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Vegetable Soup

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 9:21 pm
by Tony S
Wooo!!! A vacation at last, and not a moment to soon. So if you've been reading some of the OOC topics, I've kinda been fiddling with a special project. But I've missed writing and I'm sorry for the no shows lately, specially to you Clover. But here we are. I hope you all enjoy. Good-luck Holly and Benjamin. Also, great working with you Kenneth. Keep up the good work.

Vegetable Soup

Re: Vegetable Soup

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 9:46 pm
by Kamden
J. Gabe is a awesome. this was a good read.

Idk why but every time I hear vegetable soup I think of broccoli and cheese soup in those bread bowls?!