Daniel Rodimer: See man, I told you that you wouldn’t need my help out there tonight!
Damien Sandow: You may be right, but I do always like having someone watch my back.
Daniel Rodimer: Bro, I was back here the whole time watching just in case something fishy went down. If needed I would have been out there in a “Flash”.
Damien Sandow: I don’t understand why you just said flash like that…
Daniel Rodimer: You know, like the superhero. Flash! I would have been out there as quickly as he would have been… IN A FLASH!
Damien Sandow: [Sandow shook his head quickly.] Daniel, you are just… You are totally the man!
Daniel Rodimer: Wrong! YOU are the man right now! Bringing the first piece of gold to Brains and Brawn!
Damien Sandow: This is just the beginning man. Just the beginning!