Angel Shot Down
Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 10:57 pm
OOC: THANK YOU JAY FOR WRITING WITH ME, also sorry about the poopy ending, and sorry about the lack of color, I had no time to code. Any feedback on Sith Rolls would be greatly appreciated and welcomed, GOOD LUCK TONY.
Todd Grisham was on standby for his next interview. At the moment however, he stood alone. He kept checking his wristwatch for the time; his guests happened to be late. Fortunately for him, they had just arrived, only a few minutes past schedule.
A taped hand reached out from off camera and tightly grasped Todd's shoulder, squeezing it forcefully. Todd squirmed in its iron grip and turned around as the same hand slapped him on the back in a friendly manner. The hand was drawn back in and it’s knuckles were cracked by none other than a grinning Dean Ambrose. The camera zoomed out to reveal Seth Rollins standing beside him, smiling a little more calmly than Dean.
Dean Ambrose: Well thank fuck you were available.
Todd Grisham: Well you’re late!
Seth Rollins: Punk. Maybe you’re early and we’re on time.
Dean Ambrose: Yup. I checked my sundial and I was actually AHEAD of schedule. Don’t sass us, Todd. Without us, you’d be interviewing the new production junior.
Seth Rollins: And if you’re not careful, we’ll do what John Cena did last week.
Dean looked at Seth, perplexed.
Dean Ambrose: What DID John Cena do last week? I assume Lance Storm beat him.
Seth shook his head and folded his arms.
Seth Rollins: He made fun of Todd’s glasses. And Lance didn’t win.
Dean looked furious. He squared up to Todd.
Seth held Dean back.
Seth Rollins: Slow down there man, save all that pent up rage for tonight.
Dean Ambrose: Tonight?
Todd pointed to the cameraman with a nod and the cameras started rolling.
Todd Grisham: Yes. Tonight. You-
Dean Ambrose: Woah! That was super smooth Todd. And after I just made you wet your pants!
Todd Grisham: Well now you’ve-
Seth Rollins: Tonight, Dean squares off with The “Rated R Superstar” Edge, and I am up against… Justin Gabriel. I don’t know if he has any cool nicknames. But I digress-- also tonight, you will see Dean and myself advance onto the next round of the King of the Ring tournament.
Todd Grisham: Yeah, I was going to sa-
Dean Ambrose: That’s right brother. You’ve already spoiled it for everyone. We’ve got byes through to the next round tonight in the form of yesterday’s superstar Adam Copeland and the ANGEL GABRIEL. See, I made him a nickname.
Seth nodded in approval.
Seth Rollins: That’ll work for now. I say ‘for now’ because Gabriel isn’t gonna even have a chance for a liftoff. Somehow he managed to swoop right past The Rock. But tonight? Tonight Gabriel will fly smack into a window and he ain’t gonna survive it.
Todd Grisham: And-
Dean Ambrose: All angels are prone to falling, Justin. Yeah, big deal - you beat The Rock. I’m actually pretty sure Ikeda just signed someone from a lookalike agency and acted like nothing was different anyway. Tonight you’ve got the future coming at you. And all that crazy death-defying stuff you can pull off? This guy can do it better.
Seth Rollins: Just look at the facts, Todd. Gabriel has failed where I’ve been successful. Twice, this guy has been a tag team champ in the EBWF. So have I. But look at where I am, and where he is. I’ve still got my brother Dean here. Where are his people? Heath Slater disappeared off the face of the planet, and Wade Barrett is buddied up with Ryback now, probably stuffing his face with the greedy bastard. Justin comes from a line of failure. And not to brag, but I’ve grown myself a nice beard too for the hell of it. He couldn’t even do that.
Dean rubbed at his own face while Seth cracked another smile.
Seth Rollins: All joking aside, there’s one reason and one reason only that I will defeat Justin Gabriel tonight. He’s lost his focus. These last few weeks he’s had all attention on his girl, Velvet Sky. Probably trying to get her ready to win Queen of the Ring, since he knows he won’t make it past me. The only person Gabriel even intimidates around here anymore IS his girl. I don’t know why he acts the way he does now, but it’s none of my business. My only concern involving Justin is what goes on between the ropes tonight. And if I were him, I’d be a lot more focused on that. Sometimes it worries me how bent out of shape he gets over this “conspiracy” against him that he will never be King of the Ring. Tonight, you losing this match will be no conspiracy. It'll be me beating you, plain and simple, and there are no excuses for that. You’re kind of good, don't get me wrong. But I'm better.
Todd gave a nod and turned back to the camera.
Todd Grisham: You’ve heard it from Seth Rollins himself--
Seth patted Todd hard on the back, knocking his glasses askew as he and Dean stepped into the frame.
Seth Rollins: Don’t forget my buddy Dean, too. He was here.
Todd straightened his glasses and gave a slightly frightened look to Seth and Dean.
Todd Grisham: And also Dean Ambrose--
Seth Rollins: On why I’ll be one step closer to becoming King of the Ring.
Rollins looked over to Todd and nodded in approval as he walked off camera, leaving Dean behind momentarily to stare down Todd as he walked off after Seth.
A video began to play of Seth Rollins standing in a corridor alone, looking into the camera.
Seth Rollins: Since my return a lot of people have asked me why exactly I chose to come back, and what I plan to do in my time here, and the answer is simple. I aim to set the already high bars here even higher. And with someone like Dean Ambrose next to me along the way, we can soar to greater heights. Together we seem to push each other to new limits, and I know that we’re going to be able to push the others here to their limits. When it comes down to it, there are no doubts to my capabilities. There’s so much here left for me to accomplish, and one of those things is winning the King of the Ring, which will consequently lead me to yet another achievement that’s evaded me-- becoming EBWF World champion. When I say it, it all sounds so simple. But in reality, achieving either of these things isn’t a walk in the park. But I don’t live for walks in the parks. I’ve jumped into the shark tank that is the King of the Ring tournament and won’t get pulled out of it unless I come in bits and pieces from having tore the ring up with each and every star that I come across in that ring.
Seth rubbed at his jaw before continuing.
Seth Rollins: It’s sad for people like Justin Gabriel though, who are only gonna get left behind while people like me get to continue climbing to the top. But it’s all part of the game, and it’s a game I intend to win.
After his final statement, the video faded out to its end.
Todd Grisham was on standby for his next interview. At the moment however, he stood alone. He kept checking his wristwatch for the time; his guests happened to be late. Fortunately for him, they had just arrived, only a few minutes past schedule.
A taped hand reached out from off camera and tightly grasped Todd's shoulder, squeezing it forcefully. Todd squirmed in its iron grip and turned around as the same hand slapped him on the back in a friendly manner. The hand was drawn back in and it’s knuckles were cracked by none other than a grinning Dean Ambrose. The camera zoomed out to reveal Seth Rollins standing beside him, smiling a little more calmly than Dean.
Dean Ambrose: Well thank fuck you were available.
Todd Grisham: Well you’re late!
Seth Rollins: Punk. Maybe you’re early and we’re on time.
Dean Ambrose: Yup. I checked my sundial and I was actually AHEAD of schedule. Don’t sass us, Todd. Without us, you’d be interviewing the new production junior.
Seth Rollins: And if you’re not careful, we’ll do what John Cena did last week.
Dean looked at Seth, perplexed.
Dean Ambrose: What DID John Cena do last week? I assume Lance Storm beat him.
Seth shook his head and folded his arms.
Seth Rollins: He made fun of Todd’s glasses. And Lance didn’t win.
Dean looked furious. He squared up to Todd.
Seth held Dean back.
Seth Rollins: Slow down there man, save all that pent up rage for tonight.
Dean Ambrose: Tonight?
Todd pointed to the cameraman with a nod and the cameras started rolling.
Todd Grisham: Yes. Tonight. You-
Dean Ambrose: Woah! That was super smooth Todd. And after I just made you wet your pants!
Todd Grisham: Well now you’ve-
Seth Rollins: Tonight, Dean squares off with The “Rated R Superstar” Edge, and I am up against… Justin Gabriel. I don’t know if he has any cool nicknames. But I digress-- also tonight, you will see Dean and myself advance onto the next round of the King of the Ring tournament.
Todd Grisham: Yeah, I was going to sa-
Dean Ambrose: That’s right brother. You’ve already spoiled it for everyone. We’ve got byes through to the next round tonight in the form of yesterday’s superstar Adam Copeland and the ANGEL GABRIEL. See, I made him a nickname.
Seth nodded in approval.
Seth Rollins: That’ll work for now. I say ‘for now’ because Gabriel isn’t gonna even have a chance for a liftoff. Somehow he managed to swoop right past The Rock. But tonight? Tonight Gabriel will fly smack into a window and he ain’t gonna survive it.
Todd Grisham: And-
Dean Ambrose: All angels are prone to falling, Justin. Yeah, big deal - you beat The Rock. I’m actually pretty sure Ikeda just signed someone from a lookalike agency and acted like nothing was different anyway. Tonight you’ve got the future coming at you. And all that crazy death-defying stuff you can pull off? This guy can do it better.
Seth Rollins: Just look at the facts, Todd. Gabriel has failed where I’ve been successful. Twice, this guy has been a tag team champ in the EBWF. So have I. But look at where I am, and where he is. I’ve still got my brother Dean here. Where are his people? Heath Slater disappeared off the face of the planet, and Wade Barrett is buddied up with Ryback now, probably stuffing his face with the greedy bastard. Justin comes from a line of failure. And not to brag, but I’ve grown myself a nice beard too for the hell of it. He couldn’t even do that.
Dean rubbed at his own face while Seth cracked another smile.
Seth Rollins: All joking aside, there’s one reason and one reason only that I will defeat Justin Gabriel tonight. He’s lost his focus. These last few weeks he’s had all attention on his girl, Velvet Sky. Probably trying to get her ready to win Queen of the Ring, since he knows he won’t make it past me. The only person Gabriel even intimidates around here anymore IS his girl. I don’t know why he acts the way he does now, but it’s none of my business. My only concern involving Justin is what goes on between the ropes tonight. And if I were him, I’d be a lot more focused on that. Sometimes it worries me how bent out of shape he gets over this “conspiracy” against him that he will never be King of the Ring. Tonight, you losing this match will be no conspiracy. It'll be me beating you, plain and simple, and there are no excuses for that. You’re kind of good, don't get me wrong. But I'm better.
Todd gave a nod and turned back to the camera.
Todd Grisham: You’ve heard it from Seth Rollins himself--
Seth patted Todd hard on the back, knocking his glasses askew as he and Dean stepped into the frame.
Seth Rollins: Don’t forget my buddy Dean, too. He was here.
Todd straightened his glasses and gave a slightly frightened look to Seth and Dean.
Todd Grisham: And also Dean Ambrose--
Seth Rollins: On why I’ll be one step closer to becoming King of the Ring.
Rollins looked over to Todd and nodded in approval as he walked off camera, leaving Dean behind momentarily to stare down Todd as he walked off after Seth.
A video began to play of Seth Rollins standing in a corridor alone, looking into the camera.
Seth Rollins: Since my return a lot of people have asked me why exactly I chose to come back, and what I plan to do in my time here, and the answer is simple. I aim to set the already high bars here even higher. And with someone like Dean Ambrose next to me along the way, we can soar to greater heights. Together we seem to push each other to new limits, and I know that we’re going to be able to push the others here to their limits. When it comes down to it, there are no doubts to my capabilities. There’s so much here left for me to accomplish, and one of those things is winning the King of the Ring, which will consequently lead me to yet another achievement that’s evaded me-- becoming EBWF World champion. When I say it, it all sounds so simple. But in reality, achieving either of these things isn’t a walk in the park. But I don’t live for walks in the parks. I’ve jumped into the shark tank that is the King of the Ring tournament and won’t get pulled out of it unless I come in bits and pieces from having tore the ring up with each and every star that I come across in that ring.
Seth rubbed at his jaw before continuing.
Seth Rollins: It’s sad for people like Justin Gabriel though, who are only gonna get left behind while people like me get to continue climbing to the top. But it’s all part of the game, and it’s a game I intend to win.
After his final statement, the video faded out to its end.