The Rose Garden

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The Rose Garden

Post by Jack »

A distorted and slowed down version of Adam Rose's them song played over strange, grainy, black and white footage of the man himself flickering in and out in some kind of drug induced haze, before a colorful logo, using a lot of green, black and red, covered the screen. It displayed the emblem "The Rose Garden."

| Adam Rose | Hello everyone and welcome to..The Rose Garden.

A staircase within the arena was the setting for this promo. Adam Rose, with his dark haired pulled backwards, sporting a lime green colored fur coat over his usual ring gear, sat on one of the rows carrying an EBWF brand microphone. He looked about his rather inactive surroundings for a moment or two.

| Adam Rose | I'm afraid I don't really have a grand production just yet. But don't you worry your tiny little heads. It's coming. But perhaps it's better that I don't have one right now. Because I'm facing off against someone who is a little more gritty. A little more dirty. Bad News Barrett. Wade Barrett. Whatever it is you wish to go by, you generally do the same thing. You try and knock people out with that elbow of yours.

Rose rubbed a couple of fingers along his cheek bone, indicating BNB's usual place to strike.

| Adam Rose | I could have someone just like Barrett to follow me around if I wanted to. In fact, I do.

A bald man with a scruffy looking beard appeared and sat on one of the steps in front of Rose. His fists were taped, he wore dark colored boxing trunks, and a mean black eye. He cracked his fists into his palm. He was a bit on the thin side but probably still not someone you wanted tailing you home after creeping out of a dark alley. Just another example of a Rosebud who didn't appear as merry and bright as the audience was accustomed to.

| Adam Rose | This is my bare knuckle brawler. While, obviously, not as imposing as Mr. Barrett, he still fits the bill none the less. And you know what? I can have my own doom and gloom spokesman if I want as well! I already do!

Beckoning over another party goer, a man in a black suit and red tie sat opposite the boxer. He looked sort of like a cross between a mortician and a bad used car salesman, very dire but with a big, swarmy kind of smile.. Rose threw his arms around both men.

| Adam Rose |
Do you see? My Rosebuds can fill in absolutely any role I need them to. I am their GOD. They do as I say, they fit the mold that I want them to fit. A very small price to pay for what I offer them. All the joy and frivolity and what not that one could ask for! Without me where would their lives be?

He frowned and looked over the two Rosebuds, rubbing the tops of their heads.

| Adam Rose | No parties. No fun. No dancing. No music. A horrible, awful existence. So, as always, Barrett, I am offering you a chance to become a Rosebud! Except..I might have to suggest a few..altercations..

Grabbing the boxer's arm he began to slowly drag a finger along his elbow, inspecting it very closely. It gave the supposed brawler a nervous sort of look.

| Adam Rose | ..Maybe..if it's possible..and I'm not up on my surgery techniques..but I know modern science has come a long way. Perhaps we could..take that elbow of yours and..

His eyes became a little wider and he spoke in a quieter tone of voice.

| Adam Rose | some kind of blade in it. A razor blade. So when you hit someone with it they get a nice, pretty little cut. Or..

Thankfully for his boxer, Rose had released him. But he grabbed the man in the suit and ran some fingers along his throat after tilting his head back. A very sensitive area and the party goer looked understandably skittish.

| Adam Rose | ..We could do something here. In this area. To your throat. Some kind of device to really intensify your voice. So when deliver your bad news it's the last thing anyone hears. Blows their ear drums and leaves them disoriented.

Very clearly, something had gone wrong in the once cheerful and happy-go-lucky party host's head. He was speaking about brutal, impractical body transformations. Perhaps it was Stardust's influence or perhaps it was someone else.

| Adam Rose | Oh! And if your best friend Ryback would like to join, I've got a spot for him too! I know he has a big appetite and we convert him over to cannibalism, right? Instead of gnashing on energy bars he starts eating FLESH.

Rose made a dreamy little hum sound and stared off towards the ceiling, rubbing his cheek as the two Rosebuds exchanged worried glances with one another. But very swiftly he was all smiles and he threw his hands skywards in celebration

| Adam Rose | But we're all having a good time here! Fun everyone! Smiles! Go on now! Have a ball!

The pair of Rosebuds were shoo'd away and they didn't hesitate to quickly make a retreat. Rose seemed either oblivious to their apprehension or just didn't care.

| Adam Rose | Now, I myself have faced off with and beaten Ryback. But the last time I met Barrett in a tag team situation he got the better of things. Cheers! Good for you. But I plan on making things a little bit different this time. If you have Ryback in your corner, it's only fair that I level the playing field.

A pair of red eyes appeared behind Rose, the crimson eye contacts of Stardust. His face was painted mostly silver in red in a star formation and the Breakout Champion hissed like a feral cat at the camera. His slumped back in his body suit, behind the owner of the Exotic Express, with a crafty sort of smirk on his face while he folded his hands together as he was plotting something hideous.

| Adam Rose | So I have my good friend Stardust here to make sure everything is on the up and up. So your hungry, hungry hippo doesn't get ansty and decide to interfere. Of course, I have all my Rosebuds as well! You see, Barrett, when I speak I bring people closer together and I make them feel good. I give them a purpose. You just alienate everyone and rain on their parade. Well, this is MY party and it's not going to stop until I say so. And I say it doesn't end until that crooked nose of yours is broken for the umpteenth time. THAT is how this party is going to go down. And ravenous Ryback gets a case of the munchies I'm sure my friend here has a little something for him to snack on. Like his own teeth.

A red liquid began to ooze out of Stardust's mouth and Rose merely smiled, lifting a couple of fingers to offer a quick wave of departure

| Adam Rose | ..Ta-ta.