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Warfare Results 05/11/15

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 12:32 pm
by Ben M

Jim Ross: Good evening and welcome to Warfare! I'm Jim Ross, joined by Jerry "The King" Lawler, and we are live from Madison Square Garden!

Jerry Lawler: What a night this promises to be here in New York City, JR!

"Heels" by Disasterpeace hit and the crowd booed as Luke Harper headed to the ring.

Jim Ross: Up first tonight, we've got two superstars making their EBWF debuts as Luke Harper takes on Roman Reigns!

As he entered the ring, Harper stared around at the crowd. Harper then turned his attention to the stage as "The Truth Reigns" hit and Roman Reigns made his way to the ring. The crowd cheered as Reigns walked down the ramp, and as Reigns entered the ring he squared up to Luke Harper. The referee called for the bell and both men exchanged right hands back and forth furiously.

Jerry Lawler: Harper and Reigns wasting no time getting started here, JR!

Harper gained the upper hand, and after hitting Reigns with a series of punches, he whipped Reigns into the ropes. As Reigns ran back towards him, Harper took him down with a big boot, then as Reigns got back to his feet, Harper hit a kick to the midsection and set Reigns up for a gut wrench powerbomb. Reigns countered with a back toss, then grabbed Harper and whipped him into the corner. Reigns charged towards Harper, hitting a corner clothesline, then as Harper staggered out of the corner, Reigns lifted him over his shoulders, hitting a Samoan drop. Reigns hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: Reigns with a near fall!

Reigns pulled Harper to his feet and hit him with some more right hands, then hit Harper with a body slam. Reigns went for a leg drop, but Harper rolled out of the way, then as both men got to their feet, Harper hit a European uppercut. Reigns staggered backwards, falling onto the ropes. Harper charged towards him, hitting a clothesline and sending Reigns over the top rope. Harper then followed Reigns out of the ring, grabbing Reigns and throwing him into the ringside barrier. Harper punched Reigns against the barrier several times, but Reigns fought back, then grabbed Harper and dragged him towards the ring post. Harper blocked it by holding the ring post, then overpowered Reigns, before throwing Reigns full force into the steel steps!

Jerry Lawler: Did you hear Reigns' head bounce off that steel, JR? He might be out cold!

The referee had reached the count of five, and Harper re-entered the ring as the referee continued counting. At the count of eight, Reigns got to his feet and re-entered the ring. Reigns still looked dazed and Harper took full advantage, lifting Reigns up and hitting a sitout scoop slam piledriver. Harper hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: So close to a three count!

Harper and Reigns both got to their feet and exchanged right hands back and forth once more. This time Reigns gained the upper hand, and after whipping Harper against the ropes, Reigns hit him with the tilt-a-whirl slam. As Harper struggled to get to his feet, Reigns crouched down, signalling for the Spear! Harper got to his feet and Reigns charged towards him... but Harper moved out of the way! Reigns went shoulder-first into the ring post, and as he struggled out of the corner, Harper hit him with the discus clothesline! Harper made the cover and the referee counted - 1... 2... 3!

Jerry Lawler: It's over! An impressive debut victory for Luke Harper!

Harper celebrated his win, then made his way to the back as Warfare went to a commercial break.


As Warfare returned from commercial break the crowd in attendance continued to cheer, until “Fastest Girl Alive” by Felix Todd and David Ayers began to play. Their reaction became mixed as Sasha Banks stepped out onto the stage with the women’s championship held up high. Decked out in her trademark shutter shades, riveted leather jacket and duo-tone wrestling gear, she sassily strutted her way down the ramp and to the ring.

Jerry Lawler: This past Sunday at Aftermath, Sasha retained the women’s championship after defeating Mighty Molly.

Jim Ross: I wouldn’t exactly say she defeated Mighty Molly, King. She did have help from Summer Rae and Eva Marie.

Jerry Lawler: Well that’s strange; it looks like they aren’t out here tonight!

Sure enough, The BOSS was solo. Usually with the other two divas that comprised the Mean Girls, Summer and Eva, Sasha stood by herself in the ring. She was handed a microphone which was readily snatched out of the timekeepers hand, and walked to the center of the ring, a smirk on her face. She brought the mic up slowly before speaking.

Sasha Banks: Once a BOSS… Always a BOSS! Tuh. So many good things keep happenin’ to me. And it’s amazing. Like, who’d a thinked I would be speaking to you all here in MSG? Imagine if that old lady Molly Molly was standin’ right here instead of me.

The crowd cheered at mention of the super diva’s name. Sasha smacked her lips and flicked her wrist, checking the shiny gold “boss” watch worn on it.

Sasha Banks: Umm, why are you people cheerin’ for her?! She SUCKS! She’s a loser, and it’s so painfully oblivious. How do ya’ll still not see it?! I beat Mighty Duck fair and squared! All you’s saw it. But I wanna see it again!

At this moment Banks turned to face the big screen, which replayed the moment she hit Mighty Molly with her finisher, then pinned her. The crowd continued to boo.

Sasha Banks: SWERVE. Did you not just see what happened!? There is poof right there that I won that match. So I get to rub it in your faces. You’s should probably rub in some moisturizers and makeup too, ‘cuz I can see some of those acmes from waaay out here. GROSS. You know what, I’m glad I got these hater blockers on. I don’t need to see you people. New York’s full a subway rats anyway. And it’s hella dirty here. I walked out on the street and I swear I saw Oscar the Grouch walking outside his trashcan, ‘cuz the streets are dirtier than that dumper he lives in. Tuh. I don’t get why no one respects me! It’s sooo clear that I am the true HBIC here. Me and the baes Summer and Eva? We rule this school! No one can stop us, so how about you’s get over it and----

At this moment Sasha was interrupted by music. “Aphrodite” by Kylie Minogue sent the crowd into cheers as Torrie Wilson came to the stage! Sasha looked highly annoyed, and started yelling at Torrie all the way from inside the ring. Torrie just shook her head as she approached the ring. The two ladies stood opposite from each other in the ring with the fans still cheering for Torrie’s emergence.

Jim Ross: It looks like Torrie Wilson has something to say to the women’s champion! And after winning the number one contendership match at Aftermath, I can only imagine what’s about to transpire between these two.

Jerry Lawler: This is gonna be good, JR.

Torrie Wilson: Wow, Sasha. You never cease to amaze me. I mean that, I really do. I mean, only so many people can cheat to win a match and still act like it was a commendable victory. And then to top it all off, you come out here and rant about how you haven’t got a clue as to why not a single person in the back, nor a single person in this audience respects you. What a class act you are.

Sasha pretended like Torrie wasn’t speaking in a sarcastic tone and nodded along with her. With a hand on her hip, Torrie disapprovingly shook her head.

Torrie Wilson: Do you want to know why no one respects you? It’s not because you walk around with your shutter shades like it’s 1982, and it’s not even because you have the grammar skills of a toddler. Because as annoying as those factors may be, they pale in comparison to the real issue at hand. No one respects you, Sasha, because you clearly have no respect for anyone yourself. Didn’t anybody tell you that it’s a two way street? This division wasn’t built up only to be represented by someone with such a distorted view on what a real champion is supposed to be. You and your little clique have the women who busted their butts to make this division as strong as it can be, myself included, wanting to turn our backs whenever they see you parading around this ring like you’re the second coming.

Sasha mouthed “I am!”, completely ignoring the point Torrie was trying to make.

Torrie Wilson: It’s sad that you feel that way, and it’s even sadder that you have the divas feeling the way we do. The worst part is that when you first walked through those EBWF doors, the locker room was so excited to see what you could bring. We wanted to see if all the hype about you was true. Just like how I feel with any other new face, I wanted to see you succeed. But now, I realize that you are just a pompous bitch.

That caught Sasha’s attention. The women’s champion’s jaw fell as the crowd erupted.

Torrie Wilson: Quite frankly, I’m positive that I speak for everyone when I say that we’re all sick and tired of you running your mouth. So as the number one contender for that championship right there, it’s going to be my pleasure to close it for you. And I promise you that not even your two minions are going to stop me.

Torrie lowered her microphone and took a step closer to Sasha. Sasha didn’t back down, stepping to Torrie as well while talking trash. Just as it looked like Torrie and Sasha were about to square off, “I Need A Hero” by Bonnie Tyler hit and the crowd cheered as Mighty Molly stepped out onto the stage. Molly quickly made her way down the ramp, looking unhappy as she headed to the ring. As she reached the bottom of the ramp, Molly grabbed a microphone, then entered the ring and began to speak.

Mighty Molly: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Not so fast, ladies! Torrie, congratulations on your victory at Aftermath. You deserved it, and it’s great to see you back after what that big meanie Brock Lesnar did! But YOU!

Molly turned to Sasha, glaring at her as she did so.

Mighty Molly: If you want to replay moments from Aftermath, how about we replay this moment, huh? Here’s the real story of our match at Aftermath… Roll the footage!

Molly pointed to the big screen, which played another replay from Aftermath - this time showing the moment when Molly was about to hit the Molly Go Round and Summer Rae and Eva grabbed her by the legs, causing her to lose her balance. The crowd booed as the camera cut back to the ring. Sasha put a hand up in Molly’s direction.

Sasha Banks: Umm, are you blind?! Clearly you needs some bifoculars. That wasn’t ME that did that!

Sasha turned to face Molly now, stepping closer as she did so.

Sasha Banks: You know what this sounds like to me? Loser talk! ‘Cuz only LOSERS make excuses for why they ain’t win! LOSER!

Banks put an “L” on her forehead… or at least she tried to. She made the “L” with her left hand instead of her right, meaning it appeared as a backwards L to Molly. Molly responded with a smirk.

Mighty Molly: That’s exactly my point, Sasha! It wasn’t you that caused me to lose my balance on the top rope, it was those VILLAINS you hang out with, Summer Rae and Eva Marie. They cost me that match, and you know it! If it wasn’t for Summer and Eva, I’d be the new Women’s Champion!

Sasha Banks: Excuse you but--

Sasha tried to interject, but Molly cut her off.

Mighty Molly: I’m not done talking yet! Where are your manners, Ms Banks? Anyway, I spoke to our Director of Talent Relations, and because of what happened at Aftermath, he felt I deserved another shot at the title. So at Death Before Dishonor, you’ll be taking on me and Torrie in a triple threat match!

The crowd cheered with excitement. Sasha looked furious, while Torrie’s eyes widened a bit in surprise.

Mighty Molly: Oh it gets better! To make sure those Mean Girls, Summer and Eva, don’t get involved again, that match will be a lumberjill match… with Summer and Eva banned from ringside!

Sasha’s jaw dropped and even clutched a hand to her chest, clearly upset beyond words. At this point she couldn’t even find a way to respond. With Torrie still looking on between the two, Molly still refused to let Sasha get a word in.

Mighty Molly: Oh and there’s one more thing… next week on Warfare, there’s going to be a six diva tag team match. It will be you, Summer and Eva versus me, Alexa Bliss… and Torrie Wilson!

The crowd continued to cheer for Molly while Sasha started shaking her head in disapproval. She slowly brought the mic up to speak into it, but out of nowhere she charged at Molly. Her spiteful attack backfired though, as Torrie stepped in to stop her. Sasha ran right into a kick from Torrie, which caused her to double over. The crowd cheered as Torrie began throwing chops at Sasha’s chest, sending her back against the ropes. Molly ran up and joined in, alternating chops with Torrie’s to Sasha. After the series of loud smacks that filled the arena that had Sasha yelling in pain, Molly and Torrie simultaneously delivered a kick to Sasha’s stomach, sending her backwards through the ropes and out of the ring. Sasha rolled around on the outside clutching her chest, and as she began to get to her feet, Molly and Torrie looked at each other with a smirk before running up and connecting with a double baseball slide to Sasha, sending her right back down. By then, Summer Rae and Eva Marie had come rushing down the ramp to save Sasha from any further abuse. As they lifted her from the ground, both Molly and Torrie invited them to the ring just to let them know they weren’t intimidated, but the Mean Girls quickly retreated. “I Need A Hero” blared through the arena once again, the crowd cheering for Molly and Torrie as they raised each other’s arms and watched the Mean Girls making their forced exit before their arms found their way around each other’s shoulder. The Mean Girls could be seen mumbling to each other with furious looks on their faces as they made their way to the back.


Sydal was out first to a welcoming ovation from the New York City crowd. Bálor was out next to a lot mixed reaction from the crowd. Both men locked up and Bálor backed Sydal into the corner where he broke clean. Another lock up, and Sydal was able to lock in a front chancery, before switching it all around and taking Bálor down to the mat. Bálor locked in a headscissors, but Sydal powered out of it. Both men were back on their feet and they locked up. Sydal took Bálor down again and they traded holds on the mat. They moved back up to their feet and Sydal backed Bálor into the corner to break things up. Shoulderblock from Sydal and he locked in another front chancery. Bálor fought out of it and hit an arm drag going right into the arm bar. Another arm drag from Bálor right into another arm bar. Bálor scissored the arm and also went to work on Sydal's wrist. Sydal fought out of it, flipped Bálor over, and they traded holds yet again. Bálor came out on top, but Sydal utilized the ropes to break the hold. Bálor went to work on Sydal's arm again and Sydal bailed to the apron but Bálor wouldn't let go. Bálor kicked Sydal to the floor. Sydal rolled back into the ring and Bálor hit a crazy slingshot dive into a roll up for a near fall. More mat wrestling from both men and Bálor tried to go for the pin, but Sydal bridged out of it. Sydal fought back up to his feet and took Bálor down for a near fall, but Bálor bridged out. Sydal took Bálor to his butt in a neck tie submission dropping back with his knees in Bálor's back. Bálor turned it right around into the same hold on Sydal.

Bálor put Sydal on the top rope, but Sydal fought down to the mat, and tossed Bálor from the top, where Bálor faceplanted into the entrance stage. Bálor made it back to the apron at six, but Bálor caught him with a neckbreaker in the ropes that sent Bálor right back down. Bálor rolled back into the ring and Sydal got right on him, locking him in a front face lock, and scooting to the outside where he slammed Bálor into the apron chest first. Back in the ring and Sydal locked in another front head lock, but Bálor fought out of it, suplexing Sydal into the ropes before dropkicking him to the outside into the guard rail. Bálor slingshot himself to the outside with a cross body block to take out Sydal. Back in the ring, Bálor hit a springboard dropkick, going high risk again, and both men were down. Both got up at about four, and Bálor hit a clothesline to forearm to spinkick combo before hitting a big swinging neckbreaker that was good for a two count. Bálor charged Sydal into the corner, and Sydal almost hit a DDT, but Bálor countered into a roll up for a near fall. Sydal back body dropped Bálor to the apron, but Bálor came right back with a slingshot DDT that was good for another two count. Both men were up and Sydal hit a couple of head butts and a big clothesline to put Bálor down. Sydal hit a running knee in the corner and he teased going to the top but waved it off. Back in the ring Bálor was able to fight back, hitting a springboard back elbow.

Sydal hit a ridiculous buckle bomb, and then a suplex and went for a pin but Bálor kicked out. Bálor hit a reverse Russian leg sweep, but it wasn't enough to keep Sydal down. Sydal hit a backbody drop and went to the top rope immediately for the Shooting Sydal Press! The crowd was on its feet as Sydal hit the amazing move and went for the pin, getting the 1...2...3!


The scene joined John Cena and Paul Heyman already in mid conversation in the hallway of Madison Square Garden.

Paul Heyman: ...and I'm telling you that he's not that smart.

Cena shook his head.

John Cena: You think he's come this far without being that smart? No, ego yes. Stupid... not quite, Paul. You guys just keep proving why you need me. You want to know why you yanked his chain for over a year and he didn't bite? 'Cause you don't know how to get him where it hurts.

Paul Heyman: That's why we have to go to the next part of the plan!

John Cena: Not yet.

They'd stopped in front of Brock Lesnar's locker room door.

Paul Heyman: Not yet? When?!

John Cena: You really want him at Lesnar at Death Before Dishonor don't you?

John shrugged.

John Cena: When we say. That's when.

Paul Heyman: We? I have a feeling you've got very little to do with it.

Heyman opened the locker room door, and turned his back to John to walk inside.

Paul Heyman: Brock! We have to...

The room was dark. Cena's hand went immediately to the light switch to light up the space. They both heard a faint groan, and Heyman charged into the room. Cena stayed put, looking around the room.

John Cena: Careful Paul.

The camera caught a mass of flesh on the ground behind the couch as Heyman circled around.

Paul Heyman: Brock! Brock...

The big man was down and in pain, holding his midsection, obvious bruising on his face. Cena, seeing no reasonable place for an intruder to hide, proceeded into the room. Heyman had taken a knee near Brock's hip. Cena cocked his head to one side, fire in his eyes. He didn't ask if Lesnar was okay.

John Cena: I think I'll bow to your better judgement, Paul. Wes Ikeda is dumber than I thought.

Paul Heyman: He's going to face Brock Lesnar at Death Before Dishonor if it's the very last thing I do in this business.

John Cena: Careful, or it may very well be.

John looked down at Lesnar's frame and shrugged, shaking his head as he turned from the room and Warfare went to commercial.


Paige was the first to the ring, and the crowd was amped up for EBWF Divas action!

Jerry Lawler: It's my favorite part of the night, JR!

The crowd cheered the arrival of the 2015 Babe of the Year, Eva Marie. The fiery redhead was introduced by Christy Hemme as she entered the ring. The bell rang. Both go to lock up, but trade kicks and blows instead. Paige got the better of Eva with a couple of tugs to the hair and a big spear. Eva rolled to her feet, but ate a big clothesline. Paige went for the cover, but Eva kicked out at two.

Paige hit another spear and went right for another cover, good for another two. Paige got Eva in position for a fall away slam, but Eva raked her eyes to prevent it. Eva choked at Paige in the corner before running her across the ring and slamming her head first into the top turnbuckle. Eva hit a neckbreaker and went for a pin that was good for two.

Eva hit the scissor stomp, and she went for another neckbreaker, but Paige countered with a short arm clothesline. Paige hit a jawbreaker, and ducked a clothesline before delivering a flying lariat of her own, and a big spin kick, but Eva was able to put Paige to the mat. Eva took her time doing a elbow drop, and Paige hit a big bicycle kick, right into Eva's face. Paige went to lock up with Eva, but Eva whipped Paige head first into the ring post. There was a sickening crack, and Eva went for the pin, getting the 1... 2... 3!


Wes Ikeda was seen walking in the parking garage of MSG. He was wearing an EBWF branded t-shirt with jeans and held a set of keys in his hand. There was a commotion behind him, and suddenly Renee Young could be seen.

Renee Young: Mr. Ikeda! Mr. Ikeda! Can I have a word with you sir?

Wes paused.

Wes Ikeda: I was just on my way out Renee.

Renee Young: I know, but Mr. Ikeda, I was wondering, last week John Cena said you weren't even close about his reasoning for aligning himself with Heyman and Lesnar. He said that there's so much more you don't know, and that all will be revealed soon. I was wondering if you had anything to say in response?

Wes Ikeda: I've already said it.

Renee Young: I'm sorry?

Wes Ikeda: Did you see what happened to Brock Lesnar earlier.

Renee Young: I did. Was that...

Wes Ikeda: Actions speak louder than words, Renee. And I've already said everything I need to say.

Wes moved past her into the passenger seat of a waiting Bentley a few feet away. The car pulled off, leaving Renee looking perplexed in the frame before Warfare took another commercial break.


Jim Ross: This one feels a little surreal, King!

Jerry Lawler: That's right, JR! We're going to see Stone Cold Steve Austin take on The Rock right here tonight on Warfare!

The glass broke, welcoming Stone Cold Steve Austin and MSG came unglued. "If Ya Smellllll...." brought any remaining sitters to their feet, and the Rock started toward the ring. The match had a big time feel, as the bell rang to kick us off.

They tie up, and Austin shoved Rock off. Rock paused for a moment to consider his options. They tied up again and Austin now got shoved off. Rock got a side headlock, then they traded wristlocks, Rock rolled through and whips Austin to the ropes and got a series of armdrags and La Magistral cradle for 2. Austin shoved Rock off to the ropes, Rock took Austin down with a shoulderblock, but Austin came back with a hiptoss and took Rock down with a side headlock. Rock made it back to his feet and shoved Austin off to the ropes, Austin got a boot to the head, and Rock cracked him with a right hand. Austin got flustered and charged Rock, but Rock took him down with a double leg sweep. Austin tries to shoulderblock, but Rock sidesteps Austin and kicks him hard in the chest.

Austin finally caught a break as he rammed Rock into the corner and charged in with a shoulderblock to the midsection a couple of times, then ran him over with a clothesline and covered, but only got 1. Austin got a laying bearhug, and kept the hold as Rock got back to his feet and punched Austin in the face until he broke the hold. Rock charged Austin, but Austin ducked and pulled down the top rope, sending Rock tumbling out to the floor. Austin went out after Rock and dropped him chest first onto the barricade, then picked him back up and did the same thing onto the announce table. Austin kicked Rock in the ribs and rolled him back inside at the 7 count to pin him for a 2 count, then he waited for Rock to get back to his feet so he can drill him in the skull with a big right hand. Austin planted Rock with a belly to belly suplex for 2. Rock fired back with right hands, but Austin shot Rock to the ropes and caught him coming back in a bearhug. Rock tried to fight his way free, but Austin cinched up on the bearhug and Rock again screamed in agony. Rock finally managed to punch his way free and hit a quick DDT for 2.

Austin crawled over to the ropes to try and regain some strength, but staggered back over to the Rock and walked right into a Samoan drop. Rock unloaded on Austin with right hands, Austin fired back, Austin blocked the Rock Bottom, Rock blocked the Stunner, and then Rock hit the spinebuster and he hit the People's Elbow. The crowd was on their feet as Rock went for the cover. 1...2..3!

Jim Ross: Rock has done it! He's defeated Austin here tonight!


Jim Ross: Up next, we've got a mixed tag match as the strange combination of Brian Kendrick and Emma takes on Justin Gabriel and Velvet Sky!

Gabriel and Velvet headed to the ring first, followed by Kendrick and Emma. Both pairings received a mixed reaction inside the Garden as they made their way down the ramp. When all four superstars were in the ring, Kendrick and Gabriel moved onto the ring apron, allowing Emma and Velvet to start the match. The crowd cheered as the referee called for the bell and the two divas locked up.

Jerry Lawler: It looks like these fans are as excited to see Velvet and Emma go at it as I am, JR!

Emma applied a headlock, then took Velvet down to the mat. Velvet broke the hold and both divas got to their feet. Velvet went to whip Emma against the ropes, but Emma reversed it, sending Velvet into the ropes. As Velvet ran back towards her, Emma took Velvet down with a hip toss. Velvet got to her feet and Emma hit a running big boot, then made the cover. The referee counted - 1... 2... Velvet kicked out! Emma moved to the corner, tagging in Brian Kendrick. As Kendrick entered the ring, Velvet rushed to the corner, tagging in Gabriel. Gabriel jumped over the top rope and ran at Kendrick, attempting a clothesline. Kendrick ducked out of the way, then hit Gabriel with a series of punches. Kendrick whipped Gabriel into the ropes, and as Gabriel ran towards him, Kendrick went for a leg lariat. Gabriel ducked out of the way, ran against the opposing set of ropes, then hit Kendrick with a running crossbody. Gabriel covered Kendrick and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: Another near fall! This time Justin Gabriel gets a two count!

Gabriel pulled Kendrick to his feet and hit him with a series of punches, then whipped him into the corner. Gabriel ran at Kendrick, going for a corner clothesline, but Kendrick got his knees up and blocked it, then climbed to the second rope. He grabbed Gabriel and hit him with a tornado DDT, before hooking the leg. The referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! Kendrick got to his feet and stomped on Gabriel several times, then pulled him to his feet and hit a facebreaker knee smash. Kendrick then tagged in Emma, daring her to attack Justin Gabriel. Emma looked unsure, and as he got to his feet, Gabriel shook his head, then tagged in Velvet Sky. Velvet ran at Emma, taking her down with a spear before punching her against the ring mat several times. Velvet then pulled Emma to her feet, hitting a snapmare followed by a shoot kick to the back of Emma's head. Emma got to her feet and Velvet hit a vertical suplex, then hooked the leg. The referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! Both divas got to their feet and Velvet hit Emma with a kick to the midsection, then set her up for the Beauty-T. Emma broke free and took Velvet down with a reverse STO, then applied the Emma Lock!

Jerry Lawler: Emma has the Emma Lock locked in! This could be it, JR!

Velvet cried out in pain and tried to get to the ropes, but they were just out of reach. As Velvet held out her hand, Gabriel stepped down from the ring apron and reached through the ropes, grabbing Velvet's arm and dragging her towards the ropes! Velvet grabbed the bottom rope, and the referee forced Emma to break the hold. Kendrick then ran around the ring, taking Gabriel down with a clothesline then pummelling him with a series of punches! Emma cheered on Kendrick and Velvet took advantage of Emma being distracted, rolling Emma up as the referee counted - 1... 2... 3!

Jim Ross: It's over! Emma thought she had the match won, but Velvet Sky gets the victory!

As the referee called for the bell, Kendrick entered the ring and glared at Velvet. Looking afraid, Velvet rolled out of the ring and helped Gabriel to his feet, then Gabriel and Velvet made their way to the back. Kendrick stared at them, watching them walk away with a curious expression on his face.


As the show continued, all attention was brought to the big screen where Renee Young was sat with her guest, Seth Rollins. They were in an area encircled with black curtains, sitting opposite one another but slightly facing the camera. The crowd reacted at this as Renee spoke first.

Renee Young: Seth, there’s a lot of speculation as to why you’ve returned, most of which centers around Dean Ambrose, since you came to his rescue last Monday night.

Seth Rollins: No no no, let me stop you right there Renee. This isn’t just about me coming to Dean’s rescue. The man can help himself. There’s a bigger picture here. When you see that you’ll see it’s not just Dean and myself. It’s also people like CM Punk and his little sidekick, and Lance Storm and Trent.

Renee Young: So you coming back to the company concerns all of these people?

Seth Rollins: That, it does… Too many times I’ve seen people get ambushed by the wolfpack. It’s never sat well with me. So I’ve made my statement. It’s not gonna happen anymore. This cult shit, this desire to be the ultimate unit; it’s what everyone’s trying to do and it makes me sick to my damn stomach. How about be a man and take care of business yourself instead of getting a side bitch to do your work for you? It’s time someone calls CM Punk on his shit. No one’s afraid of him right? But no one’s doing what should’ve been done a long time ago.

Renee Young: I’m going to play the Devil’s Advocate. You coming out to help Dean wasn’t doing his dirty work for him? He clearly got himself into this situation on his own.

Seth Rollins: Nah… That’s where I’m different from CM Punk, Renee. This was one brother helping out another. You get in a situation that’s not necessarily the best and people wanna take advantage of that. That’s weak. That’s not playing it smart, and it’s not about going out to try and prove a point. That’s pussy-footing around and waiting for the right opportunity to get what you want in the easiest possible way. Maybe CM Punk sees Dean as a martyr for his straight edge cause. Who the hell knows. I don’t think anyone even cares what he thinks anymore. But luckily for Punk, Dean’s taking the day to rest up. He’s probably sleeping off his hangover.

Renee Young: But CM Punk and Dean Ambrose were supposed to be friends, were they not?

Seth Rollins: Is the sky blue, Renee? I don’t know who’s buddying up with who. And I don’t fucking care. I made it clear that all the nonsense where people ambush each other just to try and seem badass pisses me off beyond belief.

Renee Young: I guess the obvious question that remains then is why exactly are you here?

Seth Rollins: There’s a lot I need to accomplish aside from kicking CM Punk’s ass. Becoming the King of the Ring. Winning the Royal Rumble. Being world champion. I’ll prove that strength in numbers is irrelevant when you’re number one--

Seth came to a halt at the sound of slow clapping. Both he and Renee looked around for the source. Rollins got to his feet as soon as he saw the man enter the room. It was CM Punk. They stood opposite each other, Renee taking a few steps back, as if hoping this might just end up with a nice interview opportunity.

CM Punk: Those were some beautiful words Seth. Number one? You’re looking at number one. However, there’s no rule against number one having friends on hand.

At this moment Rollins was blindsided by Doc Gallows. There was a thud as he hit the floor and more could be heard as Gallows fists pummelled him. After Gallows had worn Rollins down he grabbed him by the neck and brought him to his feet, setting him up for the Gallows Pole. Seth went through the chair he was sat upon moments ago and pieces of it splintered out beneath him.

CM Punk: You have your friends, Seth - and I have followers. And for that reason, you’ll never so much as touch me.

Punk and Gallows left the messy scene as the camera focused on an unconscious Seth Rollins.


Solomon Crowe came to the ring first to a modest pop from the crowd. "Cult of Personality" hit and Punk was next to the ring, accompanied by Doc Gallows.

Jim Ross: Well folks, moments ago we saw CM Punk and Doc Gallows assault Seth Rollins backstage. Now the so-called "Straight Edge Savior" has to contend with the former World Champion, Solomon Crowe.

The referee checked both men over and then he rang the bell. Crowe and Punk locked up and Crowe backed Punk up into the corner. They made a clean break, and Crowe backed up to give Punk space before they locked up again. Crowe locked in a front face lock and took Punk right down to the ground, but Punk rolled over into it, locking Crowe up with a hammerlock. They traded holds on the mat for a while, with Crowe trying different submissions, and Punk fighting out in different ways.

Jim Ross: It's a good idea to keep Punk grounded!

A side headlock takeover put Punk on his back on the mat, and Crowe would not let up. Punk did fight out of it, but Crowe dropped him with a shoulder block. Punk responded with a couple of hip tosses, and even though Crowe fought one off, Punk connected with another that sent Crowe out to the floor. Punk held the ropes open and motions for Crowe to get back in. Crowe did as the crowd cheered.

Back in the ring, Crowe wasted no time and hit a sick buckle bomb, before hitting a snap suplex and locking in a rear chin lock with his knee buried in Punk's back. Punk fought to his feet and out of the hold, but Crowe caught him with the kitchen sink and tried to go for a quick pin, but only got two.

Jerry Lawler: I thought it was over for Punk there.

Crowe hit a quick back drop suplex and went right back to the submission with another rear chin lock. Punk was able to fight up to his feet and out of the hold, where he was able to lock in a sleeper. Crowe fought out and locked in a sleeper of his own, but Punk responded by dropping Crowe with a back suplex.

Crowe and Punk traded right hands in the middle of the ring, with Punk getting the better of Crowe. Punk hit an inverted atomic drop and a series of elbows to the head, but he was caught by Crowe who hit an overhead belly to belly suplex that was good for a near fall. Crowe rocked Punk with a European uppercut, but Crowe put his head down, and Punk hit a suplex, followed by a German suplex, and a trip/lariat combo that was good for a two count. Punk went for the double knees, but Crowe moved out of the way and hit Punk with a trio of German suplexes himself, but it was still only good enough for a two count.

Crowe tried for a DDT, but Punk fought out of it and sent Crowe to the middle rope. Punk jumped through the ropes, coming down on Crowe's neck against the ropes. Punk went to the top, but he was caught by a big belly to belly superplex that's good for a two count.

Jim Ross: Crowe keeps Punk on the ground again.

Crowe tried for the Boston Crab, but Punk avoided it. Crowe charged Punk in the corner, but Punk moved and Crowe connected shoulder first with the ring post. Punk hit a back breaker, and pinned Crowe, but he only scored a two. Crowe floated over Punk in the corner, and was able to connect with the DDT, but it was only good for a two count.

Jerry Lawler: CM Punk will not stay down!

Crowe went right for his single leg Boston Crab, locking it right in. Punk crawled for the ropes, but Crowe pulled him right back to the middle of the ring. Punk countered into a roll up out of nowhere, and then went for another, which Crowe converted back into the submission hold. Crowe amped up the pressure, forcing Punk to tap. The referee called for the bell and raised Crowe's arm in victory.

Jim Ross: It's over! An impressive victory for Solomon Crowe!

Crowe celebrated his win as Warfare went off the air.