Warfare Results 08/03/15

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Ben M
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Warfare Results 08/03/15

Post by Ben M »



Jim Ross: Good evening and welcome to Warfare! I'm Jim Ross, joined by Jerry "The King" Lawler!

Jerry Lawler: We are live from Charlotte, North Carolina!

Jim Ross: What a night this promises to be, King!

Jerry Lawler: Up first tonight, we'll see a wrestling veteran make his EBWF debut as Ed Leslie, wrestling as "The Bootyman", takes on Bully Ray!

"Bootylicious" hit and the crowd cheered as The Bootyman made his way to the ring. Leslie shook his booty as he made his way down the ramp, showing the Charlotte crowd how proud he was of his hiney. Upon entering the ring, the Bootyman continued to shake his booty as he awaited the arrival of his opponent. "The Beaten Path" hit and the crowd booed as Bully Ray headed to the ring. As he entered the ring, Bully Ray glared across at his opponent, mouthing the word "really?" The referee called for the bell and Bully Ray charged at the Bootyman, pummelling him with a series of right hands. Bully Ray then went to whip Bootyman against the ropes, but Bootyman reversed it, sending Bully Ray into the ropes. As Bully Ray ran back towards him, Bootyman took him down with a clothesline. Bully Ray got to his feet, and Bootyman lifted him up, hitting a delayed vertical suplex. Bootyman shook his booty some more, then made the cover. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: Bootyman with a near fall!

Both men got to their feet and Bootyman went to whip Bully Ray into the corner, but Bully Ray countered, reversing the Irish whip and sending Bootyman into the turnbuckle. Bully Ray ran at Bootyman, hitting him with a bodypress, then as Bootyman staggered out of the corner, Bully Ray lifted him over his shoulders, hitting a Samoan drop. Bully Ray mocked the Bootyman, shaking his booty ironically, then ran against the ropes and hit Bootyman with a leg drop. Bully Ray hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: Another near fall! This time Bully Ray gets a two count!

Bully Ray pulled Bootyman to his feet and hit him with a bionic elbow, then set him up for a powerbomb. Bootyman countered with a back toss, then as Bully Ray got back to his feet, Bootyman hit him with an atomic drop. He followed it up by whipping Bully Ray into the corner, then ran at him and hit a corner clothesline. Bully Ray fell into a sitting position, and Bootyman's eyes lit up as an idea seemed to form in his mind. Bootyman pointed to Bully Ray, then pointed to his booty. The crowd cheered and Bootyman nodded, then to the crowd's delight, gave Bully Ray a Stinkface!

Jim Ross: Bootyman with a Stinkface! I can't believe I'm seeing this, King!

As Bootyman moved out of the corner, the crowd began chanting his name. Bully Ray struggled to his feet and Bootyman ran back towards him, hitting the High Knee! Bootyman hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3! The referee called for the bell and raised Bootyman's arm in victory. Bootyman celebrated by – you guessed it – shaking his booty some more.


Jim Ross: Up next, we've got divas action as Paige takes on Summer Rae!

"Judith" by A Perfect Circle hit, and the crowd gave a mixed reaction as Paige made her way to the ring. After Paige had entered the ring, "Rush of Power" by CFO$ hit and the crowd booed as Summer Rae headed to the ring, accompanied by her tag partner, Eva Marie. As they reached the bottom of the ramp, Summer and Eva held up the Women's Tag Titles, taunting Paige with the gold. Summer then handed her championship belt to Eva and entered the ring. The referee called for the bell and the two divas locked up. Paige applied an arm twist, then took Summer down with a clothesline. Summer got to her feet and Paige whipped her into the corner, then hit her with a series of forearm smashes. She pulled Summer out of the corner and lifted her up for a fisherman suplex, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: A strong start from Paige!

Paige pulled Summer to her feet and hit her with a kick to the midsection, then threw her between the ropes. Paige climbed onto the ring apron and hit Summer with multiple knee lifts, then as Summer fell down to the mat, Paige leaned back and screamed. She re-entered the ring, and applied an STF on Summer Rae. Summer cried out in pain, but she was able to reach the ropes, and the referee ordered Paige to break the hold. Paige got to her feet and pulled Summer away from the ropes, then stomped on her several times. Paige then went to pull Summer to her feet, but Summer pulled Paige towards her, rolling her up in a small package! The referee counted – 1... 2... Paige kicked out!

Jim Ross: Summer almost stole one!

Both divas got to their feet and Summer took Paige down with a snapmare, then as Paige sat up, Summer kicked her in the back. She pulled Paige to her feet and whipped her against the ropes, then as Paige ran back towards her, Summer hit a spinning heel kick!

Jim Ross: Summer Solstice! This could be it King!

Summer hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... Paige kicked out! Paige looked dazed as she got to her feet, and Summer whipped her into the corner. Summer went for a corner foot choke, but Paige fought back, pushing Summer's leg away from her then jumping up and hitting Summer with a kick to the face. As Summer staggered backwards, Paige went to the top rope and hit Summer with a double axe handle. She then grabbed Summer, applying the PTO! Summer cried out in pain, and after trying in vain to reach the ropes, she tapped out. The referee called for the bell, and as Paige broke the hold, he raised her arm in victory. Paige celebrated her win as Warfare went to a commercial break.


As Warfare returned from a commercial break, "Wreck" hit and the crowd cheered as Mankind made his way to the ring. After Mankind had entered the ring, "Tokiwakita (Time Has Come)" by CFO$ hit and the crowd booed as Hideo Itami headed to the ring, accompanied by "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase.

Jim Ross: And here comes Hideo Itami, who's made an impressive start to his EBWF career thus far, beating Daniel Bryan and The Undertaker. Can he pick up a third successive victory here tonight?

As Itami entered the ring, he stared across the ring at Mankind, who stared right back at him. The referee called for the bell and the two superstars charged towards one another, exchanging right hands back and forth. Mankind overpowered Itami, and after hitting him with a series of punches in quick succession, he whipped him against the ropes. As Itami ran back towards him, Mankind took the Japanese superstar down with a clothesline. Itami got to his feet and Mankind grabbed him, dragging him towards the corner and slamming his head against the turnbuckle. Mankind punched Itami in the corner several times, then dragged him away from the ropes and lifted him up, hitting a body slam. Mankind then ran against the ropes and hit an elbow drop, before hooking the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: Mankind with a near fall!

Jim Ross: An impressive start from Mrs Foley's baby boy, King! He's really taking it to Itami tonight!

As both superstars got to their feet, DiBiase shouted words of encouragement to his protégé from ringside. Mankind put Itami in a headlock, but Itami fought out of it, then whipped Mankind into the corner. Itami ran at Mankind, hitting a corner dropkick, then as Mankind staggered out of the corner, Itami hit a roundhouse kick. He then moved onto the ring apron, pulling back on the ropes before jumping over them, hitting a slingshot leg drop!

Jerry Lawler: Great athleticism from Itami!

Itami hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! DiBiase applauded Itami's efforts, shouting "that’s more like it!" Itami pulled Mankind to his feet and hit him with a series of kicks, before setting Mankind up for a suplex. Mankind blocked it, countering with a neckbreaker, then pulled out Mr Socko! As Itami got to his feet, Mankind went for the Mandible Claw... but Itami ducked out of the way and ran against the ropes, taking Mankind down with a flying forearm smash. Both men got to their feet and Itami hit Mankind with a standing tornado DDT, then as Mankind struggled to his feet, Itami stepped back. Mankind got to his feet and Itami ran towards him, hitting the Shotgun Kick! Itami hooked the leg once more and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Jim Ross: It's over! Hideo Itami picks up another victory!

Jerry Lawler: What a thrilling contest that was, JR!

DiBiase entered the ring and celebrated with Itami, then the two men made their way to the back as Mankind recovered in the ring.


"Gun" by CHVRCHES hit and the crowd cheered as Alexa Bliss made her way to the ring.

Jim Ross: Well folks, still to come, we've got the Undertaker versus CM Punk and in our main event, the Tag Team Champions Luke Harper and Stardust take on The Miz and Ted DiBiase. Up first though, we've got our second divas match of the night as Alexa Bliss takes on the Women's Champion, Sasha Banks!

After Alexa had entered the ring, "Fastest Girl Alive" by David W. Ayers and Felix R. Tod hit and the crowd booed as Sasha Banks strutted down the ramp, accompanied by Eva Marie and Summer Rae. Upon entering the ring, Sasha looked across at her opponent with disdain, then posed proudly with her Women's Championship. As Sasha's music was cut, the referee took the title belt out of the ring, then called for the bell. The two divas locked up and Sasha went for a snapmare, but Alexa fought out of it and took Sasha down with a legsweep. Both divas got to their feet and Alexa went for a clothesline, but Sasha ducked out of the way. She hit Alexa with a knee to the midsection, then threw her into the corner. Alexa fell into a sitting position, and Sasha stomped on her repeatedly. After wearing Alexa down, Sasha pulled her opponent to her feet and picked her up, trapping her between the top and middle turnbuckles. She followed it up with a diving double knee drop, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... Alexa kicked out!

Jerry Lawler: Sasha with a near fall!

Jim Ross: A strong start from the EBWF Women's Champion, King!

After Alexa had kicked out, Sasha sat her up, applying a chinlock. Alexa fought her way out of it, and as both divas got to their feet, Alexa whipped Sasha against the ropes. As Sasha hit the ropes, Alexa ran towards her, taking her down with a flying forearm smash. The two divas got to their feet once more and Alexa hit Sasha with a tilt-a-whirl headscissors takedown, followed by the Glitz Flip! Alexa made the cover and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: Another near fall! This time Alexa Bliss with the two count!

Jerry Lawler: What great back and forth action we're seeing so far, JR!

Alexa pulled Sasha to her feet and hit her with a right hand, then whipped her into the corner. Alexa sat Sasha on the turnbuckle and climbed up the ropes, going for a Frankensteiner, but before she could hit it, Sasha pushed her back to the mat. As Alexa got to her feet, Sasha jumped from the top rope, hitting a huge missile dropkick!

Jerry Lawler: Oh my, JR!

Jim Ross: Incredible athleticism by Sasha Banks!

At ringside, Eva and Summer applauded the efforts of their fellow Mean Girl. Both divas got to their feet, but Alexa looked dazed, and Sasha took full advantage, hitting Alexa with the Bankrupt! Sasha hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3! The referee called for the bell and raised Sasha's arm in victory. Sasha exited the ring and took her Women's Championship, then celebrated with Summer and Eva at the bottom of the ramp.


After a recap of the highlights from Sacrifice had played the Charlotte fans filling the Time Warner Cable arena immediately lapsed into intense heat as the backstage area was shown and they all found themselves looking at a close up of John Cena’s smug face. Slowly the camera zoomed out and there was even more heat as all saw that, on his arm, was the turncoat Nicole Ikeda. The couple stood opposite interviewer Todd Grisham. John’s smirk only deepened when he heard the loud heat and he gave a little chuckle of amusement as he squeezed Nicole and she patted his chest with a proud grin and adoring eyes. Grisham glanced into the camera.

Todd Grisham: Ladies and gentlemen joining me at this time, John Cena and Nicole Ikeda. John, you and Brock Lesnar seemed to work very well as a team this past Sunday on Sacrifice, defeating the equally impressive team of Wes Ikeda and EBWF World Champion, Dolph Ziggler...

John interrupted with a raised eyebrow as Nicole gave a little scoff.

John Cena: EQUALLY impressive team? Do you need to clean those dorky Harry Potter-like glasses of yours, Todd? What match were YOU watching this past Sunday? I would hardly say Dolph and Ziggler were anywhere NEAR as impressive as Brock and I. I mean, when that show ended who were the paramedics taking care of, huh? And whose arms were raised? ‘Nuff said.

Todd Grisham: Yes, well, I think it’s safe to say no one is doubting the dominance of the Lesnar-Cena alliance...

Nicole Ikeda: Or you could just as easily call it the CENA-Lesnar alliance, Todd.

Todd Grisham: Erm... okay. No one is doubting you two but many are wondering what kind of mind games you are playing with Wes, John. There were times during that match when you could have gone one on one with Wes but didn’t. Why is that?

John Cena: Who are you to ask me questions, Todd?

Nicole Ikeda: Honey, he’s an interviewer, that’s ALL he’s good for.

John Cena: Okay so you have a point there, babydoll; but really, Todd, didn’t they train you not to ask the stupid questions? Isn’t there some kind of handbook? “Stupid Things Not to Say 101?” Look, I could get in Wes’ face right this second if I wanted to. In fact, I think I want to. Wes? OH WEEEES? Where are ya Wes?!

John made a show of looking around for Ikeda then gave an arrogant grin as he looked back at Grisham.

John Cena: Oh yeah, that’s right. He’s off licking in his wounds and trying to find his damaged ego in the cushions of an overly priced couch as gaudy as a Trump toupee somewhere. Because he got his ass KICKED, by Lesnar and I. Plain and simple, Todd? Brock Lesnar, Paul Heyman, Nicole, and I can do whatever the hell we want, whenever we want, to whomever we want. So Wes has letterhead, big deal. The truth is WE are running this place now. And, as we all saw on Sunday, no one can stop us. No one.

Oh really?

Cena stood up a little straighter and Nicole’s content smile slowly faded as the pair turned to look behind them. The crowd gave an enormous pop as the camera panned out World Champion, Dolph Ziggler was seen standing behind them, arms crossed over his chest. He was looking a little worse for wear and sporting a large bruise along his jawline and a black eye from where he’d been thrown headfirst into the barricade during the Sacrifice main event.

Dolph Ziggler: No one can stop you?

John took a small step closer, his arm leaving Nicole’s shoulders.

John Cena: Well YOU certainly couldn’t. Not for lack of trying, might I add. Shouldn’t you be worried about that belt of yours? Zayn taking it? Haven’t you had enough?

Ziggler smirked.

Dolph Ziggler: How many belts are you and Lesnar holding between you right now, Cena? Hmm? But you supposedly “run this place?”

He chuckled and stepped up so he was almost nose to nose with John.

Dolph Ziggler: Your problems aren’t going away, Cena. In fact, I think your Wes Ikeda problem, and your Dolph Ziggler problem, is only just beginning. He’s this company, and I’m this company’s champion, and as long as that’s the case? You and Lesnar, and your two little...

He glanced at Nicole with a condescending sneer that had John bristling.

Dolph Ziggler: ... bootlickers, will always just be the third and fourth down the line. At best.

Then he turned, daring to present Cena with his back, and walked away to leave Cena blinking, as if he couldn’t believe Ziggler had actually said those words to him. Nicole reached for his hand, giving Ziggler’s retreating form the Ikeda Death Stare, and the scene slowly faded to black.


After Warfare returned from a commercial break, the arena lights went out and "Rollin" by Limp Bizkit hit. The crowd cheered as Undertaker headed to the ring for the next match. After Undertaker had entered the ring, "Cult of Personality" by Living Colour hit, and the crowd continued to cheer as CM Punk stepped out onto the stage. Punk was wearing a Hotrod t-shirt, and as he stood at the top of the ramp, he pointed to the sky and mouthed the words, "This one's for you!"

Jim Ross: And here comes CM Punk, paying tribute to the late, great, Roddy Piper!

Punk walked down the ramp, and as he entered the ring he climbed the turnbuckle, posing for the crowd. Punk then stepped down and looked across the ring at his opponent. Just as the referee called for the bell, "Break The Walls Down" hit and the crowd gave a mixed reaction as Chris Jericho made his way towards the ring. Punk stared at Jericho, unsure of his intentions. As he reached the bottom of the ramp, Jericho looked up at Punk and smirked, then walked around the ring, joining JR and The King at the announce table.

Jerry Lawler: Well JR, it looks like we’re being joined by the Intercontinental Champion, Chris Jericho!

Chris Jericho: It's a pleasure to be here, King! I look forward to seeing how this one plays out.

The referee called for the bell and Punk and Taker charged towards one another, then began exchanging right hands back and forth. Taker was able to overpower Punk, and after hitting the Straight Edge Superstar with a series of punches, he whipped him against the ropes. As Punk ran back towards him, Undertaker went for a big boot, but Punk ducked out of the way, ran against the opposing set of ropes, then took Taker down with a clothesline. Punk stomped on Undertaker several times, trying to keep him grounded, then pulled him to his feet and dragged him towards the corner. Punk went to slam Taker's head against the turnbuckle, but Taker blocked it, then hit Punk with an elbow smash. Punk staggered backwards and Undertaker grabbed him, before climbing to the top turnbuckle and walking along the rope, hitting Punk with Old School! Undertaker dragged Punk to his feet and hit a body slam, before running against the ropes and hitting a leg drop. Taker hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: Undertaker with a near fall!

Jerry Lawler: A strong start by Taker, JR!

Chris Jericho: That's why he's the Phenom, King! If CM Punk underestimates him, he'll be in for a world of pain.

Undertaker got to his feet and pick Punk up, but Punk poked Taker in the eye, then got to his feet and jabbed the Deadman several times, paying homage to Roddy Piper. Punk hit Taker with a Muay Thai kick, then as Undertaker staggered backwards, Punk ran towards him and took him down with a leg lariat. Both superstars got to their feet and Punk whipped Undertaker into the corner. He ran at Punk and hit a step-up high knee, then followed it up with a bulldog. Punk hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: CM Punk with a two count!

Chris Jericho: It's going to take more than that to beat the Undertaker... once again, CM Punk is reminding the world what an arrogant SOB he is.

Jim Ross: Come on, Chris, it's not arrogant to make a pinfall attempt!

Chris Jericho: I guess not, JR... just idiotic when your opponent obviously isn't finished.

Punk pulled Taker to his feet and hit him with some more right hands, then went to whip him against the ropes. Undertaker reversed it, sending Punk into the ropes, then as Punk hit the ropes, Taker ran at him and hit a clothesline. Punk went over the top rope and Undertaker ran the ropes once more, before jumping over the top rope and hitting Punk with a suicide dive!

Jim Ross: Tope Suicida!

Both superstars were down and the referee began counting – 1... 2... 3... at the count of four, Undertaker for to his feet. He picked Punk up and threw him into the ringside barrier, then hit him with a big boot. The referee had reached the count of 7, and Taker rolled back into the ring. The referee continued counting – 8... Punk staggered away from the ringside barrier... 9... Punk slid back under the bottom rope just before the count of 10! Punk got to his feet and Undertaker hit sidewalk slam, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: So close to a three count!

Chris Jericho: The Undertaker is really taking it to CM Punk right now, King... I'm not sure how much the Straight Edge Jackass has left!

Undertaker got to his feet and thrusted his throat, signalling for the Chokeslam! Punk staggered to his feet and Taker grabbed him by the throat... but Punk fought back, hitting Taker with a kick to the groin before taking him down with a DDT. Both men were down for several seconds before getting to their feet. As they got to their feet, Punk and Taker exchanged punches back and forth. This time, Punk was able to gain the upper hand, and after applying an arm wrench to The Undertaker, he stepped over the wrenched arm and hit a mule kick. Taker got to his feet, and Punk set him up for Welcome to Chicago, but Undertaker countered with a back toss, then as Punk got to his feet, the Phenom went for the Last Ride! Before Taker could lift Punk up, the Second City Saint dropped to his knees, then hit Taker with a sneaky low blow!

Jim Ross: A low blow by CM Punk! Once again, the Straight Edge Savior pays tribute to Roddy Piper!

Chris Jericho: Roddy Piper is a legend in this business, JR, and he'll be missed... but there's paying tribute, and then there's just plain cheating!

The low blow caught Undertaker off-guard, and Punk took full advantage, lifting him up and hitting the GTS! Punk hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Jerry Lawler: It's over! CM Punk gets the victory!

The referee called for the bell and raised Punk's arm in victory, but before Punk could celebrate, Jericho ran in, attacking him from behind! After taking him down to the mat, Jericho punched Punk repeatedly, then applied the Lion Tamer! Punk cried out in pain, and the referee tried unsuccessfully to force Jericho to break the hold. The crowd booed Jericho, then began cheering as Gallows ran to the ring to make the save! Spotting Gallows, Jericho quickly broke the hold and exited the ring, escaping through the crowd. Gallows glared at Jericho as Warfare went to a commercial break.


When Warfare returned from a commercial Stardust and Luke Harper were handing over their tag titles to the time keeper. All of a sudden the arena erupted in boo's as that familiar "Awake and Alive" instrumental from Skillet was heard over the PA system. The Miz and Ted DiBiase emerged from the back in ring gear. Behind them in matching Vertex T-Shirts was Kyle O'Reilly, Finn Balor, and Kevin Owens. The group confidently made their way down to the ring.

Lillian Garcia: Their opponents being accompanied to the ring by Kevin Owens, Finn Balor, and Kyle O'Reilly. Ted DiBiase and the EBWF Path To Glory Champion The Miz... Vertex!

Miz and DiBiase entered the ring and Stardust and Luke Harper looked ready to go. DiBiase kicked things off against Stardust. The bell rang. Ted and Stardust locked up. Early advantage went to Stardust who put Ted in a side head lock. Ted pushed Stardust off of him and into the ropes. On stardust's rebound he dropped Ted with a shoulder block. Ted quickly popped back up and swung and missed on a clothesline. Stardust went for a neck breaker, but Ted reversed it into one of his own. Ted went for the cover and received a two count. Miz clapped as did the rest of Vertex on the outside. Stardust went to go make a tag but DiBiase put his body between Stardust and Harper He went to pick him up by the head but Stardust quickly mounted two body shots which led to Ted being slumped over. Stardust quickly planted Ted with a tornado DDT. He went for the cover but got a Two count.

Jim Ross: Nice move by Stardust here. Back and forth so far!

Jerry Lawler: This is great, JR!

Ted started to climb towards the corner, Stardust grabbed his leg, Ted made his way to his feet, and hit Stardust with enziguri. He then tagged Miz. Miz shot out of the corner and went right for stardust he knocked him down with the left armed clothesline. Stardust popped up and he hit another clothesline. Stardust popped up again and went for a clothesline of his own but Miz kicked him in the gut and hit a low DDT. Miz went for a cover and got a two count. Miz popped up right away and started taunting the crowd. While this was going on Stardust was able to make his way to the corner and tag Luke Harper. Harper came out and Miz turned around right into a vicious set of right hands, This sent Miz into the corner near DiBiase. Ted slapped Miz on the shoulder and entered the match, Harper hit a powerslam right away on DiBiase, but then turned right around into a scoop slam from Miz. The ref quickly got Miz back to his corner and both legal men were down in the ring.

Jim Ross: A cheap shot there by the Miz, he's not the legal man here King.

Jerry Lawler: Doesn't seem like he cared!

Both men slowly made their way back to their feet. Harper and DiBiase locked up. Harper went for a hip toss, but Ted blocked it Harper pushed Ted towards Miz who was begging for a tag. Ted looked at Harper and then obliged Miz with a tag. Miz came into the ring and locked up again. Harper got a hammerlock on Miz, but Miz quickly reversed it into one of his own. Harper ran Miz towards the corner. Stardust tagged himself in and punched Miz off of Harper. Stardust went for Dark Matter but Miz reversed it and hit a Skull Crushing Finale on Stardust. He went for a cover but Harper was right in to break up the fall. The referee got Harper back to his corner, while this was happening Ted was in and began stomping on Stardust with Miz. The ref saw this and quickly got Ted back to his corner. Miz went for another Skull Crushing Finale on Stardust, but Stardust blocked it and he worked his way behind and rolled up Miz. The referee counted ONE.. TWO.. but Miz kicked out after two. Stardust worked his way over and made a tag to Harper. Miz had popped up and Harper went for a power bomb and hit it on Miz.

Jim Ross: Powerbomb! Could have him here, wait a minute!

Harper got off of the cover when he saw Rollins and Ambrose sprinting down the ramp making a B-Line for the tag champs. Stardust was into the ring, and the two teams began exchanging rights. The referee called for the bell and the match was thrown out to a Disqualification.

DiBiase grabbed Miz out of the ring and Vertex began to make their way back up the ramp. Miz was working his way back to his feet as they began to back pedal watching the action in the ring.

Jim Ross: Ambrose and Rollins want to get their hands on the tag team titles, and business has damn sure picked up.

Ambrose hit face death on Stardust, but then turned right into a Discus Clothesline from Harper. Rollins then hit a bulldog on Harper. As Vertex was halfway up the ramp. Solomon Crowe exploded from the back and knocked Miz down with a punch to the back of the head.

Jim Ross: Solomon Crowe! He is the #1 contender for the PTG Title and he damn sure wants some of the champion right now!

Crowe was relentless staying on Miz, He rolled Miz into the ring, and Vertex sprinted in behind one of their leaders. They began to overwhelm Crowe with a gang attack. Harper was back to his feet now and he went for another Discus Clothesline on Rollins, but instead Rollins ducked and Harper connected flush with Kyle O'Reilly. He looked distracted by hitting a different target. Which allowed Kevin Owens to see this going on. He then pushed Harper into the ropes and planted Harper with a pump up Powerbomb. Crowe was back to his feet and he began trying to fight off Miz, DiBiase, and Balor, with a series of rights but again the numbers caught up to him. DiBiase hit a lowbrow on Crowe, and Miz planted him with a Skull Crushing Finale. Owens had turned his attention to the attack on Crowe. He then turned around and Stardust planted him with Dark Matter. O'Reilly was up, now and clotheslined Stardust out of the ring. Harper had rolled himself out of the ring as well, and the tag champs grabbed their titles and began to retreat. Crowe was back up as well, Miz whiffed on a clothesline and Crowe planted Balor with a headlock driver. DiBiase swung at him again, and Crowe ducked and planted him as well. Miz and Crowe were face to face now. Crowe went to go after Miz, but Miz slid out of the ring before this could happen. This caused the crowd to boo. Miz grabbed both Balor and Ted and brought them out of the ring. Miz got his title for the time keeper and Miz, Ted and Balor were making their way back up the ramp. Miz and Crowe were talking trash to each other. Owens and O'Reilly, Stardust/Harper going up the ramp, and Ambrose and Rollins were all staring each other down. Finally Owens and O'Reilly left the ring and joined up with Vertex, Stardust and Harper made their way back through the curtain. Vertex as well. Crowe looked at Ambrose and Rollins and nodded at them. Crowe made his way out of the ring as well.

Jim Ross: My god all hell just broke loose! What's it going to be like when all of these rivalries come to a head!

Jerry Lawler: Oh my god JR what just happened!?

Warfare went to a commercial.