Warfare Results 05/25/15

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Ben M
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Warfare Results 05/25/15

Post by Ben M »


Jim Ross: Good evening and welcome to Warfare! I'm Jim Ross, joined by Jerry "The King" Lawler!

Jerry Lawler: We are live from the Air Canada Centre in Toronto, Ontario, and Death Before Dishonor is just six days away!

Jim Ross: This Sunday at Death Before Dishonor, Dolph Ziggler defends the World Title against Solomon Crowe. Tonight, we'll see both superstars in action as Solomon Crowe takes on Ted DiBiase and Dolph Ziggler takes on Wade Barrett in our main event!

Jerry Lawler: We've also got divas action, JR! Torrie Wilson goes one on one with Paige later on tonight!

Jim Ross: Up first though, we've got tag team action... two strange duos collide as the team of Luke Harper and Stardust take on Stone Cold Steve Austin and the Birdman, Dean Malenko!

Austin and Malenko came to the ring first to a positive reaction from the crowd. When the two veteran superstars had entered the ring, "Moonlight Sonata" by Beethoven hit and the Toronto crowd booed as Stardust and Luke Harper made their way down the ramp. As Harper and Stardust entered the ring, they glared across the ring at their opponents. Harper and Austin moved onto their respective ring aprons, and the referee called for the bell as Stardust and Malenko locked up. Malenko went for a headlock, but Stardust countered with a hammerlock, then turned Malenko around and hit him with a forearm smash. As Malenko staggered backwards, Stardust hit him with a series of punches, then whipped him against the ropes. Stardust hit Malenko with a dropkick, then as both men got to their feet, Stardust hit a straight jacket DDT. Stardust hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! Stardust got to his feet and stomped on Malenko several times, then tagged in Luke Harper. As Harper entered the ring, Stardust pulled Malenko to his feet. Stardust then threw Malenko towards Harper, who took him down with a big boot.

Jerry Lawler: Impressive teamwork from Harper and Stardust!

Stardust exited the ring as Harper grabbed Malenko and whipped him into the corner. Harper ran at Malenko, hitting him with a body avalanche, then as Malenko staggered out of the corner, Harper hit him with a sitout scoop slam piledriver. Harper hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! Harper got to his feet and stomped on Malenko repeatedly, then lifted him up and hit a bodyslam. Harper ran against the ropes and went for a leg drop, but Malenko rolled out of the way. As Harper sat on the mat, Malenko hit him with a knee to the face, then tagged in Stone Cold Steve Austin. The crowd cheered as the Texas Rattlesnake entered the ring. Austin hit Harper with a series of punches, then whipped him against the ropes and took him down with a Thesz press, before punching him several more times against the ring mat. Both men got to their feet, and Austin set Harper up for a piledriver, but Harper countered with a back body drop. Austin got to his feet and Harper hit a discus clothesline! Harper tagged in Stardust, who stalked Austin. As Austin struggled to his feet, Stardust grabbed him and hit Dark Matter! Stardust made the cover and Harper knocked Malenko off the ring apron to stop him from interrupting the count. The referee counted - 1... 2... 3!

Jim Ross: It's over! Luke Harper and Stardust get the victory!


Jim Ross: Up next, we've got divas action as the number one contender for the Women's Title, Torrie Wilson, takes on the young English diva Paige!

"The Letter Black" by Up From The Ashes hit and the crowd gave a mixed reaction as Paige made her way to the ring. After Paige had entered the ring, "Aphrodite" by Kylie Minogue hit and the crowd cheered as Torrie Wilson headed down the ramp. When Torrie had entered the ring, the referee called for the bell and the two divas locked up. Torrie went for a snapmare, but Paige blocked it and countered with a reverse DDT. Torrie got to her feet and Paige whipped her into the ropes, before taking her down with a short-arm clothesline. Torrie got back to her feet and Paige took her down with another clothesline, screaming "This is my house!" as Torrie hit the match. Torrie got to her feet once more and Paige hit a fisherman suplex, then hooked the leg. The referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: An aggressive start from Paige!

Both divas got to their feet and Paige applied a headlock, but Torrie broke free and pushed her into the ropes, then took her down with an arm drag. As Paige got back to her feet, Torrie set her up for a snap suplex, but Paige blocked it, countering with a suplex of her own. Paige stomped on Torrie several times, then pulled her to her feet and hit her with a strong Irish whip into the corner. The momentum caused Torrie to fall into a sitting position, and Paige stomped on Torrie some more in the corner, then pulled her to her feet and hit a fallaway slam. Paige hooked the leg once more and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: Another near fall!

Paige pulled Torrie to her feet again and set her up for a body slam, but Torrie countered with a headscissors takedown. Both divas got to their feet and Torrie hit a swinging neckbreaker, then made the cover. The referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! Torrie and Paige both got to their feet, and Torrie went for the Nose Job... but Paige blocked it and countered with a spinebuster! Torrie looked dazed as she got to her feet, and Paige hit the Paige Turner! She made the cover and the referee counted - 1... 2... 3!

Jerry Lawler: It's over! An impressive victory for Paige!

There was a mixed reaction for Paige as she celebrated her victory and made her way to the back, but whatever cheers were heard within the arena instantly washed away into boos as Sasha Banks seemingly came out of nowhere, hopping over the barricade with the Women’s Title around her waist.

Jim Ross: You know, I thought maybe we’d get a break from the Mean Girls this week. At least one of them.

Jerry Lawler: Well you can “bet” Sasha doesn’t have anything nice to say to Torrie after their last confrontation.

After sliding into the ring, Sasha unhooked the belt from her waist and got to her feet just as Torrie turned around. Sasha sent her to the mat in one fast motion when the title belt connected with Torrie’s head. Torrie was flat out on the mat momentarily. Sasha held her title up and started talking trash and even got down on her knees and into Torrie’s face. After being subjected to a cheap shot, Torrie held her head and attempted to roll away as she came to, but Sasha dropped the belt to her side and started pummeling Torrie with a flurry of fists, and even grabbed her by the hair to slam her head against the mat. After one final banging of Torrie’s head on the mat, Sasha stood up as if taking a break. She flipped her back and huffed heavily as she looked down to Torrie. With her boot Banks rolled Torrie onto her stomach, and followed up with several slaps to the back of her head, with a scream every few hits. Before any more damage could be done. Mighty Molly slid back into the ring and dove onto Sasha, giving her a few hits of her own on the back of her head as Sasha continued to scream. Molly grabbed Sasha by the back of her head and sent her into the corner, before connecting with a dropkick that made Sasha slump to the mat, holding her jaw in clear pain afterwards. Molly went over to help Torrie to her feet and both women were cheered on as they stood next to one another, however, Torrie still didn’t look pleased and turned to face Molly before shoving her away.

Jerry Lawler: What’s this! Seems like Torrie doesn’t appreciate Molly’s help.

Jim Ross: You have to remember what was said last week by Eva Marie to Torrie. Molly is only hindering Torrie’s chances of becoming champion since she was added to the match. There can’t be any other explanation for this.

Molly looked taken aback and took a step closer to Torrie only to be met with a hard slap in the face from the usually cordial diva. Molly returned with an elbow and another brawl ensued. The battle was back and forth as Torrie and Molly jockeyed for position between punches and lock-ups. In the midst of the new battle Sasha got back to her feet still holding onto her jaw and took the opportunity to tackle both Molly and Torrie through the ropes. All three divas crashed to the floor outside the ring, but within seconds each continued to throw punches at one other, only stopping to switch targets. At this time, Summer Rae and Eva Marie came running down the ramp in an attempt to back up Sasha, but on their heels were the rest of the divas division who had come to break up the fight. Eva and Summer managed to pull Sasha free of Torrie’s grip, while a small cluster of divas had stopped Molly from getting another hit on Torrie. The remaining divas held Torrie back as she tried to kick free. For the time being all three divas were contained as the crowd kept cheering wildly.

Jim Ross: This’ll be one hell of a match at Death Before Dishonor, King. Sasha barely made it out of thee in one piece, and that was with the help of the Mean Girls.

Jerry Lawler: I can’t wait! All the divas will be there, so it’s gotta be a great show. These three women definitely have it out for each other.

The camera took turns cutting to Torrie, Sasha, and Mighty Molly who were all winded as the show went to commercial break.


As Warfare returned from a commercial break, Bully Ray was on his way to the ring for the next match.

Jim Ross: Welcome back! Up next, we've got a triple threat match between Bully Ray, Roman Reigns and Matt Sydal. The winner challenges the Breakout Champion Tyler Breeze for the title at Death Before Dishonor!

Reigns came to the ring next, followed by Sydal. When all three superstars were in the ring, the referee called for the bell. Bully Ray went after Sydal first, taking him down with a clothesline, then picking him up and throwing him out of the ring. Bully Ray then turned his attention to Roman Reigns, who dared the veteran superstar to come at him. Bully Ray charged at Reigns, and the two superstars began exchanging right hands back and forth. Bully Ray gained the upper hand, and after hitting Reigns with a series of punches in quick succession, he whipped him against the ropes, before hitting a side slam. Bully Ray hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: A strong start from Bully Ray!

As Bully Ray got to his feet, Matt Sydal re-entered the ring. Bully Ray grabbed him and went for a body slam, but Sydal countered with a headscissors takedown. Both men got to their feet and Sydal hit Bully Ray with an Enzuigiri, then set him up for a cradle suplex. Bully Ray blocked it, then hit an inverted suplex slam. He followed it up with the bionic elbow, then hooked the leg once more. The referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: Another near fall!

Bully Ray got back to his feet and picked Sydal up, whipping him into the corner. He then ran at Sydal, hitting him with a clothesline. Sydal fell to the mat, but before Bully Ray could make the cover, Reigns hit the Superman punch out of nowhere! Reigns then grabbed Sydal and set him up for a powerbomb... but Sydal countered with a hurricanrana! With Reigns down, Sydal signalled for the Shooting Sydal Press... but before he could get to the top rope, Bully Ray got behind him, applying a full nelson before lifting Sydal up and hitting the Bully Bomb! He hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... 3!

Jerry Lawler: It's over! Bully Ray wins!

Jim Ross: An impressive debut victory for the veteran superstar!

Bully Ray celebrated, then made his way to the back.


Jim Ross: Well folks, still to come we've got Tyler Breeze versus Trent, and Dolph Ziggler versus Wade Barrett in our main event. Up first though, two former World Champions go head to head as Ted DiBiase takes on Solomon Crowe!

"Heroes" by Shinedown hit and Ted DiBiase made his way to the ring, carrying the stolen PTG Title over his shoulder. After DiBiase entered the ring, "Space Dementia" by Muse hit and Solomon Crowe came out next. Both superstars received a mixed reaction from the crowd. When Crowe was in the ring, the referee called for the bell and the two men exchanged right hands back and forth. Crowe gained the upper hand, and after whipping DiBiase against the ropes, he hit him with a bicycle kick. As DiBiase got back to his feet, Crowe went for a lariat, but DiBiase ducked out of the way and got behind Crowe, taking him down with a Russian legsweep. DiBiase got to his feet and stomped on Crowe several times, then picked him up and went to whip him into the corner. Crowe reversed the Irish whip, sending DiBiase into the corner, then ran at him and hit a knee to the midsection. As DiBiase clutched his stomach, Crowe took him down with a DDT. Crowe went to the top rope and went for an elbow drop, but DiBiase moved out of the way. Both men got to their feet and DiBiase hit an inverted atomic drop, followed by a half-nelson backbreaker. He hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: DiBiase with a near fall!

Jim Ross: Great back and forth action so far!

DiBiase stomped on Crowe several times, then picked him up and whipped him against the ropes. As Crowe ran back towards him, DiBiase went for a high knee, but Crowe ducked out of the way, ran against the opposing set of ropes and hit DiBiase with a lariat. DiBiase got back to his feet and Crowe hit a series of punches, followed by an exploder suplex. Crowe then went for the Stretch Muffler, but before he could lock it in, DiBiase grabbed the bottom rope. Crowe then picked DiBiase up and dragged him towards the corner, slamming his head against the turnbuckle. Crowe then went to expose the turnbuckle, but before he could do so, the referee pulled him away from the corner! As Crowe and the referee argued, DiBiase attacked Crowe from behind, hitting him in the back of the head before throwing him over the top rope. DiBiase followed Crowe out of the ring and after slamming his head against the ringside barrier, he threw Crowe into the steel steps. After Crowe had collided with the ring steps, DiBiase ran at him and hit a running knee, causing Crowe's head to collide with the steel once more!

Jim Ross: By God, King! Solomon Crowe might be out cold!

With Crowe looking dazed, DiBiase re-entered the ring. The referee began counting, but as he reached the count of six, Crowe staggered to his feet and rolled under the bottom rope. As Crowe rolled into the ring, DiBiase stomped on him, trying to keep him grounded. The referee ordered DiBiase to take a step back, and Crowe used the ropes to pull himself up. Crowe then moved away from the ropes, and DiBiase grabbed him once more, going for the Million Dollar Dream! Crowe countered with a snapmare, then as DiBiase got to his feet, Crowe hit a Saito suplex! DiBiase and Crowe were both down in the middle of the ring. Crowe slowly made his way to his feet as did DiBiase. The crowd cheered as The Rock appeared from behind the curtain. The Rock sprinted down the ramp.

Jim Ross: The Rock! The Rock is here! It looks like he's making a B-line for his belt.

The Rock sprinted around to the time keeper and demanded his PTG Title. The time keeper obliged which led to DiBiase starting to head toward the rope closest to the outside. Crowe took advantage and rolled DiBiase up.

Jim Ross: Wait a minute, a roll up.. ONE... TWO.. THREE... Crowe wins!

Jerry Lawler: WHAT!

DiBiase kicked out but it was too late. Crowe quickly slid out of the ring and had a smile on his face. DiBiase was up in the refs face he was arguing, but the ref was insisting to the ref that he kicked out. He was furious. As the ref and DiBiase were yelling back and forth the Rock had slid into the ring. He dropped the PTG title on the mat, and sat perched ready for DiBiase to turn around, the crowd was going nuts. DiBiase turned around right into a Rock Bottom from The Rock!


The crowd was going nuts. The Rock picked up his belt and started to make his way out of the ring. The Rock then cocked his head back to towards DiBiase, this got a huge reaction from the crowd.

Jim Ross: Uh oh King, The Rock might not be done.

The Rock laid the PTG Title on DiBiase's chest. He kicked his arm next to his body, and ran both ropes, delivering a People's Elbow right onto the belt and heart of Ted DiBiase.


The Rock picked up his title and begin talking a ton of trash to DiBiase, the crowd was going absolutely insane as "Electrifying" played over the PA system. The Rock went to each turnbuckle and held his title up high.

Jim Ross: BAH GAWD! The Rock was on a mission tonight King, he came back for his PTG Title, and not only did he take it, but he also sent a message to Ted DiBiase, that if he wants it, he's going to have to go through the People's Champ!

Jerry Lawler: Oh my god!

Warfare went to a commercial with a closeup on The Rock looking down at DiBiase in the ring.


The jumbotron lit up as Renee Young’s petite figure could be seen. The next sight brought about cheers as the camera zoomed out to reveal a man who for some time had not been seen in the EBWF: Dean Ambrose. The image zoomed out further to also bring yet another man into view. Seth Rollins stood calmly next to Dean, who was shifting his weight occasionally from side to side.

Renee Young: Ladies and gentleman, as you can see at this time I’m here with Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins. Both Dean and Seth have—

A scream was heard and the screen immediately cut to black.


After Tyler Breeze and Trent made their way to the ring, Christy Hemme gave the official introductions and the match got underway. The bell rang and Breeze quickly went around and got a takedown. Both men got up and Trent hit a back elbow. Trent hit the ropes and ate a clothesline. 2 count by Breeze. Breeze hit a side buster and got another 2 count. Both men got up, and Breeze hit a belly to back suplex that was good for another 2 count.

Jim Ross: Breeze is showing Trent what he’s got here.

Trent bailed to the floor and Breeze gave chase. Both men backed in, and Breeze hit another big clothesline. Big shots to the gut by Breeze to Trent. Breeze hit a stalling back body drop and got another 2 count. Trent bailed to the apron, then hung Breeze up on the top rope. There was a big clubbing blow to the back of the head by Trent for only a 1 count. Trent was all over Breeze with shots to the back of the head for a 2 count. Trent was on the defensive and put a reverse chin lock on Breeze. Breeze fought up, and ate a drop kick to the chin.

Jerry Lawler: Big move from Trent!

Very close 2 count by Trent. Trent locked on another reverse chin lock as the ref checked on Breeze. Breeze fought back to his feet, and threw Trent away from him. Huge clotheslines by Breeze, and a belly to belly suplex to follow. Both men got to their feet and Breeze hit the Beauty Shot! He went for the cover and came up with the three count.

Jim Ross: Tyler Breeze is on fire!

Jerry Lawler: I can’t wait to see him in the King of the Ring tournament!


When EBWF Warfare returned from commercial the arena blasted with “Sound of Madness” and Wes Ikeda came from behind the curtain to a raucous Toronto Crowd. He wore a black pair of Doc Marten work boots, faded dark denim blue jeans and a black shirt that was emblazoned with a green and purple logo that read “Daff’s All Star Squad, Established 2013”. He started down the rampway and into the ring.

Jerry Lawler: Is that a Daffney t-shirt?

Jim Ross: I think it is, King. Wes Ikeda for some unexplainable reason representing former EBWF Women’s Champion and fan favorite Daffney here tonight. If I remember correctly, she was always one of Wes’ favorites too.

Jerry Lawler: They’re all my favorite, JR!

Wes slid in under the bottom rope, and asked Christy Hemme to hand him a microphone. She did, and then the ring announcer stepped back to her chair at ringside while Wes soaked up the cheers from the Toronto crowd.

Wes Ikeda: The first time I wrestled all-pro in Toronto was in 1997 at the old Maple Leaf Gardens in a dark tryout match for my very. first. wrestling contract. So I guess you could say that Toronto holds a special place in my heart.

The crowd popped and Wes grinned a little.

Wes Ikeda: I’m about three and a half hours from home, and I probably couldn’t accurately tell you the number of miles I’ve ran up and down the 401, but it’s a lot. I’ve wrestled in every community center, high school gymnasium and bingo hall in Windsor, Learnington, London, St. Thomas, Brantford, Hamilton, Oakville…

The cheers grew louder as Wes listed off names of towns closer to Toronto.

Wes Ikeda: I. have. paid. my dues.

That brought the crowd to their feet with applause and Wes continued.

Wes Ikeda: Multiple championships, insane matches and a whole lot of paydays later and I still think about the passion, the drive, the rowdiness of those 500 seat crowds, because as much as I love all of this, I know better than anyone that if you don’t stay in touch with your roots, with the things that mean the most? You start to lose yourself.

The crowd applauded their agreement.

Wes Ikeda: Now, I’ve got to hand it to John Cena. He didn’t spend his time toiling away in the indies like I did. I mean, hell, we’re the same age and he started a little later than I did, but he got things done in half the time. And sure, he lost to Tommy Dreamer and Shelton Benjamin along the way, but it’s not like anyone remembers that. Maybe John Cena didn’t pay his dues in the bingo halls like I did. That doesn’t mean he didn’t get it done some other way. I don’t think there’s a man in that locker room who would argue with the statement that John Cena is the hardest working man in professional wrestling today, of all the organizations, of all the world. There has never been a better ambassador for professional wrestling, ever in the history of our sport.

The crowd’s cheers had turned to boos, not understanding why Wes was praising Cena.

Wes Ikeda: Except, that’s not true anymore is it? John Cena has turned his back on this sport. John Cena has turned his back on you. John Cena has turned his back on me. This man, who has preached to all of us for the better part of a decade about loyalty, put his boot right at my throat and didn’t think twice about it. The one person I thought I could trust, encouraged me to let my son sit ringside at Wrestlemania when he already knew what he was going to do.

Wes shook his head.

Wes Ikeda: Paul Heyman came out here last week and said that I took Lesnar out from behind. Well, Paul, Lesnar has been getting cheap shots in on me for a year and a half. I am not interested in facing Brock Lesnar. I don’t need Brock Lesnar, and I believe I punctuated that with an exclamation point two weeks ago when you found Brock exactly where I left him. Now, I’m facing John Cena at Death Before Dishonor, and the gutless, no-good…

“Don’t *static* with John Cena, I’m a bad, bad man…”

The crowd was booing mercilessly as staticky sounds drowned out the expletive in John Cena’s theme as Wes stopped talking and checked the area to his back before turning toward the entrance way. John took his time, slowly ambling out of the back. He was dressed in his new choice attire of black Harley boots, dark wash jeans, and a form-fitting black v-neck t-shirt. He had an odd smirk on his face as he stood for a long moment at the center of the stage, ignoring the intense heat from around him. Then John’s music began to fade and the former King of HLR pulled a microphone out from the front pocket of his jeans and brought it to his lips.

John Cena: Sorry to interrupt Wes but I just had to come out here to correct a few... inaccuracies. Not to mention I was getting a little bored listening to you lament about your glory days like a married man mourns his sex life. If I wanted to know the history of Wes Ikeda I’d go on Wikipedia and at least skim over that crap.

John slowly began to start down the rampway toward the ring, his bright blue eyes intense and never leaving Wes Ikeda.

John Cena: Who gives a damn about where you’ve been? I mean, I went to Taco Bell down on Yonge Street about an hour ago, came back, then seriously considered taking a dump right on your makeshift desk in your makeshift office backstage for about an hour... I didn’t but I really thought about it, but you don’t hear me out here looking for cheap pops with that literal BS. Nice move by the way, Wes. The whole, let’s mention landmarks and locations in and around the city we’re in thing to get people to cheer me move. So creative. So effective. So predictable. So... old me. We all know where you came from, because you remind us every time the illustrious Wes Ikeda returns to the ring. Every. single. damn. time. How hard you had it, the kind of hell you’ve been through, the matches, the injuries, the battle wounds... heard it all. Repeatedly. Didn’t care then, don’t care now. Especially because no one in this industry really finds you relatable. Are we supposed to somehow be able to relate to you because you’ve been through hell, just like the rest of us? Yeah, maybe I haven’t had to toil in the same way as you but I used to call my address 1800 driver’s seat of a Chevy Nova in Walmart, San Diego, California. And San Diego summers get HOT, especially when your home’s central heating and AC unit comes in the form of a handheld fan that operates solely on triple A batteries. You buy cars like people buy toilet paper so don’t stand out here and pretend to be one of the guys. And I should know; because we were once friends. Good friends. Practically best friends. Almost even... brothers.

John gave a sinister smirk and, having reached the bottom of the ramp, he began to slowly walk around the ring, still locked on Wes. Wes in turn slowly turned his body, not wanting to put his back to John.

Jim Ross: Careful Wes....

Jerry Lawler: John Cena’s heading this way, JR.

John Cena: The greatest threats we ever allow to enter our lives, Wes, are the ones we allow to enter into our homes. You have come out here tonight and you have said you are going to face me at Death Before Dishonor. But... I think not. See, you just said it yourself. There has never been a better ambassador for this sport, than me. Let’s be honest, I could quit this gig slumming it here in the EBWF tomorrow and I’d still be set for life. I could walk away from this place, from you, from this sport, and not look back and never regret it. Because I’ve seen the truth. Paul Heyman has shown me the truth and that’s quite simply that all of this, is a farce. It’s a Wes Ikeda world right? And we’re all just supposed to be on our hands and knees thanking you for letting us be a part of it.

Cena gave a dark chuckle and shook his head, moving around the corner of the ring and heading toward where the announce tables and other staff were located.

John Cena: I am the face of an industry, you are just the face of a company, and at the end of the day? I don’t have to face you. You, Wes, have to face me.

Cena paused, letting those words sink in.

John Cena: You say you aren’t interested in facing Brock Lesnar but I think that’s about to change. Very, very soon.

Jim Ross: Wait... where is Cena going?

John had turned and suddenly he’d stepped right behind where a very nervous looking Christy Hemme now sat in her metal folding chair. He reached with one hand to play with her long, pretty locks.

John Cena: You see, you need to face me... because I was your family. And that means, I know things. Like, for example, where your children go to school. What lessons they take, where they take them, when the go, when they leave. I know things I bet you are wishing I didn’t, now. I know how to hit you where it will hurt most, and I have already started to sink that knife in... you just don’t know it yet. You need to face me, Wes Ikeda, to save face, to save your pride, to save your dignity, and most of all, to save the things and people that are most important to you. Because I promise you, you have no idea just how far I’ll go, or how far I’ve already gone, to hurt you. I on the other hand, have nothing to gain from meeting you in that ring. But...

Now he glared at Wes, one heavy hand on Christy’s shoulder, visibly squeezing it until she winced.

John Cena: You say you don’t NEED, Lesnar... but I’m out here to say you do, Wes. You actually need him a lot. You need him, if you want to get to me.

Jerry Lawler: Huh?

John Cena: I’m going to make a deal with you, Wes. If you think Paul Heyman is of no threat to you, if you think his words are empty and that Brock Lesnar is someone you can take out so easily, when you aren’t attacking him from behind that is, prove it. At Death Before Dishonor you face Brock Lesnar in this ring. You win? And you get a match with me. Lose? You get nothing. And, before you respond, let me just remind you that you aren’t a God, no matter what kind of complex you may have. You can’t be everywhere all the time. Let me remind you... how very easy it was to get you to put your son right where I wanted him at Wrestlemania. You should be thanking me for not encouraging you to bring your daughter and that little poop dropper you call spawn to the show as well.

There was that sick, twisted grin again.

John Cena: Then things could have gotten REALLY interesting.

The fans were booing heavily now, and Wes shook his head almost as if in disbelief for a moment. He looked at John’s hand on Christy Hemme’s shoulder, and held a hand out for a moment to hush the crowd.

Wes Ikeda: They could. Because you’re in a very interesting position aren’t you? You don’t have anything to lose. You don’t have anyone for me to threaten. But it wouldn’t matter if you did, because I wouldn’t stoop to that level. But if what you want is to spew some thinly veiled threats against my children and put down the company that’s lined our pockets for the last six years… then fine.

The crowd’s cheers picked up.

Wes Ikeda: I’ll face Brock Lesnar at Death Before Dishonor. I’ll do it in a straight up, no gimmicks needed wrestling match, and you and that goon, Paul Heyman are banned from ringside.

Toronto exploded as Wes leaned into the ropes to look down at Cena. John looked back at Wes and slowly a huge smile began to make it’s way across his face as he began to slowly nod.

Jim Ross: Wes Ikeda just gave John Cena exactly what he wanted and I sure hope he knows what he’s doing.

Jerry Lawler: Wes Ikeda has no fear when it comes to the Beast, Brock Lesnar, JR!

John Cena: Good. Good boy. You do that, Wes. But just keep one thing in mind...

He leaned down so his lips were close to Christy’s ear, his eyes never leaving the man in the ring, his voice gruff and deep.

John Cena: Paul Heyman and I don’t have to be in that ring, or even anywhere near it, to hurt you.

And then he roughly shoved Christy out of her seat, spilling her onto the floor. “Bad, Bad, Man” hit the PA again and the crowd booed mercilessly as Cena headed back toward the ramp. Wes bailed out of the ring, but moved toward Christy to help her back up from the floor. When she was on her feet, Wes checked her over, hugging her, and peering over her head at John Cena on the stage before Warfare went to commercial.


Bad News Barrett was the first man to the ring as the crowd awaited the arrival of the EBWF World Champion. The crowd cheered when “Smackdown” hit and Dolph Ziggler came to the ring.

Jim Ross: This should be a big matchup here tonight!

Both men locked up to start. Ziggler went behind and Barrett took him down. Ziggler held on to the waist lock and then slid out of the ring. Ziggler went behind again, but Barrett turned around and caught him with some right hands. Barrett got him in the corner and landed some stiff kicks. Barrett landed a snap suplex and covered for a 1 count. He went for a knee drop but Ziggler moved. Ziggler attacked with body shots and locked in a headlock. Barrett backed Ziggler into the corner and hit a kick to the gut. Ziggler got whipped hard into the corner and Barrett covered for a 2 count. Barrett now choked Ziggler on the middle rope. Ziggler started to fight back with right hands. Ziggler hit the ropes and connected with a big drop kick. Ziggler clotheslined Barrett to the outside and he went over the top with him. Both men traded blows on the outside. Barrett tossed Ziggler face first into the ring post as we go to commercial.

After the mid-match commercial Barrett is in control of Ziggler. Barrett has Ziggler in a rear chin lock. Ziggler fought back to his feet, but Barrett caught him with a knee to the gut. Barrett charged Ziggler in the corner but Ziggler moved and Barrett hit the ring post. Ziggler hit the ropes and connected with a cross body. Ziggler jumped on Barrett in the corner and hit 10 punches. Ziggler connected with a neckbreaker for a 2 count. Ziggler went for the fameasser, but Barrett moved and then caught Ziggler and hit the Wasteland for a very close 2 count.

Jerry Lawler: I thought it was over there!

Barrett set up Ziggler for a pump handle slam, but Ziggler fought out and hit the fameasser. Dolph covered and got a 2 count. Ziggler charged but Barrett moves and Ziggler hit the top turnbuckle face first. Barrett went up top, and Ziggler caught him. Ziggler gave chase and went for a superplex, but Barrett blocked and headbutted Ziggler off the top. Dolph jumped on the top rope and hit an x-factor off the top rope. Ziggler covered and got the 1..2..3! The crowd roared.

Jim Ross: And there’s a win for the EBWF World Champion.

Jerry Lawler: What a night. We go onward to Death Before Dishonor!

Jim Ross: And the beginning of King of the Ring.

Ziggler played to the crowd, holding his championship above his head as Warfare went off the air.