Bad News Network

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Ben M
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Bad News Network

Post by Ben M »

OOC: I wanted to do something different with this RP, but due to time constraints it isn't as good as I'd like it to be. As always, feedback is appreciated. Best of luck Brian W.

After a bright start, Wade Barrett's EBWF career seemed to have stalled. Before WrestleMania, Barrett had been pencilled in to work with Stone Cold Steve Austin, but then Stone Cold pulled out of negotiations with EBWF at the last second and as a result, Barrett's only appearances for EBWF over the last month had been house shows and dark matches. It was somewhat surprising, therefore, when Barrett found out he would be competing in a tournament for the PTG Title at Aftermath. What was even more surprising was that Chris Jericho had taken the time to call Barrett up and deliver the news himself. Barrett had received the call the day after Warfare; he had been relaxing at home in Tampa after a workout when his phone started to ring.

Wade Barrett: Hey Chris, how are you?

Chris Jericho: Hey Stu, I'm good. Listen, I'm really busy right now, so I can't talk for long. I was just wondering, have you organised your travel for Aftermath?

Given that Barrett wasn't even sure whether he'd be needed at Aftermath, he hadn't given much thought to his travel plans.

Wade Barrett: Not yet, no. I was waiting to find out what you had planned for me before I made the arrangements.

Chris Jericho: Okay. Well I wanted to let you know we're planning to put you in a tournament for the PTG Title. You'll be booked against Damien Sandow on the show, so if you can arrive in New York a couple of days early we'll use you to help promote the tournament and the pay-per-view.

Wade Barrett: That's great! I'll be in New York as soon as I can. If you don't mind me asking, who else is in the tournament?

Though Barrett was excited to be included in the tournament, and booked to work a pay-per-view match, his curiosity got the better of him. If he could find out who else was in the tournament, he would be able to gauge his prospects of winning it. Perhaps Jericho realised why Barrett was asking, because he seemed a little cautious in his response.

Chris Jericho: We're still confirming everything, but it will be an eight man tournament. At the moment, apart from you and Sandow we're planning to involve Bray Wyatt, Ted DiBiase, Kevin Nash, Syxx, AJ Styles and Randy Orton. I'll give you more information at the weekend, but right now I'm gonna have to go - I've got a meeting in five minutes. I'll see you in New York.

As soon as Jericho hung up, Barrett began looking at flights to New York. Now that he knew he had something to look forward to, Aftermath couldn't come quickly enough.


Sunday April 27, 7:02pm

Renee Young: Hello, and welcome to the EBWF Aftermath pre-show, live and exclusive on! I'm Renee Young, and with me are Michael Cole and Matt Striker! Michael, Matt, thanks very much for joining me... let me start by asking you both, which match are you looking forward to most tonight?

Michael Cole: Without a doubt, for me the match I'm looking forward to most is Brock Lesnar versus John Cena. That match is going to be intense, and I genuinely believe tonight could be the night we see Cena end his three year wait to regain the EBWF World Title.

Matt Striker: Absolutely Michael, Cena versus Lesnar is sure to be a classic, but I've got to be honest, the match I'm looking forward to is Miz versus Matt Sydal. Miz put in a great performance to beat Sydal for the Intercontinental Title at WrestleMania, and Sydal has made it clear that he's determined to win the title back. Given the rivalry that has developed between Sydal and Miz, I can't wait to see those two superstars go at it again.

Renee Young: Thank you both for your thoughts. Another WrestleMania rematch we'll see tonight is Angelina Love versus Michelle McCool for the Women's Title, and that match is a no disqualification match. I'd like to discuss that in a moment, but first, let me ask you both about the PTG Title tournament, which starts tonight. John Cena "cashed in" the title to earn a shot at the World Title, and eight of EBWF's best and brightest superstars will be competing for the gold. Four of the men involved in the tournament are former World Champions, and...

The screen went static, and the pre-show broadcast was interrupted by what appeared to be a low-budget news show. There was a "BNN" logo in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen, and a dark-haired man was sat behind the news desk. The man was looking down, concentrating on some notes in front of him on the desk. The man then looked up, revealing himself as Wade Barrett. Barrett was wearing glasses and what appeared to be a wig. He smiled into the camera, then began to speak.

Wade Barrett: Good evening and welcome to BNN - the Bad News Network! I'm your host, Alexander Knight and we start with tonight's top story - eight EBWF superstars compete for the chance to become the next Path to Glory Champion! Our sports correspondent, Lawrence Sanders, is at Madison Square Garden in New York City, where tonight's EBWF pay-per-view, Aftermath, is taking place. Lawrence, are you there?

The show cut to a satellite broadcast backstage at Madison Square Garden, where Lawrence Sanders was revealed to be Wade Barrett in a blonde wig. As Alexander Knight, Barrett had adopted a well-spoken English accent... as Sanders, Barrett appeared to be attempting a Texas accent. Given how bad the accent was, it was difficult to say for certain if it was intended to be a Texas accent.

Wade Barrett (as Lawrence Sanders): Hey Alexander! As you said, I'm here at Madison Square Garden, and right now I'm looking for Bad News Barrett, one of the men who's going to be competing in that PTG Title Tournament you mentioned earlier! I'm hoping to get an interview with everyone's favourite bearer of bad news, and my pick for the tournament, within the next few minutes!

Wade Barrett (as Alexander Knight): Thank you, Lawrence, in that case I guess we'll come back to you within the next few minutes. While we're waiting for Lawrence, I'd like to pass you over to our weather correspondent, Stuart Penworth. Stu, what weather can we expect over the next few days?

The show cut to "Stuart Penworth", who was stood in front of a map of the United States. In the role of Stuart Penworth, Barrett had adopted a bald cap, a handlebar moustache that was quite clearly fake, and a cliché attempt at a Canadian accent.

Wade Barrett (as Stuart Penworth): Thanks Alex! We'll start with the weather in New York City... I've been advised to issue a storm warning, as Bad News Barrett looks set to take the PTG Title Tournament by storm! Let's take a quick look at some weather reports from across the country, shall we? Rain is expected in Palo Alto, California - the rain is set to be caused by the people of Palo Alto, due to the dismay they'll feel when their hometown hero Damien Sandow is bested by Bad News Barrett later on tonight. In the coming weeks, there's also potential grey skies ahead in Gainsville, Minneapolis, West Palm Beach, Detroit, St. Louis and Brooksville, depending on who else encounters Bad News Barrett in the PTG Title Tournament. Meanwhile across the globe, the whole of England is set for sunny spells as the people of England prepare celebrate the success of their favourite son, Bad News Barrett! I see bright days ahead there, Alex.

Wade Barrett (as Alexander Knight): That's great, Stuart... I'm really pleased to hear that. I'm going to have to stop you there, because from what I understand Lawrence Sanders has managed to secure an interview with Bad News Barrett. Are you there, Lawrence?

The show cut back to Madison Square Garden, where Wade Barrett was stood - this time, Barrett appeared as himself.

Wade Barrett (as Himself): Alexander, I'm afraid I've got some bad news... Lawrence isn't here. After he found me and I'd agreed to do an interview, he handed me his microphone and said he had to be somewhere. He didn't say where, but the good news is I'm here, and I'm more than happy to answer your questions.

Wade Barrett (as Alexander Knight): Well thanks for taking the time to answer our questions on what's sure to be a busy night for you. Now I've seen a lot of interviews with wrestlers in my time, so Wade, I'm going to skip some of the more obvious questions, because I think I know what your answers would be. Yes, you're excited to be part of the PTG Title tournament, and clearly you're confident about your chances of beating Damien Sandow in your first round match because if you weren't, there'd be no point in you competing! But there is one question I'd love to know the answer to... what will your strategy be tonight?

Wade Barrett (as Himself): That's a good question, Alexander! To be honest, my strategy is quite a simple one. Damien Sandow likes to think he's intelligent, but I've watched him wrestle and whatever brains he has, he doesn't use them in the ring. I think that's why he's aligned himself with Daniel Rodimer - he knows that on his own, he isn't a threat. Me, I don't need brains, and I certainly don't need an ally. All I need are these two fists, and I can come out of any fight on top. Sandow is just the start... I go into this tournament a fighter, and I'll come out a winner. It doesn't matter who I face, because Aftermath marks the start of the Bad News Barrett era, and Damien Sandow is just the beginning!

The show cut back to "Alexander Knight" in the "studio".

Wade Barrett (as Alexander Knight): Wade, thank you so much for taking the time to speak to us, and good luck in the PTG Title tournament. It goes without saying that Stuart, Lawrence and I will be with you in spirit.

Wade Barrett (as Himself): Alexander, it was a pleasure.

Wade Barrett (as Alexander Knight): Well I'm afraid that's all we have time for tonight, but thanks for watching the Bad News Network! We hope to see you again soon.

The screen cut back to the Aftermath pre-show. Renee Young looked directly into the camera.

Renee Young: Sorry about that, we appear to have had some technical difficulties. Anyway, if you're just joining us, me, Michael and Matt have been discussing the World Title match between John Cena and Brock Lesnar, the PTG Title Tournament and much, much, more. Matt, going back to what you were saying earlier...

The screen faded as the pre-show continued.