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Tag Match

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 7:52 pm
by Keith
OOC: Today has been quite turbulent with some bad news about a family member so I apologise for this poor showing, hopefully it's a once off.

Backstage Stone Cold Steve Austin is seen walking toward the ring, Todd Grisham approaches with a microphone in hand.

Todd Grisham: Stone Cold, tonight you get an opportunity to become the number one contender for the tag team championships with your partner Dean Malenko, however, last week your relationship seemed a little... strained

Stone Cold Steve Austin: You're damn right it's a little strained. I've made no secret of it son, my motto is DTA - Don't trust anyone. Dean Malenko has shown he can't be trusted because he's crazy as hell. Last week he came out to the ring covered in feathers and a mask and pranced around like an idiot. But it's like this, New Jack, Slyck Brown or whatever the hell your name is, I'll kick your asses with or without a partner. And as for you Dean, Birdman, whatever the hell your name is, show up or not, I don't care, if you get in my way I'll kick your ass too. Now get the hell outta my way!

Austin shoves Grisham out of the way and storms out of the scene, head down and focused for his match.

Re: Tag Match

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 5:10 am
by Ben M
Sorry to hear about your bad news, Keith. Thank you for still taking the time to post!