Somethings Never Change. Somethings Do.

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Somethings Never Change. Somethings Do.

Post by D.J »

He'd done it again. Just when you think you had The Miz pegged, he pulled another over on you and everyone else. Since The Varsity Club seemingly turned their back on the former two time World Champion, Miz had been secretly plotting for his revenge. Knowing it was a 3 on 1 numbers game, The Miz seemingly convinced The Prime Time Players that they would be better off aligned with him over Alex Riley. So at Sacrifice The Miz seemed to unleash a dynamic plan to take Riley out. Which he did, a vicious attack on Riley, led to a devastating knee injury that will sideline "A-Ri" for several months. So just as the fans were ready to write this off as another Miz led stable. Miz flipped the script on the Prime Time Players and attacked them as well, mid celebration. This brought the crowd into a frenzy and completed The Miz need for retribution on the group that scorned him. It was a loose end that needed tying, and that is exactly what The Miz achieved at Sacrifice. Now it was on to the next phase of his career. It was on to getting back on top of the EBWF mountain. It had been a long year for The Miz who spent much of it serving a punishment issued as a result of his loss to Alex Riley at Fanniversary. Miz was reinstated by Riley for the King of the Ring tournament, which is when all hell broke loose in their alliance. That portion of his career was now finished, and he was back competing regularly. His first match in the now "No Riley Era" for The Miz would be against Boody Roode. Roode was still trying to find his footing in the EBWF, and would have a huge opportunity to do just that knocking off a Grand Slam Champion, like The Miz. One thing was for certain, The Miz would not be worried very much about that happening.

The scene opened up in the lavish home that belonged to The Miz in Los Angeles, California. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, it was a beautiful day in the neighborhood as Mr. Rogers used to say. The camera was panned into the front of Miz' house, when the front door opened we saw somebody who we were not expecting. It was Mickie James. She was wearing short denim shorts and a white tank top. She ran her hands through her hair, as The Miz followed behind her. He smiled at the camera as he put his sunglasses on. His hair was slicked all around, and he wore a plain black V Neck and designer shorts. He also a pair of gray boot shoes. He looked at Mickie.

The Miz: Mickie.. say hi to everyone again.

Mickie smiled.


The Miz: EBWF universe.. in case you forgot.. this is Mickie James. She's a little crazyy..

Mickie got wide eyed.

Mickie James: I am... I am..

The Miz: Butttt I've decided that anyone who's that crazy for The Miz... actually just has amazing taste.. so sorry ladies.. she got me.

Mickie smiled and kissed Miz on the cheek.

Mickie James: It's like Jimmy V said.. don't give up.. don't ever give up!

The Miz: RIP Jimmy V.. great coach.. king of the upset. Speaking of upset. Has anyone heard from The Varsity Club lately? Oh you haven't?!

Mickie James: Weirdddd... should we call them?

The Miz: I mean.. we could, but we'd have to call the hospital.. or you know the unemployment line.. since that's where they are.. slash.. where they are headed.

Mickie James: I don't know that the unemployment line would have a would probably be disconnected.

The Miz squinted and looked at Mickie.

The Miz: No perhaps it wouldn't.. but MAN they must be upset. One minute you're riding around in limos, getting to hang with The Miz, the next you're turning on The Miz thinking that you got one over on the greatest wrestler of all time... THEN if you're those two dopes Titus and Darren.. you're getting convinced that Riley is a total jamoak and that they should turn on him.. THEN they do turn on him.. THEN.. I turn on them after they turned on Riley... THEN... they work at Friendly's for the rest of their pathetic lives.

Mickie James: Ohhhh Friendly's can we go later babe? I want a Fribble.

Miz had to smirk at his girlfriend's lack of attention span.

The Miz: Yeah sure.. that's fine. Anyways, Varsity Club.. SEE YA.. WOULDN'T WANT TO BE YAH. Fast forward to the next stage in the game, the next phase of my career. The first step back to the top. The opponent has to be someone great right? Has to be someone that will really help me make a statement, to really make my mark back on the company. Someone talented, charismatic, successful.. it has to be right?

Mickie James: Right!

Mickie smiled excited.

The Miz: WRONG!

Mickie James: Aw..

She frowned.

The Miz: So wrong! I'm facing Bobby Roode.. and excuse me if this is too "Rude" for you.. but my god this guy sucks. Like who is this guy? Why am I facing him? Really? Out of anyone in the EBWF for me to make my mark against in match one, finally rid of stupid Alex Riley, I get Bobby Roode? REALLY? I know it's been an awful long time for the guys in the back, but I think they may have forgotten just who the heck I am. I'm what sliced bread calls the greatest thing period. I'm the cream of the crop, best of the best, your favorite wrestler's favorite wrestler. I'm the most must see, most captivating, man to ever lace up a pair of boots. I'm the personification of success in this business.. and I've said this all before.. but holy hell.. maybe someone needs a reminder, because if they didn't I can't imagine that they would have me up against Bobby Roode.. you know like... ever.

MIckie James: TAYLOR SWIFT! Weeeee are never ever ever.. getting backkkk together...

The Miz looked at Mickie and she looked at him. She got all giddy.

Mickie James: Sorry baby...

The Miz: No problem.. you sounded good boo.. Anyways.. poor Bobby Roode. I mean it.. Bobby Roode is poor- BUT HE ALSO can't wrestle. Both are a problem. One is a bigger problem, and that's the second one. The second one, is going to make the first one even more true. You see because not being able to compete in the squared circle is a large issue.. when you get paid to compete in the squared circle. You can kind of hide it and get away with it, when you go up against absolute shit-tards like most of the guys in the back.. but when you get tossed into a match with The Miz.. not to mention a Miz who now has complete closure after I beat The Varsity Club so bad that they NOW think they are in elementary school instead of High School.. well when that happens.. it's just down right dangerous. It really is. So let me paint you a little picture of what's going to happen. Monday is going to come, people are going to get to Warfare.. they're going to be excited. The reason- is that all of The Miz-Fits are going to get to see their hero perform. They're going to get to see the guy that literally put their butts in their seats, step through that curtain and perform. Bobby Roode is going to be excited too. He's going to get up.. he may film a Gillette Commercial, because he looks just like every guy that's ever filmed one of their commercials ever.. and then he's going to come to the arena. He's going to be fired up.. he's going to be thinking to himself that "this is it." This is the big moment that could finally make his career. He's going to make his way to the ring, get inside, and the bell is going to ring. THAT is when all of his excitement, all of his enthusiasm, all of his anticipation, is going to QUICKLY and DRASTICALLY change into complete and utter panic and despair. This is because it's going to take Bobby .2 seconds to realize that he is WAY out of his FREAKING league.. against someone like me. Every little move he can think to try, I'm going to be one step ahead of him. Every counter he will attempt to come up with, I will sniff it out and shut it the hell down. Bobby Roode will realize that a match against me, is the Big Leagues.. and that he just doesn't have the god damn bat speed to keep up... and listen.. I hope and pray that people hear this today and snicker. I hope that they choose to overlook me.. because every time over the last six years that people do that, I come back and I dominate. Every time people have thought that I was done.. I re emerge back to the top of the mountain, and that is exactly what's going to happen once again. I got a crazy chick on my arm.. who believes in me.. and you all WOULD BE CRAZY NOT TO BELIEVE AS WELL.. and Bobby Roode.. is crazier than anyone if he thinks that he's going to have a shred of a shot to beat me this week. HASH.TAG. FACTSSSS!

Mickie did a hashtag simple with her hands. The Miz put his arm around her and the two got into a yellow porsche and drove off, as the scene faded to static. We reopened at a Hooters right in the heart of Hollywood. Out front was a sign that said- "Meet and Greet: The Miz" There was also a huge adhesive sticky note that read "And Mickie James :) " right next to Miz' name. The camera zoomed inside. There were Hooters Girls walking around with plates of wings and curly fries. The place was jam packed, as one of the Hooters' managers, a latino man in his late 40's, grabbed a microphone.

Manager: Attention everyone. As many of you know, the EBWF is in town next week, and today we at Hooters are thrilled to have The Miz here to host our party tonight! Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for The Miz!!!

"I Came To Play" hit over the stereo system, and the place filled with cheers. A group of Hooters Girls convened and were now all organized in a row behind The Miz. Miz wore a fancy white suit and had a baby blue tie on. Mickie was right on his arm, wearing a yellow sun dress. She glared at a couple of Hooters Girls who slowed down their applause feeling threatened by Mickie's look. Mickie then changed her glare to a smile as she waved to the adoring Miz-Fits in attendance.

The Miz: Thank you! Now many of you may be asking yourselves.. why Miz? You could host a party at any establishment on planet earth.. and you basically have.. so why out of all the places in LA.. would you choose Hooters? The answer my friends.. is very simple. Great food.. check.. beer.. check.. wonderful spirited wait staff.. with BIG....

Miz looked at Mickie who had a crazy smile on her face for appearances.. but Miz knew better than to finish the sentence incorrectly.

The Miz: Hearts... check!

The crowd laughed.

The Miz: The result is you have yourselves one heck of a place to have a party.

The crowd cheered. Mickie and The Hooters Girls applauded as well.

The Miz: As my man in the generic blue manager Hooters polo said already, The EBWF IS in town this week for Warfare. I know what you're thinking , and the answer is no.. I will not be too hungover from wings and beers to compete. Though I plan on getting dangerously close! The good news is, that I'm facing Bobby Roode.. whom I could beat even if I stayed out all night with these lovely..

The Miz looked at The Hooters Girls who smiled flirting... Mickey elbowed Miz..

The Miz: Sights.. and sounds of LA.. and got no sleep at all!

Mickie smiled.

The Miz: Just because that's the fact of the situation, doesn't mean that's the way I'm going to approach it. Bobby Roode is a wrestling nomad, so my plan is to just let him do what he does best. Migrate to another wrestling company after I decimate him, and humiliate him into quitting. The EBWF is the best wrestling company in the world, and only the best should be allowed to join. There's a reason why ugly girls don't work here.. people have an expectation of what they want to see when they come here. They want to see those girls with the big.. hearts.. and the beautiful... personalities. Not too mention they want to see those big firm round... DEALS that they can get on all the great food here! That's their expectation. It's the same in the EBWF. People expect greatness, they expect to see the best in the world competing. So Bobby Roode- time to go- get the heck out.. here I'll help.. is kind of how I feel about this coming Monday.

The crowd was silent..

Mickie James: APPLAUD!

The crowd did as they were told, and applauded.

Mickie James: THANKS!

She smiled like an innocent bubbly girl.

The Miz: Make some noise if you guys will be at Staples on Monday?

A lot of the crowd cheered.. this was clearly a place for EBWF's market.

The Miz: Before we kick this party off, I've been really having fun getting to talk with all The Miz-Fits out there. So what do we have for questions? Who wants to ask The Miz a question?

A drunk guy yelled out.

Drunk Guy: Who's the girl?!

Mickie James smile evaporated.

Mickie James: Who's the girl!? Who's the girl?! ....... I'm Mickie!

She smiled again, very bubbly, this chick was tapped.

Drunk Guy: That totally answers my question!

The Miz: Good work babe. Who else?

A rustling of a chair was heard loudly. Everyone turned... Michael Cole stood up. He was wearing a black hooters T-Shirt and a bib that said " I Really Do Come For The Wings." He removed the bib dramatically and began to speak.

Michael Cole: Miz if I could have your attention please.. I have a question.

The Miz peered into the back of the restaurant. He smirked as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

The Miz: Yes sure, the portly fellow in the back.

Michael Cole: I'm not portly!

The Miz: You're a RePORTLY Reporter.

Michael Cole: I'm a broadcast journalist.

The Miz: You're a breakfast journalist.

Michael Cole: That's the most important meal of the day!

The Miz: All 10 of your meals a day are equally important to you.

Michael Cole: You're a bully!

The Miz: What's your question?

The fans heads were going back and forth like a tennis match.

Michael Cole: My question is this Miz...Mickie James... WHaaaaaaaat?!

Michael comically cocked his head like a sassy female.

The Miz: Michael, I'm a complex guy, Cole. The bottom line is.. most girls they just take no for an answer. They say OK.. clearly I'm a one night thing. Or clearly Miz just doesn't like me.. or he doesn't want a relationship. Not Mickie. Mickie stalked me basically for the last 3 years.. that's dedication.. that's commitment.. and as Paris Hilton used to say.. that's hot.

Michael Cole: I've stalked you longer than that Miz!

The Miz: Michael.. just because you have boobs too.. doesn't mean that I'm going to have the same reaction to your stalking alright?

Michael Cole: Alright.

He hung his head.. the crowd at Hooters at this point had no clue what to do.

Mickie James: APPLAUD!

Once again they listened. This kind of snapped Michael Cole back into the moment.

Michael Cole: My second question is this. Now that you rid yourself of the Varsity Club, and you're focused again on returning to the top of this business. Don't you think you should be giving Bobby Roode your full, undivided, and uninterrupted attention?

The Miz smirked.

The Miz: Michael, if you weren't face down in your Parmesan Garlic wings, you would have already heard me address that. Just because Bobby Roode stands about as good of a chance against me, as you do with any of the Hooters Girls behind me.. doesn't mean that I'm going to treat him that way. Yes- just like these girls behind me.. I'm going to make Bobby think that I respect him by the way that I act on Monday night. I'm going to make him think.. that I think.. that he has a chance. The reason he will think that.. is because I will be approaching this match with an intensity that few have seen from me, Cole. This is a big one for me, and I'm treating it that way.. even though the opponent is so freaking underwhelming.Though I will know all the while that he does not have a chance.. and when the beating begins.. he will know it too. Roode is actually a fun guy for me to be facing, Cole.. because he's the loser who thinks he's actually more than that. He's the guy who comes to Hooters and thinks the waitresses actually do like him. He's the guy who gets a phone number from one of the waitresses and is surprised when it's a 24 hour a day Chinese Food Place when he calls.

Michael Cole: Happy accident..

The Miz: What?

Michael Cole: What?! Um Nothing.. go on.

The Miz: He's the guy that hasn't ever done anything.. but yet expects to be treated like he's a success. He's brash and confident, like he's a guy that should be brash and confident. When really, he should shhh... just shhhh... just sit back and be happy to have a place to work. Just sit back and sit with the other losers in the locker room at lunch and point over at guys like me and be like "Oh my god... that's The Miz.. can you imagine being as good as him?" That's what he should be doing, but is he Cole? No. He's walking around like he's some sort of god.. he's walking around calling himself the "It Factor" when really he's a freaking NON Factor. He's a nobody who wants to trick us into thinking he's a somebody. Well I'm The Miz, Michael, and I'm not easily tricked.. and this guy doesn't have the kind of magic kit to do it. Anyone who thinks Bobby Roode is a good competitor has fallen for this optical and verbal illusion he's been trying to execute, but I'm just not one of those people. I see it clearly.. and when I drop him face first on the mat tomorrow night.. you and everyone else will know, that beating the hell out of Bobby Roode DID have my undivided attention.. even if I ate some chicken wings and drank a couple cold ones first.

The Miz raised his glass which led to applause from the crowd at Hooters who was getting a live EBWF segment for free.

Michael Cole: Last question- will you and Mickie PLEASE come sit with me.. I'm so alone.

The Miz: You know what Michael.. because I'm in such a great mood.. YES.. Yes we will sit with you.

Michael Cole: Now I say really?.. and you say no, right?

The Miz: No.. not this time Cole.. this time we really can hang out.. we are going to host this party with you.

Mickie whispered, but the mic picked it up.

Mickie James: We are?

The Miz nodded.

The Miz: We are. Times are changing.. I'm looking at things a lot differently. Just because I'm better than everybody doesn't mean that I need to be a dick about it. If Michael Cole wants to hang out, than god damn.. let's do it.. drinks are on you Cole.


The Miz: Hooters- you're looking at a new man. A man that has a fresh perspective on everything this life and this business has to offer! Tomorrow night, you will see this beautiful bastard in front of you, beat the holy hell out of Bobby Roode, and prove that though SOMETHINGS change.. SOME ALWAYS STAY THE SAME.. and one one thing that WILL NEVER CHANGE.. is that..




The crowd erupted in cheers, as Miz picked up his beer glass, put his arm around Mickie and toasted with Cole as he joined Michael at his table. The scene faded to the EBWF Party at Hooters.

EBWF World Champion (x7- Current) EBWF Intercontinental Champion (x3) EBWF Tag Team Champion (x2) EBWF PTG Champion (x2 ) EBWF Gateway Champion (1x)