Every Wrestler has a new horizon in their career. A point were they realize the things they were doing or even who they were is no longer working. That's the point things have come to for Austin Aries. For so long he has been proclaiming himself as the greatest man that ever lived but he hasn't been backing it up in the ring.
Austin Healy Aries: Tonight, the world will get to see Austin Aries rise from the ashes of obscurity and mediocrity that he has been trapped in for months. Mandy I do want to thank you for standing beside me the last couple of months as I been pretty much worthless.
Mandy just looks at talent she been hired to be a manager for and to even help him market himself so that he could be a superstar. The Aries she sees before her isn't the same Aries that hired her months ago to do all his promoting.
Mandy Leon: Don't worry about it our goal right now needs to be getting you redemption and the first step to doing that is beating that greased up monkey CJ Parker and the face painted demon Vampiro. By the way my advice is don't lose your cocky personality just keep it under check so that it doesn't get you in trouble.
Austin Healy Aries: Don't Worry the Greatest man that ever lived isn't going anywhere but let's no forget Mandy that not only by beating them would I have a chance at the Breakout title but there is the open battle royal that could help me win a chance at the world title at Survivor Series? There is no way in hell Austin Aries isn't going to go into this match not being 100% motivated, focused, and driven on walking out the number one contender to two different titles.
Mandy Leon: Why do I feel like competitors galore is going to come out of everywhere for that open battle royal opportunity.
Austin Healy Aries: That's why I got to be 100% focused on both of these matches. It's going to be fine being cocky to a certain level but if I end up too cocky I'm going to lose and that's not what I'm after. I have followed CJ Parker he may be an overly greased up buffoon but when it's crunch time he can get it done in the ring so he is definitely going to be someone that I have to watch out for in the end. My Eyes are definitely on him.
Aries pauses for a minute to regain his composure and look at the lovely Italian Woman standing before him in a business suit. Hard to believe he met this girl back at a Ring of Honor taping in Philadelpha awhile before coming to EBWF.
Austin Healy Aries: But I'm not counting Vampiro out by any means. I know he is a legend in Mexico this isn't Mexico but that doesn't take anything away from his legacy. He's even had somewhat of a successful career here in EBWF so he's no stranger to big match environments, nor am I the greatest man that ever lived. Sure I haven't been earning that moniker as of late. Hell the last time I even had a little bit of success in EBWF is back when I beat Scotty 2 Hotty for the Cruiserweight Championship. But that's why tonight not only in the triple threat against Vampiro and CJ but in the Battle Royal I'm going to go big. I'm going to give it everything I got in that ring to make sure I get the job done and that folks is a wrap.
Aries gives his award winning cocky grin before he motions for Mandy Leon to follow him.
Austin Healy Aries: I'm about to get us some grub before the show and yes it's on me Mandy. No I'm not interested in catering because they don't do vegetarian.
Mandy gives Aries a smile and follows him out of the arena.