A New Dimension

This is where you post your RPs for Warfare, Pay Per Views, and for character development! The deadline for RPs for the current card will be posted in a countdown timer at the top of the forum.

A New Dimension

Post by Matt »

Eli Drake fell back to the backstage area of Warfare after the tag team match. He watched as Jay Briscoe walked a different way down the hall. Eli held his back as he was looking for someone. A young man, mid/early twenties hurried around the corner with a bagel hanging out of his mouth, fiddling with the camera he held around his neck. Eli looked up at him and shook his head.

Eli: Where have you been?

Greg: I went to get some food, Mr. Eli... I thought your match would have lasted a bit longer than that.

Eli stood staring at him, before smacking the bagel out of his mouth.

Eli: I got something to say.

Greg fumbled about trying to turn the camera on, once he did he pointed it at Eli.

Eli: Lemme' talk to ya. Tonight on Warfare, me and a guy, who just last week he and I were fighting in that same ring, tonight teamed up. Look, Briscoe, I have no problem with you but the fact of life is, you got pinned, not me. Hey, I held my own in that ring. Noam and Tyler are two fantastic talents in this business, and I took them on, where were you? Hey? Nowhere. I'm sick and tired of this place, tag team match here, awful booking there. Why can't I get someone decent, hey? Why can't I get someone who isn't a dummy? All I ask is to get someone who is worthy of facing someone like me, someone like E-LI DRAKE!

At that moment a man walked into shot whispering something to Eli. He looked up at the sky, and down at Greg.

Eli: I guess my wish came true, huh. It has come to my attention that next week, I'll be facing PJ Black in a Tables Match... Am I happy? Yeah, I'm happy... But you know what? It pisses me off, I like it but it's pissing me off, it's pissing me off that it took this long. It pisses me off that after all the politics, after all the BS, after fourteen years I get to face an EBWF star, a legend. A ex-world champion, a two time Path to Glory Champion. A two time EBWF Tag Team Champion... A has been. That's right, I said it. Finally I will be king of the mountain, after beating PJ Black, planting him through the table I will show him and show everyone, what ELI DRAKE can do. I can punch chins and smash shins and there isn't anything you or anyone can do about it. I am climbing the ladder, now. I am working my way to the top and there isn't one jot, one iota that you can do that can make a difference in this situation. But people they say, when you get to the top of the mountain, maybe you'll lose a bit of that hunger, maybe you're not as hungry as you used to be. Well that's BS and I'll tell you why. I logged onto social media I see people tweeting, ELI DRAKE isn't in their league, the top stars in EBWF, and I'm not in their league, but PJ black I'll tell you this right now, you've done a hell of a lot of stuff with what you've been given, and hell, I've already listed some of your accomplishments, but that's the key, it's what you've been given, yeah, alright, I'll give you your due you're a hell of a worker, but boy, you've gone more stale than a slice of bread left atop mount kilimanjaro. You know, since day one, they put you on the elevator, straight to the damn top. Fact of Life boy, Eli Drake has had to scratch and claw and I've had to cheat, I've had to take opportunities I've done what I needed to to get here to the EBWF. I got to tell you this, if you think for a second the amount you've had to scratch and claw is equal to mine, pal you're not even in MY league. That's not an insult, that is just a Fact of Life.

Eli walks off camera, and Greg posted it onto YouTube and walked after Eli.

Greg: Mr. Drake, you're facing PJ Black in a Tables Match? Are you serious, why? Why would they book you in that match, are you sure it's not a mix up?

Eli looked back at Greg and frowned.

Eli: You think I can't beat him? Why would you think it's mix up?

Greg: Sir, I'm just saying, isn't it odd, you're in lower slots on the card for weeks, tag team matches and then you get booked against a future hall of famer?

Eli: Greg, you're about to piss me off boy. They obviously saw how hard I worked, how much time and effort I put into those matches. How I have worked my ass off for fourteen years to get to this point. In my career, at my age, you don't get many opportunities like this. I suggest you walk away, do your job and don't say stupid shit like that to me again, or I'll get even more pissed than I am right now.