Itami Time!

This is where you post your RPs for Warfare, Pay Per Views, and for character development! The deadline for RPs for the current card will be posted in a countdown timer at the top of the forum.

Itami Time!

Post by Dotty »

Ok so heres the excuses! I haven't roleplayed in literally YEARS, I'd forgotten just how hard it is. I've tried something a bit different and hoping to implement a few ideas in the comng weeks. Any feedback would be awesome, anything you like or anything you dont like. Feel free to put it on here or pm me. Just wanted to say everyone so far is super friendly here which makes things easier, and heres hoping my RP's get to the same standard as everyone else!

An EBWF banner hangs in front of a table in a conference room. Two chairs are positioned behind the desk with microphones, clearly signalling to the awaiting journalists thats two guest will soon be arriving. The room is filled with a gentle sound of murmuring as everyone talks amongst themselves, speculating what the big announcement they have summoned for could be.

A side door opens and in steps an extremely attractive woman. Standing nearly six feet tall in her high heels she looks like someone from a catwalk of Milan. Her blonde hair is scraped back into a perfect bun, allowing her stunning face to be seen by all. The trouser suit she is wearing is clearly a high end tailored piece and compliments every inch of her body. She quickly surveys the entire room with a flicked glance of her piercing blue eyes and she slowly raises her hand. This gesture causes the speaking to stop. Without missing a beat the raised hand turns over motioning to the opening behind her.

“Ladies and gentleman, please welcome “The Million Dollar Man” Ted Dibiase.”

There is a shocked intake of breathe from virtually everyone in the room. Then, for the first time on EBWF screens that familiar Ted Dibiase laugh can be heard as he steps out. He flashes a smile to the cameras and offers his assistant a quick wink as glides past her. The suit Dibiase is wearing is flawless. Like an homage to his outfits from the 90’s. It is wonderfully crafted. Jet black, with gold detailing on the lapels. Somehow the material seems to shimmer in the flash of the photographers cameras. Arms outstretched he makes his way to one of the a waiting chairs. He gently runs his hand through his chestnut hair, his pearly white smile, perfectly framed by his trademark beard, never leaving his face. Sitting at the desk, he is clearly enjoying the spotlight and allows himself a moment to soak up the adulation before raising his hands to silence the room. Dipping his head ever so slightly to the microphone he opens his mouth to speak.

“I bet you never thought you’d see the day when the Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase would be in the EBWF (Ted pauses for a moment before carrying on)! It might have taken years, but it’s finally happened. HAHAHAHAHAHA!”

The camera flashes once again fire into action in a bid to get that shot of The Million Dollar Man, head back, laughing, with the EBWF logo beneath him. Again Ted allows the moment to linger, waiting for the suspense to build as to why he is here.

“I live a life that each and everyone of you could only dream about. I spend my days with fast cars and even faster women! Take your wildest dreams and times that by ten and thats a quiet day for me. Not much could tempt me back to the squared circle. One thing is (he paused a moment, building that suspense even further) MONEY. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!”

Gentle laughter fills the room, as if any of the press pack in attendance would have assumed anything else!

“Like every great businessman its about knowing the right time to invest. That time is now (Ted drove his index finger into the desk, as if to emphasize his point). I sit at home watching EBWF week on week and you know what it’s lacking? The next big thing. Its lacking that face that the world recognises. That one superstar who gets mobbed everywhere he goes, that one face that is in every newspaper, magazine and television programme you can think of. That superstar who is going to earn millions and millions of dollars. Until now.”

Ted let that statement hang once again. A more intense look was in his eyes.

“I could have ANYONE sat in this chair next to me. John Cena, Randy Orton, Brock Lesnar, Mankind, The Miz, hell I could get Hulk Hogan to drag his busted hips on this stage with me right now! I could turn any schmuck into a global star. Everybody has a price. But like every great businessman its about knowing who to invest in and more importantly investing early to get the biggest slice of the pie! HAHAHAHAHAHA. That’s why when you spot a diamond in the rough you take the chance. I’ve struck a deal to take someone hungry and willing to learn at the bottom and I’ll take him to the very top.”

“I’ve managed many stars in the past and one thing they have in common is they became winners. They became the best of the best and I’ll be doing that again. Being the biggest star around brings the biggest paycheques and thats what I’m here for! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!”

Gesturing his hand to the door once again and rising to his feet Ted DiBiase starts speaking again.

“I present to you, the next global superstar of wrestling - HIDEOOOOOOOOOOOOO ITAMI!”

From out of the door steps the Japanese star. Wearing a navy blue suit he has a steely look in his eyes. Although the sudden flurry of camera attention clearly make him slightly uneasy. With a slight awkwardness he begins to wave to the crowd and nod his head in a vain attempt to acknowledge each separate journalist before him. With a beaming smile The Million Dollar Man beckons him over and Hideo’s nerves seem to subside as he walks over and the two men embraced. Like a true professional DiBiase quickly turned the hug into a hand shake so the cameras could once again get that prized picture for their respective publication.

“HIDEO ITAMI! The total package right in front of you now. He has everything to be the best and now has the right guidance to take him there. Those at the top better watch out because its Itami time!”

With that Ted brings the brief press conference to an end, gesturing for Hideo to leave from the door they entered. Hideo happily obliged and strode out the room, quickly followed by both DiBiase and finally his glamorous assistant. Those left in the room were confused, there were clearly so many questions left till to be asked, but as quickly as it had begun it had ended.


A seemingly deserted nightclub is set up ready for a performance. All of the tables are laid, the stage is lit, yet only one table is occupied, front row as if waiting for the start of a show that will play to an empty room. Two men are sat and a lady stands beside them. Upon closer inspection Ted DiBiase and Hideo Itami are at the table with glasses of wine in front of them. DiBiase’s female assistant stands to the side, close enough to hear any requests they may make, yet far enough away to not impose on them at all.

Itami is wearing a black shirt, with two of the top buttons undone. Clearly the Million Dollar Man felt slightly more formal attire was required as he was wearing a grey suit. His tie perfectly knotted and his dollar sign cufflinks were frequently catching the light from beneath his suit jacket. What appeared to be a one way conversation was taking place as DiBiase was talking at Itami, who seemed to have perfected the art of nodding at intervals within the conversation that pleased his manager and mentor. Once DiBiase caught sight of the camera heading towards him a wide grin came across his face and he beckoned them over in a warm, welcoming fashion.

“Please, come over, they’re waiting for me to start the show. (DiBiase made a gesture in the air as if a whole crew of people were waiting on his next move, yet the room was empty apart from his two guests). The EBWF fans will finally get a glimpse of the future at Warfare in Iowa, when Hideo will make his debut. Make no mistake both Itami and I (he gently nodded in his collegues direction) realise there is only one chance to make a first impression and we plan on taking full advantage of this. Thats why we gladly welcome a debut against Daniel Bryan. To get to the top it’s all about exposure. Making sure EVERYONE gets a chance to see Hideo in action.”

Ted DiBiase picks up his glass of wine, taking a deep sniff at which point almost instinctively Hideo done exactly the same. Before both, in perfect synchronisation, they take a sip.

“The path to being the best means beating the best and really there aren’t many better wrestlers in the world right now than Daniel Bryan. Unfortunately for you Daniel one of them is sat next to me right now. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA (DiBiase clapped his hand on Itami’s shoulder who joined in with the laughter). Dont feel bad Daniel, although you will be the first, you certainly won’t be the last to be broken and tossed aside on Hideo’s journey to the very top in EBWF.”

Once again Ted paused to sip his wine and smile at the camera. His words were being delivered calmly, yet with intensity.

“Please Daniel I beg you, bring your A game, bring your B and C game as well just so the world can see that when you have thrown EVERYTHING you possibly can at Hideo and that bell rings at the end of the match you will be on the canvas and stood over you, with his arm raised, will be Hideo Itami. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. You cannot compete with the wealth of experience and knowledge I’ll bring being stood in his corner. Together we are unstoppable. You see everybody has a price Daniel and you are the unlucky number one who’ll be shown exactly how costly it is to step in the ring with Hideo. At Warfare it will be Itami time!”

DiBiase clicked his fingers in the air and shouted “GLORIA” sparking the assistant next to him into life. She touched her bluetooth earpiece and spoke into it.

“Tell Mr Sheeran that Mr DiBiase is ready for him now.”

The stage curtain hastily rose and both DiBiase and Itami began to applaud as a single musician was revealed on stage…..
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Ben M
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Re: Itami Time!

Post by Ben M »

I wouldn't have had the Million Dollar Man down as an Ed Sheeran fan! Haha.

Good RP, though. I enjoyed it :)