Fanniversary Results 10/29/2017

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Ben M
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Fanniversary Results 10/29/2017

Post by Ben M »


A huge pyrotechnics display went off in the building and the EBWF crowd in Scottrade Center was on their feet.

Mauro Ranallo: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the 16th Anniversary Extravaganza! This is Fanniversary!

Corey Graves: What a night EBWF has in store for its fans. I'm Corey Graves.

Mauro Ranallo: I'm Mauro Ranallo, and we're ready for our first match of the night.

The crowd cheered the arrival of Trent Barreta, who was accompanied by his best friend Chuck Taylor.

Corey Graves: Making his EBWF return tonight… It's Trent!

Mauro Ranallo: He's going to take on Eli Drake.

Drake made his entrance, and the two men were in the ring when the bell rang. Drake floored Trent with a shoulder block. He forced Trent into the corner and tried to hit him with a punch, but Trent ducked and decked Drake. Trent got the roll up for a near fall. Trent got to his feet and landed a few leg kicks. Trent got the inside cradle for another near fall.

Corey Graves: Trent is trying to end this early!

Eli Drake hit a vertical suplex and floated over into a pin. Trent got his shoulder up at two. Trent hit the ropes, but got caught by Drake who hit a reverse powerslam for a near fall. Trent went out to the apron and made like he was going to climb the top rope. Drake held him down and elbowed him. Trent knocked Drake back and got into the ring, landing a jaw breaker. Drake responded with a body slam and the Drake-bow for a near fall. Drake floored Trent with a leaping neck breaker and went for another pin. Trent kicked out at two, and Drake choked Trent with the bottom rope.

Corey Graves: Drake is testing the ref's count.

Eli broke the hold and tried to slam Trent on the floor, but Trent countered and sent Drake into the ring post. He followed up with the knife edge chop, but Drake surprised him with a thumb to the eye. Drake followed up with huge punches until Trent was on his back, and he began to stomp him out. Drake charged in but Trent got a boot up. Trent hit the body drop, and followed up with a snap DDT for another near fall.

Mauro Ranallo: Trent is firing up here!

Eli stumbled to his feet, and right into the Dudebuster! Trent went for the cover. 1..2..3!

Corey Graves: That's a victory for Trent! Welcome back my friend.

Trent celebrated in the center of the ring as Chuck Taylor entered the ring and raised his hand in victory.


Corey Graves: Our second match is for the Breakout Championship and it's sure to be incredible!

Tommaso Ciampa came to the ring first, followed by Noam Dar. Then the Breakout Champion, Enzo Amore, came to the ring with the belt. Enzo did his usual schtick and slid in under the bottom rope, and held the championship above his head. The referee took the title, as Christy Hemme did the announcements. The bell rang and Enzo and Dar beat on Ciampa right out of the gate, dumping him to the outside. Enzo got a schoolboy pin on Dar for a two count. The men struggled, and traded reversing flash pins. O'Connor roll from Noam Dar and Ciampa came back in with a right hook to break it up and rolled Enzo outside. Ciampa followed after and he and Enzo were throwing hockey punches! Enzo whipped Ciampa into the barricade and got back into the ring.

Corey Graves: These three are getting their cardio in.

In the corner Enzo got a boot up, and hit a missile dropkick on Ciampa. Dar came back in to smash Enzo's face into the turnbuckles. Dar hit the front chancery, and the two men struggled over a suplex. Enzo blocked, off the ropes and Enzo passed him to the apron and shoved him to the floor only to be run over with a lariat from Ciampa.

Mauro Ranallo: Enzo is laid out!

Dar laid an elbow to the back of Ciampa, causing him to stumble into the corner. Dar mounted him and hit him with punches, until he was seated in the corner. Dar continued by stomping him in the midsection. Dar helped Ciampa up. Ciampa went for a suplex, but Dar countered and hit a big kick to the gut. Dar backed up.

Corey Graves: Nova Roller!

Mauro Ranallo: This could be it!


Corey Graves: We have a new champion!

Christy Hemme: Your winner, and the new EBWF Breakout Champion, Noam Dar!


After a video package played outlining the rivalry and friendship of The Miz and AJ Styles played the crowd was buzzing with anticipation. The crowd popped was "Phenomenal" by CFO$ played over the loud speaker. AJ Styles exploded out of the back to a huge ovation. He made his way down to the ring looking extremely confident. He entered the ring and began bouncing back and forth. An "AJ Styles" "Let's Go Miz" chant began to fill the crowds. As "AWEEEEESOMEEEEE" followed by "I Came To Play" by Downstait was heard over the PA System. The crowd cheered as The Miz entered the arena, flanked by Mickie James. He had the EBWF Gateway Championship over his shoulder, He made his way to the ring, and entered in his usual cocky manner

Corey Graves: Well here we go- EBWF Gateway Championship on the line.

Mauro Ranallo: I can't wait- so much history between these two as we just saw.

The bell rang. AJ and Miz just smirked at each other. They didn't move at first and a "this is awesome" chant broke out, as AJ and Miz circled each other, and bumped fists, and we were off and running. The two men locked up, and right away AJ got the advantage with a hammerlock, Miz reversed it into one of his own, but AJ wriggled free. AJ swung and missed on a wild clothesline, Miz tried to hit a right hand but AJ blocked it. AJ went for a punch and Miz blocked it. AJ went to hit a standing drop kick but Miz moved, and AJ hit the mat hard. AJ popped up, and shook his head at Miz, who smirked.

Corey Graves: Wow... you think these two know each other at all?

Mauro Ranallo: They are literally in each other's playbook!

Miz and AJ locked up again. This time it was Miz who overpowered AJ. He tossed him into the ropes, and when AJ rebounded Miz caught him with a knee to the mid-section which sent Styles flipping to his back. When AJ popped up, Miz clotheslined him outside of the ring. AJ was slow to his feet, as Miz spring boarded the ropes and went for a flying cross body, but AJ side stepped and threw Miz with his momentum, face first into the announce table. Mickie was quick to check on Miz, but AJ moved her, and began to stop away at the Gateway Champion.

Corey Graves: What a counter by AJ, a step ahead of Miz there.

Mauro Ranallo: Miz' money maker may need some work after that move.

AJ picked up Miz, and went for a whip into the barricade, but Miz reversed it, and whipped AJ, with authority into the barricade. He then backed up and charged shoulder first at AJ, looking to sandwich Styles between him and the barricade, but again AJ moved, and Miz went shoulder first into it. AJ rolled Miz back into the ring, he then went up to the top rope, as Miz was coming to. AJ flew from the top rope with a flying forearm that caught Miz square in the jaw. He went for a cover, and the ref counted ONE.. TWO.. TH.. but Miz kicked out just in time. Mickie James looked relieved that Miz kicked out, but also concerned.

Corey Graves: First nearfall of the match there.

AJ stalked Miz as he made his way to his feet. AJ went for a Styles Clash, but Miz was able to wriggle away. He then kicked AJ right in the calf, which caused Styles to slump over,Miz then planted AJ with a low DDT. Styles made his way to his knees and Miz hit him with an array of kicks, in which the crowd was loving. Miz than ran the ropes, and hit a knee right to the face of AJ. Miz went for a cover, and the referee counted, ONE TWO.. THR.. but AJ kicked out. Miz helped AJ back to his feet, and went to lock up again, Miz put AJ in a side headlock, which AJ quickly reversed. Miz used his weight to ride the headlock into the turnbuckle, sending AJ there, back first. AJ slumped down into the corner, Miz went for his patented running clothesline/straddle the ropes combo, but AJ moved, and Miz dangled legs around the turnbuckle, AJ grabbed Miz and hit a reverse DDT on Miz out of this awkward position. Styles went for a cover, and the ref counted ONE.. TWO.. TH.. but Miz kicked out.

Corey Graves: Tremendous back for forth action here.

Mauro Ranallo: We knew it would be!

AJ once again stalked Miz, who was slow to get up despite the pleas from Mickie. AJ grabbed Miz by the hair and tried to toss him out of the ring, but Miz landed on the ring apron. AJ swung and missed with a punch, and Miz drove his shoulder, through the ropes, into AJ's Sternum. He then locked in a suplex, and Miz suplexed AJ from in the ring, to the floor below. AJ hit with a thundering thud, and Miz was down as well. A "Holy Shit" chant broke out.

Corey Graves: My god that was vicious!

Mauro Ranallo: That took a lot out of both of these guys.

Miz was first to get up. He rolled AJ back into the ring. He slowly followed. Miz locked in a SCF but AJ was able to counter it, Miz staggered back and AJ planted Miz in the middle of the ring with a Styles Clash seemingly out of nowhere, AJ tried to lock the cover right in, but it took him an extra second, he then was able to cover Miz, and the referee counted as did the AJ fans in attendance.. ONE... TWO... THRE... NO MIZ KICKED OUT! AJ got bug eyed as he couldn't believe he was not the new champion. The crowd chanted "this is awesome" again, as AJ pleaded with the official. Mickie banged on the mat to try and stir Miz. Miz slowly made his way to his feet, as it was clear AJ was losing his patience. He picked Miz up and went for another Styles Clash, Miz elbowed him out of desperation, and sent AJ back. Miz used the corner to try and pull himself up, but an angry AJ charged at MIz. Miz instinctively, back body dropped AJ over the ropes, and he landed right onto Mickie James! The crowd reacted like they couldn't believe what they'd just seen. AJ was on top of Mickie. Miz looked and he couldn't believe what had happened either. Miz quickly got to the outside, and picked AJ up and rolled him into the ring. He checked on Mickie who was slowly stirring but clearly took the worst of the collision. The referee came out to check on Mickie as well.

Corey Graves: This is not good, Mickie in some bad shape right now, AJ Styles is a grown man, and he connected with Mickie square.

Mauro Ranallo: Total accident obviously just wrong place wrong time.. WHOA!

AJ had made his way to his feet while this was happening and spring boarded to the outside with a flying drop kick, hitting Miz square in the sternum. This sandwiched Miz back first into the barricade from the force of AJ's feet. AJ was down on the outside as well, the referee quickly left Mickie, and went to Miz. Mickie was stirring and now she became aware of Miz. Who was writhing in pain. He yelled "my back oh my god!" and motioned that he needed medical assistance. Doctors quickly came to his aid, and AJ had made his way to his feet, he looked a little concerned but he wasn't to be denied. He picked Miz up and rolled him into the ring. The referee was imploring AJ to stop because Miz needed to be looked at. AJ seemed to be softening as he looked at his fallen opponent holding his back and in absolute agony.

Corey Graves: I think Miz is really hurt here man.. AJ seems to be realizing this too.

Mauro Ranallo: I would have to agree.

AJ went to kneel down, to check on Miz, and MIz instinctively rolled him up, surprised, the referee went into a count.. ONE... TWO.. THREE!!! "I Came To Play Hit" and the Miz was announced the winner.

Corey Graves: WHAT THE ! MIz just seemed to instinctively roll AJ up there, and he picks up the win out of nowhere.

Mauro Ranallo: Look at AJ he can't believe it. Miz still motioning for doctors though, I think he really messed up his back. He might have done that off pure adrenaline since it looked like AJ was going to continue this beating he was laying out!

AJ looked angry, but doctors were quick to get into the ring, and separate AJ and Miz. AJ looked frustrated but then sighed deeply because he could see Miz was in obvious pain, but he also just got pinned out of nowhere! Mickie James, who was also still in some pain rolled into the ring to check on Miz. AJ went to his knees and began to check on his friend.

Corey Graves: AJ not sure what to do here Mauro.

Mauro Ranallo: It looked as though, he was about to let up on Miz, but Miz clearly was not aware!

Corey Graves: IN any event, Miz is still the Gateway Champion, but he doesn't look like it right now.

Miz was helped to his feet by Medics and he slowly made his way out of the ring, AJ was with them as well. He gave Miz a small hug, and raised his hand slowly in victory. Both men got a standing ovation from the Fanniversary crowd. He was in serious pain, you could see it on his face.

Corey Graves: Great sportsmanship here!

Mauro Ranallo: You love to see that!

Fanniversary went to a promo for the next match.


"Glasgow Cross" hit the PA system to announce the arrival of Nikki Cross.

Christy Hemme: This match is scheduled for one fall!

Crowd: One Fall!

Christy Hemme: And it is for the EBWF Women's Championship. Introducing first, the challenger, being accompanied by Don Callis. From Glasgow, Scotland, she is Nikki Cross!

Nikki got into the ring, and Callis took up post on the outside. "Missile" hit and the crowd began to boo.

Christy Hemme: Her opponent, from Calgary, Alberta, Canada. She is the EBWF Women's Champion - Natalya!

The bell rang and Nikki Cross was overwhelmed as Natalya captured her elbow, and adjusted into a side headlock into a takedown. Nikki got to her feet, and reversed into a side headlock of her own. She wrenched it in a little, but Nattie shot her off, only for Nikki to come back with a vengeance. Natalie ate a shoulder block. Callis encouraged Cross from the outside. Nikki bounced off of the ropes, and hit an arm drag and rolled it into a pin. Nattie kicked out at two, and the two women battled to their feet. Nattie landed a forearm, but this seemed to just bug Nikki more than anything. Nikki went after Nattie's arm, forcing Natalya to roll out of the ring.

Corey Graves: Nattie might have met her match here!

Nikki followed her to the outside, and the women's champion tried to retreat. Nikki dropkicked Natalya in the back of the head. Callis got over excited and began to tell Cross to throw Nattie back in the ring. Nikki told Don to shut up as she helped Nattie up by her hair, and began to help her back into the ring. Once on the ring apron, Nattie elbowed Cross in the ribs, and went over the second rope. Cross followed, and Nattie locked on the abdominal stretch, and began to slap away at her ribs. Nikki threw her away, and hit a lariat combo into a leg lariat! Cross followed up with the exploder suplex and went for the pin.


Corey Graves: Kickout!

Nikki Cross couldn't believe it! She argued with the ref, and Callis was screaming at the official from the outside. Nattie got to her feet and Cross hit a forearm to Nattie’s face and went for the Fujiwara armbar. Nattie rolled through and tried for the Sharpshooter. Nikki rolled through herself and tried for another armbar. Nattie rolls through again, and Nikki landed an enzuigiri. She went for a pin.


Mauro Ranallo: Another kickout! Don Callis can't believe it.

Callis was telling the ref off and Nikki stormed to her feet. She began to intimidate the referee with words. Callis quickly saw where this was going, and cautioned Nikki from his position on the floor. He was too late. Nikki had become incensed, and she grabbed the referee by his shirt, shaking him as she explained the count to him. Natalya was holding the back of her head as she moved to get up, and then the referee waved his hand toward the time keeper. The bell rang.

Corey Graves: What?!

Mauro Ranallo: Nikki Cross is very angry, but you can't put your hands on an official!

Callis put his head in his hands, and got into the ring to separate his client from the referee.

Christy Hemme: Your winner by disqualification, and STILL the EBWF Women's Champion, Natalya!

Mauro Ranallo: Natalya is getting the hell out of dodge.

Indeed, Natalya didn't even wait for the title to be awarded to her. She bailed to the outside and took her championship from the timekeeper. She went to the ramp, and began to move backward watching the action in the ring. Nikki was raging, yelling at Don Callis. Natalya laughed, and then bowed with a flourish. She held the title above her head as the scene faded to a promo video for the World Title Match.


Mauro Ranallo: What a night it’s been so far, Corey! And more still to come!

Corey Graves: That’s right, Mauro… we have TWO main events tonight! First up, the new EBWF World Champion Edge defends his championship against the man he defeated at Destiny last month, PJ Black!

Mauro Ranallo: These two superstars tore it up at Destiny, and I can’t wait to see them go at it again!

"Sick of it" by Skillet hit and the crowd booed as PJ Black stepped out onto the stage. PJ looked like a broken man as he made his way to the ring.

Corey Graves: Mauro, is it just me or does PJ have a darker expression on his face than normal?

Mauro Ranallo: Somebody ought to call Eleanor Shellstrop because PJ Black definitely isn’t in the Good Place! PJ was the EBWF World Champion for seven months, he was closing in on Randy Orton’s record for the longest World Title reign in EBWF history, so he was understandably dismayed when he lost the championship.

Corey Graves: PJ lost the title in a type of match synonymous with the new World Champion Edge… a ladder match. There will be a completely different dynamic in this singles match tonight.

Once PJ had entered the ring, “Metalingus” by Alter Bridge his and the crowd cheered as Edge headed to the ring. Edge was wearing sunglasses and his trademark long black trenchcoat, the World Title worn proudly around his waist.

Mauro Ranallo: Edge will celebrate his 44th birthday tomorrow, so a victory here tonight would be the perfect birthday present for the Rated R Superstar!

Corey Graves: No doubt PJ will be looking to spoil those celebrations by retaining the title here!

After entering the ring, Edge removed his glasses and coat, then handed his title to the referee, who held it in the air as Christy Hemme introduced both superstars. The referee passed the World Title to the timekeeper, who then rang the bell. Edge and PJ exchanged right hands back and forth, then Edge went to whip PJ against the ropes. PJ reversed the Irish whip, sending Edge into the ropes, and went for a leg lariat, but Edge ducked out of the way, then grabbed Black from behind and hit the Edge-o-matic. Both men got to their feet, and Edge whipped PJ Black into the corner, before charging towards him and hitting a flying forearm smash. Black staggered out of the corner, and Edge went to the top rope, hitting a huge missile dropkick. Both men got to their feet, and Edge hit a bridging northern lights suplex. The referee counted – 1… 2… kickout!

Mauro Ranallo: A strong start from Edge… he’s determined to walk out of the Scottrade Center victorious this evening!

Edge pulled PJ to his feet and hit him with some more right hands, then set up him for a reverse STO. PJ blocked it and fought back with some right hands of his own, before whipping Edge into the corner. PJ ran at Edge, going for a corner clothesline, but Edge got his knees up and blocked it. As Black staggered backwards, Edge went to the top rope once more, this time hitting a diving crossbody. He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1… 2… kickout! Both men got to their feet and Edge set PJ Black up for a sitout powerbomb. He lifted Black up… but Black countered with a hurricanrana!

Corey Graves: Great counter there from PJ Black! Can he seize the momentum in this match?

As Edge got to his feet, he went for a clothesline, but PJ ducked out of the way before hitting a series of right hands. PJ then whipped Edge against the ropes, and as Edge hit the ropes, PJ hit a dropkick, sending Edge to the outside. As Edge got to his feet, PJ hit him with a suicide dive!

Mauro Ranallo: Tope suicida!

Both men were down outside the ring and the referee began counting. At the count of 4, PJ tossed Edge back into the ring. As he re-entered the ring, PJ grabbed Edge from behind and hit Black to the Future! He hooked both legs and the referee counted – 1… 2… kickout! Black looked frustrated as he got to his feet, and he stomped on Edge several times before pulling him to his feet. Black whipped Edge against the ropes, then took him down with a reverse STO and applied the Koji clutch! Edge cried out in pain, but he was able to get the ropes. Not wanting to get disqualified, Black quickly broke the hold and pulled Edge away from the ropes. After stomping on Edge some more, PJ pulled Edge to his feet and hit a Russian legsweep. Black followed it up with a springboard moonsault, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1… 2… again Edge kicked out!

Corey Graves: PJ is in control now, but Edge isn’t going down without a fight!

PJ sat Edge up and applied a sleeper hold, but Edge broke free and both men got to their feet. The current and former World Champions exchanged right hands back and forth, and after gaining the upper hand, Edge hit a half nelson bulldog. As Black got to his feet, Edge hit him with a kick to the midsection, then hit the Edgecution! He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1… 2… Black kicked out just before the 3!

Mauro Ranallo: Another near fall! It’s going to take something special to end this match, Corey!

Edge wearily got to his feet and grabbed Black by the legs, going for the Edgecator. Before he could lock it in, PJ Black kicked him away and got to his feet. Edge went for a big boot, but PJ ducked out of the way, then hit a discus elbow smash. Black followed it up with an enzuigiri, then hit the Black Diamond! He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1… 2… Edge kicked out just before the 3!

Mauro Ranallo: Mamma Mia! I thought that was it for sure!

Corey Graves: Like you said, Corey, it’s going to take something special for one of these two superstars to get the victory… neither man wants to leave St Louis without the gold!

PJ couldn’t believe that Edge had kicked out, and as he got to his feet he began arguing with the referee, accusing him of not counting fast enough. This gave Edge time to recover, and the Rated R Superstar lifted PJ onto his shoulders, hitting an electric chair drop. Edge turned PJ over and grabbed him by the legs, going for the Edgecator once again… and this time, he locked it in!

Corey Graves: Is PJ going to tap?

Mauro Ranallo: Surely not!

PJ cried out in pain, but as the referee asked him if he wanted to tap out, he shook his head defiantly! After a struggle, he was able to reach the ropes. Edge broke the hold and PJ rolled out of the ring, giving himself a moment to recover. Edge slid out of the ring and grabbed PJ, but PJ fought back, hitting Edge with a knee to the midsection before throwing him into the ring steps. Edge collided with the steel steps shoulder first, and PJ kicked him hard in the shoulder. As Edge clutched his shoulder, the crowd booed, which made PJ smirk.

Mauro Ranallo: That could be a game changer, Corey… Edge looks like he’s in a lot of pain!

The referee, who had reached the count of 5, went out of the ring to check on Edge. He could be heard asking Edge if he was okay, and Edge nodded. PJ then grabbed Edge, throwing him back into the ring. As PJ re-entered the ring, he went to the top rope, but Edge quickly got to his feet and climbed the turnbuckle, grabbing PJ and hitting a superplex! Both men were down for several seconds, then Edge draped an arm over PJ. The referee counted – 1… 2… kickout! Edge slowly got to his feet, and stalked PJ, who appeared to be dazed from the superplex. As PJ struggled to his feet, Edge signalled for the Spear! The crowd cheered in anticipation, and Edge charged towards PJ… but PJ moved out of the way! Edge collided shoulder-first with the ring post, and a lot thud could be heard, followed by Edge crying out. Edge struggled out of the corner, and PJ hit him with a second Black Diamond! Not wanting to take any chances, PJ then went to the top rope, and hit the 450 Splash! He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1… 2… 3!

Corey Graves: PJ Black has done it! The South African Darewolf is a two-time EBWF World Champion!

Mauro Ranallo: What a match that was, Corey! Tremendous effort by both these men!

Though visibly exhausted, PJ Black looked delighted as the referee called for the bell. As the referee handed the World Title to him, Black cradled the championship like he was holding a newborn baby for the first time. He climbed the turnbuckle and proudly held the title in the air, then climbed down and made his way to the back. As PJ walked through the curtain, the camera cut back to the ring, where Edge was back on his feet. The crowd applauded his efforts, but Edge was clearly disappointed to have lost. He thanked the fans, then made his way backstage, shaking his head as he walked up the ramp.


After a video package recapping the feud between Jimmy Havoc and Chris Jericho, the camera cut to Mauro Ranallo and Corey Graves at ringside.

Mauro Ranallo: Up next, we’ve got a match that’s been a long time in the making… Jimmy Havoc vs Chris Jericho in an “anything goes” Iron Man match!

Corey Graves: Huge stakes in this match, Mauro! The only way to score a fall is by pinfall or submission… there are no count outs, no disqualifications, and the loser will be fired!

Mauro Ranallo: That’s not all, Corey… because of what’s at stake, the EBWF Board of Directors have appointed a very special guest referee.

“Glass Shatters” by Disturbed hit and former General Manager Stone Cold Steve Austin came out to a thunderous reception from the crowd. Austin was wearing a referee shirt with the sleeves cut off and a pair of jeans. As he entered the ring, Austin posed on all four turnbuckles, before standing in the corner of the ring. The camera cut to the stage, where AFI had a stage set up at the top of the ramp.

Corey Graves: Well Mauro, if this is Jimmy Havoc’s last night in EBWF, he’s going out on a high… AFI, whose song “So Beneath You” is the official theme of Fanniversary, are here to perform Jimmy Havoc’s entrance theme, “I Hope You Suffer”.

Mauro Ranallo: No doubt Jimmy Havoc will be hoping Chris Jericho suffers tonight!

Before AFI started playing “Hospital for Souls” by Bring Me The Horizon started in the arena as Jimmy Havoc’s name became emblazoned on the tron. The camera panned to the crowd and the entrance way where the crowd would fill in, the entrance was blocked by 2 figures with white plain masks overs their faces, they began to walk down the stairs slowly followed by 2 more and then 2 more. The camera panned to the other entrance way where the same was happening. Both lines walked down the stairs till they reached the barricade where they stopped and looked towards the entrance way. Suddenly, the same figures appeared from the curtain filing down the entrance way one by one till they reached the ring.

Corey Graves: Okay, This is weird even for Jimmy Havoc!

“Hospital for Souls” slowly faded out as AFI began playing “I Hope You Suffer”. The white masked men began getting into the ring and all stood facing hard cam once in the ring. The camera zoomed in and as it went past each figure they began taking their masks off revealing themselves not to be Jimmy Havoc until there was one white masked figure in the dead center of the ring. He slowly took his mask off and revealed to be Jimmy Havoc. The crowd cheered as Havoc gave a cocky grin to the camera, the masked figures began to file out of the ring and stood outside of it. Havoc, still stood in the center, removed the black clothing he was wearing to reveal his usual attire with his EBWF Branded Presidential parody shirt with “Jimmy Havoc 2017” on it. He looked into the camera once more and said “boo” to which the formerly masked figures took as a sign to run away and leave the ringside area.

Mauro Ranallo: Jimmy Havoc isn’t just another face in the crowd! An unusual entrance for him, but something we’ve seen of the Havoc of old!

Corey Graves: It doesn’t matter whether Havoc is a good guy or a bad guy, he’s still a weird guy!

“Break the Walls Down” hit, and Chris Jericho came out to a mixed reaction from the crowd. AFI were still at the top of the ramp as Jericho came out, and Jericho approached lead vocalist Davey Havok, handing him a copy of Fozzy’s latest album, Judas. Jericho could be heard telling Davey “that’s what real music sounds like”, and the General Manager smirked to himself as he walked down the ramp.

Corey Graves: This is actually the second year in a row that Chris Jericho has competed in an Iron Man Match at Fanniversary. Last year, he beat AJ Styles 4-3 to become a ten-time EBWF World Champion. Can he come out on top again tonight, or will Jimmy Havoc be the victor?

Mauro Ranallo: This is the first Iron Man match of Jimmy Havoc’s career, so you Jericho’s experience could make the difference… he knows what it’s like to wrestle for an entire 60 minutes. But the fact that “anything goes” will suit the hardcore style of Jimmy Havoc… this match is impossible to call!

Upon entering the ring, Jericho’s smile faded. He glared at Stone Cold Steve Austin, then gave Jimmy Havoc a cold, hard stare.

Mauro Ranallo: You could cut the tension with a knife between these two superstars, Corey!

Austin called for the bell, and as the bell rang, Jericho rolled out of the ring. The crowd booed, which made Jericho grin. It was obvious that Jericho was trying to play mind games with Jimmy Havoc, but Havoc shook his head, telling Jericho that his mind games wouldn’t work. Havoc looked at his wrist, as if checking the time on an imaginary watch, but 30 seconds or so passed and Jericho still wouldn’t enter the ring. Sighing, Havoc rolled out of the ring and went after Jericho. As Havoc got near Jericho, Jericho hit him with a cheap shot, kicking him between the legs. The crowd booed at the blatant low blow, but Jericho laughed and threw Havoc into the ringside barrier, before shouting “anything goes, baby!” Havoc was slumped against the ringside barrier, and Jericho stomped on him several times, before dragging him to his feet and slamming his head against the ring post. He rolled Havoc back into the ring, and hooked the leg. Austin made the count, but Jimmy Havoc kicked out at 2. Jericho got to his feet and stomped on Havoc some more, before pulling him to his feet. Jericho went to whip Havoc against the ropes, but Havoc reversed it, sending Jericho into the ropes. As Jericho hit the ropes and ran back towards him, Havoc hit a discus elbow smash, knocking Jericho down to the mat. Havoc kneeled over Jericho and pummelled him with several punches, before pulling him to his feet. Havoc hit Jericho with a DDT, then went to the corner, exposing the top turnbuckle! Havoc pulled Jericho to his feet and dragged him towards the corner, slamming his head against the exposed turnbuckle! A loud “oooooh” could be heard from the crowd, and Jericho cried out in pain, which seemed to please Havoc. Havoc followed up with a back drop, then hooked the leg. Austin made the count – 1… 2… Jericho kicked out!

Corey Graves: We’re five minutes into this match, and already both superstars have taken advantage of the fact that “anything goes”!

Mauro Ranallo: Jericho and Havoc seem to be trying to wear one another down early on… their early strategy in this match could make the difference later on as fatigue sets in!

Havoc rolled out of the ring and lifted up the ring apron, pulling a golf club out from underneath the ring. Havoc took the club into the ring with him and hit Jericho with it, then stood over Jericho by his legs. A sick smile formed on Havoc’s face, and he yelled at Jericho “let’s see how you like it!”... then hit Jericho between the legs with the golf club!

Corey Graves: A vicious shot to the groin there! Havoc paying Jericho back for his low blow earlier in this match.

Mauro Ranallo: Jericho might perform below par after that shot, Corey!

Havoc hit Jericho with the golf club several more times, then pulled Jericho to his feet and hit him with a neckbreaker. He hooked the leg - 1… 2… again Jericho kicked out! Havoc pulled Jericho to his feet once more, this time whipping him into the corner with the exposed turnbuckle. Jericho cried out as his back hit the turnbuckle, and Havoc charged at him, going for a corner clothesline. As Havoc ran towards him, Jericho moved out of the corner and hit Havoc with a drop toe hold, causing Havoc to heatbutt the exposed turnbuckle!

Mauro Ranallo: Mamma Mia!

Corey Graves: Incredible reflexes from Chris Jericho there, Mauro!

Havoc looked dazed, and Jericho rolled him up - 1… 2… kickout! Both men got to their feet and exchanged right hands back and forth. Several minutes passed with neither superstar able to gain the upper hand, and as the match approached the 15 minute mark, Havoc went for the Death Valley Driver. Jericho blocked it, then hit a bulldog. He ran towards the ropes, going for the Lionsault… Havoc got his knees up to block it, but Jericho noticed and was able to adjust his body to land on his feet! Havoc reacted quickly, getting to his feet and putting Jericho in a wrist lock. He then went for the Acid Rainmaker… but Jericho ducked out of the way, and hit the Codebreaker! He hooked the leg, and Austin made the count – 1… 2… 3!

Mauro Ranallo: With just over 15 minutes gone, Jericho scores the first fall!

Corey Graves: Jericho has the momentum now… but can he maintain that with 45 minutes still on the clock?

As soon as Jericho got to his feet, he grabbed Havoc by the legs, going for the Walls of Jericho. Havoc kicked Jericho away and got to his feet. Losing the first fall seemed to light a fire under Havoc, and he was able to take control of the match. After several near fall attempts, as the match reached the 21 minute mark, Havoc decided to change his strategy. Havoc hit Jericho with the Go Home Driver, then rolled out of the ring, pulling a table out from underneath the ring. He set the table up in the ring and grabbed Jericho, lifting him up for the Death Valley Driver. Before Havoc could drive him through the table, Jericho wriggled free and hit Havoc with a huge uppercut. Havoc stumbled, and Jericho shoved him onto the table, then punched him on the table several times. With Havoc dazed, Jericho went to the top rope. He signalled for an elbow drop, but Havoc rolled off the table and ran into the ropes, causing Jericho to lose his balance. Havoc then climbed the turnbuckle, lifting Jericho onto his shoulders and hitting a Death Valley Driver from the top rope through the table!

Corey Graves: Super Death Valley Driver!

Mauro Ranallo: Oh my! Someone better call an electrician, because Chris Jericho’s lights are out!

Havoc hooked the leg, and Austin counted – 1… 2… 3!

Mauro Ranallo: Havoc evens it up at 1 fall apiece!

Corey Graves: There’s still more than half an hour left in this match… but after that high risk move from Jimmy Havoc, both men will be feeling the fatigue!

After the bell rang for the second fall, it took Havoc several seconds to get to his feet. When Havoc was up, he dragged Jericho to his feet, then hit him with a reverse STO. He hooked the leg once more, but this time Jericho kicked out at 2. Havoc then turned Jericho over, and tried to apply the Suicide Silence, but Jericho fought back, preventing Havoc from locking it in. Both men got to their feet, and Jericho hit Havoc with a kick to the midsection, then followed it up with a double underhook backbreaker. Jericho rolled out of the ring, grabbing a steel chair from ringside. He re-entered the ring with the chair, and as Havoc got to his feet, Jericho drilled him in the ribs with it. He followed it up with a chair shot to the back, and as Havoc fell to the mat, Jericho hit him with the chair several more times. He placed the chair on the mat, then pulled Havoc to his feet, hitting a double powerbomb onto the chair! He went for the pinfall, and Austin made the count – 1… 2… Havoc kicked out! Jericho immediately grabbed Havoc by the legs, turning him over into the Walls of Jericho!

Mauro Ranallo: Remember Corey, there are no rope breaks in this match… so Havoc either has to get out of this or tap out!

Havoc cried out in pain, and Austin asked him if he wanted to tap out, but Havoc shook his head defiantly. He began crawling towards the ropes, and Jericho yelled “What are you doing? There’s no rope breaks, you stupid idiot!” Still Havoc continued crawling, and as he reached the edge of the ring, instead of grabbing the bottom rope he pulled himself out of the ring, causing Jericho to break the hold. Jericho exited the ring and went after Havoc, but Havoc fought back, hitting Jericho with a kick to the midsection then suplexing him onto the ramp! Havoc pulled Jericho to his feet, and threw him back into the ring. As Havoc was getting back into the ring, Jericho grabbed the chair. When Havoc re-entered the ring, Jericho got to his feet and turned around, swinging the chair at Havoc and hitting him in the face with it!

Mauro Ranallo: An illegal chair shot to the head by Jericho!

Corey Graves: The contract says anything goes, Mauro! Jericho is taking that literally!

Jericho dropped the chair and went for another Lionsault… this time he hit it! He hooked the leg and Austin made the count - 1… 2… 3!

Mauro Ranallo: 34 minutes on the clock and it’s 2-1 to Jericho!

Corey Graves: That chair shot might have done some serious damage to Havoc, Mauro… he has 26 minutes to score at least two falls over Jericho, or he will be fired!

Havoc was still down, and Jericho started getting cocky. He got in Austin’s face, telling Stone Cold how good he was. Austin laughed, and could be heard telling Jericho, “You’re not as good as you think you are, son”. Jericho responded, “We’ll see about that”, then turned his attention back to Jimmy Havoc. Jericho went to grab Havoc, but Havoc rolled him up with a small package! Austin made the count - 1… 2… Jericho kicked out just before the 3! Both men got to their feet, and Jericho went for a clothesline. Havoc ducked out of the way, then grabbed Jericho by the wrist, twisting him around into the Acid Rainmaker! He hooked the leg - 1… 2… 3!

Mauro Ranallo: Havoc ties it up at 2-2! Jericho had the lead for less than two minutes!

Corey Graves: What happens if this match ends in a draw, Mauro?

Mauro Ranallo: I’m not sure I want to think about that, Corey!

Scoring a second fall seemed to give Havoc an adrenalin rush, and he grabbed the steel chair Jericho had used earlier, hitting Jericho with it several times. Havoc then put the chair down, and set Jericho up for a piledriver onto the chair… but Jericho countered with a back body drop. Havoc used the ropes to pull himself up, and Jericho ran at him, but Havoc pulled down on the top rope, sending Jericho to the outside. Havoc then climbed to the top rope and as Jericho got to his feet, Havoc hit a diving crossbody! Both men got to their feet and Havoc threw Jericho into the ring steps, then picked up the steps and slammed them onto Jericho’s back. Jericho tried to crawl away from Havoc, but Havoc went after him and hit him with the steps once more. Havoc then pulled Jericho to his feet and went to DDT him onto the steps, but Jericho fought back, shoving Havoc hard into the ringside barrier. Jericho then grabbed Havoc and lifted him up, hitting a vertical suplex onto the steel steps! Jericho threw Havoc back into the ring, then went for the cover. Austin made the count - 1… 2… kickout!

Corey Graves: There are 20 minutes left now and the score is still tied at 2-2… the next fall could be crucial!

Jericho pulled Havoc to his feet and dragged him to the corner with the exposed turnbuckle. He slammed Havoc’s head against the turnbuckle several times, busting him open, then hit a tiger suplex. He hooked the leg once more - 1… 2… again Havoc kicked out! Jericho got frustrated, and he stomped on Havoc several times, then exited the ring. He reached underneath the ring, pulling out a kendo stick, then re-entered the ring. Havoc was on his feet, blood dripping from his forehead, but he didn’t seem to mind. He saw Jericho with the kendo stick, and told the ten-time EBWF World Champion to bring it. Jericho swung the kendo stick at Havoc… but Havoc blocked it, and took the kendo stick off Jericho! He then swung it at Jericho, hitting him over the head with it. He hit Jericho with the kendo stick several more times, eventually breaking it across Jericho’s back. Jericho cried out in pain, and Havoc hit a double knee backbreaker. He then turned Jericho over, putting him in the STF!

Mauro Ranallo: Jimmy Havoc calls this move Suicide Silence… but Jericho isn’t being silent right now! The EBWF General Manager is clearly in a lot of pain.

Corey Graves: Havoc stretching the neck and back of Jericho right now… he won’t want to tap out and concede the fall, but unless he can reverse the hold or break out of it, he might have to!

Jericho was struggling to move, and Austin asked him if he wanted to tap out. Jericho said no, and Havoc applied more pressure… a moment later, Jericho tapped out! Austin called for the bell, and Havoc broke the hold.

Mauro Ranallo: We’re approaching the 45 minute mark now, and for the first time in this match, Jimmy Havoc has the lead. He’s beating Jericho 3 falls to 2!

Corey Graves: Time could be running out for Chris Jericho here… and for his reign as General Manager!

As Jericho struggled to his feet, Havoc hit him with the Go Home Driver, then contemplated his next move. An idea seemed to come to Jimmy Havoc, and the 2017 King of the Ring smiled, then rolled out of the ring. He lifted up the ring apron and crawled underneath the ring, pulling out a black wooden box. The box had “I Hope You Suffer” written in red paint, in a way that looked like it had been written in blood. The camera zoomed in on Havoc as he opened the box… and pulled out a stack of light tubes!

Mauro Ranallo: When did Jimmy Havoc put those there?!

Corey Graves: He must have done it when our crew were setting up the ring this afternoon, Mauro! I guess he’s been waiting for the right time to bring them out…

Mauro Ranallo: Well Jericho dropkicked Havoc into a stack of light tubes at Summerslam… I guess Havoc wants to get his revenge!

Havoc put the light tubes in the corner of the ring, but before he could get back in the ring, Jericho took him out with a baseball slide. Jericho looked at the box, then said to Havoc “I hope you suffer!” He picked Havoc up, body slamming him onto the wooden box. Jericho then turned around, looking at the announce table. Smiling, Jericho lifted the top of the announce table off, and cleared the monitors and notes from the table. Havoc was beginning to stir, and Jericho grabbed the ring bell, hitting Havoc over the head with it! Jericho dragged Havoc towards the announce table and threw him onto the table, then picked up the ring bell and hit Havoc with it again. Jericho made sure Havoc was out cold, then climbed onto the turnbuckle. He leapt from the turnbuckle, hitting a diving elbow drop through the table!

Mauro Ranallo: Broken tables, broken bodies… Jericho took a huge risk there!

Corey Graves: He’s willing to do whatever it takes to drive Jimmy Havoc out of EBWF, Mauro… even putting his body on the line!

As ringside officials checked on both men, Jericho stumbled to his feet. He picked Havoc up and threw him into the ring, then slide back in the ring and wearily hooked the leg. Austin made the count - 1… 2… Havoc kicked out!

Mauro Ranallo: I don’t believe it!

Corey Graves: I don’t think Jericho can believe it either!

Jericho looked stunned, and he yelled at Austin, telling him to count faster. He hooked the leg once more - 1… 2… again Havoc kicked out! Jericho yelled “count faster, damn it!” and dragged Havoc to his feet. He hit Havoc with a codebreaker, then hooked the leg. Austin made the count - 1… 2… 3!

Corey Graves: It’s 3-3 now! Eight minutes left in the match… I think the next fall wins it, Mauro!

As Austin called for the bell, Jericho sarcastically applauded. He looked at the clock and said to Stone Cold, “In eight minutes you’ll be raising my hand”. Austin smirked, and simply said, “We’ll see about that”. Jericho turned his attention back to Havoc, and dragged him to his feet. Jericho tried to set him up for a suplex, but Havoc blocked it and countered with a jawbreaker. He grabbed Jericho by the legs and tried to put him in the Walls of Jericho! Jericho kicked him away, and got to his feet. He whipped Havoc against the ropes, hitting a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Jericho went to apply the Walls of Jericho, but Havoc rolled him up in a small package. Austin counted - 1… 2… kickout! Both men got to their feet and exchanged punches. Several minutes passed with Jericho and Havoc exchanging near falls, desperately trying to get the 3 count that could prove decisive. With less than five minutes on the clock, Jericho hit Havoc with a steel chair, then DDTed him onto the chair. He hooked the leg - 1… 2… Havoc kicked out! Jericho punched the mat in frustration, then argued with Austin again. He yelled to Stone Cold, “I told you before… count faster damn it!” then shoved Austin in the chest. Austin shoved Jericho back, and Jericho was about to hit Austin… but Havoc grabbed Jericho and headbutted him! Jericho staggered backwards, and Havoc gave him a middle fingered salute, then hit a Stone Cold Stunner!

Mauro Ranallo: Havoc paying homage to Stone Cold Steve Austin!

Havoc looked to Austin for approval, who responded with a shrug. Havoc then looked at the light tubes, which were still in the corner of the ring. Havoc dragged Jericho towards the corner, placing him on the light tubes. He then went to the top rope, and hit a diving double foot stomp, smashing Jericho through the light tubes!

Corey Graves: Oh my god!

Havoc hooked the leg and Austin counted - 1… 2… 3!

Mauro Ranallo: 4-3 to Havoc with less than a minute left! Unless Jericho pins or submits Havoc in the next 60 seconds, his time as General Manager will be finito!

Havoc got to his feet, and looked up at the clock, which showed 42 seconds remaining. Havoc stomped on Jericho, trying to keep him grounded, but Jericho rolled out of the way and stumbled to his feet. He hit Havoc with a series of punches, then took him down with a clothesline. Havoc got to his feet, and Jericho went for a Codebreaker, but Havoc blocked it. There were just 25 seconds left on the clock, and Havoc put Jericho in the Suicide Silence! Jericho tried to break free, but Havoc kept the hold locked in as the clock counted down - 10… 9… 8… 7… 6… 5… 4… 3… 2… 1… DING DING DING!

Christy Hemme: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of this match… JIMMY HAVOC!

Corey Graves: I don’t believe it, Mauro! Havoc did it!

Havoc broke the hold and got to his feet. “I Hope You Suffer” blasted through the arena, and Austin raised Havoc’s arm in victory. Jericho struggled to his feet, and glared at both Havoc and Austin. Havoc offered his hand to Jericho, but Jericho slapped it away! Just when it looked like Havoc and Jericho were about to go at it, Austin kicked Jericho in the midsection, and hit him with a Stone Cold Stunner! Austin then signalled for a beer, and someone at ringside passed him one. Austin signalled for another beer, and Austin passed it to Jimmy Havoc.

Mauro Ranallo: Jericho’s time as General Manager has come to an abrupt end… what will this mean for the future of EBWF? Tune into Warfare next week to find out!

Havoc and Austin shared a beer together as Fanniversary went off the air.