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A New Year

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 10:40 pm
by Kyle
Daniel Bryan had won the Breakout Championship and dethroned Leo Kruger who had held that title since May. Daniel had a quiet Christmas break, simply recovering from his match and taking some quiet time to relax after being on the road for the year. It was a good way for Daniel to end the year, as a champion after being unable to win the Path to Glory Championship earlier. His first match of 2014 would be against Christian, an opponent that he had faced many times since coming to EBWF. Daniel was backstage at the AllState Arena in Chicago with Renee Young, who had arguably become the most popular interviewer in her short time in EBWF.

Renee Young: Welcome everybody to the first Warfare of the New Year, and what a way to kick it off with a World Championship match in the main event. But before that we have the new Breakout Champion Daniel Bryan taking on former World Champion, Christian. You've faced Christian before and have come out on the winning side before, what's your strategy going into this match tonight?

Daniel Bryan: It's the first Warfare of the new year and I'm the new Breakout Champion. Leo Kruger held this title longer than any other wrestler has. I plan to beat his record and hold it for the entire year. The first step to my successful reign is to defeat Christian. He's no slouch, he's a former 8 time World Champion. That means he knows a thing or two about winnning. However the Christian now is a shell of his former self. He's not the same person that won the World Championship 8 times and tonight I'll show him why I'm the Breakout Champion. People view this title as a nothing championship. I'll give this championship the prestige it deserves.

Renee Young: At Christmas Eve of Destruction you defeated Leo Kruger in a hellacious Ladder match with both of you giving everything you had. Would you care to comment on your championship win?

Daniel Bryan: Its one thing to defeat someone in a standard match. But to win a ladder match you have to ensure that your opponent cannot get up while you reach for that championship. I knocked Leo Kruger out to win that championship. Out of everyone who had faced him in his long reign, I was the one that could convincingly defeat him. There was no fluke or controversial situation, I defeated him and nobody can take that away from me.

Renee Young: If Christian defeats you tonight, surely he would be in line for a championship match in the future.

Daniel Bryan: That's if and only if he can defeat me. He's a wrestler who is very predictable. He's got the Killswitch and that's about it to defeat his opponents. You look at me and I can defeat an opponent in any situation. I can knock them out with a knee or a kick to the head. I can choke someone out with a guillotine. I can destroy someone's shoulder with the Lebell Lock. I am a dangerous man on my feet and on the ground.

Renee Young: With this being the begninning of another year, do you have any New Years Resolutions at all?

Daniel Bryan: Everyone will say that they want to become World Champion and win every match. I'm going to focus on holding onto this championship. By doing that and having a successful reign, it will make everyone look at me and take notice. By performing well I will get all the opportunities that I need.

Renee Young: Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions.

Daniel left the interview set and walked off to finish his preparations for his match against Christian. This would be the first step for both wrestlers to start the year off well and work towards gaining momentum leading into the Royal Rumble.