Warfare Results 07/20/15

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Ben M
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Warfare Results 07/20/15

Post by Ben M »


The Iowa crowd was teeming with anticipation as the pyro went off and Warfare was set to begin.

Jim Ross: Hello folks welcome to Warfare, I'm Jim Ross, joined as always by Jerry "The King" Lawler and we got a great show on tap for you tonight!

Jerry Lawler: We sure do JR! Tonight we will name new #1 Contenders for the tag titles!

Jim Ross: Yes we will, and in our main event the New Path To Glory Champion The Miz will take on King of the Ring Winner Sami Zay...

All of a sudden a loud blaring instrumental of Skillet's "Awake and Alive" filled the arena.

Jim Ross: What's this?

The crowd did not recognize the theme music, but they quickly erupted in a chorus of boo's as from behind the curtain came the five men that the show concluded with a week prior. All dressed in designer suits came Kevin Owens, Finn Balor, Kyle O'Reilly, Ted DiBiase and The Miz. Miz had the PTG Title over his right shoulder. All of the men slowly made their way down to the ring.

Lilian Garcia: Making their way to the ring, Finn Balor, Kyle O'Reilly, Kevin Owens, Ted DiBiase, and the EBWF Path To Glory Champion, The Miz.

Jim Ross: Well these five men made waves last week when we ended the show with them decimating RKO.

Jerry Lawler: Well Balor, Owens, and O'Reilly did JR, but what is Miz and DiBiase's involvement?

Jim Ross: Well it looks like we are about to find out.

When the five men entered the ring, DiBiase quickly intimidated Garcia for her mic, with her remembering being shoved to the mat like she had been a week prior. The Miz also grabbed a mic from the time keeper. Owens, Balor, and O'Reilly stood in line and all had little to no expression on their face. The boo's increased as DiBiase went to speak.

Ted DiBiase: Thank you Lillian for that introduction, it was just as beautiful as you are toots.

Lillian, who was now on the outside of the ring forced an unenthusiastic weak fake smile.

Ted DiBiase: But you see once again, it was all wrong. Just as I had to last week, I will tell you.. better yet.. I will show you how to do your mindless job better. Because simply listing our names, Finn Balor, Kyle O'Reilly, Kevin Owens, Ted DiBiase, The Miz, doesn't tell the whole story. You see as individuals we are.. well we are still pretty great.. but as a group we the pinnacle, we are the top of the food chain, we are the VERTEX of this business.

The crowd booed, Miz picked up.

The Miz: So from now on Garcia, EBWF universe, that is what we will be known as, VERTEX.. and for those who aren't sure what that means, which we're in Iowa, so I'm sure that's pretty much everyone. Go back to what your Learning Disability specialists taught you.. use CONTEXT CLUES.. to figure it out. VERTEX.. as Ted said means the pinnacle, the best, the top, and if you morons need a visual for that.. take us in!

Miz raised his hands and moved them across the air pointing to each one of his fellow stable mates.

The Miz: Kyle O'Reilly, Kevin Owens, Finn Balor you all have made the best moves of your careers, because not only have you aligned yourself with Ted and myself, which means you will get to enjoy all of the limos, the expensive parties, the nights out on the town with the most beautiful women in the world. You will also now be elevated to a level in Sports Entertainment that you have only dreamed of. Welcome to the first day of the rest of your lives!

The crowd booed as Balor, Owens, and O'Reilly all shared arrogant smirks. The Miz had more of a happy smile on his face.

The Miz: I'm sorry I just can't stop smiling, I can't stop smiling knowing that Vertex is going to absolutely dismantle this company, smiling knowing that the hot garbage that EBWF has put out over the last several months is now officially over.. because at King of the Ring, as all of you saw on your 4 inch black and white TV's I became the EBWF Path to Glory Champion when I finally sent The Rock back to rated G movies and bad HBO shows, defeating him in the center of the ring.. ONE.. TWO.. THREE!

The crowd booed.

Jim Ross: He did, but he damn sure had a lot of help.

The Miz: I won The Path To Glory Championship which meansssssssssss.. that THIS MONTH at Sacrifice.. I am able to cash the title in... to go one on one with the EBWF World Heavyweight Champion, Dolph Ziggler.

There was a mixed reaction, as half the people were cheering for Dolph, half were anticipating Miz announcing that he would be challenging him for the title.

The Miz: Just like that, nobody is talking about my opponent tonight Sami Zayn's King of the Ring win. Nobody is talking about anything that occurred 2 weeks ago, except that now Miz will FOR SURE become the EBWF Champion once again, everyone expecting me to cash in and face Dolph Ziggler. SO this month at Sacrifice Miz vs. Dolph Ziggler for the EBWF World Heavyweight Title....on second thought... naaaaahhhh..

Jim Ross: Nah?

Jerry Lawler: He's not going to cash in.

The crowd cheered this decision.

The Miz: I won't cash in this month. I will let you and your little hero Dolph Ziggler enjoy the limelight for a little while longer, KNOWING that I am breathing down his neck. Knowing that with each month that passes he is another month closer to me cashing in the PTG Title and taking away his moment in the sun. I'm going to haunt you Dolph, if you are lucky enough to continue holding on to the gold, I will take great pleasure in being the one to rip it right out of your lotioned manicured hands.

The crowd booed loudly. Vertex nodded and snickered to each other.

Ted DiBiase: And that goes for the rest of you in the back. If you want to be a hero, go ahead and give it a whirl, but don't say we didn't warn you when we leave you in a pool of your own blood, just like we did Rated RKO last week. Trying to screw with Vertex will be the last mistake you ever make. Don't believe me? Ask these guys.

Ted and Miz dropped the mic as "Awake and Alive" played once again and pictures of a battered and bloody rated RKO were seen on the tron, as Vertex made their way out of the ring and back up the ramp.

Jim Ross: Well there you have it folks, Vertex is born tonight, and there's no telling what these 5 men are going to do together here in the EBWF.

Jerry Lawler: And how about The Miz announcement to NOT cash in this month to face Dolph Ziggler.

Jim Ross: No doubt some sort of mind game the PTG Champion is trying to play with us. We'll be right back folks.

Warfare faded to a commercial.


Jim Ross: Welcome back to Warfare. We are ready for the first matchup tonight. Daniel Bryan will take on Hideo Itami!

After entrances for both superstars, the bell rang and the two men immediately went at it with everything they had. Bryan nailed Itami with a big right hand before running his forehead across the top rope. The ref called the men off and Itami fought out of a corner and beat Bryan into the opposite corner. Bryan came back with a big right hand. Itami beat Bryan down and sent him out of the ring. Itami followed and Bryan nailed a big right hand. Itami hit a clothesline next. Itami came off the apron and dropped Bryan again. Itami brought it back in the ring with a low clothesline and an elbow drop. Itami ducked a clothesline but Bryan launched himself into Itami for a near fall.

Jerry Lawler: Daniel Bryan making a go of it here!

Bryan slammed Itami into the ring side steps, as the referee counted to six. Bryan brought it back in and stomped away on Itami. Bryan hit a suplex and a senton for a 2 count. More back and forth. They collided in mid-air and Bryan got the best of Itami. Bryan sent him back to the floor. Bryan followed but Itami rushed and they collided on the floor. They come back in and went at it with rights and left. Itami unloaded and hit a running bulldog. Itami wrapped Bryan up in the ropes and charged him.

Jim Ross: Hideo Itami showing some offense!

Itami got a leg drop to the back of the neck from the second rope and then covered with a two count.They went to the top and Bryan tried for a superplex but Itami fought him off. Itami sent Bryan to his feet. Itami came off the top an leveled Bryan. He went for another pin, but came up short at two. Itami nails the clothesline this time. Itami goes to the top diving double foot stomp while Bryan is standing. The crowd comes alive as Itami went for the pin, getting the 1..2..3 victory!


“Gun” brought the arrival of Alexa Bliss who went straight to the ring in anticipation of her match.

Jim Ross: Alexa Bliss will face Becky Lynch tonight, and as of late, Becky has been on a mission.

Jerry Lawler: To be honest, JR, I’m not sure I like Becky’s attitude.

As Becky arrived their banter continued.

Jim Ross: I’m not sure she cares, King.

Becky got into the ring, and no sooner had the referee rang the bell had she rolled Bliss up for a quick two count. This sent the crowd into cheers. Alexa got up and the two locked up, then separated. Another lock up and Bliss locked in a head lock, taking Lynch down to the mat. Lynch countered into a head scissors, and took Bliss down with an arm drag.

Jim Ross: Becky Lynch is showing no mercy, King!

Another lock up and Bliss worked over Lynch’s arm, but Lynch was able to clamp on a head lock and hit a big shoulder block. Lynch and Bliss traded roll ups before Lynch put on another head lock before hitting a low dropkick. Bliss sent Lynch into the corner hard before choking her against the middle rope. Bliss sat on the top and clamped on another rear chin lock. She kicked Lynch down to the mat before going for the pin. Lynch came back with a big DDT, and a dropkick to the side of the face. Lynch took Alexa down to the mat.

Jim Ross: Careful!

But it was to no avail, Lynch had locked on Dis-arm-her, and was using the Fujiwara armbar to wrench Alexa’s shoulder back. Bliss tapped, giving a victory to the fiery redhead.


The music hit and Stardust was introduced as he came out to the ring looking ready for business. Shortly after Mankind's music played with his introduction and he emerged as well, heading down to the ring. Both men started throwing rights and lefts as soon as they were both in the ring and the ref had no choice but to call for the bell to officially get the match underway.

Jim Ross: What an explosive start to this match! These two just couldn't wait to get things started and who can blame them?

Jerry Lawler: Well I think it's safe to say that neither one of these superstars are in a normal state of mind, Mankind seems content with hurting himself just as much as his own opponent!

Mankind grabbed Stardust, sending him against the ropes. He scooped him up as he bounced back, slamming him down hard and going right to the pin. 1..2... kick out by Stardust who rolled to the outside for some separation and a moment to recover. The ref kept Mankind in the ring before starting the count.

Jerry Lawler: This is a smart move here by Stardust, no need to hurry things here, slow it down, regulate the pace.

Jim Ross: Mankind and Stardust certainly don't mind a fast pace in the ring, King, but Stardust is taking a needed breather.

Finally Stardust rolled back into the ring and Mankind went for the tie up but got a kick to the gut and tossed into the corner. Stardust was over him right away, slamming down with hard right hands up to a count of nine before he dropped out of the corner, allowing Mankind to fall to the mat and he rolled towards the middle of the ring. Stardust took to the top rope, executing a high risk maneuver and connected perfectly.

Jim Ross: My god! He got all of that one! This one could be over, folks.

Jerry Lawler: High risk but big reward there for Stardust!

Stardust went for the cover on Mankind. 1..2... Mankind managed to barely get a shoulder up before the three count but it was very close. Stardust didn't look happy about that and he pulled Mankind to his feet again, tossing him to the ropes and giving him a hard dropkick straight to the face. Mankind dropped like a sack of potatoes and once more Stardust took to the top rope.

Jerry Lawler: Uh oh, don't do it Stardust!

Jim Ross: Stardust looking to end this one now!

Stardust hit his finisher from the top but instead of going for the pin he pulled Mankind up to inflict more punishment. Mankind gave him a shove and once again they started to trade big hard rights back and forth in the center of the ring. Mankind ducked beneath a swing, spun and grabbed Stardust to send him to the ropes. He dropped his head but Stardust read it, grabbing him for a swinging neck breaker, laying Mankind out in the center once more.

Jim Ross: Oh! That could do it! A devastating swinging neck breaker on Mankind.

Jerry Lawler: It sure does seem like it.... wait a minute!

Stardust had began climbing the ropes for a third time when a loud bell toll echoed throughout the arena and the whole place went dark. Lawler let out a scream and when the lights came on Stardust was on the outside of the ring, inside was the Undertaker standing over the fallen Mankind.

Jim Ross: It's the Undertaker! What's he doing out here, King!? He shouldn't be interfering in this match!

Jerry Lawler: You want to go in there and tell him that JR? I don't think so.

Undertaker looked down at Mankind before starting to viciously stomp down on him. He grabbed and pulled him up, looking around at the audience before scooping Mankind up and delivering a sickening Tombstone Piledriver. Mankind was laid out and Undertaker looked down, seemingly satisfied with his actions as his music started to play. He was headed out of the ring, stepping out onto the apron as Mankind rolled out the far side of the ring. Undertaker noticed the movement and dropped down to the floor, slowly stalking Mankind from around the side of the ring. Mankind looked like he was out of it, pushing people away as he moved toward the announce table. Suddenly Undertaker was right there, clasping a hand around Mankind's throat. He signaled to the crowd before lifting Mankind up and choke slamming him straight through the announce table.

Jerry Lawler: Ah! Look out JR!

Jim Ross: Mah Gawd! That is enough sir! Folks, paramedics are racing out here and we'll take a moment to regroup!

Undertaker turned and walked out as his music hit again, medics tending to Mankind who continued to lay motionless on the collapsed announce table.


Torrie Wilson walked through the halls with a smile across her face. That is, until she came across a certain someone. She took a breath before approaching Stacy Keibler and tapping her on the shoulder.

Torrie Wilson: Uh, Stace?

Stacy Keibler: Oh, hi.

Stacy flashed a half-assed smile in Torrie's direction before quickly turning her attention back to the cup of coffee she was pouring.

Torrie Wilson: Can we talk?

Stacy Keibler: Talk about what?

Torrie Wilson: You know exactly what. Why did you go out there help Eva and Summer win last week? I can't believe you seriously took Sasha up on being all buddy-buddy with them. And what was all that about being birds of a feather when my name came up? I thought we were friends.

The taller blonde sighed and turned around to face her visibly upset friend.

Stacy Keibler: We are, but what do you want me to do, Torrie? Lie to make you feel better? That's just not who I am. I'm not going to pretend like you've been at the top of your game as of late, because quite frankly, you haven't. You know it, I know it, the world knows it. Sasha, Summer, and Eva have been running things just like I used to, and that's a fact. And I didn't come back to fall into the same mold as the majority of the so-called legends of the Diva's division, so I'm doing the most logical thing to do.

Torrie Wilson: Really, Stacy?

Sasha Banks: Really.

Torrie turned around to see the Mean Girls trio of Sasha Banks, Summer Rae, and Eva Marie behind her. All three carried their gold as they stared Torrie down, with Stacy smirking on.

Summer Rae: You heard her. Or is your hearing finally starting to go?

Eva Marie: That has to be it. Because it's clear that your mind already left the building.

Sasha Banks: Stacy's with us now. She's too good to be seen't with you. That's because the Mean Girls are the queens around here, and you...you're just a peasant.

Stacy grinned, just letting Torrie take the verbal assault. Torrie looked down for a moment, waiting for her so-called friend to stand up for her. When that did not happen, Torrie turned and got in Stacy's face.

Torrie Wilson: So you're too good for someone who's been by your side for your entire career all of a sudden?

Stacy Keibler: Not all of a sudden. Just since you decided to become a joke around here.

Torrie Wilson: I'm a joke? You know what, Stacy? I think there's only one way to prove that.

Stacy Keibler: And how is that?

Torrie Wilson: You and me, in the ring, at Sacrifice.

The Mean Girls simultaneously laughed in the background before joining Stacy at her side, turning this into 4 on 1.

Sasha Banks: Puh-lease! She'll embarrass you even worse than you embarrass yourself!

Summer Rae: Yeah, you don't stand a chance against her!

Eva Marie: Tell her, Stacy!

Sasha, Summer, and Eva, all looked up at Stacy, egging her on. Stacy nodded, putting her hands on her hips and staring Torrie in the eye.

Stacy Keibler: You're on.

Stacy leaned forward she shoved Torrie back, causing her to lose her footing. The quartet all laughed at Torrie's expense and walked off, leaving Torrie fuming as she fixed herself up.


As Warfare returned from a commercial break, Eva Marie made her way to the ring for the next match.

Jim Ross: Welcome back! Up next we've got divas action as Eva Marie takes on the two-time Queen of the Ring, Brie Bella!

After Eva had entered the ring, "You Can Look" hit and the crowd gave a mixed reaction as Brie Bella headed to the ring. Upon entering the ring, Brie glared across the ring at her opponent, who glared right back at her.

Jerry Lawler: No love lost between these two divas, JR!

The referee called for the bell and he two divas locked up. Eva went for a headlock, but Brie countered with a hammerlock, then released Eva before turning her around and hitting her with a forearm smash. As Eva staggered backwards, Brie grabbed her, and went to whip her against the ropes. Eva reversed it, sending Brie into the ropes, and as Brie ran back towards her, Eva hit an arm drag. Brie got to her feet and Eva went for a clothesline, but Brie ducked out of the way, before taking Eva down with a swinging neckbreaker. Brie hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... Kickout!

Jim Ross: Brie Bella with a near fall!

Jerry Lawler: What great back and forth action we're seeing between these two divas, JR!

As Brie got to her feet, she stomped on Eva several times, before pulling her to her feet and whipping her into the corner. Brie then ran at Eva, going for the corner clothesline, but Eva got her knees up and blocked it. As Brie staggered backwards, Eva went to the too rope and hit Brie with a crossbody! Eva made the cover and the referee counted - 1... 2... Kickout!

Jim Ross: Another near fall! This time Eva Marie gets the two count!

Both divas got to their feet and Eva went for a snapmare, but Brie blocked it and countered with a reverse DDT. She followed it up with a leg drop, and as Eva struggled to her feet, Brie grabbed her, taking her down with a bulldog. Brie hooked the leg once more and the referee counted - 1... 2... Kickout! Brie looked frustrated at only getting a two count, and she sat Eva up, attempting to wear her down with a sleeper hold. Eva broke out of it, and as both divas got to their feet, Eva whipped Brie against the ropes. As Brie ran back towards her, Eva hit a dropkick. Both divas got to their feet once more and Eva went for Seeing Red, but Brie blocked it and hit Eva with a DDT. Eva looked dazed as she got to her feet, and Brie took full advantage, grabbing Eva and hitting her with the Bella Buster! Brie made the cover and the referee counted - 1... 2... 3!

Jerry Lawler: It's over! Brie wins!

Brie celebrated her victory, then made her way to the back as Eva recovered in the ring.


“Smack Down” by Thousand Foot Krutch began to blast from the speakers and the Wells Fargo Arena all but erupted as the EBWF World Champion, Dolph Ziggler, stepped out from the back with a huge grin on his face.

Jerry Lawler: The fans of Des Moines love them some Dolph Ziggler! That’s for sure!

Jim Ross: Our World Champion dropping by for an unexpected visit it would seem.

He was wearing a smart black suit with a white collared shirt but the shirt had the top two or three buttons undone, and if there had been a tie it was now absent. The World Title was thrown over one shoulder and he took his time heading down the ramp and climbing into the ring, smiling and greeting fans as he went. Once in the ring he asked for, and received, a microphone. His music faded and Dolph started to raise the mic to his lips but had to stop, his smiled widening as he listened to the crowd chant his name. He nodded his appreciation and then, after giving them a few moments, began to speak.

Dolph Ziggler: I am a man that wants to be a fighting champion. I am a man that is not content to have a silent, forgotten reign that is lost in the memories of those who witnessed it and never heard about by those that are yet to come. I want challengers and I want challenges. REAL challenges. And it finally looks like I may have one. Two weeks ago we crowned a new King of the Ring. And while it may be a little uncharacteristic I would like to personally congratulate Sami Zay...

But Dolph got no further as he suddenly found himself cut off by “Bad, Bad Man.” Instantly the arena was engulfed in a deafening heat.

Jim Ross: Oh no.

Ziggler instantly turned. a look of incensed hatred on his face as he stared up the ramp. The fans’ reaction only grew louder as, seconds later, not only John Cena stepped out from the back, but he was joined by Nicole Ikeda.

Jerry Lawler: Look who’s with him, JR!

Jim Ross: Now what are these two doing out here? They have no business here!

Inside the ring Dolph was already tossing off his jacket and rolling up the sleeves to his white shirt, coiling like a cat ready to pounce at any moment should the need arise. At the top of the ramp John seemed amused by the response of both the fans and Ziggler, as did Nicole. He glanced her way and the two shared a brief peck on the lips before they started walking, side by side, toward the ring. John hopped up on the apron first as Nicole took the steps, and then he held the ropes for her to step through, eying her lustfully as she entered the ring. He followed and the two stood opposite Ziggler who wasn’t backing down or running away.

Jim Ross: Ziggler and Cena have developed quite a history, King. These two used to be friends, even, briefly, were tag team partners. Then Cena attacked Ziggler, tossing him all the way from the ring through our announce table.

Jerry Lawler: Oh my God that was amazing, JR! I mean I’ve never seen that kind of strength before! It almost ended Ziggler’s career! And don’t forget that these last few weeks we’ve been seeing Cena playing mind games with Ziggler and his former girlfriend, AJ Lee. Many are saying it was actually JOHN’S fault the two broke up at King of the Ring and I’m not so sure I’d disagree.

Inside the ring John and Dolph were glaring hard at one another and Dolph watched carefully as John walked to the side of the ring and was handed a mic. John continued to look at Dolph with amusement as he walked back toward Nicole to stop, standing just a few feet away from the Champion.

John Cena: Dolph, Dolph, hey now, what’s got you so jumpy? Huh? I mean, I thought you wanted this. I thought I heard you say you wanted a REAL challenge.

Dolph sneered and took a step closer to John.

Dolph Ziggler: Yeah, I said that. So why are YOU here then?

John tongued the inside of his cheek and chuckled, glancing over at Nicole for a moment and pointing at Dolph.

John Cena: See, babe? I told you he’s not just funny lookin’! Jokes. The boy has jokes too.

He turned back to Dolph and took a step forward to narrow the space between them much more. There was only a foot or so separating the two men now.

John Cena: If you’re such a fighting champ, how about you put that title on the line. Against me! TONIGHT! RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW!

The fans seemed to love that idea and it only took a split second before Dolph was nodding, making them all scream and cheer ten times louder.

Jerry Lawler: WHAT?! NO! NO! Ziggler’s not... he’s really accepting John Cena’s challenge? Is he nuts?!

Jim Ross: I commend Dolph on wanting to be a fighting champion but I’ll admit this does seem a little foolhardy.

John seemed a little surprised at Dolph’s lack of hesitation but he smiled big and instantly was pulling his t-shirt over his head and handing it to Nicole as she stepped closer and took it from him, the two whispering for a few minutes. Dolph called for a referee and began to unbutton his dress shirt. Then he made a fatal mistake. He turned his back to John to hand the belt to the timekeeper. It was then that John suddenly reached into his pocket and pulled out a tool of the trade the fans hadn’t seen from him in a long time. It was thick, heavy chain with a padlock on it. Slowly he began to wrap the chain around his hand, forming a fist with the padlock between his fingers as Nicole’s pretty smile widened and she stepped back to start out of the ring.


Dolph turned around, and instantly was clocked by John. The sound of the padlock and chain hitting Ziggler’s skull was sickening as it was picked up by the floor mics and instantly Dolph was busted open just above his right eyebrow, his white shirt starting to be splattered with red as he fell to his knees. John stepped back, surveying the damage and taking his time, knowing he’d just really hurt and weakened this other man. Then Cena stepped forward to continue the punishment but Dolph suddenly caught him off guard with a flurry of rights and lefts that seemed to come out of nowhere and had the fans popping furiously. John was taken aback and Ziggler got in a few good punches before John stopped him cold with a hard chained fist to the ribcage that sent Ziggler sprawling, gasping for air and clutching at his side in pain. John glanced over at Nicole who was now on the floor, leaning on the apron, shouting to him what seemed to be instructions.

Jerry Lawler: Wait... is Nicole... is she actually encouraging John to continue with this?!

Indeed, inside the ring John gave Nicole a single nod and began to kneel over Ziggler as Ziggler rolled onto his stomach to try and climb to his feet again. John quickly unwrapped the chain from around his now bloody hand and began to choke Ziggler with it from behind, wrapping it tight and pulling back to leave Ziggler choking, barely even able to gasp, and desperately trying to pull at the chain around his neck that was going nowhere. The crowd was booing as Nicole furiously slammed her open palm against the ring apron, her voice carrying more.

“Oh My. Here we go!”

The already unhinged crowd came completely unglued when “Sound of Madness” reverberated off of every concrete pillar and Wes Ikeda came down the ramp at a healthy clip.

Jerry Lawler: What is it you usually say here, JR?

Jim Ross: Business is about to pick up, King!

Wes pulled himself up onto the ring apron, and John had stopped the assault on Dolph to stand and face Wes, who lunged himself through the second rope and onto Cena. The crowd roared as Wes had mounted him, firing at him with hard rights and lefts as Dolph laid nearly motionless in one corner of the ring. Cena jerked to the right, attempting to roll out of the ring but Wes stopped him with a series of stomps. The Warfare audience cheered their vociferous approval, some even counting along as Wes again got Cena into a supine position and assaulted him with right handed shots.

Jim Ross: Wes Ikeda is gettin' him some! He's tired of this man running roughshod over the EBWF!

The arena was then consumed by noise as the hard hitting riffs of "Next Big Thing" blasted out of the speaker system. The crowd's love/hate relationship with Brock Lesnar was on full display as Lesnar appeared from behind the curtain. Paul Heyman directed traffic, pointing at the ring and instructing Lesnar to head in and face Ikeda. Lesnar quickly closed the distance between him and the ring, sprinting to the ringside area and leaping onto the apron with one clear jump.

Jim Ross: Gawd, that man is scary. Get out of there, Wes! You can't take on the both of them!

Lesnar deftly stepped through the ropes, but he wasn't at a vertical base for long. Wes Ikeda, having wrapped Cena's heavy-duty chain around his fist, still stained with both John’s and Dolph Ziggler's blood, dove into the air at Lesnar and scored a clean mid-air right hand shot to his forehead with the weapon. Lesnar dropped to the mat like a sack of bricks, and the arena erupted in cheers. Cena had come to and was going after Ikeda, but Ikeda bailed out of the ring and quickly retreated up the ramp. Ziggler had had the good sense to roll out of the ring, and was being tended to. Cena smirked as he looked up the ramp at Wes who was standing midway now with the chain still wrapped around his fist. Heyman looked horrified as he got in the ring to check on Lesnar. Nicole Ikeda was quick to enter the ring as well. A production member near the ramp handed Wes a microphone and he looked up into the ring at Cena.

Wes Ikeda: As the old saying goes John, If you want some…

The crowd finished his sentence “COME GET SOME!” Wes dropped the mic to thunderous applause and John took two steps toward the ramp, but was met by Nicole’s hands firmly on his chest. She said something that caused him to look down at her and he nodded, before lifting her chin by hooking his index finger underneath it, and giving her another soft peck. “Sound of Madness” hit once again, and Wes left the arena as Warfare faded to commercial.


Jim Ross: Still to come, we've got our main event, but first we've got tag team action as Wade Barrett and Ryback take on Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins!

Jerry Lawler: The winners challenge Luke Harper and Stardust for the Tag Titles this Sunday at Sacrifice!

Ambrose and Rollins came out first to a warm reaction from the crowd. After they had entered the ring, "Rebel Son" by CFO$ hit and the cheers quickly turned to boos as Wade Barrett and Ryback stepped out onto the stage. Barrett and Ryback glared around at the crowd, then made their way down the ramp. As they entered the ring, Barrett and Ryback got right in the faces of Ambrose and Rollins, and the four superstars began mouthing off. The referee got between them, asking both teams to choose someone to start the match. Ryback and Rollins moved onto the ring apron, allowing Barrett and Ambrose to start the match. The referee called for the bell and Barrett and Ambrose wasted no time getting started, charging towards one another and exchanging right hands back and forth. Barrett gained the upper hand, and after hitting Ambrose with a series of punches in quick succession, he whipped Ambrose against the ropes, before taking him down with a big boot. Ambrose got to his feet and Barrett hit him with a kick to the midsection, then grabbed him and dragged him towards the corner. Barrett went to slam Ambrose's head against the turnbuckle, but Ambrose blocked it, then hit Barrett with an elbow smash. Barrett staggered backwards and Ambrose went to the top rope, going for a flying clothesline... but Barrett caught Ambrose and hit him with the Winds of Change!

Jerry Lawler: What a counter by Wade Barrett!

Barrett hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Barrett got to his feet and tagged in Ryback, whose arm was outstretched. As Ryback entered the ring, he and Barrett hit Ambrose with a double suplex, then as Barrett moved onto the ring apron, Ryback hooked the leg once more. The referee counted, but again Ambrose kicked out at two. Rollins shouted words of encouragement, which seemed to piss Ryback off. As "The Big Guy" got to his feet, he charged at Rollins, knocking him off the ring apron! The crowd booed as Rollins hit the outside.

Jim Ross: What a cheap shot by Ryback!

Ryback turned his attention back to Ambrose and stomped on him repeatedly, before pulling him to his feet and setting him up for a powerbomb. Ambrose countered with a back toss, then as Ryback got to his feet, Ambrose whipped him against the ropes. As Ryback hit the ropes, Ambrose ran at him and hit a clothesline, sending Ryback over the top rope. Rollins was waiting for Ryback outside the ring, and as Ryback got to his feet, Rollins ran at him and hit him with a high knee! Rollins then threw Ryback back into the ring, before climbing back onto the ring apron and holding his arm out for a tag. The crowd cheered in anticipation, and there was a huge roar as Ambrose tagged Rollins into the match. Upon entering the ring, Rollins hit Ryback with a reverse STO into the turnbuckle, before making the cover. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: So close to a three count!

Both superstars got to their feet and began exchanging punches back and forth. Ryback gained the upper hand and after whipping Rollins against the ropes, he went for the Meat Hook Clothesline. Rollins ducked out of the way, then as Ryback turned to face him, Rollins took him down with a superkick! Ryback looked dazed, and Rollins signalled for the Curb Stomp... but before he could hit it, Barrett entered the ring and attacked him! As the referee struggled to restore order, Ambrose ran in and jumped at Barrett, taking him down before punching him several times against the ring mat. Ambrose dragged Barrett to his feet and hit him with the FaceDeath, before being ordered to leave the ring by the referee. Barrett's interference, however, had given Ryback time to recover, and he lifted Rollins over his shoulder, setting him up for Shell Shocked. Rollins wriggled free, landing behind Ryback and hitting a belly-to-back suplex. Both men got to their feet and Rollins hit Ryback with God's Last Gift, rolling him up into a small package! The referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Jim Ross: It's over! Rollins and Ambrose get the win, and they will challenge Stardust and Luke Harper for the EBWF Tag Team Championships!


"Break The Walls Down" hit and the crowd gave a mixed reaction as Chris Jericho stepped out onto the stage. Jericho was dressed in his ring gear, and he had the Intercontinental Title draped over his shoulder.

Jim Ross: Here comes the Intercontinental Champion, Chris Jericho, and he looks like he's ready to wrestle, King!

Jerry Lawler: But he doesn't have a match, JR! I didn't even know Jericho was scheduled to be here tonight!

Jim Ross: Well he is, and we're about to find out why!

After looking around the crowd, Jericho made his way down the ramp. Upon entering the ring, he grabbed a microphone, and after his music was cut he began to speak.

Chris Jericho: Two months. I have held this title for two months, and no one has dared to step up to challenge me. I said when I won this title I would be a fighting champion... but how can I be a fighting champion when everyone is too afraid to fight me? And unlike some of the champions in this business, I will not stand idly by, increasing the length of my title reign without defending the gold. I am better than that. I am better than every single superstar in that locker room, and tonight I'm going to prove it. Because tonight, I'm issuing an open challenge. If there is someone in the back that's brave enough to challenge me... if there's a superstar backstage who thinks they can beat me, take my title... then come out here and face me like a man! Because I am not leaving this ring until I have a challenger for the Intercontinental Championship!

Jericho dropped the microphone to his side and began pacing back and forth, desperate to compete.

The strumming of a guitar arpeggio echoed throughout the arena as the lights dimmed, “Bad Company” by Five Finger Death Punch filled the arena as a man clad in gray cargo pants and black combat boots, a black wifebeater, a black beanie hat over his head… The tall, imposing man began pacing down slowly, almost melancholically to the sound of the tune.

Jim Ross: Bah Gawd! That’s Gallows! Luke Gallows is here! This can only mean one thing!

Gallows eventually walked up the steel steps, along the apron and into the ring through the top rope, walking right up to Chris Jericho, looking down at him. Eyes piercing a hole through his title belt. Jericho looks across at Gallows, smirking cockily.

Chris Jericho: Sorry buddy, when I issued an open challenge, I meant to the EBWF superstars… aren’t you the guy I showed my ID to on the way in?

Luke leaned into Jericho’s mic, his chest heaving with each breath he took.

Luke Gallows: I could also be the last guy you see on your way out, on a stretcher. I’m not surprised you might be intimidated and even scared to put your title on the line against me.

Gallows glared at Jericho with intent. Jericho laughed.

Chris Jericho: Scared? I’m not scared of anyone, Festus.

Luke did not seem too impressed by Jericho’s humor, he turned around and headed towards the opposite corner of the ring, mouthing out clearly “Oh, that is about to change”. He gave a few firm tugs to the ring ropes to stretch his arms, waiting for a fight to break out. Realising that Gallows meant business, Jericho’s expression changed.

Chris Jericho: Okay, you want a shot at this title? You think you can take it from me?

Luke Gallows gave him a firm nod, and in case there was any doubt he pointed at the belt, then signaled around his waist. Both of his leather gloved fists rose up by his skull, he looked ready for a fight.

Chris Jericho: Alright… if you want a fight, I’ll fight you Gallows. But you haven’t earned a shot at the title - not yet, anyway! So I’ll make you a deal. If you can beat me tonight, in a non-title match, I’ll give you a title shot this Sunday at Destiny. How does that sound, junior?

Gallows approached Jericho yet again to speak on his microphone.

Luke Gallows: Sounds like a you’re cowardly backing out to me, champ. But whoever pays the piper, calls the tune. So, if I beat you… We’ll sign that contract right here, right now?

Chris Jericho: I’m not a coward, I just don’t want to give a title shot to a guy who’s nothing more than a glorified bodyguard… but if you can earn it, you’ve got yourself a deal.

Jericho offered his hand to Gallows. Gallows didn’t hesitate and reached out to grab his hand… He shook it firmly and then levelled Jericho out of the blue with a clothesline! The bell rang as Gallows reached down for Jericho, grabbed him by the neck and pulled him back onto his feet, he went for the Gallows Pole but Jericho countered with a kick to the midsection! Jericho bounced off the ropes and hit Gallows with a massive one handed bulldog! He covered Gallows for a 2 count. Both men rolled onto their feet and traded blows with Gallows eventually locking his opponent in the corner, hitting him with body strikes and knees to the midsection. Gallows took a few steps back and looked to connect a running knee, but Jericho moved out of the way, making Gallows crash face first onto the turnbuckle pad! Jericho followed by hooking both of Gallows’ arms and flipping him into a double underhook backbreaker! “This is awesome!” chants broke out as Jericho placed his foot against Luke’s sternum in a cocky pin attempt, getting a two count! Gallows slowly rose to his feet, but Jericho was lying in wait… He stepped on one of Gallows’ knees and went for an enzuigiri, but Gallows ducked under and slammed Jericho right into the mat! He pinned Jericho, who kicked out at two! Gallows slammed the mat in desperation and grabbed a hold of Jericho, helping him up by the hair, Jericho wasted no time rolling Gallows in a schoolboy pin! The referee was quick to count 1...2.. But Gallows rolled Jericho over and pinned him, this time using the ropes as leverage to his advantage! The referee counted - 1...2...3!

Jerry Lawler: Gallows has done it! He’s beaten Chris Jericho and earned a shot at the Intercontinental Title!

Jim Ross: But he cheated, King! He used the ropes for leverage!

The referee called for the bell and raised Gallow’s arm in victory. As Jericho got to his feet, he looked angry for a moment, then shrugged. He picked up the microphone and spoke to Gallows.

Chris Jericho: Sneaky… but I guess I’d be a hypocrite if I refused to give you a title shot for using a trick I’ve used many a time. Alright, I guess you’ve got your title shot. Do we really need to sign a contract though? Can’t you just try shaking my hand without cheap-shotting me?

Gallows rubbed his mouth with the back of his forearm as he shook his head, his lips were clearly caught by the camera as he said “Oh, I insist”. Warfare went to a commercial break with Jericho and Gallows staring at each other.

Jim Ross: Welcome back! Before the break, we saw Luke Gallows beat Chris Jericho and earn a shot at the Intercontinental Title! Now we’re going to see a contract signing, which Gallows demanded!

Jericho and Gallows were sat on opposite sides of the table. Jericho looked bored, as if he wanted to get the signing over with as soon as possible. Jerry Lawler was stood in the ring with them, microphone in hand.

Jerry Lawler: Ladies and gentlemen, we’re about to have an impromptu contract signing for Luke Gallows versus Chris Jericho… Gallows will challenge Jericho for the Intercontinental Title this Sunday at Sacrifice! Luke, as the challenger, you get to sign the contract first.

Gallows looked incredibly uncomfortable in the chair as he looked at Jericho, then at Jerry Lawler. He shook his head.

Luke Gallows: You know, this is the first time I’ve had one of these signings… I don’t want to screw up… I want Chris Jericho to show me how to do it. After all, he did call me Festus.

Jericho looked at Gallows, perplexed.

Chris Jericho: I don’t know what game you’re playing, Festus… but alright, let me show you how it’s done.

Jericho picked up the contract, pointed out the dotted line to Gallows, and signed it. He then tossed the contract across the table.

Chris Jericho: Let’s get this over with already.

Gallows reached out for the clipboard, his lips curving up in a smile at he looked at Jericho’s signature. Gallows stood up from the chair, leaving both Jericho and Lawler with confused looks on their faces.

Luke Gallows: Oh, I’m sorry… But the title shot was never for me…

A familiar guitar riff blasted over the PA system


Clad in a black zip-up hoodie and black denim pants, CM Punk emerged from the curtain and spread his arms out for the people in attendance, he walked down the ramp, while Gallows approached the apron to clear the ring ropes for his Messiah. Punk walked into the room, unceremoniously plunging himself into the free chair, his hands reached out for the contract, a shit eating smirk beamed in his face. The music died down to a light chorus of boos, while Punk skimmed through the contract, and extended his hand towards Gallows, who handed him his microphone.

CM Punk: I didn’t bring my reading glasses, Chris… But I hope it is stated here that I get an Intercontinental title shot at Destiny.

Jericho stood up, grabbing the microphone as he did so and looking down at Punk.

Chris Jericho: Is this how the “great” CM Punk conducts his business now? Getting his henchman to do his dirty work for him? I don’t know what the contract says - probably not a lot since the backstage crew had about three minutes to write it up during the commercial break - but if you want a piece of me on Sunday, all you have to do is sign it. But I’ll warn you now, Punk. You can have Gallows in your corner at Sacrifice, because I’ll have Lance Storm and Trent in mine.

Punk’s smirk didn’t diminish, not for a second.

CM Punk: First and foremost… Yeah, I usually send Gallows to deal with the trash. Second, was that supposed to be a threat? Who do I look like to feel intimidated by your friends, Sami Zayn?

Chris Jericho: No, you definitely don’t look like the King of the Ring to me. But sign your name on that piece of paper, and maybe, just maybe, you’ll be the next Intercontinental Champion. I wouldn’t count on it though.

Punk didn’t hesitate a second as he scribbled his name under the dotted line. Standing up and smirking at Jericho.

CM Punk: See you at Sunday, you and your buddies.

Punk dropped the microphone and got to his feet. As he turned to exit the ring, Jericho got to his feet and flipped the table over. Punk turned back to face Jericho, and Jericho hit him in the face with the Intercontinental Title! As Punk hit the mat, Gallows ran at Jericho, but Jericho took him down with a clothesline, then applied the Walls of Jericho! As Gallows tried to escape, Punk got to his feet and attacked Jericho, forcing him to break the hold. Gallows and Punk then proceeded to double-team Jericho, but Lance Storm and Trent ran down the ramp, coming to Jericho’s aid, armed with steel chairs! Gallows and Punk rolled out of the ring and went for the ramp… Lance and Trent checked on Chris Jericho as Punk vowed to destroy Chris Jericho from the ramp at Destiny.


When warfare came back from commercial. Sami Zayn was already in the ring, waiting for his opponent. The crowd was buzzing with anticipation for this main event match.

Jim Ross: Welcome back folks, we are set for the main event in the ring already is Sami Zayn, the 2015 King of the Ring, he is set to go one on one with Path To Glory Champion, The Miz, who told us early he would not be cashing his title in at Sacrifice to face Dolph Ziggler.

"AWEEEEEESOME" followed by "I Came To Play" by Downstait hit and the crowd erupted in boos as The Miz made his way out from behind the curtain, PTG Title over his shoulder, and he was flanked by all 4 of the other members of Vertex who were now all dressed in matching black with Red letters "VERTEX" T-Shirts.

Lillian Garcia: And his opponent, being accompanied to the ring by VERTEX, from Cleveland Ohio, weighing in at 231 pounds, HE is the EBWF Path To Glory Champion, The Miz.

The Miz wore an arrogant smirk as he went through his normal showboat entrance. The time keeper came over to take Miz PTG Title but Miz flipped it over the guys head rather than placing it into his outstretched hands. Which got a laugh from the rest of Vertex.

Jim Ross: Complete lack of disrespect for that title, and for this business, Miz gets more and more arrogant with every passing week, King.

Sami Zayn looked focused in one corner, and Miz look of arrogance quickly shifted to an intense look, and the bell rang.

Jim Ross: Well here we go!

The two men locked up in the center of the ring, early advantage going to the Miz who shoved Zayn into the ropes, only to whiff on a left handed clothesline. Zayn rebounded off the other ropes with a head of steam and took Miz off of his feet with a spinning wheel kick. He went for a cover and earned an early two count. Miz held his jaw as he made his way back to his feet. Zayn went for a DDT but Miz pushed him off back first into the ropes again Zayn went, this time Miz caught Zayn in the mid section with a left knee, which caused Zayn to flip to the mat. Miz went for a cover but got a one count. Ted yelled at Miz to stay on him, which is exactly what Miz did putting Zayn in a rear naked choke on the mat, Miz broke the hold and viciously stomped Zayn 4 times. He then picked Sami up and sent up with a lot of ferociousness into the turn buckle Zayn hit and fell right to the mat. This caused Miz to break his intensity and look at the Iowa crowd and he did a Hulk Hogan style hand on the ear, which brought a ton of boos from the capacity crowd. He did it to each side of the ring, until he turned his back to Sami. This was a mistake as Zayn hit a bulldog from behind Miz and went for a cover, earning another two count.

Jim Ross: That arrogance not playing into Miz favor right now, as you can't turn your back on the King of the Ring, he's just too quick and talented.

Sami went up to the top rope with Miz down. He came off with a cork screw moonsault, but Miz moved out of the way. He made his way to his feet, Zayn got as far as his knees, before Miz planted him with a low DDT. He went for the cover and received a two count. Miz picked up Sami by the head, and threw him into the corner, this time Zayn remained on his feet, Miz got a running start, and went for his trademark corner clothesline but Sami moved out of the way. He grabbed Miz around the neck and hit a reverse DDT out of the corner. He then went up top and connected on a 450 splash!

Jim Ross: 450 SPLASH! HERE IS THE COVER ONE.. TWO.. THR.. no Miz kicked out.

Sami was right back up and picked an injured Miz up to his feet. He hit a right hand on Miz which sent him to the apron. Sami then ran the ropes, hopped over the ropes and went for a tornado DDT but Miz countered by throwing Zayn off of him in mid air and Zayn crashed to the floor below. Miz got in the ring and started distracting the official, while Vertex like a pack of dogs, began to stomp out Zayn.

Jim Ross: HEY! Come on REF! LOOK!

As the ref turned around Vertex couldn't have looked more innocent. They helped Zayn up and slid him back into the ring. Miz sat perched ready to hit the SCF.

Jim Ross: Oh this stinks, after Vertex weakened Zayn, Miz looking to capitalize!

Miz locked in the SCF but Zayn wiggled free. He hit a tornado DDT in the center of the ring which brought the crowd to their feet. Zayn then picked up Miz and threw him into the corner. Zayn then made his way to the other turnbuckle. The crowd was going crazy.

Jim Ross: What a quick turn around! Zayn looking for the Helluva Kick here!

On the outside DiBiase had grabbed the PTG Title from the time keeper. Zayn charged the Miz and just as he was about to nail the Helluva Kick, DiBiase was on the apron hitting Sami square in the face with the PTG Title, which busted Zayn wide open. The referee called for the bell.

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and gentlemen your winner by disqualification Sami Zayn!

Jim Ross: Well Sami won the match by DQ, but I don't think he feels like a winner right now.

Ted and the rest of Vertex entered the ring. DiBiase put the belt in the center of the ring. Miz picked up Sami and went for a Skull Crushing finale, but the crowd cheered as Zayn broke it again and started a flurry of offense against Vertex. Rights and lefts and kicks, but he was quickly worn down again by the numbers game and Miz finally planted him face first onto his bloody face right on the title belt. Miz turned Zayn over, and Balor from the top rope hit a double diving foot stomp. O'Reilly hit a series triple rolling double underhook suplexes.

Jim Ross: My god in heaven someone get out here and stop this!

On cue a group of officials ran down the ring, but Miz, DiBiase, Balor, and O'Reilly lined the ring which stopped the officials dead in their tracks. Kevin Owens was the only one who was left staring at Sami Zayn. Zayn was a bloody mess, and he looked up and Owens. He grabbed at Kevins leg trying to get himself up. Owens looked conflicted.

Jim Ross: Come on Kevin! That's one of your best friends in the world right there! Show some compassion Kevin!

Owens looked at Zayn then looked at Miz who was now facing Owens and Zayn. Miz.. gave him a nod.. which seemed to quickly change Owens expression from unsure to complete killing machine. Owens slapped Zayn's hand off of his leg.. and aggressively picked him up by his head. Owens shoved Zayn into the ropes and hit a pump up power bomb right on the PTG Title again. Owens then grabbed Zayn by the head and dragged him over to the top rope He put Zayn on his shoulders and looked as though he was going to power bomb him into the ring, but instead changed direction.

Jim Ross: NO NO NO! Don't do it Kevin, don't do it.. Oh my god!

Owens released Zayn from above his shoulders and sent him crashing back first onto the outside mat below. The officials on the outside sprinted to Zayn's aid right away. Owens looked emotionless as he watched his former best friend be attended to by the officials. Owens dropped to the mat, and Vertex all raised each others hands as the instrumental of "Awake and Alive" was heard one more time and Iowa rained boos down on Vertex.

Jim Ross: My god in heaven, I hope Sami Zayn is OK, that was a heinous assault by Vertex and most notably Kevin Owens who was Zayn's best friend. Balor, Owens, and O'Reilly have signed deals with the devils, and bah gawd what other horrific acts are these 5 going to commit.

The show went off the air to Vertex raising each others hands in the middle of the ring.