Summerslam Results 08/27/2017

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Ben M
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Summerslam Results 08/27/2017

Post by Ben M »


Joey Styles: Good evening and welcome to the hottest event of the summer, EBWF Summerslam! We are live from the sold out Moda Center in Portland, Oregon and Corey, what a night we have in store!

Corey Graves: Indeed, Joey! Summerslam is one of my favourite events, and we have some tremendous matches to look forward to tonight. Natalya will defend the Women's Title against the woman she beat for the title at Christmas Eve of Destruction, Sasha Banks, and PJ Black defends the World Title against Jimmy Havoc in a match designed by Jimmy Havoc himself... the House of Havoc match!

Joey Styles: We'll also see a triple threat match to determine the new number one contender for the Women's Championship, and Sami Zayn will face Kevin Owens in an I Quit match! Up first though, The Miz challenges Samoa Joe for the Gateway Title!

"I Came To Play" by Downstait hit and the crowd booed as The Miz made his way to the ring. When Miz was in the ring, "Destroyer" by CFO$ hit and the crowd gave a mixed reaction as Samoa Joe stepped out onto the stage. Joe paid no attention to the crowd as he walked down the ramp and upon entering the ring he simply glared at Miz, hold the Gateway Title up as he did so. The referee took the title from Joe, held it in the air, then called for the bell. Miz yelled at Joe "I'm not afraid of you", then ran at Joe, but the Destroyer reacted quickly, taking Miz down with a clothesline. Miz got back to his feet and Joe whipped him against the ropes, before hitting a Samoan drop. Both men got to their feet, and Joe whipped Miz into the corner, then went for a corner forearm smash. Miz moved out of the way at the last second, causing Joe to collide with the turnbuckles, then hit Joe with a series of kicks in the corner. As Joe staggered out of the corner, Miz went to the top rope, hitting a double axe handle. He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Corey Graves: Joey, I think we've had an early indication of how this match is going to go. We'll see the power of Samoa Joe versus the speed of The Miz... what Miz lacks in strength, he makes up for in what I like to call "ring smarts".

Joey Styles: By "ring smarts", do you mean cheating?

Corey Graves: No I mean being clever, and using any advantage he can...

Miz stomped on Joe several times, but Joe rolled away and got to his feet. Miz grabbed Joe, going for an Irish whip, but Joe was too powerful and he pulled Miz towards him, hitting a knee to the midsection then following it up with a gut wrench suplex. Miz got to his feet and stumbled into the corner, and Joe ran at him again, this time hitting the corner forearm smash. Miz fell into a sitting position and Joe stomped on him several times, before stepping back and going for a running knee. Miz managed to roll out of the way and Joe's knee connected with the middle turnbuckle! Joe cried out in pain, and hobbled out of the corner.

Joey Styles: Corey, I think Joe may have injured his knee!

Corey Graves: Like I said Joey, ring smarts! Watch him work the knee now, using the advantage like I said.

Miz did as Corey predicted, kicking Joe in the knee and causing him to fall to his knees, then hitting a snap DDT. He made sure Joe was away from the ropes, then applied a figure four leglock! Joe refused to submit, and he powered out of the hold. Both men got to their feet and Miz tried to hit the Skull Crushing Finale, but Joe blocked it, then hit a superkick! Miz looked dazed and Joe set him up for the Muscle Buster, but Miz wriggled free, then rolled up Joe with a schoolboy. As the referee made the count, Miz put his feet the ropes! The referee didn't see it! 1... 2... 3! The referee called for the bell and Miz quickly rolled out of the ring, making sure the ref didn't see what he had done.

Joey Styles: Is that what you call ring smarts, Corey? Because I call that cheating!

Corey Graves: What I call it, Joey, is a victory for The Miz! We have a new Gateway Champion!

The referee called for the bell and followed Miz out of the ring, handing Miz the Gateway Championship and raising his arm in victory. Miz celebrated at ringside, then made his way to the back.


Joey Styles: Still to come, Natalya defends on EBWF Women's Championship against Sasha Banks, and Jimmy Havoc challenges PJ Black for the EBWF World Championship!

Corey Graves: Oh, but right now we get to find out the next person to challenge for the Women's title, Joey!

On cue, "Rush of Power by CFO$ began playing and Summer Rae made her way down to the ring, ready for her shot at a number one contendership.

Joey Styles: Summer Rae's got a great chance to put herself right in at the top tonight!

"Glasgow Cross" began playing and the notoriously unhinged Nikki Cross headed down the ramp and made her way towards the ring.

Corey Graves: I have to tell you Joey, Nikki scares me.

Joey Styles: Everything scares you.

Corey Graves: Don't act like she doesn't give you nightmares, Styles.

Joey Styles: No comment.

Cross gave Summer Rae an unnerving grin as her music faded. The crowd got to their feet as "Bossy" by Kelis played, heralding the entrance of Trish Stratus.

Corey Graves: The Quintessential Diva is here! All hands take notice!

Joey Styles: Can she hold her own against these two younger up-and-comers tonight?

Corey Graves: She's the GOAT, Joey! Of course she can!

Stratus got into the ring and before she even taunted the crowd, she reared around and elbowed Summer Rae in the jaw. The referee called for the bell since the action had already started. Summer Rae stumbled back and kicked Trish in the gut, and the two exchanged strikes back and forth. Nikki Cross, not one to be left out, charged forward and clotheslined the two women. Stratus and Rae both hit the mat hard. Nikki picked Trish up and threw her into the corner. She ran forward and put her shoulder into Trish's abdomen.

Joey Styles: Some early aggression by Nikki Cross!

Summer Rae walked over and grabbed Nikki Cross by the hair, and dragged her backward, going for an inverted DDT. Cross kicked as high as she could and connected with Summer Rae's head, causing her to lose her grip and stumble back. Cross turned and charged at Trish. Trish leaped up and wrapped her legs around Nikki's neck, and spun around into a hurricanrana. Nikki's momentum caused her to fly towards Summer Rae and speared her into the mat. The crowd gasped at the impact.

Corey Graves: May have not been intentional, but that was a hell of a move by Nikki Cross!

Cross looked at her handiwork, and turned around to face Trish Stratus. She charged forward and went for a headbutt, and the Quintessential Diva literally bent over backwards to dodge it.

Joey Styles: It's the MaTrish!

Nikki bounced off the ropes and went for a clothesline Trish ducked that as well. Just as Summer Rae was getting up from the spear, Nikki clobbered her with a headbutt.

Corey Graves: Summer Rae can't catch a break here! Come on, Summer!

Cross stumbled back from the impact of the headbutt. Trish grabbed her by her neck and threw her over the top rope. Cross tumbled out of the ring and hit outside with a thud. Trish turned her attention to Summer Rae, who was wobbling on her feet. Trish went after Summer, but Summer dodged and hit a DDT on Stratus. Summer went for the cover and got a two count. She picked up Trish and went for a wild clothesline. Trish ducked underneath it and countered with a...

Joey Styles: CHICK KICK! She nailed it!

Summer Rae fell like a tree and hit the mat. Trish hooked her leg into a pin. 1....2.....3!

Corey Graves: The Quintessential Diva is the new number one contender for the Women's Championship! Can you believe it?!

Joey Styles: What a win for the veteran! Could we be seeing the return of the Queen?!

"Bossy" by Kelis played as Trish celebrated in the middle of the ring, taunting the crowd. The video faded to a package for the next match.


Joey Styles: Up next, we'll see what could be the final chapter in the long running rivalry between Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn... the two former best friends will compete in an I Quit match!

Corey Graves: Joey, I think this might be the first I Quit match in EBWF history, and what a match it promises to be. I just can't imagine either Owens or Zayn saying those two words...

"Fight" by CFO$ hit and the crowd booed as Kevin Owens made his way to the ring. When Owens was in the ring, "Worlds Apart" by CFO$ hit and the crowd cheered as Sami Zayn skipped to the ring. Zayn stood on the steel steps and posed for the crowd, then entered the ring and removed his hat and jacket. He stood in the corner across from Owens, the two superstars staring one another down. The referee called for the bell and Owens charged at Zayn, pummelling him in the corner with a series of punches and kicks. Zayn fought back with some punches of his own, then took Owens down with a clothesline. As Owens got to his feet, Zayn whipped him into the corner, before climbing to the top rope and hitting him with a series of punches. The crowd counted each punch – 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7... 8... 9... 10! Zayn stepped down and Owens rolled out of the ring. Zayn followed Owens to the outside, but Owens hit him with a kick to the midsection, then threw him into the ringside barrier. Owens ran at Zayn, hitting a clothesline and knocking him into the crowd! Owens then climbed over the barrier and picked Zayn up, hitting a scoop slam onto the floor. He asked the referee to hand him a microphone, and leaned over Sami Zayn.

Kevin Owens: Give up now Sami before I really hurt you.

Zayn refused to quit, and Owens hit him with the microphone, then tossed the microphone to the referee and picked Zayn up. He set Zayn up for a suplex, then lifted him up, slamming him onto the ringside barrier. Owens then hit Zayn with a superkick, knocking him back into the ringside area.

Joey Styles: Owens has dominated this match so far... if this continues, I'm not sure how much more punishment Zayn can take!

Corey Graves: I've known Zayn a long time, Joey, and he's a fighter. He'll keep fighting until he's no longer able to!

Joey Styles: Well the way things are going, that might not take long...

Owens climbed back over the barrier and picked Zayn up, but Zayn fought back with a series of backhand chops, then threw Owens into the ring steps. Zayn picked up the ring steps and hit Owens with the steps, then picked Owens up and suplexed him onto the steel! He grabbed the microphone from the referee, and asked Owens if he wanted to quit.

Sami Zayn: I can hurt you too, Owens. Give it up and we can end this once and for all.

Kevin Owens: Go to hell!

Owens shoved Zayn away, then rolled back into the ring. Zayn followed Owens into the ring, but Owens threw Zayn into the corner and hit him with some more right hands. Zayn fell into a sitting position, and Owens stepped back, going for the cannonball. He ran towards Zayn... but Zayn got to his feet and grabbed Owens, hitting an exploder suplex into the turnbuckles! Owens rolled out of the ring, trying to avoid getting hit with the Helluva Kick, but Zayn rolled out of the ring and ran towards Owens, diving through the ropes and hitting a tornado DDT! He then applied the Koji Clutch, and the referee asked Owens if he wanted to quit. Owens shook his head defiantly, and after a struggle he was able to break free. Both men got to their feet, and Zayn set Owens up for the double underhook powerbomb, but Owens countered with a back body drop, then hit a senton. He snatched the microphone from the referee and spoke to Zayn once again.

Kevin Owens: If you don't quit right now, I'm going to powerbomb you onto the ring apron and break you in half.

Sami Zayn: Okay...

Kevin Owens: Say it!

Owens leaned closer and held the microphone to Zayn's lips... but Zayn pushed the microphone away and headbutted Owens! As Owens staggered backwards, Zayn got to his feet and grabbed a steel chair. He hit Owens in the ribs, then hit him across the back with the chair. He grabbed the microphone, and mimicked Owens words from a few moments earlier.

Sami Zayn: Kevin, if you don't quit right now, I'm going to hit you with a brainbuster through the announce table.

Kevin Owens: You'll never make me quit!

Owens tried to fight back, but Zayn hit him with the chair again, then removed the top of the announce table. He picked Owens up and threw him onto the announce table, then set him up for a brainbuster. Owens blocked it, and suplexed Zayn off the announce table onto the floor! Both men were down for over a minute, then Owens stumbled to his feet and picked Zayn up. He set Zayn up for a powerbomb, and powerbombed him onto the ring apron! Zayn cried out in pain, clutching his back, and Owens grabbed the microphone and the steel chair. This time, he spoke to the referee.

Kevin Owens: Hold that microphone next to Zayn's face because I'm going to keep hitting him with this chair until the son of a bitch quits. I'm finishing this!

Owens passed the microphone back to the referee, and then hit Zayn across the back with the chair! He hit Zayn two, three, four, five times with the chair, and the referee practically begged Zayn to quit, but Zayn refused. Owens hit Zayn five more times with the chair, then dropped the chair and set Zayn up for a powerbomb through the table. Before he could hit it, Zayn collapsed to the floor. The referee checked on Zayn, then called for the bell.

Joey Styles: Corey... I think Zayn has passed out. He hasn't quit, but the referee has to stop this match because Zayn might need medical attention...

Corey Graves: Owens and Zayn said they were going to finish it tonight, and I guess they have... I just hope Zayn is alright.

Owens showed no concern for his former best friend, and looked pleased with himself as EMTs rushed to the ringside area. "Fight" hit and Owens walked to the back, celebrating his victory as Zayn was placed on a stretcher.

Joey Styles: Folks, we will try to keep you updated on Sami's condition, but up next, we've got Sasha versus Natalya for the Women's Title.

As the medics stretchered Zayn to the back, a video package for Sasha Banks versus Natalya began to air.


Joey Styles: Still to come, Jimmy Havoc challenges PJ Black for the World Title in our main event. Up first though, women's action as Natalya defends the EBWF Women's Championship against the two-time Queen of the Ring, Sasha Banks!

Corey Graves: Lot of history between these two superstars, Joey. We're sure to see a thrilling match!

"Sky's the Limit" by CFO$ hit and the crowd cheered as Sasha Banks made her way to the ring. When Sasha was in the ring, "Missile" by Dorothy hit and the crowd booed as Natalya headed to the ring. Upon entering the ring, Natalya got in Sasha's face, holding the title up and taunting her with the gold. Sasha motioned to her waist, showing Nattie she was confident of winning the Women's Championship for the third time. The referee took the title, held it in the air, then called for the bell. The two women locked up and Natalya applied a headlock takedown, but Sasha broke free, then whipped Natalya into the ropes. As Natalya ran back towards her, Sasha went for an arm drag, but Natalya took her down with a shoulder block. Sasha got to her feet and Natalya whipped her against the ropes, then went for a clothesline. Sasha ducked out of the way and hit a reverse DDT, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Sasha pulled Natalya to her feet but Nattie hit her with a knee to the midsection, then took her down with a snapmare. As Sasha sat up, Natalya ran against the ropes, hitting a running stomp to the back before following it up with a low dropkick. She hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Joey Styles: Fast-paced action so far as both of these women give it their all!

Natalya pulled Sasha to her feet and went to whip her into the corner, but Sasha reversed the Irish whip, sending Natalya into the turnbuckles. Sasha ran at Natalya and hit a high knee, then trapped her between the ropes, hitting a diving double knee drop. She rolled Natalya away from the ropes and hooked the leg – 1... 2... kickout! Sasha got to her feet and stomped on Natalya several times, then sat her up, applying a chinlock. Natalya fought out of it, then as both women got to their feet, Natalya hit a double underhook suplex. Natalya grabbed Sasha by the legs, going for the Sharpshooter, but Sasha kicked her away and got to her feet. The two women locked up and Sasha went for a bulldog, but as she jumped up Natalya broke free and shoved Sasha away from her, causing Sasha to land awkwardly on the mat. Sasha clutched her leg, crying out in pain, and Natalya pulled the Boss to her feet, hitting a sitout powerbomb. She hooked both legs and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Both women got to their feet and Natalya went for the Nattie by Nature, but Sasha ducked out of the way, then hit a roundhouse kick. Sasha's leg still seemed to be hurting from her fall, and she hesitated for a second before hitting Nattie with a knee drop.

Corey Graves: Sasha looks like she might have injured her leg, and that could be a game changer, especially if Natalya locks in the Sharpshooter.

Sasha sat Natalya up, applying a sleeper hold. Natalya appeared to be fading, but she fought back, then broke free and got to her feet. Sasha went for a clothesline, but Natalya ducked out of the way, then hit a release German suplex. Sasha struggled to her feet, and Natalya hit the Michinoku driver, then hooked the leg once more. The referee counted – 1... 2... Sasha kicked out! Natalya looked frustrated, and she went for the Sharpshooter... but Sasha rolled her up in a small package! The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Joey Styles: Sasha almost stole one there!

Corey Graves: Well Joey, one of Sasha's idols growing up was the late great Eddie Guerrero, who was famous for lying, cheating and stealing!

Both women got to their feet, and Natalya went to hit Sasha with a kick to the midsection, but Sasha blocked it, grabbing Nattie's leg, spinning her around and hitting a swinging neckbreaker. Sasha went to the top rope, and hit the frog splash! She hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... Natalya kicked out just before the three! Sasha pulled Natalya to her feet and whipped her against the ropes, before hitting a Japanese arm drag. Natalya looked dazed as she got to her feet, and Sasha got behind her, hitting the Bankrupt then transitioning it into the Bank Statement!

Corey Graves: Sasha made Natalya tap with the Bank Statement on Warfare... is she about to make the Women's Champion tap out again and end her 266 day reign?

Natalya cried out in pain, but she was able to get to the ropes. Sasha broke the hold and Natalya rolled out of the ring, giving herself time to recover. Sasha followed Natalya to the outside and grabbed her, but Natalya hit a forearm smash, then took Sasha down with a DDT. She rolled back into the ring and yelled at the referee to begin counting. The referee counted – 1... 2... 3... 4... at the count of 5, Sasha got to her feet and she rolled back into the ring on the count of 6. She still appeared to be feeling the effects of the DDT on the outside, and Natalya hit a big boot, then locked in the Sharpshooter! Sasha crawled towards the ropes and grabbed onto the bottom rope, but Natalya refused to break the hold! The referee threatened to disqualify her, and began counting – 1... 2... 3... 4... Natalya broke the hold just before the referee counted 5. Sasha struggled to her feet, and Natalya hit a powerslam, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Natalya pulled Sasha to her feet and set her up for a powerbomb, but Sasha countered with a back body drop, then as Natalya got back to her feet, Sasha set her up for a suplex. Natalya blocked it, then put Sasha in a headlock, running towards the ropes and hitting a springboard bulldog.

Joey Styles: Did Natalya just use the Stratusfaction?!

Corey Graves: She did! I think she's trying to send a message to her former best friend Trish Stratus, who earned a Women's Title shot earlier this evening...

Natalya hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3! The referee called for the bell and raised Natalya's arm in victory. Sasha rolled out of the ring as Natalya celebrated her big win.


Joey Styles: Up next, we have the Main Event! Jimmy Havoc vs. PJ Black!

The lights flickered as the cage begun to lower. An array of weapons were hung from chains in the inside of the cage – light tubes, a hammer, a staple gun, a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire, a fire extinguisher and brass knuckles to name a few. Flashes of the cell phones sparkled as the Universe took this time to take pictures of the cage as he descended from the heavens.

Joey Styles: This is it Corey, we’ve made it to the main event. Jimmy Havoc will challenge PJ Black inside that cage. All those weapons, they’re all legal. And you know Jimmy Havoc will make himself at home.

Corey Graves: Jimmy Havoc is going to try and kill PJ tonight, and just like you said, it’s all legal. But PJ Black’s not a pushover Joey. He’s been up against walls before and managed to knock them down and come out standing. I look for him to give it his all tonight.

Joey Styles: Tell me Corey, with the bets in, who is your money on tonight?

Corey Graves: I’m normally a betting man, but I didn’t know who to choose this time. Havoc, he has the experience. He knows what he’s doing around all these weapons. PJ, he’s the champion. He’s very versatile in that ring and he’s quick to adapt. He’s made a career out of proving people wrong. So I don’t know Joey. I’m going to be on the edge of my seat just like everyone else.

The cage was lowered into place as the stagehands went to work to secure the steel to the ring. “I Hope You Suffer” by AFI hit and Jimmy Havoc, donning his “King of the Goths” tee and skinny jeans made his way onto the stage. He brandished a kendo stick in his hand, as the crowd cheered he lifted the stick up above his head and pointed it towards the House of Havoc cage. He made his way down the ramp and walked around the cage, dragging the stick along the cage bars. He picked up a mic and walked around the cage some more until he got to the entrance of the cage. He stood there a second and riled up the crowd before entering, then took a look at the weapons hanging from the cage walls and raised the microphone. After Havoc had cut a promo, a video package of both Jimmy and PJ’s paths to the match was played on the tron.

Quickly interrupted, the video package cut out to a very similar static. The loud fuzzy noise filled the arena, not only over the sound system, but from every single cell phone in the arena. The Universe let out a loud groan as the annoying video and noise took over.

Distressed Female: Please! Help me!

Her cries heard, but not understood. Where was she? The crowd looked around. They questioned their neighbor as no one knew what continued to go on. As the woman’s screams continue, the static begun to shift. Inside the static, there she was. The raven haired woman continue to sit, bound to the same chair. Also similar, the large male wearing a wolf mask stood in front of her. His arms crossed as he looked down at the woman. In the foreground, was a very familiar man stood, motionless. He faced away from the duo in the background with his attention on the camera.

Man In Static: Tonight, you all will witness the first sacrifice. The Universe will bath in her blood as they are reborn. Reborn into our World. A new World. Our “New Americana”.
The Man in Static lowered his head as the video faded back into the static. The loud noise filled the arena once again, but only for a moment. The tron went black. The lights went out. The noise went silent.

Joey Styles: What was that? Who was that?

Corey Graves: Don’t look at me, I don’t have a clue.

Joey Styles: We’re sorry folks, this... This was not scheduled. There seemed to have been some issues in the back with that video being played.

Corey Graves: Did that woman look familiar to you Joey?

Joey Styles: I could barely see her face.

Corey Graves: No, not her face. Those tattoos. I know those tattoos. That was Zahra!! Joey, someone has taken Zahra.

Joey Styles: It couldn’t have been…

Corey Graves: Joey, I know artwork and I know those sleeves belong to Zahra. Can we get someone to check into this?

Joey Styles: I’m sure someone will get to the bottom of this, but Corey, we have a main event that we need to get to.

Calm and quiet filled the arena, until a soft beat began. A lone spotlight flickered to life and pointed on the stage. Inside the light, a woman stood. This woman was known, her voice was known. It was Halsey. She raised the microphone up to her lips as she looked downward at the microphone. She softly sung out the lyrics of her hit song, “New Americana”, off her debut album. As she approached the chorus, the tune quickened. Just as the chorus arrived, the entire lighting on the stage burst on in a bright flash. A large choir of men and women, all wearing white faceless wolf masks, sung out in unison with the singer.

Choir: We are the New Americana… High on legal marijuana… Raised on Biggie and Nirvana… We are the New Americana…

The choir slowly rocked back and forth as Halsey continued the song. The crowd seemed really into the music as the second chorus came up. This time, as the choir let out the first New Americana, the curtain opened and out stepped the EBWF World Champion, PJ Black. He walked in the center of the choir and looked over at Halsey, a black wolf mask on his face. His shirt, normally dawned a Darewolf logo, showed off a different logo, a new logo. This logo was a new, PJ Black version of the EBWF logo. A wolf’s head on top of some crossbones. The letters EBWF across the logo. The EBWF World Championship strapped tightly around his waist. He raised his hand and pointed over at Halsey. She smiled as she continued the song. PJ stepped forward and begun his descent towards the ring. His face count not be seen, but his body language show his hesitation as he neared the steel structure. He walked down the ramp and stood at ringside. He walked up to the cage and placed his hand on the steel. He gripped the cage and gave it a pull. Black turned and rounded and stepped up onto the steel stairs. He stepped up towards the cage doorway and peered inside. The weapons dangled from the top of the cage. He paused as he stared, his hand rested on the top rope of the ring. With a deep breath, PJ pulled himself into the cage and quickly enter into the ring. He walked to the center of the ring and spun 360 in the center of the ring. He looked at every weapon as he took it all in.

Corey Graves: I think that it’s finally set into PJ on what he has gotten himself into. He was hesitant to step into the cage.

Joey Styles: Wouldn’t you be?

Corey Graves: Of course I would. And that’s why throughout my entire career, I wasn’t foolish enough to agree to a match like this. I treasured my body too much to jeopardize it.

Black turned to face Jimmy Havoc, who was stood in the corner of the ring, and stared at him. Havoc stared right back at Black, and pointed the kendo stick at him. After the cage door had been locked and chained shut, the referee called for the bell. Black ran at Havoc, but Havoc was ready for him, and he swung the kendo stick at PJ Black, hitting the World Champion in the face. Black staggered backwards, and Havoc moved out of the corner, swinging the kendo stick into Black's ribs than smacking him across the back with it. Black fell to the mat and Havoc dropped the kendo stick, stomping on his opponent several times before pulling him to his feet and hitting a DDT. Havoc got to his feet and climbed the cage, grabbing a fire extinguisher which was chained near the top of the cage.

Joey Styles: Remember, you can't win this match by escaping the cage... the only way to win is by pinfall or submission.

Corey Graves: I don't think Jimmy Havoc has any intention of escaping the cage, Joey... this is his house!

Havoc unchained the fire extinguisher and climbed down the cage. Black got to his feet and Havoc sprayed the fire extinguisher in his face, then hit Black over the head with it. He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Havoc got to his feet and grabbed the brass knuckles, but before he could use them, PJ Black hit him with an enzuigiri. Black picked up the fire extinguisher and jabbed it into Havoc's ribs, then hit him across the back, causing Havoc to fall to the mat. Havoc struggled to his feet, and Black hit him with a spin kick, then followed it up with a springboard moonsault. He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Black got to his feet and looked around the cage. To the excitement of the crowd, he grabbed the baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire!

Joey Styles: As JR would say... business is about to pick up!

Black had a smile on his face as he stood over Havoc, waiting for the King of the Goths to get to his feet. When Havoc was up, Black swung the bat at him... but Havoc ducked out of the way, then hit him with a kick to the gut and snatched the bat from him. Havoc hit Black in the face with the bat, then picked up the brass knuckles and punched Black in the face several times, busting him open. Havoc pulled Black to his feet and hit the Go Home Driver, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Corey Graves: Havoc looks right at home here, and is taking full advantage using the weapons in this match.

Havoc grabbed the kendo stick he had brought to the ring with him, and hit Black with it several times. He dropped the stick and pulled Black to his feet, going for the Acid Rainmaker... but Black ducked out of the way, then hit Havoc with a discus elbow smash. Black picked up the baseball bat, and hit Havoc in the face with it. Havoc fell to the mat, and Black pressed the barbed wire into Havoc's forehead, causing him to bleed. Black punched Havoc several times, then pulled him to his feet and hit an inverted facelock elbow drop. He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Joey Styles: Both of these men are a bloody mess right now... it's like Christmas Eve of Destruction has come early this year!

PJ pulled Havoc to his feet and set him up for Black to the Future, but Havoc blocked it and countered with a bulldog. Havoc looked around the cage, and pointed to a stack of light tubes on the wall of the cage. The crowd cheered with anticipation, and Havoc pulled Black to his feet, then went to Irish whip him into the light tubes. Black managed to stop himself by grabbing the top rope, and he springboarded off the second rope, going for a moonsault inverted DDT. Havoc managed to dodge it, and he turned around, hitting Black with a kick to the midsection and taking him down with a DDT. Havoc then applied the Muta Lock on the champ.

Corey Graves: Suicide! Havoc is trying to make PJ tap out!

Black cried out in pain, but he refused to submit, and Havoc broke the hold. He looked around the cage, picking his next weapon of choice. He grabbed the staple gun, and as Black got to his feet, Havoc hit him over the head with the staple gun. Black fell to the mat, and Havoc went to staple him in the head, but Black rolled out of the way, then got to his feet and hit Havoc with a dropkick. Black then grabbed the staple gun and stapled Havoc in the forehead, before grabbing a hammer from the side of the cage. He hit Havoc in the shoulder with the Havoc, causing the King of the Goths to scream out in pain.

Joey Styles: Oh my god! PJ Black might have just broken Havoc's collarbone!

Corey Graves: It's a clever strategy, Joey... if Havoc's shoulder his hurt, he might not be able to hit the Acid Rainmaker!

Black hit Havoc in the shoulder once again, then applied the Koji Clutch. Havoc refused to tap, and as he tried to break free, he managed to pin both Black's shoulders on the mat. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Both men got to their feet, and Havoc went for a powerbomb, but Black countered with a hurricanrana. Both men got to their feet once more, and Black hit a spinning spinebuster, then went to the top rope and hit the 450 Splash! He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... Havoc kicked out just before the three count!

Corey Graves: PJ looks shocked that he didn't get the three count there, and I am too Joey. There aren't many superstars that have kicked out of the 450 Splash, especially not after they've been bloodied and battered.

As Black got to his feet, he picked up the fire extinguisher and hit Havoc over the head with it. Havoc lay motionless on the mat, and Black looked up the cage, an idea forming. Black climbed to the top of the cage, and signalled for the 450 Splash!

Joey Styles: The Darewolf living up to his name here!

Black jumped off the top of the cage... but Havoc moved out of the way at the last second, causing Black to eat canvas! A "holy shit" chant echoed throughout the arena as Havoc struggled to his feet. Havoc looked at Black, who wasn't moving, then looked around the cage. Smirking, Havoc climbed the cage and grabbed a black bucket which had so far been overlooked. He retrieved the bucket and turned it upside down, covering the ring mat with thumb tacks!

Joey Styles: Oh my god! Not thumb tacks!

Corey Graves: This match just got to a whole other level of extreme, Joey!

Havoc was about to grab PJ Black, but his attention turned to the stage. The camera cut to the top of the ramp, where Chris Jericho was walking to the ring, microphone in hand. As he walked down the ramp, Jericho began yelling into the microphone.

Chris Jericho: That's enough, Havoc! You've taken this too far now... stop it!

The crowd booed, Havoc laughed, and told Jericho "make me".

Chris Jericho: Make you? Make you? Oh I'll make you alright. Braun!

Braun walked through the curtain and charged towards the ring, gunning for Havoc. Jericho followed Strowman to the ringside area. Havoc looked at Black, who was still down on the mat, then picked up the nearest weapon, which was the hammer. As Braun reached the ring, Jericho ordered the referee at ringside to unlock the cage door, but the referee refused. Strowman pushed the referee down, then grabbed the cage door, trying to break the chain. Sensing an opportunity, Havoc ran towards the door and hit Strowman with the hammer! Strowman cried out, clutching his hand.

Corey Graves: Havoc might have broken a few fingers there!

Joey Styles: It serves Strowman right for trying to interfere in this match!

Corey Graves: I'd like to see you say that to Braun's face!

After threatening Jericho with the hammer, Havoc turned his attention back to PJ, who was finally beginning to stir. Black got to his feet, and Havoc hit him in the ribs with the hammer, then lifted him up for a Death Valley Driver. Black wriggled free and hit Black to the Future, powerbombing Havoc onto the thumb tacks! He pulled Havoc to his feet and hit the Black Diamond, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Joey Styles: It's over! With a helping hand from Chris Jericho and Braun Strowman, PJ Black retains the title!

Corey Graves: What are you talking about, Joey? Neither Jericho nor Strowman touched Jimmy Havoc. PJ won this match all by himself!

Joey Styles: Jericho and Strowman distracted Havoc!

Corey Graves: That's not PJ's fault! This is what he's always talking about, Joey... show the man some respect!

"Sick of it" by Skillet blasted through the sound system as the referee called for the bell. Jericho grabbed the World Title and retrieved the key from the referee at ringside, then unchained the door and handed the title to PJ Black. Black snatched the title from Jericho, told him to stay out of his business, then exited the cage. Jericho grabbed a microphone, and as Black walked through the curtain to the back, Jericho ordered for Black's music to be cut. He kneeled down next to Havoc, careful not to stand on any of the thumb tacks which were still scattered across the ring mat.

Chris Jericho: House of Havoc... more like the house of failure. You might be King of the Ring, but you will never be the World Champion Jimmy. You can't even win a match of your own design. You say you're hardcore, but I'm more hardcore then you will ever be. And I'm going to prove it...

Jericho hit Havoc with the microphone, then pulled him to his feet and dragged him towards the light tubes that were strapped to the side of the cage. After trapping Havoc between the ropes and the side of the cage, Jericho hit a springboard dropkick, kicking Havoc into the light tubes and causing them to smash to pieces! Havoc slumped to the mat, and Jericho stood in the center of the ring, holding out his arms and giving the EBWF Universe the Gift of Jericho. The crowd booed, then cheered as Havoc slowly got to his feet.

Corey Graves: What the hell! How is Havoc able to stand after everything he's been through?

Jericho turned around, and looked stunned to see Havoc standing. He threw a right hand at Havoc, but Havoc blocked it, then lifted Jericho over his shoulders and hit the Death Valley Driver onto the thumb tacks!

Joey Styles: OH MY GOD!

Jericho cried out in pain, but Havoc wasn't done yet. He turned Jericho over and applied the Suicide Silence! Jericho was still on the thumb tacks and he screamed. Referees rushed into the ring, and Havoc eventually broke the hold. "I Hope You Suffer" by AFI hit and Havoc walked away from Jericho. Although bloody and beaten, the King of the Goths looked pleased with himself as Summerslam went off the air.