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Warfare Results 09/08/2014

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 7:20 pm
by Ben M

Jim Ross: Good evening and welcome to Warfare! I'm Jim Ross, joined by Jerry "The King" Lawler!

Jerry Lawler: We are live from Las Vegas, Nevada... I love Vegas, JR!

Jim Ross: I'm sure you do, King. Well folks, just eight days ago John Cena retained the EBWF World Title in a tremendous match up with the 2014 King of the Ring, Randy Orton. Randy is resting at home and truth be told, I wouldn't have been surprised to hear that John Cena is doing the same... but moments ago, we were told that "The Champ" is in the arena and is set to make an appearance later tonight!

Jerry Lawler: I wonder what Cena has to say, JR?

Jim Ross: I have no idea, King, but I can't wait to find out!

Jerry Lawler: So we'll hear from John Cena later on tonight, but up first, Kane takes on Raven!

Raven came out first, followed by Kane. Both superstars received a mixed reaction from the crowd. As the bell rang, Kane and Raven began exchanging right hands back and forth. Kane quickly overpowered Raven and whipped him into the ropes, then took him down with a big boot. Raven got to his feet and Kane lifted him up for a body slam, then ran against the ropes and hit a leg drop. Raven struggled to his feet once more and Kane hit him with a knee to the midsection, then whipped him into the ropes. Kane ran at Raven and hit him with a clothesline, then as Raven staggered out of the corner, Kane hit him with a sidewalk slam. Kane made the cover and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: A dominant start from Kane!

Kane pulled Raven to his feet and hit him with some more right hands, then whipped him into the ropes. Kane hit a shoulder back toss, then as Raven got back up, he grabbed him by the throat, ready to hit a chokeslam! Raven fought back, hitting Kane with a series of punches and forcing the Big Red Machine to let go. Raven then kicked Kane in the stomach, before taking him down with a neckbreaker. As Raven got to his feet, Kane sat up. Raven hit him with a low dropkick, then rolled under the bottom rope and started making his way up the ramp.

Jerry Lawler: I think Raven has had enough, JR!

Jim Ross: What a coward! It's fight or flight, Raven!

The referee began counting - 1... 2... at the count of 3, Kane got to his feet and exited the ring, going after Raven. 4... 5... as the referee counted 6, Kane caught up with Raven and hit him with a huge right hand, knocking him down on the ramp. 7... Raven got to his feet and Kane lifted him over his shoulder, then hit a Tombstone Piledriver! As the referee counted 8, Raven's head hit the steel ramp with a sickening thud. Kane then quickly headed towards the ring as the referee continued counting - 9... Kane slid under the bottom rope... 10! The referee called for the bell and raised Kane's arm in victory!

Jerry Lawler: Well, JR, Kane might not have won the match the way he wanted to, but it's safe to say he's sent a message to Raven... and the EBWF locker room!

Kane celebrated as Warfare went to a commercial break.


As Warfare returned from a commercial break, The Undertaker was on his way to the ring, accompanied by Mr. Kennedy.

Jim Ross: Welcome back! Up next, we've got the legendary veteran Undertaker in action against Austin Aries. Earlier today, Taker and Mr. Kennedy revealed that on that they are leaving the EBWF after tonight's show. We could be seeing the Deadman in action for the final time tonight, King!

Jerry Lawler: Regardless of whether or not Taker wrestles again, JR, I'm sure he'll want to walk away with a victory tonight.

Jim Ross: No doubt about that, King. But Aries won't go down without a fight!

After Taker had entered the ring, "Unsettling Differences" by Blue Smock Nancy hit and Austin Aries made his way to the ring. When Aries was in the ring, the referee called for the bell and the two men began circling each other. Aries swung a right hand at Taker, but Taker blocked it then pummelled Aries with a series of punches. Undertaker then grabbed Aries and pulled him towards the corner, slamming his head against the top turnbuckle. As Aries clutched his head in pain, Taker whipped him into the opposite corner, before running at him and hitting a bodypress. As Aries staggered out of the corner, Taker grabbed him by the arm and climbed to the top rope, then hit him with Old School!

Jerry Lawler: What a start from the Deadman! He's determined to leave on a high note!

At ringside, Mr. Kennedy applauded the efforts of his tag team partner. Back in the ring, Aries got to his feet and Taker kicked him in the stomach, then set him up for a powerbomb. Undertaker lifted Aries up onto his shoulders... but Aries countered with a hurricanrana!

Jim Ross: What a counter!

Both men got to their feet and Aries hit the Death Valley Driver, which he followed up with the Slow Motion Special. Aries hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! Aries sat Taker up and applied a sleeper hold, but Taker quickly broke free and both men got to their feet. Aries and Taker began exchanging right hands, and after gaining the upper hand, Undertaker whipped Aries into the ropes. As Aries ran back towards up, Taker went for a big boot, but Aries ducked out of the way, ran against the opposing set of ropes and hit Taker with a flying forearm smash. Both men got to their feet once more and Aries hit Taker with a hard kick to the midsection, then lifted him up and hit the Brainbuster! Aries hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... 3!

Jerry Lawler: It's over! Aries wins!

After celebrating his victory briefly, Aries exited the ring, allowing Taker to have his moment with the crowd. As Undertaker got to his feet, Kennedy entered the ring and raised Taker's arm in the air as a mark of respect. The crowd cheered, and an Undertaker chant broke out as Taker and Kennedy made their way to the back.


A video montage recap of the brutal Summerslam Three Stages of Hell main event began to play, highlighting some of the match’s most pivotal and barbaric moments and ending with a shot of Randy Orton holding his shoulder in pain and finally an exhausted but triumphant John Cena holding his retained World Championship belt and saluting the crowd.

Jerry Lawler: What a match that was, JR! One of the best I can remember!

Jim Ross: People are calling it a true Match of the Year candidate, King and I have to say I would agree with them. Those two men literally went to hell and back last Sunday.

Then “My Time Is Now” began to blare and the crowd was instantly in a frenzy.

Jerry Lawler: Whoa! John Cena wasn’t scheduled to be here tonight and I’m honestly surprised he’s even able to walk after that match just a few days ago!

Jim Ross: Cena believes in consistently showing up. He’s proven that time and time again and he’s proving it here tonight.

Indeed, a still battered and bruised Cena was making his way out from the back, moving a little slower than usual. He had a slight limp, a dark bruise at his left temple that spread down the side of his face to his cheekbone and was already yellowing around the edges, and several small cuts and bruises dotting the skin not covering his clothing. Cena paused at the top of the ramp to unhook the World Championship belt from around his waist and hold it high for a moment before moving it to his right shoulder and continuing on down the ramp. Slowly he got into the ring, this time opting to use the stairs and gingerly stepping through the ring ropes, and once more he held his title high before a smiling Christy Hemme was handing him a microphone. John paused for a long moment as his music faded to look out at the stands and listen to the thunderous fans. Then he gave a small smile and brought the microphone to his lips.

John Cena: I entered Summerslam feeling like I had a lot to prove. To myself, to Randy Orton, to all of you, and to the World. And this fourteen pound piece of gold on my shoulder is proof enough, that I did just what I set out to do. This is a company of alphas, but for now, I’m still the top dog.

John gave the slightest smirk when another huge pop interrupted him before continuing.

John Cena: But of course, it was about more than just retaining my World Championship. Much more. Last Sunday night I wanted to prove that you don’t need a pedigree to be the best, to be a champion. All you need, is a little hustle, loyalty, and respect. Everything I have, I have because of those three things; so let that be a message to anyone and everyone: Your last name doesn’t matter; but when you combine hard work and big dreams, there’s no telling where you might end up.

John looked at the belt on his shoulder again for a long moment before taking a few small steps forward.

John Cena: I want it known that, despite our differences, no matter what happens in this ring, or even above it, I respect Randy Orton. As a competitor I always have. Randy pulled out all the stops on Sunday. I wouldn’t have expected anything less, and I wouldn’t have wanted it any.other.way. So my hat’s off to him.

At that Cena took off his ball cap for several moments before returning it to his head.

John Cena:; It’s guys like Randy that push you to your limits, and show you new ones. You have to respect a competitor like that. You WANT to work with competitors like that. Even if they are standing in the opposite corner. Especially because men like that, that really step up, seem to be growing fewer and farther in between. Last week was hell, but that was LAST week. THIS week, I’m out here to send another message. That though I may look a little banged up, though I may have just come straight from hell, I am still ready, for whatever, or WHOEVER, is next. To look at me now and think I’m weak, would be a mistake.

He grinned, that confident spark returning to his eyes.

John Cena: But I welcome that kind of error. Any challenge that comes my way, I’m ready for it. Last week I defeated Randy Orton in Three Stages of Hell. This week I am STILL your World Champion. Next week? Well, I can’t wait to see what happens next week. So if you want some...

The crowd shouted his next familiar words along with him.

John Cena: COME. GET. SOME!

The Champ’s music hit and the crowd cheered as he raised his arms high and then patted the gold plate of his belt before handing the microphone off to Christy and slowly exiting the ring to visit with the fans surrounding the squared circle.

Jim Ross: Last week that man right there called himself the “Wrestling Ringmaster;” and I think he proved to the world that that’s exactly what he is, King.

Jerry Lawler: I think so too, JR. And now it seems the EBWF’s own Wrestling Ringmaster is looking for his next challenge!

The scene faded to commercial break with the images of Cena still greeting fans on either side of the ramp as he slowly made his way to the back.


With the next match due to get underway, Rebel Son by CFO$ hit and the crowd booed as Wade Barrett stepped out onto the stage and made his way down the ramp. As he reached the bottom of the ramp, Barrett walked past the ring, taking a seat at the announce table next to Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler.

Jim Ross: Well folks, up next we've got Ryback versus Tyler Breeze, and it looks like we're going to be joined by Wade Barrett for this match!

Wade Barrett: Always a pleasure, JR - you King, not so much.

Jerry Lawler: Well gee, thanks! I'm guessing you've got your eye on Ryback tonight after what happened at Summerslam?

Barrett, JR and The King discussed Ryback at the announce table as "Meat on the Table" hit and the Big Guy made his way to the ring.

Wade Barrett: What, you mean after Ryback distracted me during one of the most important matches of my career, costing me a chance to become the Path To Glory Champion? Yes, you could say Ryback's actions at Summerslam are what's inspired my presence out here tonight.

Jim Ross: The question is, Wade, given the bad blood between you and Ryback over the last few months, can you exercise some self restraint and stop yourself from getting involved in this match?

Wade Barrett: Well, JR, as a wise man once said, ask me no questions, I'll tell you no lies...

After Ryback had entered the ring, #mmmgorgeous hit and Tyler Breeze headed to the ring. Though neither Ryback nor Breeze was particularly popular with the Las Vegas crowd, Breeze received a more positive reaction than his opponent as he made his way down the ramp. Upon entering the ring, Breeze looked across at Ryback with disgust, then pulled a mirror out of his pocked and admired himself briefly. The referee took the mirror from Breeze, then called for the bell. Ryback wasted no time getting started, charging at Breeze and taking him down with a clothesline, then stomping on him several times. Breeze got to his feet and Ryback hit him with a series of punches, then whipped him into the ropes. As Breeze ran back towards him, Ryback lifted him up, hitting a spinebuster. Breeze got to back to his feet and Ryback lifted him over his shoulder, before hitting a running powerslam. Ryback hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: A strong start from Ryback!

Wade Barrett: What do you expect, JR? He outweighs Tyler Breeze by a hundred pounds. I like Breeze a lot, he's got a lot of potential, but Ryback has probably eaten meals that weighed more than his opponent. It's all too easy for the "Big Guy" as he likes to call himself to overpower Breeze.

Jerry Lawler: You may be right about that, Wade, but you're forgetting that Breeze is a smart competitor. Don't rule him out just because Ryback has managed to control the start of this match!

Wade Barrett: Jerry, I was a bare-knuckle boxer - I know not to underestimate anybody. Breeze is younger, faster and more athletic; he's definitely got a good chance of winning tonight. I just hope he doesn't get distracted and stop to take a selfie when the momentum is in his favor...

Ryback pulled Breeze to his feet and hit him with some more right hands, then whipped him into the corner. Ryback ran at Breeze and went to spear him against the turnbuckle, but Breeze moved out of the way at the last second, causing Ryback to collide shoulder-first with the ringpost. As Ryback moved out of the corner, clutching his shoulder in pain, Breeze grabbed him and hit a DDT. The King of Cuteville then climbed to the top rope and hit Ryback with a diving elbow drop, before hooking the leg. The referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! Both men got to their feet and Breeze kicked Ryback in the midsection, then went to whip him into the corner. Ryback reversed the Irish whip, sending Breeze into the corner once again. Ryback then lifted his leg up and placed his foot on Breeze's throat, choking him! The referee tried unsucessfully to pull Ryback away, then threated to disqualify him and began counting - 1... 2... 3... 4... Ryback broke the hold and began arguing with the referee. This allowed Breeze time to recover, and when Ryback turned his attention back to his opponent, Breeze went for a superkick. Ryback ducked out of the way and Breeze accidentally kicked the referee! As the referee hit the mat, Ryback grabbed Breeze and set him up for a belly to belly suplex, but Breeze blocked it and countered with a jawbreaker. As Ryback staggered backwards, Breeze hit him with the Beauty Shot! The referee was still down, and Breeze tried desperately to revive him.

Wade Barrett: I better go and make sure the ref is okay... excuse me...

Despite the protestations of JR and The King, Barrett left the announce table and exited the ring. Barrett was true to his word and tended to the referee, but it was clear that Breeze didn't like Barrett being in the ring and "Prince Pretty" began yelling at the Bare Knuckle Brawler. As Barrett yelled back, Ryback got to his feet and brushed past Breeze, getting in Barrett's face and staring him down. Ryback then pushed Barrett, causing him to stagger backwards. Barrett responded by charging at Ryback, attempting a clothesline, but for the second time in a matter of minutes Ryback ducked out of the way, and Barrett inadvertently took out Breeze! Barrett then turned to face Ryback, who was glaring at him, and Barrett quickly exited the ring. Breeze got to his feet and Ryback lifted him into his shoulders, hitting him with Shell Shocked! The referee came around as Ryback made the cover - 1... 2... 3!

Jim Ross: It's over! Ryback wins!

Jerry Lawler: A great victory for Ryback, JR, but if Barrett had kept his nose out of things, Breeze might have won this match!

Jim Ross: He might also have won the match if he hadn't inadvertently taken out the referee, King... who knows what might have happened. All we know for sure is that Ryback is the victor!

As Ryback celebrated over the fallen Tyler Breeze, Barrett watched on tensely from the ramp.


When Warfare returned from commercial break, the show immediately came back to action.

World's Apart by CFO$ marked the entrance of Sami Zayn. Zayn made his way to the ring to cheers from the crowd. Jimi Jingle Thing by Wolf Dick played through the arena following Zayn's entrance, and CJ Parker danced his way to the ring. The referee made sure both men were ready, then called for the bell. Both men locked mid-ring. Parker whipped Zayn to the ropes and was met with a stiff shoulder from Zayn. Zayn rushed to the ropes, while Parker flipped onto his stomach. Zayn hopped over him and Parker jumped to his feet. When Zayn rebounded, Parker leapfrogged over Zayn. Parker anticipated Zayn rebounding once more, but Zayn hung on to the ropes. Parker ran for a clothesline but was sent over the top rope. He landed on his feet on the apron, only to be net with a fist to the face by Zayn. Parker went to return the punch, but Zayn ducked and hit Parker in the gut. While he was doubled over Zayn gave Parker's legs a swift kick and he fell down, his face meeting the apron. Parker stumbled away while Zayn got a rise from the crowd and took a few steps and made a dive through the ropes. The crowd went wild! Zayn connected and both men crashed to the floor. Zayn got to his feet first, grimacing and holding his midsection while Parker rolled on the floor. He picked up Parker and rolled him in the ring for a pin. 1... 2... Kickout! Zayn picked up Parker but was tossed with an unexpected arm drag to the mat and locked in an armbar. The crowd started chanting for Sami and he made it to his feet and broke free. The two exchanged hands mid ring before Zayn dished out a huge drop kick. He went to the corner and climbed up for a moonsault, and connected. He got a two count. Parker got to his feet and ducked a clothesline from Zayn, and went for the Third Eye, but Zayn countered with the Helluva Kick! He went for the pin. 1... 2... 3! The bell rang.

Jim Ross: A good way to bounce back after his loss at Summerslam!

Jerry Lawler: Definitely a well deserved win for Sami here tonight.

Zayn celebrated with a few fans outside the ring while Parker made his way to the back.


As Warfare returned from a commercial break, the ring was set up ready for Chris Jericho's Highlight Reel. The ring mat had been covered with a royal blue carpet, three stools had been placed in the ring for Jericho and his guests, and in the center of the ring was the "obscenely expensive" JeriTron 6000. Break The Walls Down hit, and the crowd cheered as Chris Jericho stepped out onto the stage. Jericho was wearing a dark gray suit, with a light gray shirt and a black and gray striped tie. There was a stern expression on the interim CEO's face as he made his way to the ring.

Jim Ross: Well folks, tonight we're seeing Chris Jericho for the first time since SummerSlam, and he does not look happy.

Jerry Lawler: Can you blame him, JR? He was betrayed by one of his closest friends, Lance Storm, at SummerSlam. He wants answers, that's why he booked Lance and Trent on the Highlight Reel.

As Jericho reached the bottom of the ramp, he grabbed a microphone from ringside and entered the ring. His music was cut, and the host of the Highlight Reel began to speak.

Chris Jericho: You know if you'd asked me eight days ago how I'd feel about having Lance Storm as a guest on the Highlight Reel, I would have told you that I couldn't be more excited to stand in the ring with one of my best friends - the man I trained in the Hart Dungeon with, the man who I wrestled my first match against almost 24 years ago. But that was before he betrayed me at SummerSlam. Now I'm angry, I'm confused, and I want an explanation. I want to know why one of my best friends Superkicked me in the face, and turned his back on me to align himself with Trent. And to be honest, Trent, I want to know what your problem is with me too. So how about the two of you get your asses in this ring, and start answering my questions?

The crowd erupted in cheers, no matter the circumstances, everyone loved to see Jericho on fire. Much to his disdain, no music was heard, no one walked out. The EBWFtron's lit up suddenly, apparently inside a locker room, where former EBWF Champion Trent was comfortably standing up with a smirk on his face.

Trent: So many questions, even more answers, yet so little time... It is plain obvious I am not Lance Storm, but I do know why you got Superkicked last week bro...

Trent chuckled a couple times before bursting out in laughter.

Trent: You've been making the same mistake for months now... You made it last week when you tasted Lance's boot... You're doing it right now!

Trent mockingly pointed at Jericho, making his best to contain his laughter.

Trent: All you want to do nowadays is talk... You want to talk about why Lance chose to super kick you, you want to talk about my actions last week... Jericho, I'm a man of a few words... I was undefeated for over a year, I was one of the few who successfully cashed in Money in the Bank to become World Champion... Please stop me when I begin to sound like Ted DiBiase or CM Punk. You have questions? Well, I refuse to step down to your level, to waste my time in that ring and answer them... I don't care if you are the CEO or the goddamn president, I am Numbersigning Trent and I don't have to explain myself to you! Are we clear?
Jericho nodded.

Chris Jericho: Oh, one thing is clear Trent, that's for sure. It's clear that you're a god damn coward! You can sell it however you want, but the fact of the matter is, I called you out and you're hiding backstage, making excuses rather than facing me like a man. How does it feel to be a coward, Trent?

Trent grinned, as if he was amused by Jericho's question.

Trent: That silver tongue of yours has saved you a thousand battles, hasn't it Jericho? I'm well aware of your tactics and believe me... Cheap taunts won't work. There'd be a time and a place for you and I to go mano a mano. Mark my words, senior. You have the audacity to call me a coward when you and the whole EBWF turned their back on me for that cocaine snorting good for nothing? You have some nerve Mr. CEO!

Chris Jericho: Oh, I'm sorry Trent... I didn't realize it was my fault you got buried alive. I thought you got buried alive because AJ Styles got the better of you, but obviously I was watching a different match to the one you remember. I do know this though - the EBWF didn't turn your back on you. You turned your back on the EBWF.

Trent: Oh yeah! I turned my back on the gossiping on how I was meant to play hot potato with the World Title! I turned my back on those who never came out to debunk all those ill intended articles about how I wasn't good enough to be World Champion and allowed me to ROT on that hole AJ Styles put me in... And you know something? I came to the conclusion it was all because of you!

Trent had a look of hatred on his face. Jericho looked bemused.

Chris Jericho: It was all down to me? My God, Trent, you really are deluded aren't you? What happened to the fun-loving gamer who used to hang with Zack Ryder? You can blame me all you want for the fact that you lost the World Title the month after you won it, but aren't you forgetting how you won the World Title in the first place? You cashed in your Money in the Bank contract and beat Randy Orton, but before all that you needed to be booked in the Money in the Bank match. And who booked you in that match, Trent? I did. Hell, I even gave you a timely reminder a few weeks before Christmas Eve of Destruction that the window of opportunity was closing. You might have forgotten these things, Trent, but I haven't. It's my job to give people like you those kind of opportunities. It's my job to make sure things run smoothly around here. But it is not my job to fight your battles for you. I stopped caring about the things people wrote about me a long time ago. The best way to hit back at your critics is to prove them wrong... but you took your ball and went home, Trent. You're a coward. You proved that when you left after the Royal Rumble, you proved it with your actions at SummerSlam, and you're proving it again tonight.

Trent: Jericho, why don't you stop running around in circles and admit it once and for all? You were FORCED to suit up, to leave the ropes behind, you were FORCED to leave the thing you love the most... But you were given POWER... And if you couldn't be the best in EBWF history, no one could. You've taken your eyes off the ball... No matter how much you twist and turn the facts to your advantage, you've taken your eyes off the ball... You can't even host one of these Highlight Reels properly... Say, weren't there TWO guests tonight?

Trent's seemed to have summoned the other guest for the Highlight Reel... Ready to strike, Lance Storm stood behind Jericho, the crowd went wild, trying to warn the interim CEO, but as Jericho turned around, Lance hit him with a cheap shot, causing Jericho to fall to the mat. Lance crouched over Jericho and pummelled him with some more right hands, but Jericho fought back and was able to get back to his feet. Jericho tried to reason with his former tag team partner, and could be heard telling Lance, "What are you doing? I don't want to fight you". Lance responded by kicking Jericho in the groin, then throwing him head-first into the JeriTron 6000! The screen of the JeriTron shattered as Jericho's head connected with it, and as Jericho fell to the mat, blood began to trickle down his face. Lance showed no emotion as he stood over Jericho, and as EMTs rushed to the ring to tend to the interim CEO, Lance exited the ring.



The cameras returned from commercial as Damien Sandow's entrance theme began playing as he and his tag team partner, Daniel Rodimer walked out and, ignoring the response of the audience, made their way down to the ring.

Jim Ross: Damien Sandow and Daniel Rodimer are the most unlikely of allies, but somehow they have managed to find success as a tag team, King.

Jerry Lawler: Nowadays, most tag teams don't last more than a few weeks! These guys have been around forever, and they couldn't be anymore different!

The two partners shook hands and waited for their opponents as "Hallelujah Chorus" faded. "Heroes" by Shinedown started playing and Ted Dibiase came out to the entrance ramp, an emotionless expression on his features. He looked back over his shoulder waiting as his music faded.

"I Came to Play!"

The Miz's trademark Downstait song began playing and The Miz joined Dibiase at the top of the ramp. Together they headed down to the ring.

Jim Ross: The Miz and Ted Dibiase have to focus here. The sudden loss of a card carrying member of the Trilogy could prove dangerous to their momentum.

The two men got into the ring and the referee waited briefly, checking with both teams before calling for the bell.

Jim Ross: Here we go!

Daniel Rodimer started for his team, as well as Dibiase. The two big men of their respective teams locked up in the center of the ring. They remained locked up tight, unable to get a strength advantage over the other. Dibiase quickly stomped on Rodimer's foot, causing him to lose his footing just enough to lose the advantage. Dibiase cinched in a headlock. Daniel Rodimer attempted to throw Dibiase towards the ropes, but Dibiase dropped to a knee and put the brakes on the momentum. He quickly threw Rodimer onto the back of his head and dropped for a two count pin.

Jim Ross: Dibiase definitely the veteran going into this contest, and he's using that experience to his advantage.

The two bulls went for another lockup, but Rodimer gave Dibiase a kick to the gut, then stuffed him into his legs, quickly going for a power bomb. Ted shifted his weight and prevented himself from going up, landing back on his feet. He charged forward, but Rodimer charged forward as well and flattened the former World Champion with a shoulder block. Redeemer then ran for the ropes and Dibiase got up. He leapfrogged over the incoming Rodimer and bounced off the other side. The two men had the same idea, flattening each other with a clothesline. Both men were slow to get up in the center of the ring. Redeemer managed to get to his corner first, slapping hands with Sandow. The usually prim and proper intellectual of the masses suddenly transformed into a man with a mean streak, as he charged forward and pinned Dibiase down, preventing him from getting to his corner. Unleashing a fury of punches, Sandow assaulted Dibiase for a few minutes before picking him up off the mat and dragging him to the corner, slamming his forehead on the turnbuckle.

Jim Ross: Damien Sandow showing that he's not just an intellectual. He's also a vicious fighter.

Sandow followed up his assault in the corner with a belly to back suplex, rolling into a cover and getting a two count after The Miz quickly got into the ring and dove onto the two legal men, breaking it up.

The MIz got a couple punches in before Daniel Rodimer got into the ring and the two started exchanging blows back and forth.

Jim Ross: We're losing control of this match, here!

The Miz grabbed Rodimer by the neck and threw him out of the ring. Redeemer tumbled out of the ring and stood up just in time to eat a baseball slide. The Miz slipped underneath the bottom rope and laid in a couple right hands to the Miz, but the Miz reversed one of his punches and grabbed him, planting him with a DDT on the outside. Back inside the ring, Dibiase was measuring Sandow from behind him. Sandow slowly stumbled backwards into the Dreamstreet! Before Dibiase could get Sandow up, Sandow shifted his weight and put a thumb in Ted's eye. Ted grabbed his eye, yelling out in pain before Sandow quickly hit the Hard Luck on his prone opponent! Dibiase's neck bounced off the ring, and Sandow went for the cover. 1...2...3!

Jim Ross: Sandow gets the win as the Miz is dealing with Rodimer! Brains and Brawn picks up another victory as the two remaining members of the Trilogy have more bad news to deal with!

Sandow and Rodimer rejoined in the ring and celebrated, shaking hands as EBWF Warfare went off the air.