Unfinished Business

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Unfinished Business

Post by Will »



New EBWF World Champion. It felt so good. AJ Styles was officially "the man" when he defeated Trent? in a brutal buried alive match to regain the championship he lost in July of 2012. The journey was rough but Styles persevered and made it to the top of the mountain once again.

Now began the road to WrestleMania XIII. AJ Styles Vs Dolph Ziggler was scheduled to main event the showcase of the immortals, but that was subject to change at any moment. Ziggler winning the Royal Rumber made him a lock for the money match but Styles had to consider the possibility of defending the championship before Wrestlemania.

AJ Styles: I got a target on my back and I don't give a fuck...

The foul mouth Georgia resident really had no remorse about anything these days and his reckless attitude was more rude and crude each time he appeared on camera. Standing in the middle of the EBWF Superstars locker room AJ Styles was surrounded by a few of his fellow wrestlers.

AJ Styles: I use to have a private locker room and nobody gave a damn. Now I'm surrounded by a bunch of rookies, some old guys, and lame ass Ted DiBiase. Yet, I'm giving everybody something to talk about. The World Champion is right here! I'm not hiding. If you're looking for me, come find me!

His words were loud enough for the guys around him to hear, but nobody made a move towards the guy holding the big gold belt over his shoulder.

AJ Styles: I buried Trent Question-Mark alive. Practically killed the little bastard. You think I have any empathy for him? I fucked his fiancé... Rhetorical question. You want morals? Go to church. I'm not the guy you want your kids looking up to. I'm the guy you warn them to stay away from. I stab my friends in the back and my women in the front. If you think for a second that I'm not going to run ROUGH SHOT over the EBWF then think again. John Cena's too scared to cash in his shot because he is happy where he is... BENEATH ME!!! Randy Orton, you're pathetic. You got complacent. After we went to war you barely walked away with your hand held high and what do you do? You become a little bitch and lay down to Trent Question-Mark. Talk about being cocky, the guy didn't even want a rematch! He wasted his shot to compete in the Royal Rumble, which he LOST! You allowed a loser to take away your title and you let a fucking rookie to the EBWF roster win the Royal Rumble. PATHETIC!

Styles was intense and his words sent waves through the room. A lot of the others didn't want any part of Styles, leaving him alone in the locker room.

AJ Styles: I want you to know, Randy. We have unfinished business. I'm officially entering myself into the Tag Team invitational this Monday on Warfare. I'm coming for you Orton. I'm didn't beat you for the World title, but LOOK AT ME NOW! I'm making it my top priority to beat the living hell out of any man that gets in my way and when the dust is settled, it doesn't matter who my partner is, I'm going to make you and your lazy, good for nothing, bestfriend Edge into the irrelevant HAS BEENS you should've been!

He adjusted the championship over his shoulder before running his free hand through his messy black hair.

AJ Styles: I'm no stranger to tag team wrestling. I've held tag gold in the indies and I've been tag champion here in the EBWF with The Miz. I wouldn't mind teaming up withy old buddy but the first time he even looks at my World Championship I'll push him off the tag team bus 90 going north. Believe it or not, I use to tag with John Cena. Now I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire. I'm pretty sure my other former partner Ted DiBiase won't last past the first few eliminations because let's be serious, when's the last time DiBiase has done something impressive.

A slight smirk appeared on the face of the World Champion.

AJ Styles: This match is going to be unpredictable! Who's going to be my tag team partner? Because there is no way in hell I'm going to be eliminated by anyone on the EBWF roster! Undertaker is here. So what? Wade Barrett has been turning heads lately. Doesn't mean I won't beat him with my BARE KNUCKLES! Brodus Clay is a joke! So is Christian, Chris Sabin, and Mr. Anderson. None of them are the men the USE TO BE! Worthless waste of space! Speaking of worthless space on the roster we have Wes Ikeda and Chris Jericho. No wonder Vince McMahon is winning the ratings war!

Styles didn't bite his tongue. With his new contract he had a few freedoms when it came to promos and he planned to exploit them every chance he got.

AJ Styles: I HAVE NO COMPETITION! Is Evan Bourne going to beat me? The Broncos had a better chance against the Seahawks. What about Syxx and his boy Kevin Nash? I think they know not to fuck with me anymore.

He was now more cocky than before while wearing a big smile on his face. Clutching his Championship proudly he took a step toward the camera.

AJ Styles: Here's the thing. No man stands a chance against me this Monday. No man stands a chance against me. Period. You hear me Dolph? You hear me Randy? It's time to tie up a few loose ends. My other shoulder is cold, but it's about to get a little bit warmer when me and the luckiest man in the world become the next Tag Team Champions.

Styles knew he was the greatest wrestler in the galaxy and with his chest sticking out he was oozing confidence. The scene faded to black with a final image of the World Champion walking away.

Dave M

Re: Unfinished Business

Post by Dave M »

Will wrote: I stab my friends in the back and my women in the front.