B&B Warfare backstage reaction

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Brian W.
Posts: 186
Joined: Wed Feb 20, 2013 9:54 am
Location: Jefferson City, MO

B&B Warfare backstage reaction

Post by Brian W. »

OOC - I didn't know this, but apparently Rodimer is a comic book fan. Interesting!

.:: Monday Warfare had just gone to commercial break after Damien Sandow had just won the gauntlet match to become the new EBWF Breakout champion. Sandow was shown stepping through the curtains from the ring area and was met with a congratulatory hug from Daniel Rodimer who was waiting for him. Rodimer patted the Breakout Title that was on Sandow’s right shoulder. ::.

Daniel Rodimer: See man, I told you that you wouldn’t need my help out there tonight!

Damien Sandow: You may be right, but I do always like having someone watch my back.

Daniel Rodimer: Bro, I was back here the whole time watching just in case something fishy went down. If needed I would have been out there in a “Flash”.

Damien Sandow: I don’t understand why you just said flash like that…

Daniel Rodimer: You know, like the superhero. Flash! I would have been out there as quickly as he would have been… IN A FLASH!

Damien Sandow: [Sandow shook his head quickly.] Daniel, you are just… You are totally the man!

Daniel Rodimer: Wrong! YOU are the man right now! Bringing the first piece of gold to Brains and Brawn!

Damien Sandow: This is just the beginning man. Just the beginning!

.:: Sandow and Rodimer smiled at each other and turned and walked towards the locker room area. ::.