Simple Minds

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Simple Minds

Post by Nathan »

The camera rolls as the sun is on its descent through the sky, casting long shadows throughout the graveyard. Hobbling among the headstones is none other than Mankind, his back to the camera as he moves from one stone to the next, reading the names and dates before moving on. Finally he comes to a stop next to a large statue of a stone angel, its wings starting to disappear with age and time. He motions for the camera to come over and it moves up, framing him with the angel over his right shoulder as Mankind turns to face the camera.

"Undertaker, let's put aside the pageantry, lay down the myth and lore, and focus on the reality of the situation we find ourselves in. I'm not buying what you're trying to sell for one simple reason. I know you. I've met you in that ring on more than one occasion, eventually you hung up your boots as they say but now you're back. You're back and completely out of touch with the real world. I mean... people think I'm crazy, but you're just nuts!"

He lets out a laugh, rocking back and forth a bit.

"I don't know what you've been watching, Undertaker. I haven't been prideful of my work, I haven't been walking around here saying that I'm the best in the world. I've worked hard to carve my own legacy in this industry so why would I want to take yours? You see, you can't have it both ways. You can't sit there and talk about the battles you and I have had in that ring and then treat me like some green, wet behind the ears kid that should be afraid of you. I know you too well to be afraid of you. I know what you're capable of and you know what I'm capable of. So don't show up here and make claims that you can't even back up."

Mankind chuckles, shaking his head.

"I've learned a lot over the years, Undertaker. You and I, we are not immortal. Our actions will live on long after you and I are both dust, but there is no escaping the final curtain call no matter who or what you think you are. I respect that truth just as I respect you, Undertaker. This week you and I are set to do battle once again. There's no cage for us, there's no hardcore rules, there is just you, and me, in that ring. I'm not going out there to expand my legacy, I'm not going out there to try and make a statement to the locker room, I'm going out there with one single simple goal. I am walking down to that ring to beat you. Why? Because it's what I have to do. It's what needs to be done. You're off in your own little world, casting blame on everyone but yourself. Well you're the only one to blame for your actions or lack there of. By leaving you defeated in that ring, I just hope that I can knock some sense into that thick skull of yours."

He grins, looking around himself for a moment.

"Don't worry, I know it wont be a walk in the park. I know we can put each other through hell. But if this is you on your A game, then I'm not too worried."

Chuckling again, he pushes the camera aside as he walks off.