suck it or tap out?

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Daniel Bryan

suck it or tap out?

Post by Daniel Bryan »

Daniel Bryan is seen standing outside the Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland, Ohio. Once again an intense expression is seen pasted across the pale bearded face of Daniel Bryan. Daniel paces back and forth until finally he decides to take a seat on the closest bench. Bryan looks into the camera with devil like eyes and delivers a smirk with absolute confidence.

Daniel Bryan: EBWF before I get into 'Warfare' and the once drug addicted Billy Gunn i've got some history to share with all of you. I am sitting outside of the Quicken Loans Arena right here in Cleveland, Ohio. Did you know that this was once the spot of the most active area in Cleveland, Ohio... Cleveland’s Central Market area. This is where Quicken Loans stands today. This was once a spot of history, and a place maybe your grandparents would go. Until one day it vanished and it became nothing. I mean in the 1990's the only thing that Cleveland even had was a losing Browns team and a bunch of empty parking lots. Until this arena was monumented there was not an ounce of excitment lingering in this area. That is until Daniel Bryan finally graced your presence and brought back what LeBron James could never have.

Daniel Bryan stands up and slowly walks towards the camera. He gives a ghostly look towards the arena and slowly starts speaking again...

Daniel Bryan: Thats where Billy Gunn comes in. This man was once a drug using, alcohol abusing, party animal idiot who took the entire sport of professional wrestling for granted. Sure he had his claim to fame yelling suck it and showing people his ass is DX. Them days are over Billy. In todays era showing your buttocks and telling people to suck your crotch isnt as funny as it once was, or was it ever? Did people just laugh because they felt bad for you. Sure you inspired other half ass idiots like Dolph Ziggler and a couple of other jobbers but nobody really cares about that, do they? They care about me bringing entertainment back to the EBWF and they care about me bringing entertainment back to Clevelend. Come monday March 19th I promise I will break Billy Gunns arm off of his torso. Billy, dont come to me asking me why i'm so hostile because... I just am.

Daniel Bryan walks up the long cement stairs leading to the buildings entrance. As the sun rays shine off of his dark red 'Everybody Taps' shirt he smirks again and finishes his speech.

Daniel Bryan: Hey Billy, you eat meat right? Well let me tell you something about eating meat. Cooking and eating the dead pollutes your arteries and downgrades your abilities. That is if you ever even had ability to begin with. In your case Billy, you look a little fat around the mid section. It's either all the red meat you eat or the steroids you once pumped your veins full of. Either way, lets not get into this subject right now. Bottom line is since i'm here and they assigned this match, my job is to rip your arm off of your body. This arena rewrote history for Cleveland, Ohio well im about to do it again. Try to make me famous but just remember... EVERYBODY TAPS!

Daniel Bryan is seen entering the doors of the building as the sun is finally starting to set behind the beautiful trees in Cleveland, Ohio.
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Juan Ramirez
Posts: 591
Joined: Wed Feb 22, 2012 9:10 am

Re: suck it or tap out?

Post by Juan Ramirez »

I am really ejoying Daniel's promos... Keep it up!