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One Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty-Six

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 6:15 pm
by Kyle
OOC: Just managed to get this up. Good luck to everyone else. Apologies for any typos, this was done on my phone.

The scene opened inside Ted's large Tampa home, it was inside a room that only Ted could enter, a place where he would go to clear his thoughts. Previous championships that he won covered the wall, along with a photo of him and his father from his debut night on Raw. Ted sat at a large desk, leaning far back in his chair and his legs were positioned on top of the desk. A camera was placed at the entrance of the room, getting a clear shot of the entire room.

Ted Jr : Summerslam. That's the night that I haven't enjoyed for a long time. I lost to Jericho at Summerslam, and I broke my leg and lost my Path to Glory Championship at Summerslam. Tonight I have a chance to undo all of those terrible nights and reclaim what is mine.

Ted stood up from his chair and walked over to the replica PTG title hanging on the wall.

Ted Jr: This is what I want. This is the stepping stone I need to reach greatness again.

He looked above the PTG title to find a replica World Championship. He grabbed it off the wall and held it in his arms.

Ted Jr: This is the ultimate goal. This is what the entire roster wants and what everyone is fighting for. This turns friends into enemies and partners into rivals. AJ Styles and The Miz, two of my closest friends would fight me to get this belt. Don't see that as a weak friendship, see it as the best wrestlers fighting for the greatest prize in wrestling today.

Ted paused as he looked at the belt, before slowly placing it back on the wall.

Ted Jr: It's been a long time since I've held that championship. Many people have said that I peaked when I won it shortly after arriving. Make no mistake, every day I don't hold that championship I wish that I did. And until I get that belt I won't be content in anything that I achieve here. To get to the World Championship I need that Path to Glory Championship once more. To do that I need to defeat not one but both of my opponents. CM Punk and Wade Barrett stand between me and my belt. They stand between me and the World Championship. Everybody knows my history with Punk, it's a long rivalry with both of us being even in our matches against one another. Our rivalry has lasted since we both arrived here in EBWF. I won my first World Championship by defeating him. I won my first Path to Glory Championship by defeating him. We won the Tag Team Championships together. We've had some of the best matches in EBWF history. But neither one of us has come out as a decisive winner. Punk has the most to lose here. I've got the most to gain and it's here where I can once again inflict that pain that Punk knows all too well. I can take another championship from him. And when I cash it in and win the World Championship that's when it will hurt most.

Ted returned to his seat at his desk and once again placed his feet on top and leaned back.

Ted Jr: But it's not just Punk that I've got to be concerned with. Wade Barrett has put his nose into our business and he has tried to get his hands on the championship that's not his. But for the hate that I have for him, I can't forget about him. I have to eliminate him first before I can deal with Punk. Barrett is smart , he knows when to pull his punches and he knows when to capitalise on a situation. The problem with 3 man matches is that you need to have one eye on each opponent. You can't concentrate on one, because you'll turn around and get knocked out by the other. But it's not just Barrett and Punk I've got to concern myself with. Barrett's got a little meathead of a friend in Ryback. He'll no doubt try to interfere at some point. But that's ok. Anything he can do I can do better. He's got one person that's going to help him? I've got two. I have two former World Champions, two former Path to Glory Champions and two of the baddest sons of bitches in EBWF. AJ Styles and The Miz will have my back. So I encourage Ryback to try something idiotic. I dare him. Because the second he even thinks of something, I've got two thirds of the greatest faction in EBWF waiting to take him out for good.

Ted pulled his feet off the desk and looked down directly at the camera.

Ted Jr: I want my belt back. I want the World Championship. Punk, get ready for another championship loss to me and get ready to see the familiar sight of Ted DiBiase Junior holding the Path to Glory Championship over his fallen foes.

The scene ended as Ted walked to the camera and turned it off.

Summerslam was now upon us. The EBWF crew were working tirelessly to finish off the final touches while the talent started preparing for their matches. Ted stood next to Renee Young at the interview set about to give his pre match interview.

Renee Young: Welcome everybody, we're moments away from Summerslam and with me at this time is Ted DiBiase who will be competing against Wade Barrett and CM Punk for the Path to Glory Championship. What are your thoughts leading into this match.

Ted Jr: One thousand six hundred and fifty-six.

Renee looked at Ted, confused by his response.

Renee Young: Excuse me?

Ted Jr: One thousand, six hundred and fifty-six. That's how many days it has been since I last held the World Championship. That's what I've been thinking about leading into this match. Tonight I need to win the PTG title in order to get the opportunity to make that number turn to zero.

Renee Young: This match that you have tonight isn't just a regular triple threat match. In order to win you need to eliminate both opponents to walk away from here as the Path To Glory Champion.

Ted Jr: If I have to defeat 10 men to win this title I'll do it. I'm the man that made this belt something. When you had scrubs like Sandow and Hardy tarnishing this belt I brought prestige to it. I held this title for a record length of time. I made people stand up and take note of me.

Renee Young: The winner of the match is able to cash in the PTG title when they wish to get a shot against the World Champion, who will be either John Cena or Randy Orton after tonight. When would you cash the championship in should you win tonight?

Ted Jr: The very next night. I've made it known that I want that World Title and there is no point prolonging the inevitable.

Renee Young: Who would you prefer to face, Cena or Orton?

Ted Jr: Its a cliche answer but it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if it's Cena or Orton. Defeating either of them will make everyone know that I am the real deal. Nobody will call that victory a fluke and nobody will say I didn't earn it. I've beaten Orton before, the same cannot be said for Cena. But that's in the future. Tonight I'm solely focused on Punk and Barrett.

Renee Young: Any final words?

Ted Jr: Punk, Barrett, tonight if I have to pin both of you I will. If I have to injure you to make sure that I win then I will. I will do anything that I have to in order to leave here with the PTG title once again. Then my next task will be turning one thousand six hundred and fifty-six to zero.

Ted left the interview set as the scene faded.