Don't Get It Twisted

This is where you post your RPs for Warfare, Pay Per Views, and for character development! The deadline for RPs for the current card will be posted in a countdown timer at the top of the forum.
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Don't Get It Twisted

Post by BigD »

A new YouTube video is posted to the popular wrestling websites, blogs, and forums. A click of the link brings up a title simply saying "The Lone Wolf." A voice over plays.

The follow message is brought to you because of the First Ammendment. The opinions in this program do not reflect the thoughts or opinions of WWE, EBWF, ROH, or GFW... but who gives a shit what they think anyway?

The title fades and you see a dimly lit room with no visible occupant. Footsteps are heard as Baron Corbin walks into frame.

Some of you may be surprised to have seen my name on the card for the upcoming Warfare show. For months now, the rumor mill has been churning multiple reports about differing sources of heat that I may or may not have created within various locker rooms around this business. Arm chair wrestlers like Dave Meltzer have spewed their rhetoric to you sheep every week, feeding you JFK conspiracy theories about why I was eliminated from the first round of the King Of The Ring tournament and haven't been heard from since. Or how I was stripped on the tag team title by my own partner (which isn't even legal by the way) and vigorously beaten down by the latest monster of the month. And you people sit there in your tinfoil hats and eat it all up. You follow and retweet every bit of trash these idiots can fit in 140 characters or less. Not even paying attention to contradictions and oxymoronical so called "truths" they put out. Tell me this, how can I be the boss's "next big thing" one second, and then be in a point where "creative has completely lost faith in [me]"? Do you not see how stupid this Is? These wannabes will feed you whatever it is you puppets want to hear. It doesn't matter if it has even the slightest bit of truth in it, as long as it gets the unwashed masses to click and subscribe. Nevermind the fact that these people have never so much as laced up a pair of boots or taken a bump in their lives. Tell me what makes them such an expert? What warrant them to have your unquestioned faith? Are people that naive? Are you that stupid?  You actually think there has been some sort of ploy against me behind the scenes to keep me down over these years. Well you know what....

You're absolutely right.

It doesn't take an idiot with an online degree in communication to tell you that I don't play well with others. That I don't buy in to the social norms of etique or that I'm not exactly corporate material. I speak my mind. Only u like you people, I don't hide behind a smart phone or passive aggressively display my feelings with emojis and memes. I'm out here in front of the world telling you the truth of what is actually happening inside this business you all claim to love and because of that, I'm forced to go out there and swallow my pride, drop my title and take my beating like a man. And when I do it, I'm ostracized. Turned into a pariah and excommunicated. Even when I'm brought back, it's just to take another beating and to put over the same yes-man who reached for the brass shovel and buried me in the first place. But I am a leper no longer.

I will not take my lumps, then look up and say "thank you sir, may I have another." It's about damn time the Lone Wolf stops acting like a lap dog who barks, but never bites. Don't get it twisted, this business is still as politically fucked as it always has been. The only difference is that I've awoken to the reality that  I don't need to play the games anymore. It doesn't matter what Vince McMahon, Wes Ikeda, Donald Trump, or any of you think. You can like or dislike the things I say, but the one thing you cannot do is stop me from kicking everyone's ass in that ring. Damn the politics, damn the ass kissing, and FUCK The Broken. Monday is a beginning of a movement within the EBWF, brought by yours truly.

The first victim of this movement is Dolph Z..

::Corbin can't contain the laughter::

Dolph Zig... I can't even say his fucking name without laughing: Dolph Ziggler. Ya know what, let's just jump right into it. There is a reason why I'm doing this on YouTube and it's so that the powers that be can't stop me from delivering the truth. I'm going to let you in to a not so big secret: wrestling is fake. Ok, it's not completely fake. The things that we do in that ring is 100% real. When you see me take this size 16 shoe and ram into Dolph's face on Monday, that will 100% be real. What isn't real is the pomp and circumstance that you see outside of the ring. The interviews are staged, the announcers are fed lines, and the names have been changed to protect the innocent. And by "innocent," I mean corporate bank accounts. My real name is Tommy Pestock. "Baron Corbin" was a character that was created to appeal to you idiots out there who need mono and disyllabic names that can be marketed and branded. Apparently "Pestock" didn't look good enough on a t-shirt, though it looked pretty damn good on the back of an NFL jersey. However like the "glass half full" optimist that I am, I have take on the title of "Corbin" as a warrior's mantle.

So now that I've given you that little peak into how this business operates, tell me what creative genius thought "Dolph Ziggler" was a good name? Let's take the nickname of one of the most offensive people in world history and add a last name that sounds like a member of Jim Hanson's reject pile. Who greenlit that? How did that ever make it into the suggestion pool, let alone be the one chosen? Was Tweety Stallin taken?

Though it almost seems fitting to take such a jackass name and put it... well... on a jackass. Nick Nemeth is the biggest example of why it takes more than just athleticism to be successful in any contact sport, let alone this one. His biggest knock over time is still his biggest downfall today: he doesn't take care of number one. This is why one of the most popular sayings in life is "nice guys finish last," and good ole Ziggles is living proof of it. It's physics: for ever action there is an equal and opposite reaction. When you perfect making others look good, you only end up making yourself look bad in the process. So when it comes time to hang with the big boys, you're exposed and made to look awful every single time. There's a reason why Ziggler has never held a major singles title in this company, despite his many, many runs. It's because in spite of the good looks, athleticism, and charisma, he doesn't have what it takes in between the ropes and in between his legs.

And show off? Show off? Son, the only show off going on with you is when people literally turn Warfare off anytime you're on the screen. But they won't have much to worry about come Monday. I'll make sure to make quick work of "the heel" so that people aren't put through the tortuous, drawn out routine of 15 elbow drops, hop gyrations, and everything else Dolphy boy used to make a "match."

The movement has begun. It's time for the world and Dolph Ziggler to learn that despite how loud this wolf barks, it ain't shit compared to my bite.

Corbin walks out of frame as the video ends.
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Ben M
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Re: Don't Get It Twisted

Post by Ben M »

I like that you've done your research on Corbin's history' in EBWF. I also like what you've done with Corbin as a character. Glad to have you back, D!