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Hello Austin Aries and good bye

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 5:16 pm
by The Undertaker
(OOC: I'm having trouble connecting with both the Undertaker, and Mr. Kennedy, so therefore I am letting them both go. This will be Undertaker's last match I can't do them justice. I've spoken to management and they understand. I'm not leaving, I'm just not one to give up without giving it my all, so I'm bringing in a new character.)

The camera fades in on the apartment building that houses Mr. Kennedy, and the Undertaker. The camera fades in to the Undertakers apartment.

It sees boxes and boxes all lined up near the door, and bags sitting on the table. Mr. Kennedy has a back pack on and is shaking hands with the Undertaker.

MR KENNEDY: "All your best for your match with Austin Aries."

THE UNDERTAKER: "Thanks mate, All the best on your travels, I hope you find what you are looking for."

MR KENNEDY: "No doubt I will. All the best on your travels as well. I hope you aren't going back to Hell?"

THE UNDERTAKER: "Not just yet. I've got places that I want to check out before I do that. Who knows, I maybe back one day for a third shot."

MR KENNEDY: "Maybe I'll do the same."

Mr Kennedy turns to the camera.

MR KENNEDY: "This is Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissssssssssteeeeerrrrrr Kennnnnnnnnnedddyyyyyyy, signing off. Kennneeeeeedyyyyyyyyyy."

Mr Kennedy turns back to The Undertaker and they shake hands again. Kennedy turns around and walks out the door.

The Undertaker walks over to the table and grabs his bag. He looks at the camera.

"Austin Aries, you are maybe just starting out in the EBWF, but this is my last match, for now. I want to make sure that I will try and go out a winner. So you have your luck cut out for you. After this match I am gone."

The Undertaker puts his bag on his back, and walks to the door, opens it, and leaves. The camera fades out.