EBWF Twitter Handles

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Ben M
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EBWF Twitter Handles

Post by Ben M »

So Jayme suggested it would be a good idea if we had a list of the EBWF in-character Twitter handles. I completely agree with her. I've put together the below list, any corrections/additions would be greatly appreciated :)

Wes Ikeda - @WesIkeda
Edge - @Edge
Trish Stratus - @ItsTrishBitch
Nicole Ikeda-Orton - @NicoleOrton
Jessica Rushing - @JessRush85
Danielle Costa - @DaniLens
Christy Hemme - @RedHotHemme
Hope Clemente - @EBWFDrHope
Lynne McClinton - @LynneMcEBWF
Richard Roberts - @EBWFRichieRich
Blaine Ikeda - @BlaineIke99

Ben M
Chris Jericho - @ChrisJericho

The Miz - @BEMIZ
Mickie James - @HeyMickieJ

Natalya - @NattieByNature
Randy Orton - @RKO
Paul Heyman - @PaulHeyman

Ian B
Tommaso Ciampa - @ProjectCiampa

Aiden English - @TheAidenEnglish
Elias Samson - @EBWFDrifter

EBWF Alumni
AJ Styles - @AJStyles
Kevin Nash - @VinnieVegas
Sami Zayn - @iLikeSamiZayn
Shane Helms - @HurriShane
Sting - @BigBlackBat
Syxx - @Syxx
Torrie Wilson - @TorrieWilson
Triple H - @Hunter
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Ben M
Posts: 1179
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Location: UK

Re: EBWF Twitter Handles

Post by Ben M »

I've just updated this list, if any Twitter handles need adding/changing, please let me know :)