The Beginnings of B&B
Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 10:30 pm
Atlanta, Georgia
Four Seasons Atlanta
.:: Damien Sandow was shown sitting in the living room area of a nice hotel room. He was sitting at the edge of a couch and was wearing workout attire. ::.
Damien Sandow: Dan come on man, we don't have much time!
Daniel Rodimer: Calm down man, I made sure to call and ask when the gym closed. They said midnight. We have plenty of time!
Damien Sandow: Why are the lights off? You said they were opened until midnight!
Damien Sandow: Opened until 11? You said it was opened until midnight!
Daniel Rodimer: I'm sorry, man. I guess with the time changes and my recent struggles I just wasn't paying attention or something.
.:: Sandow stared at Rodimer for a couple of moments. ::.
Damien Sandow: Well Dan, this is why I am the brains in this operation!
Daniel Rodimer: Look man I said I am sorry. I guess we will just have to come back tomorrow to get a workout in. I know you wanted to get it in tonight so you could work some rust off, but I am sorry.
Damien Sandow: Hey man are you alright? I am sorry I am being so hard on you. I guess it is just one night and we always can come back tomorrow. What's up man? What is wrong?
Daniel Rodimer: I have never said anything like I am about to say. I have not felt this way in so long, you have to bear with me. [Paused and took a deep breath.] I guess since Wrestle Mania I just haven't felt like myself. Going from being undefeated in the EBWF to losing two matches in one night just isn't sitting well with me. And then the night after Mania those fans chanting how I lost two matches on one night, I don't want to admit it but it got to me. Of course I played it off like it was nothing then but I was genuinely upset by that man, and honestly the last thing I want to do tonight is workout. Again, that is something I have never said before in my life. I am so relieved I have a week off this week so I can just relax and get my head together.
Damien Sandow: Wow man, that got real deep real fast. I'm proud of you buddy. It isn't easy to admit stuff like that. [Sandow paused and thought for a moment.] Okay then you pick, whatever you want to do tonight we will do! Anywhere you want to go we will go.
Daniel Rodimer: Anywhere? [A smile came to Rodimer's face.] Get in the car. It's on bro!
April 12, 2014
Atlanta, Georgia
Lava Lounge
Damien Sandow: I can't believe you had these suits just waiting in your trunk. Do you do this often?
Daniel Rodimer: What? Come to the hottest clubs in the towns we are visiting for Warfare? No not really. But a good looking guy like me always has to be prepared. You never know when a flashy getup will work in your favor. For example...
Daniel Rodimer: Hey ladies I couldn't help but notice you notice me noticing you.
Damien Sandow: [Sarcastically] Good one Dan!
Daniel Rodimer: One thing you will learn from hanging out with me Damien, when you look this good, you don't always have to be on the top of your game. [Rodimer smiled.]
Girl 1: Hey aren't you Daniel Rodimer? The wrestler from EBWF?
Daniel Rodimer: Indeed I am. My good looks precede me I see.
Girl 2: [Looked at Sandow.] And you are Damien Sandow. Former EBWF Path To Glory champion! Probably my favorite PTG champion of all time!
Damien Sandow: That is correct. Apparently my in ring skills precede me!
Daniel Rodimer: Well, uh, ladies I thought I would come over and offer you these drinks and see if we can't sit down and join you for a little while.
Girl 1: Umm.. Don’t take this the wrong way but there is no room for losers at this table.
Daniel Rodimer: Losers?
Girl 1: Yeah, didn't you just lose two matches in one night at Wrestle Mania?
Daniel Rodimer: Uh, well, technically?
Damien Sandow: Come on Dan, you are too good for these low life dirty old harlots!
Daniel Rodimer: I am going to have to drink all of these and then some to get these terrible few nights out of my head.
Damien Samdow: You go for it my friend. I am going to sit here and drink water and make sure you are safe. I have a match this week. So I need to make sure I stay on the ball.
April 13, 2014
Atlanta, Georgia
Phillips Arena
Justin Roberts: Damien what are you doing here a day before Warfare is supposed to take place?
Damien Sandow: I could ask you the same thing you clown. I am here early today because I have a match tomorrow against Bill Goldberg and just in case you have been gone for a while it is my return match. You see, I was here once before Justin. I am not sure if your minuscule brain remembers that. I was the Path To Glory champion. I like to tell people You’re Welcome? Is any of this ringing a bell?
Justin Roberts: Mr. Sandow I know who you are. I was simply asking why you are here a day early.
Damien Sandow: It’s quite simple Justin. I have not performed in this ring for a while now. I am here so I can get some in ring work done with my friend Daniel Rodimer. You know, the brawn of the operation. You are looking at the brains, my friend. [Sandow smiled confidently.] I am here now because I am going to have to remember everything I once knew. I am going to have to be at the peak of my performance in order to beat Bill Goldberg. HOWEVER, I have a secret weapon in a way. Daniel Rodimer has beaten Bill Goldberg. He actually did it fairly easily to be honest. So when we are in the ring later today he will give me input on ways to beat him. Whimsical if you think about it, I am going to be picking Rodimer’s brain for a change.
Damien Sandow: Here he is now Roberts. My EBWF partner Daniel Rodimer, who apparently isn’t feeling very well. Possibly because he drank the Lava Lounge dry last night in his insane attempt to forget his recent failures. If there is one thing I have learned it is how to get over failures. The first thing you have to do is stop feeling sorry for yourself, and then you have to get back out there and defeat someone. I am hoping that in my victory tonight over Bill Goldberg, Rodimer will gain some confidence. Why would he you ask? Because when I win, he wins. This is the first week of Brains and Brawn and we have not joined forces to fail. Tomorrow night we will commence the year of B&B! Tomorrow night all the unwashed masses STILL in the EBWF crowd will begin to follow the leaders that are US! [Sandow pointed to himself and Rodimer.] Tomorrow night everyone will realize that The Real Deal and The Savior of EBWF are here! You’re Welcome!
.:: End ::.