to the crowd, taunting them, and got a loud pop from them.

Joey Styles: No doubt Trish has got her game face on, but she shouldn't turn her attention away from Sasha Banks.

Natalya: She knows where Sasha is at. She may be a terrible friend, but she's not an idiot.

Banks was back trying to get to a vertical base as Trish turned her attention back to Banks. She went for a kick to her ribs, but Sasha dodged it and tripped her by her other foot, sending Trish to the mat. The crowd cheered as Banks was back to her feet, Trish was quickly to her feet as well. The two locked up and Banks Irish whipped Trish into the corner. Sasha charged forward and went for a double knee-strike in the corner, but Trish ducked out of the way. Trish then climbed to the second rope and dropped a big double foot stomp on Sasha. She went for another cover.

Joey Styles: Could have her here... ONE.. TWO. THR.. no Sasha kicked out.

Corey Graves: That was awful close!

Natalya: Not bad for the second and third best wrestlers in the company, hmm?

Trish started to complain to the official about what she felt was a slow count. She got right in the referee's face. Sasha had crawled to her feet, and went for a schoolboy roll up on her opponent as the crowd cheered hoping this would be enough.

Joey Styles: Did she get her?! ONE.. TWO.. THRE... NO! Trish just barely got the shoulder up, my goodness that was close!

Trish got wide eyed not expecting that move whatsoever. She rose to her feet and again locked up with Sasha. Trish put Sasha in a hammerlock but Banks reversed it, Trish tried to reverse it back, but Banks blocked it, kicked Trish in the gut and planted her with a DDT. Banks went for another cover. The referee counted to two and three quarters before Trish kicked out. Now it was Sasha's turn to question the counting speed of the official, but Sasha didn't let it distract her for too long. She was quick to deliver a couple more stomps to Trish, as Trish rose to her feet. Sasha ran the ropes and missed wildly on a clothesline when Sasha rebounded on the other side, Trish connected on a drop toe hold, then pounced on Banks and locked in the Muta Lock!

Joey Styles: MY GOD! A Muta Lock! Will Banks tap!?

Corey Graves: How could she not Joey? The human body isn't supposed to bend like that.

Natalya: Not half bad.

Banks screamed out in agony as she tried to use her arms to crawl towards the ropes. Trish was really putting some torque on this maneuver and just as Banks reached her fingers out to the bottom ropes, Trish used her free hand to slap Banks' hand away so she couldn't get to them.

Joey Styles: Trish trying as hard as she can to keep Sasha Banks from breaking this hold!

Corey Graves: That's it she's done for. If she doesn't tap she's going to sustain permanent damage!

The crowd was going nuts as Banks started to crawl to the ropes again, and out of nowhere Sasha lunged forward and grabbed the ropes.

Joey Styles: She got them! Trish has to break the hold!

Corey Graves: But what damage has been done so far?

Natalya: Not nearly enough, if it were me in there.

Banks slowly got to her feet, but stumbled right into a kick to the gut and then Trish got Banks up for a powerbomb, but Banks mustered up the strength to wrap her legs around Trish's neck and throw her into a hurricanrana. Trish got up was disoriented for a second, but that's all Banks needed to deliver a Bankrupt in the middle of the ring! The crowd was going absolutely insane, as Banks went for the pin. The crowd counted along with the official.

Joey Styles: Sasha did it! She hit the Bankrupt!

One.....Two.... THREE!

Corey Graves: WHAT!?

"Sky's the Limit" was heard over the PA system as the referee went over to attend to Trish. Banks raised her hands

Christy Hemme: Here is your winner and the 2017 Queen of the Ring, SASHA....BANKS!

Banks tiredly clutched her abdomen, breathing heavily as the referee arrived to raise her arm in victory.

Joey Styles: Sasha Banks has done it! The Boss is back!

Corey Graves: Looks like we have your opponent at Summerslam, Natalya!

Natalya: If you'll excuse me.

The scuffling noise of Natalya taking off her headset could be heard as the Women's Champ stood up. Sasha was exiting the ring as Natalya slipped in. She immediately took advantage of a prone Trish Stratus in the corner, and started laying into her with hard elbows.

Joey Styles: What the--- someone stop her! Trish is defenseless!

Corey Graves: It's the agony of defeat, Joey! The true Queen of the EBWF is issuing a statement here!

Natalya continued to mercilessly pummel Trish amidst the flood of boos by the crowd, until someone grabbed her by the hair and threw her off.

Joey Styles: It's Sasha Banks! She's seen enough!

Banks and Natalya exchanged blows back and forth. The crowd was cheering for Sasha as Nattie began to stumble back. She kicked Sasha in the gut, causing Sasha to double over. Before she could react however, Trish charged the Women's Champion and clotheslined her, causing her to tumble over the top rope and spill out onto the floor outside the ring. Trish pushed her hair out of her face and pointed at Nattie, yelling inaudible expletives at her. Nattie got up slowly and retreated up the ramp, yelling at ring technician to fetch her title. She escaped back up the ramp when she got her belt, leaving Trish and Sasha in the ring.

Corey Graves: Oh man, are they going to go at it again?

Trish got up in Sasha's face and the two stared each other down with the same intensity they had at the start of the match. Begrudgingly, Trish grabbed Sasha's wrist and raised it, pointing at her.

Joey Styles: Some sportsmanship from the Quintessential Diva here!

Trish pointed and Sasha and mouthed "Next time" before she exited the ring to allow Sasha to celebrate her victory.


Joey Styles: Well, our Queen of the Ring has been crowned, but now it's time to find out who our 2017 King of the Ring is... will it be the two-time EBWF World Champion, The Miz, or will the inaugural Gateway Champion Jimmy Havoc ascend to the throne?

"I Hope You Suffer" by AFI blasted over the PA system for the third time that evening, and Jimmy Havoc made his way to the ring. The British superstar wore a shirt that said "King of the Goths".

Corey Graves: Well he certainly seems confident about his chances, Joey. If he wins this match, that t-shirt could be on later on tonight!

When Havoc was in the ring, "I Came To Play" by Downstait hit and Miz headed to the ring. Upon entering the ring, Miz shook his head at Havoc's t-shirt, and shouted "I'm going to be King!" Havoc smirked, then replied "We'll see about that". The crowd was split 50/50, and duelling chants of "Let's Go Havoc!" "Let's go Miz" could be heard.

Joey Styles: This sold out crowd are fired up for our main event, Corey!

As the referee called for the bell, Miz offered a handshake to Havoc. Havoc looked distrustful, but Miz tried to reassure him, nodding and telling him "may the best man win". Shrugging, Havoc took Miz's hand and the two men shook hands. The crowd cheered at the show of sportsmanship, but their cheers quickly turned to boos as Miz hit Havoc with a kick to the midsection, before following it up with a series of right hands. Miz went to whip Havoc against the ropes, but Havoc reversed the Irish whip, sending Miz into the ropes. As Miz ran back towards him, Havoc took him down with an arm drag. Miz got to his feet and Havoc set him up for a DDT, but Miz blocked it, then shoved Havoc hard into the corner. Miz punched Havoc in the corner several times before stepping back, charging towards Havoc and hitting the Awesome Clothesline! Havoc staggered forwards and Miz hit a reverse STO, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Miz got to his feet and stomped on Havoc several times, then pulled him to his feet and set him up for the snapmare driver. Havoc blocked it, countering with a reverse DDT, then followed it up with a double foot stomp to the chest. Miz rolled over in pain, but Havoc grabbed him, dragging him to his feet and lifting him over his shoulders, before hitting the Death Valley driver. He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Corey Graves: Both of these men are showing a lot of energy in these early stages, but you have to wonder how long that will last. Wrestling two matches in one night is never easy, and the longer this match goes on, the more signs of fatigue we'll see from Miz and Havoc.

Havoc sat Miz up and applied a sleeper hold, but Miz fought out of it, then both men got to their feet. The two superstars exchanged right hands back and forth, and after gaining the upper hand, Havoc went for a clothesline. Miz ducked out of the way and grabbed Havoc from behind, hitting an inverted facelock backbreaker and following it up with a neckbreaker slam. Miz stomped on Havoc several times, then grabbed him by the legs, applying the figure four! Havoc cried out in pain, but he was able to get to the ropes. Not wanting to be disqualified, Miz quickly broke the hold. He dragged Havoc away from the ropes and hit a knee drop, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Miz pulled Havoc to his feet and went to set him up for the Skull Crushing Finale, but Havoc blocked it, then hit a German suplex. Miz rolled out of the ring, giving himself time to recover, but Havoc ran towards him and hit a suicide dive! Both men were down outside the ring, and the referee began counting. At the count of 4, Havoc got to his feet, and he picked Miz up, throwing him back into the ring. As he re-entered the ring, Havoc went for the Go Home Driver, but Miz countered it, lifting Havoc up and hitting the slingshot sitout powerbomb! Havoc's shoulders were down and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Joey Styles: The Miz has seized control of this match... can Havoc get back into it?

Miz pulled Havoc to the middle of the ring, then applied the figure four leglock once again. Havoc realised the ropes were out of reach, and it looked like he was about to tap... but then he rolled over, reversing the pressure onto The Miz! This time Miz cried out in pain, and he desperately crawled towards the ropes. He grabbed onto the bottom rope, and Havoc broke the hold. Miz used the ropes to pull himself up, and when he was back on his feet, Havoc grabbed him from behind, hitting another German suplex. As both men got to their feet, Havoc took Miz down with the Roaring Elbow, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Havoc went to the top rope, and hit a diving double foot stomp, then hooked the leg once more. The referee counted – 1... 2... again Miz kicked out!

Corey Graves: So close to a three count! How much more have these two superstars got left in the tank?

Havoc looked weary as he got to his feet. He pulled Miz to his feet, and whipped the Awesome One into the corner, then ran at him and hit a high knee. Miz fell into a sitting position, and Havoc stomped on him in the corner several times, before pulling him up and sitting him on the turnbuckle. Havoc climbed onto the top rope, then dragged Miz up so both men were standing on the top rope. Havoc jumped onto Miz's shoulders, hitting an avalanche frankensteiner!

Joey Styles: Oh my god!

Corey Graves: A high risk move there by Jimmy Havoc... it shows how determined he is to win this match!

Joey Styles: Determined or desperate, Corey? Havoc still needs to find the energy to make the cover!

The crowd chanted "holy shit!", and after several seconds, Havoc crawled across the ring, draping an arm over The Miz. The referee counted – 1... 2... Miz kicked out! Havoc was able to muster enough energy to stand, and he pulled Miz to his feet. He applied a wrist lock, then went for the Acid Rainmaker... but Miz ducked out of the way and grabbed Havoc from behind, hitting the Skull Crushing Finale! Miz wearily hooked the leg, and the referee counted – 1... 2... Havoc kicked out just before the 3!

Joey Styles: I thought that was it, Corey!

Corey Graves: If Miz had managed to hook the leg more quickly, it probably would have been Joey. But that's the problem both men have now... they've been wrestling for more than twenty minutes, and having both wrestled earlier tonight, they're basically running on empty right now.

Joey Styles: Their adrenaline and motivation will be enough to see them through... but which of these superstars is walking out of St. Louis with the crown?

Miz looked stunned at only getting a two count, and he began arguing with the referee, accusing him of counting slow. As the referee argued his case, Havoc tried to get to his feet. Miz turned around and hit Havoc with a stiff kick, causing Havoc to fall to his knees, then followed it up with a snap DDT. He hooked the leg once more – 1... 2... again Havoc kicked out! Miz pulled Havoc to his feet and whipped him into the corner, then ran at him, hitting the Awesome Clothesline. Havoc staggered out of the corner, and Miz went for a big boot, but Havoc ducked out of the way, then hit the Acid Rainmaker! He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... Miz put his foot on the bottom rope! Havoc rolled Miz away from the ropes, then hooked both legs – 1... 2... Miz kicked out! Havoc couldn't believe it, and as he got to his feet he walked towards the corner, then began untying the top turnbuckle pad. The referee told him not to, but Havoc ignored him, and he threw the turnbuckle pad to the outside, exposing the turnbuckle. He pulled Miz to his feet and dragged him towards the corner, but Miz hit a drop toe hold, slamming Havoc's head into the exposed turnbuckle!

Corey Graves: Havoc took a risk there and it's backfired! That could be the game changer Miz needs to finally get the three count!

Blood trickled down Havoc's forehead, and Miz grabbed him, going for another Skull Crushing Finale. Havoc blocked it and hit Miz with an elbow smash, then shoved him hard into the corner. Miz cried out in pain as his back hit the exposed turnbuckle, then staggered forwards. Havoc grabbed him, hitting a Codebreaker!

Joey Styles: Jimmy Havoc just used Chris Jericho's finisher!

Corey Graves: Well we know Havoc and Jericho don't see eye to eye, Joey... maybe he's sending a message to our General Manager. Or maybe he just thought he needed something different to put down The Miz...

Havoc hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! He pulled Miz to his feet and hit the Acid Rainmaker... then, like he'd done with Sami Zayn the week before, he pulled Miz back to his feet and hit a second consecutive Acid Rainmaker! He hooked both legs and put all of his weight on Miz's chest as the referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Joey Styles: After almost thirty minutes, this one is over. Congratulations to our 2017 King of the Ring, Jimmy Havoc!

Corey Graves: King of the Goths, Joey!

As the referee raised Havoc's arm in victory, the new King showed an unexpected display of emotion, pulling the ref into a hug. The referee stepped back, then grabbed Havoc's crown and robe from ringside, handing it to him. Havoc grinned and put the robe on, then made the referee place the crown on his head. Wearing his robe and crown, Havoc climbed the turnbuckle, raising his hands up in celebration.

Joey Styles: Thank you for joining us, tune in next week for Warfare!

Havoc continued to celebrate as Warfare went off the air.