The scene opened backstage at the BOK Center in Tulsa. Renee Young approached Dean Ambrose who was watching a monitor that was broadcasting a few words from his tag team partner this evening,
Renee Young: Dean…
Ambrose put up a hand, cutting her off, transfixed by the screen in front of him.
Dean Ambrose: Can’t you see I’m watching this?
She zipped her lip and nodded. Dean cocked his head as he was mentioned.
Finally, a word to the wise to my partner for the evening. Dean, I can’t lie to you, I got issues and trust issues are certainly a part of that. But, I got your back as long as you don’t screw up or screw me over. You have my word.
Dean Ambrose: His word? I have his word?
He looked over at Renee with wide eyes.
Dean Ambrose: What do I care about having his word? What does his word mean to me? Has he established himself as some great truth teller or something?
Renee Young: I don’t… think so?
Dean Ambrose: You know, there have been some harebrained schemes in EBWF, but this tag team classic has got to top them all.
Renee Young: More harebrained than Evan Bourne catching bullets with his ankles.
Dean rolled his eyes.
Dean Ambrose: Okay, maybe they don’t top them ALL, but give me a break! Do you see this guy? Ciampa? Someone expects me to believe that this was completely at random? Forgive me Renee, but I am skeptical.
Renee Young: Some would say that you and Ciampa compliment one another.
Dean Ambrose: Do we? Not at much as our opponents. Bobby Roode and Randy Orton have got to be two of the most arrogant and deranged men on the EBWF roster! That they’re teaming up makes perfect sense! Hell, they might have a chance to take this thing all the way. Think about it! They’re the ones who actually compliment one another. Bobby can do all of the talking, because God knows Randy can’t do it! Randy can do all of the wrestling, because face it, Bobby is all flash and no substance.
Renee Young: Some would call Bobby Roode “glorious”.
Dean Ambrose: What is this? Are you going to just stand there and tell me what “some people” say about all the wrestlers backstage? Roode isn’t glorious. He’s a pretender. Just another reason he and Orton are so good for each other. See, EBWF pretends that Orton is still a name that’s feared around here. Randy Orton hasn’t been relevant in like four years, and even that’s debatable. I think he’s got the whole of professional wrestling wondering why he hasn’t just taken his pile of money and hot wife and gone home, but whatever. Ciampa and I can embarrass him tonight. At least, I hope we can. I know I’m up for it.
Renee Young: Are you concerned about teaming with Tommaso Ciampa tonight?
Dean Ambrose: I mean, I think anyone would have a few reservations about teaming up with someone who refers to themselves as a “psycho killer”.
Renee looked flummoxed.
Renee Young: But you’re the lunatic fringe.
Dean Ambrose: Right, I’m just loveably eccentric and absurd. A psycho usually exhibits violent social behavior and he flat out called himself a murderer so… yeah, I have some concerns. But if Ciampa says he has my back, I guess I have no choice but to trust him. We may be an unlikely partnership, but I’m not about to walk away from a fight. There’s gold on the line, and I’m sure that matters to Ciampa as much as it matters to me. So, Ciampa can rest assured that I’m not going to squander this opportunity, and it would be in his best interest if he didn’t either.
Dean turned and walked away leaving Renee to nod after him.
Renee Young: An interesting point of view from Dean Ambrose. He and Tommaso Ciampa take on Randy Orton and Bobby Roode tonight on Warfare!
The scene faded to an EBWF logo as the online exclusive ended.
Unlikely Pair
Unlikely Pair
Writers aren't exactly people. They're a whole bunch of people. Trying to be one person.
The only living, breathing, Queen of Efeds in captivity
"You can't blame a writer for what the characters say." - Truman Capote