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My Sacrifice

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 5:32 pm
by Ben M
OOC: I got booked on a last minute work trip to Edinburgh so haven't had much time to RP... plus the wifi in my hotel is really bad, which hasn't helped. Sorry for the poor quality. Good luck Holly!

With Sacrifice due to begin in less than 30 minutes, the crowd inside the US Airways Center was filled with excitement. Suddenly, the arena lights went out, and "Break The Walls Down" blasted through the PA system. An illuminating jacket appeared on the stage, and as the arena lights came back on, Chris Jericho was revealed at the top of the ramp. The interim CEO was all smiles as he made his way down the ramp, and upon entering the ring, Jericho posed for the crowd. Y2J then took a microphone from one of the ring side officials, and as his music was cut, Jericho began to speak.

Chris Jericho: Good evening Phoenix! And welcome to, Sacrifice is Jericho!
I know that catchphrase is a little played out, but if there's one thing I've done over the past couple of years, it's been sacrifice, so I think it's fitting. Let's be honest, since I took on the role of interim CEO, I haven't been able to compete in this ring nearly as often as I would have liked. It's not that I don't want to wrestle, it's just that I don't feel I have the time - I've been trying to run one of the biggest companies in the world, with no prior experience. And don't get me wrong, if I had to do it all again, I would - Wes Ikeda is one of my best friends, and there's nothing I wouldn't do. If there's one person I'm prepared to sacrifice for, it's Wes. But does that mean it's been easy? No. What it means is that I've been itching for an opportunity to step back into this ring, and remind everybody that I'm the best in the world at what I do. So when John Cena came out here a couple of weeks ago, and pretty much called out the entire EBWF locker room, I felt obligated to step up. It wasn't just a chance for me to go after the World Title... John wanted an opponent, and I felt obligated to give him one. When no one else threw their name into the hat, I was more than happy to do so.

Jericho smirked, then continued speaking.

Chris Jericho: Now if I'm being honest, I don't know John Cena all that well. We don't really hang out, and I've only wrestled him a handful of times. But what I do know about John is I respect him a hell of a lot. He's a hard working guy - every time he steps into this ring, he gives it his all. But there's a difference between respecting someone and being intimidated by them, and I'm not intimidated by John Cena. Do I know that he's a tough guy? Sure. But do I think I can beat him? Absolutely. John Cena may be "The Champ", but I'm the Ayatollah of Rock and Rolla! Whatever John gives, I can give more. I'm faster than John, I'm fitter than John, and most importantly, I'm better than John. While Cena has the five moves of doom, I'm the man of 1,004 holds! I've got moves in my repertoire that John Cena's never heard of. So John, I'm begging you, give it your all tonight. I relish a challenge, Junior! But be warned, I'll be giving it my all too. I'm hungry for that title of yours, and I won't give up until I've taken it. Your days as "The Champ" are numbered, John... but mine are just beginning.

Jericho stared sternly into the camera. "Break The Walls Down" hit, and Jericho made his way to the back.