I embrace DARKNESS!!!
Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 10:58 pm
Monday March 3, 2014
After Warfare
.:: “I'm The Man” could be heard and from the looks of things the camera was in the backstage of the Grand West Arena. Daniel Rodimer walked through curtains and in to the backstage area, coming from the ring. With sweat still dripping from his face he had a confident smile on his face. He noticed a camera man focusing the camera on him and follow him as he walked towards his locker room. When he got to his room he noticed the door was slightly open already. He slowly opened the door and flicked the light switch up to the on position. Nothing happened. With the room midnight black, Rodimer opened the door all the way and confidently walked in. The camera followed him in to the dark room, where a couple of moments later all you could see was the light from his cell phone. He hit a few buttons on his phone. ::.
Daniel Rodimer: 23 new text messages? Jeez these better not be from Stone Cold in a drunken state telling me about how easy us youngsters have it these days.
Maintenance Worker: Maintenance! I am here to fix a broken light switch?
Daniel Rodimer: You are in the right place maintenance man! Can I call you maintenance man?
Maintenance Worker: My name is Mark. But you can call me whatever you want I guess.
Daniel Rodimer: Okay maintenance man, do you know how long this is going to take to fix?
Maintenance Worker Mark: Why Mr. Rodimer? You aren't afraid of the dark are you? [Chuckled to himself.]
Daniel Rodimer: Heck no! Some of the best things in life happen in the dark. Afraid of the dark? What do you think I am? A twelve year old? [Rodimer scoffed] Afraid of the dark...
Maintenance Worker Mark: Some of the best things? Most people associate darkness with some of the worst things in life. Death, being alone, and The Undertaker... just to name a few off the top of my head. But from our conversation so far I can venture to guess you are not like most people, are you?
Daniel Rodimer: Funny that you should mention The Undertaker maintenance man. Because as you were talking, I was ignoring you and checking out the EBWF website where I learned I have a match with him next week. You did mention The Undertaker right?
MWM: Yes I did. And also how most people associate darkness with bad things. And also how you are not like most people more than likely.
Daniel Rodimer: Ha! When it comes to most people I tend to believe that I am better looking and just plan better! In other words, I think most other people are losers. So yeah, I pride myself in being different. And as far as the other thing about darkness being associated with bad things, I tend to think the opposite there also. See when it comes to my life, some of the best things happen in the dark. A couple of them are making love and a long night’s sleep, just to name a few. Darkness has never been a fear of mine nor will it even be. Now are you almost done with that switch? I can’t check myself out in the mirror without light!
MWM: It is going to be a couple more minutes. Whoever did this did it on purpose. It certainly was no accident. They practically destroyed this whole concoction.
Daniel Rodimer: Ha! ConCOCtion! Oh maintenance man! [Rodimer stopped and thought.] That is interesting that you should say that though. I wonder who would do such a thing to my room. OH! It was probably just a diva who was planning on congratulating me on my victory. I bet she had a whole sexy thing planned and wanted to make sure it was a surprise so she killed the light switch. Then something came up real quick. If you know what I’m saying… Eh maintenance man?
MWM: Or, just throwing this out there… it was The Undertaker.
Daniel Rodimer: Say whaaaaaaat? Why on Earth would you think it was The Undertaker? He doesn’t have time to come in here and play mind games with little old me. He only has time to sit in his church of darkness or whatever and praise evil spirits and take naps.
MWM: I am sorry before I even ask but… take naps? The Undertaker is a World class wrestler, what does taking naps have anything to do with The Undertaker?
Daniel Rodimer: [Still looking at his phone.] Rest…In…Peace! Obviously when he says that he is wishing himself a good restful sleep. I mean think about it, when you are 50 years old you will have to take naps a lot too. Now why do you think The Undertaker had anything to do with this?
MWM: [Pointed at the coat.] Well, that to begin with.
Daniel Rodimer: It was Taker! Do you know how I know that Maintenance Man? Hold it up to your nose and take a whiff. [Rodimer held the coat up to the maintenance workers nose. He took a whiff.] Do you smell that? Bengay! Taking the bumps and hits we take as wrestlers can become pretty painful. Especially when you are an old man who can barely walk. Undertake obviously wore this after applying a whole bottle of ointment! [Handing the coat over to the maintenance worker.] I know you aren’t the janitor, but can you do me a favor and take this out and put it in the trash where it belongs? Maybe some homeless guy will find it and make a home out of it. Thanks bro!
Daniel Rodimer: And if you see Taker, tell him to use the coat hanger next time! I know he is The Deadman, but he doesn’t have to live like a freaking DIRTY ANIMAL!
.:: End ::.
Saturday March 8, 2014
.:: 1...2…3! The referee had just finished counting to three in the second match of the EBWF house show on Saturday night in Allphones Arena in Sydney, Australia. The crowd cheered as the referee held up the young unknown wrestlers hand in victory. ::.
Jim Ross: Great victory for that young man here on Saturday night! Let’s send it backstage where Renee Young is standing with, The Man!
Renee Young: Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time…
Daniel Rodimer: [Smiled.] Sorry about that Renee, I didn’t mean to bump in to you there. Or did I? [Rodimer winked at Renee Young as she smiled and blushed.] Let’s be honest Renee, I have only been here two weeks and already I don’t require an introduction. One look at me and everyone in the EBWF World knows who they are looking at. They know they are looking at The Man! Renee I know you have a job to do, but tonight is your lucky night. All I need you to do is stand there, look pretty, listen to what I have to say, and enjoy your view! I know you are going to do the second one, because baby the only person in this place better looking than you right now is yours truly. [Rodimer again smiled at Young who was still smiling and blushing.] In two nights I have yet another opportunity to show the EBWF hierarchy what I have to offer to this company. I have another opportunity to EARN my spot on that WrestleMania card. And what better way than to defeat the WrestleMania legend known as The Undertaker? The past two weeks I have done everything possible to impress the people that matter. No, not the fans in the crowd, they don’t put you anywhere. I have done my best to impress management. From the looks of things I have succeeded. I have been here three weeks and this is going to be my third match. This will be my biggest opportunity so far though, you see. As not only will I face The Undertaker, I face Phil Shatter. Who? Phil Shatter? Look Phil no disrespect, but when it comes to this match you are simply not important. Undertaker has beaten you once, and since then, where have you been? I wouldn’t be surprised if you chicken out and run from the darkness before taking another shot. Sounds like something a loser like you would do.
Daniel Rodimer: Taker, you like to embrace the darkness. Well if you saw what I had to say a couple days ago, so do I. The difference between me and your past opponents is that darkness does not intimidate me. You can play your mind games, bring your darkness, and tell me to rest in peace. While you are talking the talk like you do, I am walking to walk. This Monday night Undertaker, you and Phil Shatter will learn something that MVP and Scott Hall already know. You will learn that I am a serious force here in EBWF. You like to say that the ring is your yard? Well that is perfectly fine Taker. Because I will have no problem hitting you with The Deal Breaker and leaving you face up, unconscious, like a drunk on a Saturday night. Right in the middle of, “YOUR YARD.” [Rodimer stopped talking and took a moment to compose himself and calm down.] Undertaker, Shatter, listen up and listen up good. Monday night, after I leave the ring victorious for the third time in three weeks, I am going to need you to do me a favor. The same favor MVP and Scott Hall have done for me. I am going to need you to spread the word that Daniel Rodimer is here, and that he is… THE MAN!
Renee Young: Uh… back… back to you guys.