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Bubble Vicious

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 6:09 pm
by Clover
OOC: Kamden! I know we were supposed to write something but this weekend has been completely stressful for me. Next time! :[

Deep in the heart of Australia comes a very unique Diva. One very different from all of the others. She appeared to lack any form of self-consciousness and that was very apparent by her questionable taste in dance moves. The same kind that she was currently practicing in her locker room, with the door nearly pulled all the way open.

"Woman, get busy, Just shake that booty non-stop
When the beat drops
Just keep swinging it
Get jiggy
Get crunked up
Percolate anything you want to call it
Oscillate you hip and don’t take pity"

Sean Paul's always timeless "Get Busy" played from her i-pod dock and the young blonde's..'dancing' was on full display. It was very hard to describe and even Todd Grisham, who was poking his head into the room, wasn't entirely sure what he was looking at. Some sort of strange combination of marching in a circle while throwing what could best be described as kung-fu chops through the air. Grisham slowly entered his way inside and when Emma spotted him she froze as if she were a statue. Not from embarrassment but just because that was how you transitioned into the 'Robot'.

Emma: I don't even know what "oscillate' means!"

She informed Todd in a clueless but cheerful voice, complete with Aussie accent. Todd glanced back at his camera man before returning his attention to the dancing queen.

Todd Grisham: I was wondering if I could get a few words with you on your debut match with Sasha Banks, Emma.

Emma: Sure you can. Don't mind me. This is just my pre-match warm up.

Her voice had taken on a distant, dreamy sort of tone as if she wasn't entirely sure just what she was even preparing for.

Todd Grisham: Well, you make your debut against a newly crowned champion in Sasha Banks. Both of you are young, upcoming prospects but Sasha has been on quite a roll as of late.

Emma: I'm on a roll too!

Emma began to perform a hip-hop inspired body roll. Or what she thought was one.

Emma: Huh? Huh?

Todd Grisham: Well, yes but..that's not quite what I meant.

Emma: Swerve. Wait. What does THAT even mean?

Todd Grisham: I'm, uh, not entirely sure.

Emma: Probably just- OH! This is my JAM!

Michael Jackson's "Thriller" began to play and Emma began to replicate the famous video's dance moves. Sort of. If those dance moves were being copied by someone who was very, very drunk. And had been hit by a car. Todd wisely inched away.

Emma: I think she's just upset because "Swerve' isn't as hashtag friendly and twitterable as "Emmalution" or "Emmataining" or "Emmacrats." And she can make fun of the name of my moves as much as she wants. Because I don't think she's going to find it very funny when I slap on the Emma-Lock and make her tap. Unless, of course, she's someone who can always find a reason to smile. If that's the case, more power to her! The world could always use more people like that. Maybe Sasha is into really big issues like solving world hunger. I am too.

Emma stared off into space with a blissful look as she pondered how to solve the Earth's woe's. Presumably. Anything could be going on in her head.

Todd Grisham: I think she's more concerned with vic-

Emma: Pancakes. My favorite food. Hands down. We could feed everyone pancakes.

Todd Grisham: From speaking with Sasha and being around her for longer than five seconds, I don't think world hunger is something she feels strongly about. I think she only wants respect and as many victories as possible. Her partnership with Eva Marie was even enough to take the titles from the long reigning Beautiful People.

Emma: I want a victory too. This is my debut after all. And if Eva Marie tries to get involved I will dance..all..over..her..face.

Even with strong words, Emma didn't seem anxious or under any kind of pressure. The i-pod switched to Kendrick Lamar's "Backstreet Freestyle".

"God damn I got bitches.
Damn, I got bitches.
Girlfriend, wifey and mistress."

The content didn't seem to prevent Emma from dancing away to it at all.

Todd Grisham: You..will..literally dance to anything, won't you?

Emma: If it has a beat, I can dance to it! ..Or..even if it doesn't have a beat to it. Doesn't even need instruments, really..

Todd Grisham: I..see. Any parting words for your opponent?

Emma spun around to face the camera.

Emma: Sasha. I bet you think you're nothing but trouble, right? Well, guess what? Do you know how I handle my troubles? I let them float away just like..

She pulled out some bubble solution, dipped the wand inside and blew out a ton of liquid sphere's.

Emma: ..bubbles. And that's going to look much more impressive during my entrance. The bubbles are bigger and there's more of them and..yeah..

Emma bit down on her bottom lip, glanced about and continued to dance. Todd slowly nodded at this very odd way of preparing for an encounter and slowly backed away as Emma began trying to pop some of the bubbles with her dance steps.

Re: Bubble Vicious

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 7:56 pm
by Kamden
"Emma: I'm on a roll too!

Emma began to perform a hip hop inspired body roll. Or what she thought was one."

.....trying to picture Emma doing a body roll and just nope loooool. I liked this, I can see Emma in my head doing and saying these things. And no worries about the segment thing, there are always other times :P