A new home with maybe a touch of gold!
Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 6:31 pm
OOC: Well here we go! NEVER used Maria in my life, so I'm REALLY proud and happy how this turned out. Had lot's of fun writing this. Hope you enjoy reading it. Feedback would be great whether good, bad, in between, in or out... Oh what the heck up and down:
All the animals were loved in scene 2 and all are best friends in the real world: Good luck to DJ and Jon. And saved the best for last I want to give a HUGE BIG BIG thank you to Dips for letting me use Evan and letting me write Evan parts (Hope I got him how you like)

Dear Diary,
So! Today I'm officially classed as a EBWF diva. Little did I know I would be in this company after watching the amazing talent that the company produces. Never in my dreams would I be working along side some old faces along with new ones. But that's what makes this business so amazing. Tonight I get to debut at the PPV called King of the Ring and what a debut it is. One belt and three divas all wanting to make a huge impact. Layla El the current Champion and it's the Sky High belt she is holding. Yes I know it's not the main belt but it's a start on the ladder right? Layla is impressive but judging from what I have seen on TV the “EVILLLL” thing she's got going on is so dumb. What happened to “FLAWLESS” or “REAL TALK” it must have been a “LAYCOOL” thing. And the whole Mike thing can't Layla find somebody else? Everyone saw how the both of them looked at each other, the undressing of the eyes when she looked at The Miz. Then Brooke Tessmacher! Yes everyone wants a little butt shaking. I'm not sure myself because she might pass wind in my face doing her finishing move “ASStastic” I mean I just hope she don't have something that smell before she hit's the ring tonight, I don't want to be throwing up in the ring and with it being my debut match it would not be a pretty sight to many. Maybe I was being rude just then with what I put down about Brooke is mild to say the least. But hey she won't see this and I'm certainly not going to show her. But going back to Brooke I know if she try hard enough she could do well in this match. But putting that all aside I know with some luck and focus I can do well tonight and even become the Sky High champion. What an achievement that would be “MARIA KANELLIS” The new Sky High champion it rolls off the tongue like melted butter or a warm fresh chocolate cake that you are dying to eat.
I guess everyone starts at the beginning and work their way up the ladder of belts but just the whole feeling that tonight maybe I could be walking out of King of the Ring the new Sky High champion seems an amazing feeling. The whole vibe in it's self seems so difficult to imagine, but I'm sure going to make my debut match a one to remember. Now normally I would be still in my cozy bed asleep but eight-thirty in the morning and I'm heading to the EBWF headquarters to meet somebody called Edward Kaufman. I heard this guy is amazing and what he does with his hands can send anybody into complete Paradise , the merchandise he produces is amazing and already he's got ideas for me. What can I say? It would be stupid for me to turn it down.
Well my little diary, that's all I got. Wish me luck and next time I write I could be the New Sky High Champion. GO ME!!!
Maria xoxo
The scene opened in a back of a limo where Maria Kanellis was seen sitting on a black leather long seat with her feet up. She had a somewhat casual but business look about her. Maria's brown/copper red hair hung loose down her back while the side parts of her hair sat resting on her shoulders, every now and again Maria would remove a strand of hair from her eyes and place it behind her ear. The outfit she had decided to wear was a plain black leather strapless fashion corset that hugged every inch of her top half of her body. She had accompanied that with a tight pair of three quarter length leather tight pants and a pair of very dark purple Ash-Shell satin high heel sneaker trainer shoe type foot wear. The mood she was in seemed a happy one with a hint of confident, and as the limousine stopped Maria sat looking out of the window at the view that was in front of her. Her heart was beating like the sound of a drum and she knew this was the moment where she had to make the first huge impact. The door swung open as a hand was extended, Maria smiled before placing her hand into the limo drivers hand and removing herself from the seat. Given another smile and a nod of the head Maria waited as the limo driver quickly leaned into the limo and grabbed her bag. Again another smile was exchanged as Maria then walked away leaving the limo driver standing looking on. Walking through the revolving door Maria was amazing at the sight that she saw, people darting left, right and center and then disappearing into rooms as the doors closed behind them. Everything was modern and it had a homely feel to it, Maria approached the reception desk and smiled at a youngish girl around her twenty mark.
MARIA KANELLIS : Hi! I'm here to see Edward Kaufman.
The girl looked up and smiled a welcome smile like it was painted on her face, She proceeded to stand up and lean over the counter towards Maria as she brought her hand up and pointed over to some elevators that were over on the far side of the building.
LADY BEHIND DESK : Okay! Take the elevator to the fourth floor, then out of the doors and sharp left where Mr. Kaufman office is the fourth door along.
Seemed straight forward and to the point which Maria was pleased about. Maria nodded in acknowledgment before speaking with a smile on her face.
LADY BEHIND DESK : No problem and have a pleasant day Miss.
Maria was not sure what to make of that. It seemed the girl had a button inside of her that she would press and it would send her to robot mode. After a quick walk to the elevator door Maria stood waiting for the elevator to arrive, Her mind shifted to her match again and what she would expect from Layla and Brooke. Both divas knew each other very well, as both had been in ECW and a dance trio with Kelly Kelly who Maria knew very well. It had been amazing to say the least how things change and now Layla and Brooke are now no longer friends but together in the same company. Extreme Expose was the name of the little group that Layla and Brooke were in and nobody can forget Kelly Kelly the blond blond bombshell who seemed to get more of the male population wanting more from the trio. What a huge run the trio had, and everyone could see that Layla and Brooke seemed to have a great friendship back then, but like everything things change and friends go their separate ways. Layla seemed to have made a name for herself whiles Brooke was not so lucky. But as Maria stood waiting she knew that both divas had some strong fight inside them and with Maria being the new face around the divas locker room Maria was certain Layla and Brooke were going to team up. A ding sound was heard as Maria quickly snapped back and walked into the small compact elevator. Two other people were already standing inside the elevator as the doors shut and it begun to move upward slowly. Maria was still in her own little word as she decided to think of her opponents one at a time.
First up Brooke Tessmacher! I'm not hot on what Brooke has accomplish in her past, but maybe I need to focus on what I know about her in general. A wrestling diva stroke Model with a lot of dance background thrown in. Brooke first real experience in the wrestling world was when she entered the 2006 Divas search which was the same year Layla won. That must still ring heavy on Brookes mind and it's strange because I was also in the divas search but I lost to Christy Hemme in the 2004 contest. Brooke is fast in the ring I'll give her that, She was trained by Deep South Wrestling company and what I have heard that company packs a punch. She's got power and with her looks it might be deadly. Six years in this business and Brooke is still going strong, but saying that I've heard she is on a losing streak here in EBWF. I guess I got to see that an advantage to me. I know it's not really relevant to my match but then it might because if I can stir the pot up I could get more of a change to get the win over the pair.
Maria again was suddenly snapped back to the “NOW” as the doors of the elevator opened and the voice from the intercom spoke loud “Fourth floor” Maria smiled before pushing though a few people and stepping out. In the mist of her thoughts and the journey up to the fourth floor the elevator had picked up a few new faces. Maria was finally free and and making her way to the office of Edward Kaufman. The corridor was bright and with posters neatly placed in well presented photo frames. Wes and Nicole Ikeda had made a very lasting impression on many people and the fans loved being apart of this world. Her thoughts quickly turned to a name tag that reads “ Edward Kaufman Office” Maria stood for a split moment before taken a long steady breath inwardly and exhaling through the nose before knocking and waiting. A second past and the door swung open, Maria knew it was a second because she counted it in her head, it was if the person was standing behind the door ready for her to knock. Maria was greeted by a smile by an oldish lady in her mid forty's and dressed in a formal suit, She smiled while beckoning Maria to enter. Of course Maria accepted as she walked through the brown door while her eyes darted around the room. The room was brightly colored and well decorated with a hint of mix tradition but modern items thrown in to up date the modern world we live in today. In the middle sat a huge marble black desk and two high black leather chairs, Maria was suddenly taken back as she noticed a man leaning back with his feet crossed legged on the table watching something on the TV screen and smiling. The small woman looked on and tried to grab Maria's attention but it seemed if Maria was under a spell, without turning to face the small woman Maria finally spoke softly.
MARIA KANELLIS : I'm here to see Mr. Kaufman
MR. KAUFMAN SECRETARY : Miss Kanellis I presume?
Maria looked slowly to the left and just nodded her head as the women smiled and walked over the where the the man was sitting. Maria's eyes never left neither of them as the man just seemed to jump out of his seat and look over to where Maria stood trying to act business like. He quickly picked up the remote and turned the TV off before walking over to where Maria Stood. Before the man had reached Maria she had watched him run his hand down his tie making sure he looked presentable as a smile was seen forming on his face and an extend hand was shown.
EDWARD KAUFMAN : Maria! Oh Maria! I've waited so long to see Maria!
Laughter left Maria and Edwards lips as she placed her hand into Edwards and shook firm but friendly
MARIA KANELLIS : Thank you Mr. Kaufman. And may I add you have a great singing voice.
EDWARD KAUFMAN : You noticed? That's great Maria, and call me Edward. Now Maria thank you for coming? along. Can I get you anything? Maybe a Tea, coffee, water, vodka tonic? You name it the Ikeda family will provide.
Again Laughter left Maria's lips as she looked around the Edwards office. Posters, T-shirts and different types of memorabilia was everywhere in the room. Maria's eyes shot over to a huge signed photograph of Layla El holding the Sky High belt and Women's belt high over her head. Maria just stood frozen as she remembered watching Layla win the Sky High the first time around. It was a match this very PPV and she was against Trish Stratus. Maria had remembered Layla had fallen short against Angelina Love for the Women's belt and when a tournament was made for the Queen of the Ring and the Sky high belt she noticed the look of determination on Layla's face. Maria felt it right then as well. She wanted to win now, she wanted to prove to herself and others that if Layla could beat all odds then so could she. Layla had a rough ride from what Maria could remember but she done it and she was one of the most successful EBWF divas on the roster. Maria tilted her head to the side and went back into her own little world as her thoughts ran around in her mind.
Maybe after my match I will be shown with the title over my head. The start of something big will make me something the fans will love, I'm good just like Layla El but she's changed. Something about her is not right. Is it the fact that she's been in this company a long time and that she's not really had any real competition? Or would it be the fact she thinks because she's got men at her feet she is untouchable? Layla is nothing special and she is simply a diva who's got something I want. Again six years of making her moves in this business and she's pretty much done everything. She is an icon in this business and I'm going against her tonight to show her that I'm the next diva to make a name for myself and follow in the foot steps of some of the accomplished divas in this business. Born and raised in England and came to America to make a name for herself and she did it. Layla earned that right to call herself a diva before she set the goal and fulfilled her dream.
Maria snapped back and turned her head to the left. Edward looked at her as he waved his hand in front of her eyes.
MARIA KANELLIS : Sorry Edward! I was just remembering when I first saw Layla win the Sky High belt. Do you remember that? It was the same PPV that I'm in and the same PPV I'm hoping to win my first title the Sky High belt . It's strange how I remember all that because it seems so long ago one year this month and what a long road it's been. She looked so “FLAWLESS” but things change and well Layla is not all that now. I mean where is the Woman who was the little spit fire in the ring, she looks more like a granny ready for the retirement home. And Brooke? where is she on these walls?
EDWARD KAUFMAN : Well!! I'm still working on that Maria. But listen Maria. Picture this...
Edward turns Maria around before bringing his hand up to pretend to paint an invisible picture.
EDWARD KAUFMAN : Maria I have a vision! A vision of you being a huge star. Merchandise will be the key to your success here in EBWF. Sky High belt and Women's belt will make you a household name.
MARIA KANELLIS : Okay! But I got to win them first Edward. I got to beat your current Sky High champion which is Layla El, not only that I have Brooke Tessmacher who will want some action. I'm only one woman.
EDWARD KAUFMAN : But you can be the next Layla El! Or Brooke Tessmacher which I do love her style but she really needs to get that booty in action for our male fans who have been asking me to produce Brooke Tessmacher inflatable bum cheek cushions. But putting that aside I think more Layla would be the best option for you. Layla's items are selling thick and fast and she got items for every type of fan that watches the program, the point I'm trying to make Maria is sales and merchandise sell your name here in the company and I think this PPV will be a great opportunity to bring your latest items on sale.
MARIA KANELLIS : Right! So what have I got to offer?
Laughter left Edwards lips before seemly pushing Maria over to a table full of objects and items.
MARIA KANELLIS : I see posters, T-shirts, cups and keyring. I see myself, Layla and Brooke on all of them? But why am I sharing everything with them two?
EDWARD KAUFMAN : Because this is the moment you show everyone what the three of you can do in the ring. One belt with three divas, this match is going to blow the house down.
MARIA KANELLIS : Are you confuse me with Kelly Kelly? I mean I swear last time I looked I had red hair? Or did I miss something out about the match? Is it a dance match where I pretend to be Kelly Kelly and we do the whole Extreme Expose thing?
EDWARD KAUFMAN : No Maria! Please work with me if you will. One of you will be Sky High champion and this is to show the EBWF what three talented divas we have competing for the Sky High belt. I'm so excited and I know you are.
MARIA KANELLIS : Yes I am! I'm excited to think maybe I will have my first taste of gold here in my new home. Edward this will be the night I will always remember if I win tonight. Whether I pin Layla or Brooke I don't care. I'm ready to become somebody tonight and show people I can make a name here. You know something? I'm going to work hard and show everyone that Maria Kanellis is the next diva to make it big here, I'm thinking right now looking at all these items that you better have ideas on new merchandise for me alone next time I come and see you Edward.
Both Maria and Edward shared some laughter as Maria turned and removed a fallen strand of hair from her eyes before looking down at her watch. It seemed time flew fast and Maria had remembered she was scheduled to make a speech in public about her match tonight. She removed her eyes from her watch and looked at Edward who seemed impressed with how things had turned out merchandise wise.
MARIA KANELLIS : Well Edward thank you for showing me the merchandise and I promise I will give EBWF fans a great match. Now if you excuse me I got to go! I've got an appointment with the EBWF fans.
EDWARD KAUFMAN : Of course Maria. And thank you! Oh Maria.... Maria this will be great Mariaaaaaa!
Edward quickly sung his Maria song before finally stopping as laughter left their lips. It seemed to amuse both of them as hand shakes were exchanged before finally Maria turning and making an exit as the scene faded out to black.
Kansas City, Missouri was tonight host for what would only be described as an important time for Maria. Not only would this be her debut in EBWF, but her chance to win gold the first every match she was put in. King of the Ring would have a place in her heart for the remainder of her time in the company and it would also hold huge success if she could capture the Sky High belt from current champion Layla El. Maria still had a few hours spare before show time and like any normal wrestler stroke diva you would be preparing and training in the gym or doing stretches backstage. But Maria was different and as you might wonder what I mean I think the only solution would be is to “SHOW” you.

The scene opened in a brightly colored room full of fluffy animals and everything decorated in white and pink. The wallpaper was pink with white little shaped style sheep jumping over little brown fence and a crescent shape moon for the hanging light shade that was hanging down from the ceiling in the center of the room. Going off to the far corner was a huge four poster bed with stuffed animals that had pink ribbons around their necks and pink colored nightcaps on with little white hearts dangling from the ends. The room had a cozy fill and when you thought you could not get any more cute a door swung open and Maria jumped out wearing a pair of pink fluffy pajamas along with a pair of pink bunny shaped slippers and her hair in pigtails with white and pink ribbon at the ends. Maria bounced around the room as she was holding an upside down hair brush and laughing to herself, A moment of just watching Maria must have been entertaining to watch, but was soon stopped as Maria noticed the camera was on. Maria looked around the room and brought her hands to her lips and giggled before skipping over to where the camera was before blowing a huge sloppy kiss and waving.
MARIA KANELLIS : Hey my little sheep Kanellis fans! Yes it's little old me Maria Kanellis coming live to you in... Oh shhh some of the younger fans are fast a sleep and we can't wake them up can we? Anyway King of the Ring is in a few hours and it's coming live from Kansas City, Missouri which may I add is an amazing city. But not only will there be some great matches but yours truly will be in my first debut match. It's huge Kanellis fans SKY HIGH belt up for grabs and what a way to kick of my road if I can be the new Sky High champion. But of course we have TWO opponents who won't make it easy for little old me. So while I was laying in my bed I thought about a cute little show called bed talk and I'm your host. So without further ado let's meet the first ever BED TALK guests!
Maria turned a sharp left and skipped over to the bed before bouncing on the fluffy pink covers and crawling over to the middle where she snuggled in the center. To her left was a pink Elephant with a cut out mask of Layla El covering the face of the Elephant. Maria smiled as she looked at the pink Elephant before bringing the hair brush to her lips.
MARIA KANELLIS : LayLay WOW you look so...
MARIA KANELLIS : Yes! Flawless, and so BIG! Anyway welcome to Bed talk and let me start by saying you look...
MARIA KANELLIS : Exactly! So in a few hours King of the Ring will start and you will be in a match fighting for your Sky High belt. LayLay are you really ready?
MARIA KANELLIS : Well LayLay I'm really glad you want to safe all your energy for the ring. Because tonight I'm pretty sure you are going to need everything you got to survive. You see LayLay you maybe “FLAWLESS” but that won't win you a match, that won't help you still be the Sky High champion. You got to understand LayLay I am going to make it my mission to pin you on the mat and maybe take the belt away. The way I see it LayLay you are getting boring and this company needs a new fresh face to bring the company to life. Yes we got your AJ Lee and your Torrie Wilson but that is not enough! The fans should have more and you are just not the person anymore LayLay. It pains me to say this but you are like the grandma of EBWF you have nothing left to offer the fans and your style is “NON-FLAWLESS” You make the Sky High belt look dull and lifeless, you bring no hope to the fans and you go around with two crazy men who I can never understand. LayLay seriously girl you need to wake up and smell the coffee because you need to see that I'm a threat to you and I will be hot on your tail for the Sky High belt. I'm going to hit you hard with everything I got and I won't rest till I hold the Sky High belt over my head. I've come into the business and given it everything and now I'm going to make sure that all the work I've done is for a reason. LayLay what have you got to say now?
MARIA KANELLIS : I should have guessed that is what you are going to just say! And moving on my little Kanellis fans and the next guest on Bed talk is another diva who will be in the match along side myself and LayLay and that Brooke Tessmacher. Give it up fans for the “ASStastic” Brooke!!!
Maria then turned to the right where a pink hippopotamus sat with a cut out shaped mask of Brooke Tessmacher, Maria smiled as she looked at the pink hippopotamus before bringing the hair brush to her lips yet again.
MARIA KANELLIS : Brooke girly it's amazing to see you, And you still got that huge ASS we all love to see.
MARIA KANELLIS : Okay! Well I hope you have more to say then Layla did just a moment ago because this is the first BED TALK show and I want it to be a huge success and I really don't want to be a one woman show doing everything.
MARIA KANELLIS : So like I said to Layla a few moments ago I want to know if you are ready?
MARIA KANELLIS : Well that is just great Brooke, I really love how you poured your heart and soul into given that speech. I can see you really ARE NOT trying to come up with anything new to say to me on our match. It's a shame because us three are all here and I thought one of you ladies might say something useful and interesting. Brooke it pains me to see how much you need a push in this business. You let the likes of Layla El walk over you hunny. And I can see it happening all over again. The Miz split you all up and you Brooke did not have the guts to stand up to Layla El back then. Well if you don't want to try then I guess it's only me left to want to win the Sky High belt and take Layla down a level. I can see it in your eyes Brooke... I can see you wanting to just get into that ring and “SHAKE” your booty. This is a wrestling match not a dance contest like both of you ladies are hoping for. It's real and at the end of it when one diva is standing tall there is a prize and I'm going to walk away with that prize, This means war and if I have to step on people to get what I want then I shall. Brooke you are going down honey. I know it's not nice to hear but it's nothing personal and I still have so much respect for you and I want you to do well I really do. But once we are in the ring it's only ME that I look out for and care about. Ladies may the best diva win!
Maria smiled as she removed the hair brush from pink hippopotamus and looked straight into the camera with a serious look. Hell could have frozen over in a matter of seconds as Maria eye's looked focused.
MARIA KANELLIS : Don't think for one moment I can't be nasty because I can. Layla El you want to be Flawless well I'll make that happen. You can be flawless when I pin your elephant butt one...two.... three. Brooke as for you I suggest you lay of certain foods before you step into the ring and don't worry about shining that Ass up because you will not be even using your ASStastic finishing move. Now with all that tiring work I think it's time for little old me and little sheep Kanellis fans to head to sleep land for a little while because we are going to need our strength to lift that SKY HIGH belt high over my head.
Maria then giggled in a school girl type of way before blowing a kiss into the camera and laying her head on the a pink fluffy pillow and closing her eyes as the camera and scene faded out.
Show time is always an important time to reflect on your match and what you want to achieve. Focus is the key player and for Maria Kanellis . Tonight was her biggest challenge ever, all eyes including management were looking in her direction to see what she could bring to the company. EBWF was the biggest and best company going and only the strong would survive and take it to the next level. Maria wanted to be known for being strong and her passion to go out to the ring and make it in this company was weighing heavy on her mind.
The scene opened backstage as Maria was in her final stages of warm ups before her important match. No one had really spoken to her sense she had arrived but she thought it was still early stages but one sweet person seemed to catch her attention on the twitter board. Evan Bourne had sign the same day as Maria and like newbie’s Maria welcomed him on the twitter board. Evan seemed shy but that what Maria liked about him, he was not over powering and full of himself, he seemed a kind and gentle person who would be a great friend in the company. With the thoughts still running around in her mind Maria had been over took with her thoughts as she leans forward to touch her toes to stretch the back of her thighs and most of her back posture not realizing anyone was standing next to her. A touch of another person sent a shiver through her body as she stood up quickly and was about to give the person who touched her a piece of her mind.
MARIA KANELLIS : Hey I... Evan!!!
Maria was taken back as a blood shot embarrassed look on her face was displayed. Evan stood on the spot with the sweetest smile. Maria was lost for words as right now all she had wanted was to be eaten up by the floor. Both Maria and Evan had changed into ring clothes and was ready to be called for there match, silence was all around as Evan decided to break the silence first.
EVAN BOURNE : Sorry Maria! I did not mean to scare you! I came to wish you luck tonight, A huge debut match huh?
Maria looked down at her feet and made the back of her heels click before looking at Evan with a smile.
MARIA KANELLIS : Oh it's okay Evan, I thought you were a crazy guy trying to grab me, I have learn you can't be too careful. But answer to your question, Yes! It seems unreal to be honest Evan. When you look at the divas already here in this company and I walk in and get a title shot I just don't know to laugh or cry. Yes it's great that I got a push so early on and maybe by the end of the PPV I could be the new Sky High champion but it's just scary and I got to focus even more, which that don't mean I would not be focused in any match I placed in. I just feel title matches are more bigger and get more attraction put on them rather then a normal match, which I know your match is normally but it's a huge one it it's own way and now I have no idea what I'm talking about because I'm really nervous now.
EVAN BOURNE : Hey it's okay Maria. Yeah, I can understand how you feel and don't worry about what type of match I'm in. So are you ready?
Again Maria looking down and bit her bottom lip not sure if she was. Maria was a fighter but sometimes even the strong can get nervous which is not a bad thing really. Maria's eyes shifted up again to Evan who kept the warm smile.
MARIA KANELLIS : I would like to think I am Evan, Layla is good but she is not great. Yes, she's been Sky high once before this time and Women's champion twice but there is nothing left for her now. She needs to step back and give some chance to the fresh faces. But have you noticed Evan? She is more interest in playing around with Kaientai then thinking about the Sky High belt. I personal think she should not have it, the belt is too good for her.
Laughter left Maria's lips as Evan nodded in acknowledgement.
MARIA KANELLIS : Then we have Brooke Tessmacher!
EVAN BOURNE : Yeah the ASStastic diva. I remember when she used to dance in ECW, damn that's a long time ago. And that move with her booty. Hate to be on the receiving end of that.
Evan and Maria shivered at the thought as they shared another round of laughter.
MARIA KANELLIS : Yes I agree! I thought Brooke might have had gold already but I guess the ass shaking movement is more her style, I like Brooke and I think she works hard just like all the divas but sometimes you really want to shake somebody to get them to move. I feel if Brooke don't pull herself together and focus gold will be way down her line and her ass will be enjoying laying down on the mat.
EVAN BOURNE : Well I am sure you won't find out Maria what that move is like that Brooke does.. In fact I have faith in you and I know you are going to beat both Layla and Brooke and be the Sky High champion.
MARIA KANELLIS : Oh Evan stop it! But I'll do my best and see what happens. I see your facing James Storm? Seem to me you might need to have all types of moves in the ring to beat him. But saying that I know you will also win your match tonight.
EVAN BOURNE : Thank you Maria that means a lot to know. Anyway I Um...
An awkward silence filled all around them as without thinking Maria leans in and kisses Evan on the cheek and slowly backs away. Eye contact was made as both smiled before Maria looked around realizing that King of the Ring had just gone on air and Evan's match was up first.
MARIA KANELLIS : Good luck Evan and I'll be watching.
Feeling a little awkward on what had just happened Maria smiled before quickly turning and walking away as the scene faded with Evan just standing on the spot stroking his cheek where Maria had kissed it .