United Under The High One

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Ian B
Posts: 65
Joined: Fri Apr 22, 2016 5:23 am

United Under The High One

Post by Ian B »

Rene Young is backstage with the Psycho Killer Tomasso Ciampa

Young: I'm joined at this time by Tomasso Ciampa who is part of the Elimination Tag Match. Your thoughts at this time

Ciampa: These matches are always interesting. Don't you think? Interesting line up, am I right? The Miz, The Rock, The Ambrose, The Glorious Roode. A fun mix right? How will the four of them blend? This isn't what concerns me Rene. Not really, at least, not my top priority. Rene, I have nothing but respect for Kevin Owens but Rene, someone, some higher being must seriously have it in for me. What did I do wrong in this or any previous life to deserve to be put on a team with the Gormless Guys? Excuse me. I need to set this straight.

Ciampa kneels and places his hands in the prayer position.

Ciampa: Dear Jesus, Satan, Santa Claus, Wes Ikeda, Cthulhu, Jimmy Havoc or any other deity who might be listening. I come to you tonight as an act of confession. I have done wrong by you somehow and for that I am truly repentant. Guide me oh higher being, whoever you are. Help me to be more patient even with the likes of Noam and Tyler. Help them too in their ways and Brother Kevin, Kevin Owens - grant us strength to overcome those who would oppose us and your divine rule. Peace out.

Ciampa gets back to his feet and stands beside Rene once more.

Ciampa: I think you'll agree that was a deeply personal moment I just let you in on. I am sure the High One's blessing is on you too Rene.

Young: Whatever you say Tomasso. Any thought on your opposition tonight? Anyone on the other side of the ring you have an eye on.

Ciampa: Certainly is Rene, Dean Ambrose did not hold up his end of the deal in our tag matches. Ambrose, you let yourself down and I'm sorry to say bud, you let me down too. Now you gotta team with Bobby Roode, good luck with that. Remember a fortnight ago Lunatic Fringe? Remember when you stole his opportunity, he lost his chance, just like I did. Your fault Ambrose.

Young: Wasn't it Rand...

Ciampa holds up a hand to stop Rene in her tracks. Rene looks put out but allows this to continue

Ciampa: Mr Orton is not part of this narrative, he's not even part of this match. Can we stay on track please Rene, can we keep this professional. For God's sake can we be professional!

Ciampa stops and ponders for a second.

Ciampa: That's it Rene! Divine message, delivered by Saint Thomas of Sicily. Keep. It. Professional. That's how I can overcome the hurdles I just described. I am prepared to set aside the past to coexist with The Gorgeous Guys. Thank you Jesus, you have spoken through this prophet at his time of need. Thank you High One.

Young: Now you've worked that one through do you have any words for any of you opponents? Dean Ambrose aside?

Ciampa: What would you like me to say Rene? My team, Team Tomasso are going to be a unit. We have a goal. Know what the other team lack? Unity.

Rene gives Ciampa a confused look but allows him to continue.

Ciampa: I have a tag team on my side. The only tag team left in the Tag Team Classic for that matter. What does the other team have? The Great One, The Awesome One, The Glorious One, The Loony One. None of those guys have anything from me. I have the backing of the High One.

Young: Loony One? When was that ever a thing?

Ciampa: Please Rene. Professionalism.

Rene drops the microphone and walks off muttering how she can't work like this. Tomasso picks up the mic.

Ciampa: It has been foretold so it shall come to pass. High One be praised

Ciampa walks off looking pleased with himself