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The Family He Chose

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 11:41 am
by Holly
The one picks up where the last one left off! Thanks to all readers for your time and don't worry, it's not as long as it looks there's just a lot of dialogue so it takes up more space lol. John and his mother have a little heart-to-heart about what she did and Dan arrives on the scene to hint at a looming horror, that no one is prepared for. Hope ya'all enjoy! Big thanks to Ashlee of course for writing this one with me!

"I believe in soulmates, yes, but I believe you also have to work at love. I happen to believe your soulmate doesn't have to be your partner - your soulmate could be your best friend, your sibling, it doesn't have to be the person you marry." - Cheryl Cole