The engine's buzz became soothing after a while... At least for Punk, who spend most of his days on the road in his bus. The scene opened up in his room, Punk was laying on his back, his eyes staring onto the ceiling of the vehicle. He pushed his tongue against the inside of his lip, specifically where he had his lip pierced. The lights outside the bus snuck through tiny holes on the curtains, casting shadows on the ceiling which Punk followed with his eyes. It was only fitting, wasn't it? To face John Cena at a Pay Per View called 'Destiny'... Makes one wonder why didn't they have Punk hit the GTS on Cena instead of Brock Lesnar the night he returned. It all boils down to this, doesn't it? Two men with genuine hatred for each other hashing it out. Is there anything wrong with making a little extra on the side? Fans win, the board of directors win and both men get to lay hands on one another... Right? No. Punk could not care less about what the board of directors wanted. For Punk, regardless of the hype and everything people was saying, his match against John Cena was only important because it was for the EBWF World Title. Again, we could have had this match months ago. It was inevitable. The only thing left was making these one for the ages... Punk's train of thought was derailed by a familiar voice.
Colt Cabana: Jesus, how do you sleep inside this thing?
Punk shrugged. Colt Cabana was standing in the doorway, looking at him. Punk laid back in a Ramones T-shirt and Jeans.
CM Punk: You get used to it... Oh, I'm sorry Colt! I'm sorry we're not sleeping on a 100$ rental car with a blanket like we used to, I bet that would make you feel like home, wouldn't it?
Colt and Punk spent their teenage years working together throughout american territory, they have matched up over a hundred times.
Colt Cabana: Were you sleeping?
CM Punk: Nah...
Colt paced into the room, standing on the edge of the bed.
Colt Cabana: Bummer. I was about to compliment your choice for pajamas. So, is this whole Destiny thing keeping you up?
Punk shook his head.
CM Punk: It's just another title match... A title match, but still. It's not like Cena and I are going MMA on each other's asses.
Colt Cabana: I don't know man. You shouldn't be doing it.
CM Punk: Come on. I've worked with bigger assholes than Cena.
Colt Cabana: Like?
CM Punk: Teddy Fucking Moonsaulting Hart.
Colt Cabana: Yeah, at least John Cena won't kick out of your GTS at one, hit you with ten backflips and then puke.
CM Punk: Cena doing a backflip? He'd lose his "Big man card" if he did.
CM Punk: Jeff Hardy wasn't an asshole but...
Colt Cabana: But your complete antithesis, I get it. But you could at least trust these guys... Right?
Punk narrowed his eyes at Cabana.
Colt Cabana: It's just that... I've been in the ring with John Cena, I know for a fact that he can lose it pretty easily.
CM Punk: I am glad Dave Meltzer hasn't written a whole comic book arch about this whole Cena Vs. Punk thing. Could you imagine him?
Colt Cabana: Dave Meltzer here, Cena gave Punk herpes because he slept with Cena's ex. Yeah, that would sell bigtime.
CM Punk: I just want to get in that ring and do my thing.
Colt Cabana: Thing they'll let you win?
CM Punk shrugged.
CM Punk: Videogame coming out, Cena is on the cover... Would you have him drop the title? Look, I just want to do my job without making it onto the dirtsheets. I love this job too much to ruin it... You know if I want to have a fist fight with Cena I rather have it backstage rather than embarrass myself in front of the fans.
Truth me told, Punk didn't want the same drama EBWF had a couple of years ago when the John Cena situation went out of control.
Colt Cabana: You know? It's good you're not paying much mind.
CM Punk: I respect this shit too much to make it personal. I know John Cena has brought nothing but trouble to my life, but stiffing punching him tomorrow night just to ease some tension is not going to help. You know Colt... Sometimes I feel this problem with John Cena was never my problem. I got my nose in because of what he did to Jess... Fast forward two years they are besties, texting each other daily and whatnot.
Colt Cabana: Do I smell a hint of jealousy?
CM Punk: Not at all... I just feel I let things become too personal and I was the only one who ended up losing something.
Colt Cabana: Jess?
Punk shook his head
CM Punk: Worse. Myself.
Colt Cabana: Don't be so hard on yourself, brother. Now get some sleep.
Colt walked out of the room, leaving Punk and his train of thoughts. Contrary to what everyone else would think, Punk's decision of not giving a shit about the whole John Cena match made him feel at ease.
Living Colour's "Cult of Personality" blasted over the PA system, the crowd erupted in cheers as CM Punk walked from behind the curtain. Clad in his ring gear, black wrestling trunks with red and white six pointed stars, and black boots, his arms covered in white bandages with red X's scribbled upon them. Punk went down to one knee and looked at his imaginary watch he stood up to yell "IT'S CLOBBERIN' TIME!" Before walking down the ramp. The Path to Glory title wrapped around his waist as he made his way towards the ring amidst a bunch of cheers. A "CM Punk" chant broke out as Punk walked into the ring, got a microphone handed to himself.
CM Punk: Now, now... The first thing I want to say tonight is... I am deeply, terribly sorry. I am sorry because I didn't know the moment I would announce I was cashing in my Path To Glory title for an opportunity to regain the World Title I was dooming you all to one of those ear bleed inducing John Cena speeches... My bad.
Punk Shrugged before continuing his line of speech.
CM Punk: We all know John Cena, we've known him for quite a while. Hell, we even learned not to doze off during his time on the mic. Don't get me wrong, but I'm sure whoever types and prints Cena's lines: A. Has a little too much time on his or her hands and B. dries up the printer toner on a weekly basis. But now, aside of the kiddie humor, aside of the loyal, hustle and respect remarks... When I read between the lines and I mean: Trimming 20 minutes of Cena talking to take out the one or two phrases worth listening and worth replying to... I found the biggest, most important and impressive thing about John Felix Anthony Cena... Ready? Here it goes: John Cena DOES NOT KNOW WHAT A CHALLENGE IS.
Punk paused briefly.
CM Punk: Last week John came out here, make a joke of everything like he always does and said I, CM punk was NOT a challenge. John Cena wouldn't know what a challenge is even if the challenged hit him across the face with a knee, pun totally intended. Allow me to make a little recapitulation of John Cena's reign as EBWF World Champion: John Defeats Brock Lesnar for the belt but escapes within an each of his life thanks to certain someone's interference... Why did I? I could've just let Lesnar Massacre John right there and then, I guess I'm the one to blame. You're Welcome John!
Punk waved into a nearby camera as he made that last remark.
CM Punk: Now, while other real champions were getting lines of two, three, four people looking to compete for their titles... John Came out here week in and week out, complaining about not having a match, about not having a worthy opponent... Crying and bitching and moaning and bitching AND BITCHING every single week about not having someone to 'step up'. I believe Ted DiBiase was the one who stepped up and what did John had to say about Ted DiBiase? "Awww man! Ted again? I've already faced and beaten Ted like three times before!". Now this was the first hint I got that our friend Johnny has absolutely no idea what a challenge is.
Punk shook his head, frowning a little.
CM Punk: You know John, we're not all the last descendant from Jor-El, we don't hail from Krypton and we don't have the super power of decimating everyone with four moves... Some of us have to work really hard to get what we want. How did you earn your World Title shot, John? You came out, worked the crowd by saying their name a couple of times and then opened your mouth, demanding a shot? Because that's how I recall it. Anyway John, while you complain about having to work a match with a talented kid as Ted for a THIRD time I feel you're full of s##t. You are actually complaining that you have to work a match, in the main event of a pay per view, in front of thousands of people in a sold out arena and get paid freakishly large amounts of cash because of it? Is it too tiring to fly around your private jet John? Is it to bothersome to have a private locker room and the biggest salary in the company? Well excuse me for disagreeing John, but I'm talking from experience... I had to work THE SAME MATCH OVER A HUNDRED TIMES, touring around the states, performing in local school gyms for a few people, ONE HUNDRED TIMES, John. I've worked the same match with Colt Cabana, I've worked the same match with Chris Hero... Guys who you might not "see as a challenge" but guys who are TEN TIMES AS HARD WORKING AS YOU COULD EVER WISH YOU WERE. Which brings me to my next point John. As a kryptonian, you got everything handed to yourself. You come out here week in and out and send a message to this people that you can get by with a neon colored shirt and jorts. Sorry to burst your bubble Cenation but you've been lied to...
The Cenation in attendance booed. An in tandem "Let's Go Cena" and "CM Punk" chant broke out.
CM Punk: Sorry to be the negative nancy around here... But unlike John Cena, nodding to everything and sucking up to your bosses is not going to get your very far. People like John Cena are scared to go against the flow, to swim against the current.
Punk slowly approached a camera, to display the tattoo of a fish, inked upon the inside of his forearm.
CM Punk: I believe that swimming against the current is beneficial. Makes you stronger. Makes you wiser. Sure, it makes you less loveable... And between you and I, makes it harded to sell out your shirts. If you swam against the current, changing the neon color and the facebook motivational phrase wouldn't be enough to sell a shirt. Anyway, Koi fish, like the one inked on my skin are well known for swimming against the current, growing stronger and wiser by the day until they become dragons. That's the story of my life John. Every single day of my life I've been told I'm to skinny and scrawny to wrestler, I'm too scruffy to work for any major promotion, I should dye my hair red or yellow because it would make me look like a hobo... Well John, here I am... A Skinny, Scrawny kid from Chicago with hobo tattoos, showing you and every single person who stood in my way just how far I have come.
Punk squinted his eyes as he looked into the camera again.
CM Punk: So don't you dare patronize me about challenges John, because I have overcome every single one of them! And whenever you throw a kid fit on how you have faced the same person three times, It's just offensive for all time greats who had to work their asses from the bottom to become legends, people who really bled and shed tears for this business. It's offensive for me, who had to tour this country on an empty stomach, staying in cars with nothing but a blanket to fight the sheer cold of the night. Well John, tonight I know you arrived Minneapolis flying on first class, at least. I know you're staying in the best hotel, in the best room... So here's my counterproposal to you saying I'm not a worthy opponent... Let's give your Cenation the best match they have had in years.
The crowd cheered in approval for Punk's proposal.
CM Punk: People have been asking me all week: Punk, what are you going to tell John? Punk, how hard are you going to go on him? Punk, are you going to talk about how he behaved to Colt Cabana and other loved ones? Colt even suggested I did an "AJ Styles" and brought out guys you've put down throughout the years; guys like Ken Anderson and Tyler Reks... As funny as that sounded John... I don't want to look back. I'm not the same person I was two years ago, I'm wiser, stronger and I'm better than this... You want to talk about who got the videogame cover or the girl first like you have done, be my guest... But I won't swing any of those curve balls you've been sending me for months. Last time I checked this wasn't "Total Divas" so whatever you want to say to me... Please save it and say it to my grave after I'm gone, because I don't want to hear anything coming from your mouth... Good... Bad... Nothing. I'm through with you, I'm through with this rivalry... I'm better than this. No matter how much it burns and stings John, I am THE BEST IN THE WORLD, and I have proven it... Not by doing charity work and donating but by fighting against all odds, by defeating all prototypes - Pun totally intended, Mr. Prototype. Hell, maybe I'd like you a lot better if you had stuck with that cyborg thing you had going on back in the day.
Punk winked into the camera.
CM Punk: Now, John... You have two choices... You can continue to mock, laugh, and belittle me in front of the EBWF Universe, you can say I pose no real threat, you can continue complaining about lack of competition while you sit on a pile of money in your big ass suite... We can continue thi D#ck measuring contest on who was on the cover of the videogame first, who beat Randy Orton hardest, who is the best in the world. Or you can once and for all put your money where your mouth is... Who am I kidding? That's not going to happen. Not tonight. Not ever. I have a better idea John... You cope with the fact that I'm better than you, you cope with the fact I exist and I'll just move along. You know, even though I just said I'm not interested in whatever sick fanfiction bullcrap life has written for us... I know for a fact you won't let go... But hey, that bitterness and hatred will be the anchor that makes you hit rock bottom. As your mortal enemy, I advice you to let go while you can...
Punk slowly untied the Path to Glory title and laid it before his feed, giving it one last glance before raising his eyes back to meet the lens of one of the cameras.
CM Punk: Every single thing I have said I will do since I returned I have done... I successfully restored the prestige of the Path to Glory title... Now my time comes to leave this belt for someone else. Please treat it kindly, defend it properly and don't cash it in the next night you earn it, I'm talking to you AJ Styles. Tonight I will face John Cena for his EBWF World Title... He's pretty damn good at what he does, not at a CM Punk level, but still. Who knows, he could retain if luck's by his side...
Punk pointed at his "Luck is for losers tattoo for a moment".
CM Punk: I'm not going to paraphrase Cena, state the obvious as in "Duh I'm better than you and I'm the best in the world!", no. Wether I win or I lose... You guys can rest assured that as an EBWF World Champion, instead of PMSing about every opponent I get... I will once again start a REVOLUTION. Let's see John, what have you changed ever since you became World Champion? You complain about those who fought their asses off to make you look good in your matches... Or, don't tell me you're the kind of guy who thinks a good match is made with a single wrestler? Because you totally strike me as that kind of guy. You won your belt, you took your money and ran... You complained about every single opponent that stood up... Hell, you even ripped a page off CM Punk's playbook by belittling Ted DiBiase? What has changed? What is New? That cute little sentence you say to the cameraman every week on your way out? The color of your outfit? What has changed in here besides your Empty pockets? What have you done with the lack of contenders for your title? I've seen some mighty fine wrestlers in the back... Have you ever thought the problem is not the lack of contenders but the lack of a worthy champion? I've been PTG champ for a lower tier title, a puny title, call it whatever you want... But I've had more competition for my title in three months than you had in your long, long reign. Also, not to impose a paradox upon you, but you call Ted Useless yet, who was the longest reigning champion in EBWF history?
Punk gasped.
CM Punk: Ted DiBiase! Color me surprised! Things like that make me think you're not even worth the Saliva, John. I am glad I get to have this match with you tonight... I am glad I can come out here and just empty this canister of things that have been bugging me for months... I am glad to say tonight I leave in this very ring my PTG title and the biggest burden I've ever carried on my shoulders... A burden I wasn't even meant to carry...
Punk dropped the mic as "Cult of Personality" hit, he walked out of the ring and up the ramp, the camera zoomed in on the PTG title, which was left in the middle of the ring as the scene faded to black.
I'm through.
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- Juan Ramirez
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