Bad News for Everyone

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Ben M
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Bad News for Everyone

Post by Ben M »

Christmas Eve of Destruction was well underway, and Wade Barrett had just completed his second match of the evening. Though Barrett was a little disappointed not to have won the PTG Title, he was pleased with how he had performed in both of his matches... and he hoped EBWF management were too. Barrett didn't have to wait long to find out, as when he walked through the curtain Stephanie McMahon was waiting for him. Barrett smiled, and walked over to her.

Wade Barrett: Hey, Stephanie.

Stephanie McMahon: Hey, Stu. I just wanted to congratulate you on your performance tonight, and discuss our plans for you going into the New Year. Is now a good time for you?

Wade Barrett: Of course. Aren't you a little busy though, with the show?

Stephanie McMahon: AJ and Angelina have already received their instructions for the next match... I'm sure I can spare a few minutes.

Stephanie smiled. Barrett smiled back.

Wade Barrett: So have you already been planning for the first Warfare of 2014? I'm surprised you're not leaving that until after the New Year.

Stephanie McMahon: Well, as I'm sure you understand, nothing is set in stone at this stage... but at the same time, this is WrestleMania season. We can't afford to leave anything until the last minute, just because it's the holidays.

Barrett couldn't help but be a little surprised to hear Stephanie mention WrestleMania to him, given that he had only signed a contract with EBWF a few short weeks ago.

Wade Barrett: Are you already discussing WrestleMania plans for me?

Stephanie responded with a smile and a shake of the head that made Barrett feel a little dumb for getting ahead of himself.

Stephanie McMahon: Not exactly. We're just discussing potential feuds for you, as we'd like to get you involved in a storyline as soon as possible. Given how well the PTG Title tournament went, we'd like to build something from the matches we had tonight.

Barrett couldn't stop himself from thinking about the prospect of feuding with the new PTG Champion, John Cena... but given that he had already embarrassed himself by asking about WrestleMania, he forced himself to avoid mentioning Cena by name.

Wade Barrett: What exactly did you have in mind?

Stephanie McMahon: Well Stu, you and Evan Bourne both performed well tonight, so we're thinking about having the two of you wrestle each other on the first Warfare of 2014. If it goes well, we might book you in a program up until the Rumble... the two of you both vying for another shot at the PTG Title, something like that. But like I said before, nothing is set in stone. We'll make a final decision in the New Year, so I'll let you know what our plans are next week.

Wade Barrett: Okay, great. Thanks Stephanie.

Stephanie smiled again, then walked away. Barrett followed, heading towards the locker room. He was disappointed that there were no plans for him to work with Cena again, but at least there were plans for him. That was more than he'd come to expect during his last few months in the WWE, and whether he was booked to work with Cena, Bourne or any other EBWF superstar, Barrett promised himself that he would make the most of the opportunity.

Fast forward to the first Warfare of 2014, and as Stephanie had suggested, Barrett was booked to face Evan Bourne. There had been no confirmation of any long-term plans - "we'll see after the match", Stephanie had told him. Barrett was waiting around backstage when he saw Evan Bourne appear on one of the monitors. Bourne was making his way to the ring, accompanied by a blonde girl that Barrett didn't recognise. Barrett watched the monitor, and soon found out that Evan's new valet was Lizzy Valentine, who he had previously worked with in Wrestling Society X. After Evan had finished talking about their match, Barrett spotted another blonde; as he turned away from the monitor, he saw Renee Young approaching her, a microphone in her hand and a cameraman following her. When Renee was a few feet away from Barrett, she stopped and began to speak.

Renee Young: Excuse me, Wade. I just wondered if I could ask you a few questions about your match tonight?

Wade Barrett: Wade... I haven't heard that name much recently. Since my debut at Christmas Eve of Destruction, everyone seems to be calling me "Bad News Barrett". Of course you can ask me about my match, but first... Renee, isn't it?

Renee nodded.

Wade Barrett: Renee, I'm afraid I've got some bad news... I know since you joined the EBWF, you've become the company's favourite interviewer. Every EBWF Superstar that has been given a choice seems to have asked you to interview them. But Renee, do you know why people want you to interview them? It isn't because they like you, it's just that they prefer you to Michael Cole. And that's hardly an accomplishment. You see, most people would prefer a nosebleed to being interviewed by Michael Cole. Most people would prefer being savaged by a pack of rabid dogs to being interviewed by Michael Cole. Most people would prefer to become a monk and live a life of solitude to being interviewed by Michael Cole. So Renee, enjoy your spot while it lasts... just know that as soon as someone more likeable comes along, you'll be joining Michael Cole in the rejection pile.

Renee looked to be a little stung by Barrett's comments, but she continued with the interview.

Renee Young: Well I can see why they call you Bad News Barrett. Anyway, tonight you take on Evan Bourne, who like you competed in the PTG Title Tournament at Christmas Eve of Destruction. We just heard from Evan moments ago. Evan introduced the EBWF to his new valet, Lizzy Valentine, and he also promised to beat you later on tonight. What do you have to say in response?

Wade Barrett: Renee, before I answer that, do you mind if I ask you a question?

Suddenly, Barrett was being a lot more polite. Renee was taken aback.

Renee Young: Sure?

Wade Barrett: How did you feel when Evan introduced you and everyone else to his precious new valet, Lizzy Valentine?

Renee Young: Ummm...

Renee didn't seem to know how to answer that question, but before she could say anything, Barrett cut her off.

Wade Barrett: Allow me to answer for you... you didn't care, did you? Don't worry sweetheart, no one else did either. You see, Lizzy, I'm afraid I've got some bad news for you too. As nice as it must have been for you to rekindle your relationship with Evan Bourne, your time in the EBWF is likely to be as short-lived as the existence of Wrestling Society X. Lizzy, if you're hoping to follow in the footsteps of Miss Elizabeth and Sunny, then you're going to be left bitterly disappointed. Because the era of the valet has been and gone. Take a look at the rest of the EBWF Roster - the only manager here is Paul Heyman, and he has a proven track record of delivering success for his clients. What have you got, Lizzy? You're nothing more than eye-candy, and that won't help Evan to be a success here. I'm sure you'll get a few admiring glances from the men in the crowd, but they'll be far more interested in watching me and Evan wrestle. The fans are barely going to realise you're there, Lizzy, and after a while, neither will Evan Bourne. I hope you've got a Plan B, because you're going to be looking at it sooner rather than later.

Renee Young: Thank you for sharing your thoughts on Lizzy Valentine. Do you have anything to say about your match with Evan Bourne?

Wade Barrett: I was just coming onto that... are you always this pushy? Anyway... as you said earlier, Evan and I both debuted at Christmas Eve of Destruction. Evan faced John Cena in the first round of the PTG Invitational, and lost. Cena went on to beat me and Kevin Nash in the final, and he's now a double champion. Renee, to be honest I'm a little disappointed I haven't had a rematch with John Cena tonight. You see, I joined the EBWF with my sights set on the PTG Title - Cena already has one belt, for him to go after another is just plain selfish. I know Evan is hungry for gold too, and for that reason both of us will be giving it our all tonight. Both Evan and I know that a win tonight will put us in contention for another shot at the PTG Title. Evan said as much in the ring when he was introducing us to his darling Lizzy; he also spent a lot of time talking about our similarities. Well Evan, I'm afraid I've got some bad news... we are nowhere near as similar as you like to believe. We may have both debuted at Christmas Eve of Destruction, but unlike you, I won my match. We both went up against former World Champions, but you lost while I advanced to the final. I might not have walked away with the title, but the record book will state that John Cena defeated Kevin Nash - not me. If Cena had put me in the STF, I wouldn't have tapped out. I would have broken free and shown Cena why they call me the Bare Knuckle Brawler. Evan, you might be fast, but I'm a fighter. What do you think would happen if Usain Bolt got into a fight with Mike Tyson? It's obvious; Tyson would destroy him, because in a fight strength is more important that speed. It doesn't matter that you're quicker than me, Evan, and it doesn't matter how much heart you have either. Because as long as I can grab you for long enough to hit you with my fists, your speed won't make a difference.

Renee Young: Then I take it you're as confident about beating Evan Bourne as he is about beating you?

Wade Barrett: Renee, I'm not just confident I'll win... I'm sure of it. Evan and I both came to the EBWF looking for success, but of the two of us, who is more likely to find it? Which one of us has a proven track record of success, and which of us is merely hungry for it? I was the first winner of NXT, I was the leader of the Nexus, I have been Intercontinental Champion and I have competed for the World Title. What has Evan Bourne done? His biggest accomplishment to date is getting himself a girlfriend. I might not have been "born to win", but I've fought to win. And I've won far more than Evan has, or will.

Renee Young: Wade, I just have one more question. You've already mentioned John Cena, and the PTG Title. Will you be challenging Cena for the title at the Royal Rumble?

Wade Barrett: Renee, that's not really up to me, is it? Do I want to challenge John for the PTG Title at the Rumble? Absolutely. But I can't guarantee that I will be. After all, Cena is already set to defend the Intercontinental Title against Christian, and I'm sure he'll be wanting to compete in the Rumble match itself. If you believe everything you read online, I think it's pretty clear that the EBWF can't afford to book Cena three times on every PPV. It would cost too much. But John, I'm afraid I have some bad news for you too. Whether it's at the Rumble, a week from now or a month from now, I'll be gunning for you and that title. Christmas Eve of Destruction was supposed to be my night of glory, and you took that from me. I'm going to make you pay... just like I'll make Evan Bourne pay for his comments earlier.

Barrett walked away from Renee as Warfare went to a commercial.