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The fall and rise of the Undertaker

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 3:54 pm
by The Undertaker
From the moment Daniel Rodimer pinned him, from the moment the referee counted to three, from the moment the stadium went quiet from the loss, from the moment the match was over, the Undertaker did not say a word.

From the moment he left the ring, with the Druid hovering around him, from the moment he was back stage, from the moment he stepped into the van, the Undertaker did not say a word.

From the moment they returned to the cemetery, from the moment he got out of the van, from the moment he walked into the cemetery, to the moment he looked at the tombstone that he had prepared for Rodimer, to the moment he looked at the camera, and nodded, just nodded, as if to say to Rodimer well done for beating him, he did not say a word.

From the moment he looked back down at the tombstone, to the moment he picked up a sledgehammer, to the moment he absolutely destroyed the tombstone and others around it, he did not say a word.

From the moment the Druid and his followers looked at one another to wonder what it would take for the Undertaker to talk, to the moment he put down the sledge hammer, to the moment he walked into the crypt, to the moment he walked to his coffin, he did not say a word.

From the moment he got into the coffin, and closed the lid, he did not say a word.

Two days had passed since the Undertakers first round King of the Ring loss, to Daniel Rodimer and he hadn't been seen since he went into his coffin. The Druid was passing around wondering what to do, and his two followers were standing there watching him. Then suddenly out of no where, 'Drive' by the Cars starts playing.

who's gonna tell you when
it's too late
who's gonna tell you things
aren't so great
you can't go on
thinking nothing's wrong
who's gonna drive you home tonight

who's gonna pick you up
when you fall
who's gonna hang it up
when you call
who's gonna pay attention
to your dreams
who's gonna plug their ears
when you scream

you can't go on
thinking nothing's wrong
who's gonna drive you home tonight

who's gonna hold you down
when you shake
who's gonna come around
when you break

The Druid and his two followers look around and then looked at one another not knowing where the lyrics were coming from. Then there was the sound of rumbling, and it got louder, and the whole crypt shook.

Suddenly the coffin lid opened, and up sat the Undertaker. He looked deadly into the camera.

who's gonna tell you when
it's too late
who's gonna tell you things
aren't so great
you can't go on
thinking nothing's wrong
who's gonna drive you home tonight

"Who's ever gonna tell me when it's too late to come back to wrestling? who's ever gonna tell me things that aren't so great, like am I too old for this business? I can't go on thinking that nothing's wrong, thinking I have what it takes to get the business done in this day and age. Who's going to drive me when I can't drive myself? That is and was the question, after losing to Rodimer in the first round of the King of The Ring tournament."

who's gonna pick you up
when you fall
who's gonna hang it up
when you call
who's gonna pay attention
to your dreams
who's gonna plug their ears
when you scream

The Undertaker looks down at the Druid and his followers.

"Who's going to pick me up when I fall? Certainly not you guys. Who's going to tell me when to hang it up when I call time? Certainly not you guys. Who's going to pay attention to my dreams? Certainly not you guys. Who's going to plug their ears when I scream that I lost? Certainly you guys and my fans."

who's gonna hold you down
when you shake
who's gonna come around
when you break

The Undertaker looks back at the camera as if he was addressing the EBWF.

"Who's going to hold me down when I shake. No one. Who's going to come around when I break. No one.

The song disappears, as the Undertaker gets out of his coffin, and looks angrily at the Druid, and then at the camera.

"I certainly know that I am never too old for this wrestling business, I know I have to up my game in order to compete against young upstarts like Daniel Rodimer, I need to drive myself to succeed again, I need the will to compete again, and I do now. So what if I lost in the first round of King of The Ring tournament, there's always next year. So what if my dream is over to be King of the EBWF, there's always next year. I am still going to rule the EBWF.

"I need to pick myself up when I fall, no one can pick me up but just myself. I don't intend to give up, time is not being called on my career just. I hope my fans just stick with me, because I will be there for my fans. I realize that the landscape has changed. I realize that upstarts like Daniel Rodimer are fresher and younger, I just have to compete ten times harder. My fans give me the energy, and I will be strong again.

"I will get back to the top of the mountain that is the EBWF, I will re-evaluate how I train, how I do things, I will be stronger again, I will not lose in that method I did the other day. I will compete harder and stronger, and be directly. So listen up Daniel Rodimer and the rest of you upstarts, don't think for one minute that I am down and out, because that's where you will fail. I have fallen, but I will rise again."

And with that the Undertaker walks past the Druid and his two followers, and out of the Crypt and into the night, and disappears.