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Spooky Boogie

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 7:54 pm
by Jack
A spooky, creepy graveyard with all of the fixings. Everything looked as though it would be perfect for a low budget B-movie. A full moon. A fog effect rolling through the ground. A swarm of bats flying overhead. Rickety cemetery gates. Something right out of an Ed Wood film. Other than the sight of a man in a gold and black body suit, sitting crossed legged on a gruesome looking gargoyle headstone. Stardust, in his full outfit, which had been a rare sight thus far aside from in ring encounters. The usually black star on his face had been painted red to match his contact lenses. A grip crept across his face before a looking of urgency appeared.

| Stardust | Oh no. Oh no! What am I doing here?! Vampiro is outside of my home! He's going to get my wife! My poor, beautiful wife! He's going to put the fear of GOD into her!

He slid down from the headstone and looked about in a frantic manner.

| Stardust | What am I going to do?! What am I going to do?! do..

The frantic pitch left his voice and was replaced by something deeper and droll.

| Stardust | dense..son of a stupid, stupid bastard..

The last word was practically spat out.

| Stardust | You claim that you have been watching me from afar. Well, you're a confirmed liar because if you had been watching me you would know that I DON'T HAVE A WIFE! I HAD a fiance but I left her behind when I left behind my so-called 'normal' life to return to the ring. That was like, two months ago. So..

He cupped a star covered, gloved hand around his mouth and whispered.

| Stardust | I don't care what you do to the bitch. Set her on fire. Throw her out of a window. I don't care! She means nothing to me! But you probably are right about only one single thing. She probably is dreaming about me in this spandex because I..

He took a slow turn while spreading his arms outwards, the Breakout Title resting on his shoulder.

| Stardust | ..MAKE..THIS..LOOK..AMAZING.

Stardust began to laugh to himself, shaking his head at the thought of his opponent.

| Stardust | Well, now that we all know that Vampiro isn't much of a mastermind and doesn't do much research..his threat level is significantly lowered. It's okay. He can camp outside of my old house all he wants. Because I am walking through his home this very moment!

Stardust began to prance through the dreary surroundings before pausing. He turned to the camera and folded his hands underneath of his chin.

| Stardust | Because..this is where you live, isn't it Vamp? You are some kind of blood sucking, vampire or..whatever it is, you're supposed to be, right? You sleep in a coffin and you're afraid of sunlight, aren't you? You had the AUDACITY to call me a big fat fraud! A fake! A phony! No, no, NO. YOU are the fake. If you paid attention, which you already know that you don't, you would know that THIS IS WHO I AM. I share it with the world when I get into the ring. I have nothing to hide. You, on the other hand, are not what you claim. You're not a beast. You're not a demon. You're not dead. But when I'm done with you, you're going to wish you were!

He hissed at the camera like a feral cat.

| Stardust | And you DARE to say that I'm ripping off my idiot brother. Dustin stuffed himself into a gold outfit and pretended to be gay so he could upset Daddy. Me? I POUR myself into my sexy gold outfit because it makes me FREE. I don't have to shoved into a box. I don't have to conform. I can let every little amazing, delicious detail about the REAL CODY RHODES come flying out!

Those scarlet hues of his shifted about before he leaned in closer to the camera.

| Stardust | And, just between us, you aren't the first person to wear all black and paint his face. Just so ya know. Oh, but apparently, there are a lot of things you don't know! Do you know ANYTHING about me, Vampiro? Hm? I'm the Breakout Champion and having me hold this title raises it's stock ten fold. Do you know why? Because I'm a former World Champion and I've beaten former World Champion's like Trent and Miz and CM Punk. And if you want to talk recently, I've beaten IC Champ Sami Zayn. Who have you beaten? CJ Parker and Austin Aries? Oh nooooo! Not CJ PARKER and Austin Aries! Stay away from me you vicious, vicious killer!

His gloved hands smacked the sides of his face and he began to cower in a mock fashion before a deep, guttural growl fled from his chest.

| Stardust | I'll show you just how big of a fake and a fraud I am, Vampiro. I'll show you who isn't real. I'm going to do everything short of driving a stake through your heart to make sure you're afraid to ever mention name again. Oh, yes, that's right. The big, dark, mysterious Vampiro is going to be afraid. I have done some horrible, naughty, nasty, AWFUL things to people, Vamp. Please don't let my appearance fool you. Underneath all of this, underneath what you someone who wants to hurt you for fun. Someone with some admittedly, DEEP, DEEP, mental problems. You wear make up because you think it looks cool. I paint my face like this because I'm a PSYCHOPATH. I am 100% not well and I freely and openly admit this to everyone within earshot.

He slid a few fingers in front of his mouth and snickered giddily.

| Stardust | So when you're done playing with my former fiance, come meet me in the ring. I want to make you feel something you've never felt before. Oh, I know you've bled before but not like how I envision it. I promise I can make you feel OUT OF THIS WORLD. I'm going to prey on you like you preyed on my POOR, defenseless, ex-fiance.

Cody Rhodes alter-ego threw on a fake frown and pouted

| Stardust | I'm going to make you feel helpless and scared. But don't forget! You brought this on yourself digging up my past life. ..Get it? Digging up? We're in a graveyard. Heheheh! I KILL myself! KILL! I did it again! Because I'm going to try and KILL Vampiro! Ha HA!

Cody drifted off into his own little world as he slumped against one of the graves, laughing his head off like some sort of demented child, hugging his Breakout Title close to his chest.