Brains Meets Brains

This is where you post your RPs for Warfare, Pay Per Views, and for character development! The deadline for RPs for the current card will be posted in a countdown timer at the top of the forum.

Brains Meets Brains

Post by BrayWyatt »

OOC - I asked if it was okay to write the character Damien Sandow in my role play, I was given the go ahead. -




An EBWF employee was posting up the new match card for Monday Night Warfare, on the main Notice Board, when he stopped. He turned around, and saw nothing. He had thought he heard movement behind him, but no one was around.

He returned his attention to the notice board, and placed the piece of paper with the card written on it, on the notice board, and was about to staple it in place, when the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. He felt a chill over come him. He shrugged his shoulders to get rid of the feeling, and turned back around.

No one was there. He felt confused. It was like some one had just been standing behind him.

He turned back around and quickly stapled the piece of paper to the Notice Board, and then took one last look behind him. He then moved away and began to walk down the corridor.

Suddenly the camera sees a hand, come from out of the shadows, and grab the piece of paper and pulled it from the board, and disappeared back into the shadows. A figure was seen moving quickly away.

The employee heard a ripping noise, and stopped dead in his tracks. He turned around, and notice bits of paper were falling ever so lightly like a feather off the notice board to the floor. He slowly walked back, and looked at the board. The new match card had been torn from the board.

"What the hell?"

The employee looked down the corridor and saw no one. Luckily he had another one, and replaced it. He picked up the pieces of the old paper, and quickly walked back the way he was intending to go.





Damien Sandow was seen arriving at the hotel, and checked in. He made his way to his room. He was seen going into his room. A few minutes later, Bray was seen emerging from the shadows. He walked straight up to Damien's room door, and quickly knocked on it, and then scurried back into the shadows. The door opened, and a confused looking Damien looked out into the hall way. No one was around. He walked back in and closed the door.

Bray scurried out of the shadows and walked up to another room door adjacent to Sandow's room, and let himself in using a key card. He walked over to the bed, and sat down. He picked up the phone.

"Reception this is Room 24, can you connect me with Room 29 please."

Bray waited, and he heard Damien's voice on the other line. He did not speak but held the phone out, waited 30 seconds before hanging up. For the next hour he spaced out the time he called Damien's room. Each time holding the phone up and not speaking into it before hanging up.

Bray then quickly left the room after an hour had passed, and made his way in the shadows to his own room, where he went in. But he observed what happened next.

A frazzled looking Damien had called hotel management up to his room, and complained about the amount of telephone calls he had received without no one speaking back. Management then launched an investigation, and found out that the calls were coming from Room 29.

They then checked Room 29 and to their shock, no one was even in Room 29, nothing looked like it had been touched. They apologised to Damien for the incident and said there was nothing that they could do, but keep an eye on the room.

Bray had got what he wanted, Damien frazzled.

For the next few days Bray followed Damien around, and made sure every so often that when Damien was doing signing sessions, he would show up and walk around, and once Damien had noticed that Bray was around, he would disappear.



Bray released a Promo.

The cameras fade in to a room, that was dark. Suddenly a chair is lit up, and Bray is facing the camera.

"This week is the meeting of two minds. One so confident and the other so unattached.

"The vultures are circling to capture the confident mind.
The vultures are circling to demonstrate that they are much more than vultures
The vultures are my people who want the magnificent mind of Damien Sandow."

"Damien you claim to be the best brain around here, yet you have not come across me. I am your worst enemy Damien. You cannot run from me, you cannot hide from me, anywhere you go, I'll be there.

"Ring Ring Damien Ring Ring.
Who's there Damien Who's There?
Me Damien that's who
What do I want Damien? What do I want?
I want you."

Bray begins to laugh, and laugh.

"This coming Monday is not all about Damien Sandow, it's all about other forces at work. You lost your belt last time out Damien, so you'll be feeling down, you'll be feeling embarrassed, let me take your embarrassment away from you Damien. Give in to your fear, give in to me. I will release you to the vultures."

Bray laughs again and the camera fades out.


The Richmond Coliseum
City: Richmond, Virginia

The cameras focus on Renee Young.

RENEE: "Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, Bray Wyatt."

Bray walks in to the shot, looking about.

RENEE: "Tonight Bray you'll be taking on Damien Sandow, he's coming off a loss from Fanniversary, as are you. How do you feel your chances are."

Bray looks directly at Renee, making her squirm, and then at the camera.

"My chances Renee? My chances? Are just as good as your chances for carrying on with this interview."

RENEE: "O K, you need to beat Damien in order to stop your losing streak..."

Bray cuts Renee off.

"Losing streak, it's all what I have planned for. Make believe Renee, Make believe. People are seeing me lose, so I'm an easy beat Renee, an easy beat. But Renee, I'm no easy beat. I have people like Damien Sandow right where I want them. They don't know that. That's why the vultures are circling.

"Do you hear that Renee? Do you hear that?"

Renee looks around, trying to hear what Bray is hearing.

RENEE: "Hear what Bray?"

Bray looks back at Renee and starts laughing.

"It's a phone call Renee, the phone call is ringing for Damien Sandow. Damien has heard that phone call before. No one was there Renee, no one. But someone is there tonight Renee. Some one is there to take the phone call for Damien. That someone is Me."

Bray looks back at the camera.


Bray starts laughing, and walks away, leaving Renee looking lost.