Warfare Results 08/17/15

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Warfare Results 08/17/15

Post by Ashlee »


The Philadelphia crowd were cheering up a storm after the pyro kicked off Warfare in explosive fashion. The titantron lit up and the cheering turned to a mixed reaction as the 3 of 4 Mean Girls, Eva Marie, Summer Rae and Sasha Banks could be seen walking through the backstage area. Their titles were slung over their shoulder and they were sneering a bit more than usual. Their walk came to an end as they approached a seated figure. One long leg was crosses over the other as she touched up her makeup. Sasha huffed and folded her arms, before reaching one out to tap the obviously busy diva on the shoulder. She sighed quietly to herself, and without looking back to the group, addressed them.

Stacy Keibler: Sorry. Didn't see you there.

Sasha rolled her eyes and Summer Rae spoke up.

Summer Rae: Clearly you're aware of our presence now. So how about getting up and facing us? We need to have a little discussion.

All the Mean Girls looked bothered, including Stacy. She stood up from her chair and slowly turned to face the three champions, placing a hand on her hip. She quirked and eyebrow that said it all.

Stacy Keibler: Well?

Eva Marie: Maybe you should watch how you speak to us.

Sasha Banks: I mean, we're the only people to have your back right now.

Summer Rae: Even though you've kind of become a loser already.

Sasha took a step forward, edging closer to the Queen of Mean. Stacy of course didn't budge an inch. She instead looked down upon Sasha.

Sasha Banks: Look, we made an egg-scoot decision.

Summer and Eva turned to look at each other. Stacy even had to chuckle and roll her eyes. Summer leaned forward and audibly whispered to Sasha.

Summer Rae: We made an executive decision, Sash.

Sasha Banks: Umm yeah whatever. So anyways, we made the decision that if you continue to lose matches, wwe have to drop you boo. We took you in 'cuz we thought you'd better our rep. Not destroy it.

Eva nodded in agreement.

Eva Marie: We're the Mean Girls. We're not chumps. And you're starting to tarnish our image.

Summer Rae: We don't want to do it, but if we have to, we'll give you the boot. Plain and simple.

Sasha smirked and looked to both of her besties who shared the same look. Stacy took a few moments to consider. She remained calm the entire time, not showing any signs of weakness or vulnerability like a true queen.

Stacy Keibler: So let me get this straight. You come to me and dare to say I'm the loser of the group, yet Summer, you lost to Paige recently. And Eva... You lost to Brie Bella. Not to mention I saved the two of you from losing those little titles you would have otherwise lost. You have zero credibility and no room to come to me with this ultimatum.

Summer, Eva and Sasha all looked offended by Stacy, who shrugged innocently.

Stacy Keibler: The truth hurts.

Sasha went to take another step forward into Stacy's face, but was met with a swift open hand to the face that made an audible smack. Sasha fell to the floor dramatically, holding the side of her face. Her shutter shades had fallen over her eyes. Summer and Eva were left standing together, unmoving. They stared at Stacy, unsure of what they unleashed.

Stacy Keibler: It's a reflex. Sometimes you have to slap some sense into people.

The crowd cheered the classic moment from Stacy. She took a step forward herself, over Sasha. Summer and Eva took a step back to keep some distance.

Stacy Keibler: How about a little bet?

Eva Marie: ... No thanks.

Summer shook her head, also not wanting to partake.

Stacy Keibler: That's too bad, because you Mean Girls are all in on this one. If Summer loses her match tonight, then I continue to stay in this group. Then maybe you'll realize that you need me more than I need you.

Stacy smiled in their faces and brushed past Eva and Summer. They waited until Stacy was gone to hurry and pick Sasha and her title from the floor. For perhaps the first time in their lives, they quietly left the scene without a peep.


Summer made her way out to the ring. A video package played hyping the women’s division. Back live in the arena, Emma’s theme hit and she came out with Becky Lynch.

The bell rang and Summer immediately went to work on Emma. Emma took some punishment but ultimately started fighting back.

Emma was in control of the match now as we see Becky cheering her on from the floor. Summer started building some momentum and turned the tide after hitting Emma with a couple of kicks and a drop kick.

Summer dominated for a while until Emma caught her running into the corner with an elbow. The two headed to the top rope, where Emma hit a sunset flip off the top rope into a power bomb. She covered her, but Summer managed to kick out at two and a half.

Summer looked to lock her into a submission finisher. Emma makde it to the ropes, forcing the referee to break the hold. Summer rolled Emma up but Emma rolled through and held Summer's tights. Emma got the 1-2-3 and immediately rolled out of the ring. Becky Lynch raised her arm in victory as the show went to commercial.


Out of nowhere the familiar instrumental of Skillet's "Awake and Alive" boomed throughout the arena as the crowd viciously booed as The Miz and Ted DiBiase made their way down the ramp. Both men were dressed in designer suits and Miz had the EBWF PTG Title over his shoulder. They both wore confident smirks as they entered the ring. Lillian Garcia had seemingly given up on announcing them as she handed the mic to Ted who smiled at the fact that she'd learned her lesson.


The Miz stopped in the center of the ring and held both of his hands up as if to say "worship me." He held a microphone in his hand and put it to his lips, shifting the mic from finger to finger waiting for the boos to die down. After a few beats they finally did.

The Miz: You know over the past few weeks I've heard a lot of negative come my way. I've heard that not cashing in the PTG Title last month, was the stupidest thing I ever could have done. I've heard that Solomon Crowe was SURELY going to beat me this coming Sunday at Summerslam and take the Path To Glory Championship right off my shoulder. I've heard that Solomon Crowe is showering lately.. all of these things... are false.

The crowd booed as Miz and Ted laughed.

The Miz: You see not cashing in last month, wasn't a stupid decision, it was a great decision because those are the only kinds of decisions I make. Dolph Ziggler gets to pretend that he's going to be champion forever for another couple of months, while I show him just what he's in for, when that day finally comes that he and I go toe to toe for the EBWF World Heavyweight Championship... and in the meantime I get to absolutely dismantle jam oaks like Solomon Crowe, who have FOOLED people into thinking that they could possibly be somebody in this business. Who have FOOLED people by having a little flash in the pan success.. but let me tell you something Solomon Crowe.. you may have beaten some people here in your short stay in this company.. but you have NOT.. and will NOT EVER.. BEAT. ME.

The crowd booed.

Ted DiBiase: Solomon, you've found yourself in a bit of quick sand that though you think you can get out of, your already in WAY too deep.. because as you've found out.. when you mess with ONE of us.. you mess with ALL of us. You have gone around the EBWF since DAY ONE.. making it seem like you don't care about anyone or anything.. like you are a lone wolf who has no feelings.. like you don't love anything but yourself..

The Miz smirked.

The Miz: But that's just not true either is it Crowe? You see, I can't say this was easy.. but when Vertex sets their minds to doing something or in this case finding something.. or should I say someONE.. we get the job done..

Jim Ross: What the hell is he talking about?

Jerry Lawler: I don't know JR.

The Miz: Ladies and gentlemen I'd like to direct your attention up to the tron.

The Tron showed a picture of a very attractive brunette girl who was smoking a cigarette outside of a hotel building. Ted gave the tron a cat call into the microphone.

Ted DiBiase: What a babe, huh Miz?

The Miz: Oh yes, STUNNING.. although probably on the way to some major health problems.. I've heard smoking is bad for you.

Ted DiBiase: At least she's smoking though!

The Miz: That's what I just said.. she's smoking..

Ted DiBiase: No like smoking.. like she's hot.

The Miz: Ohhh right.. I see what you did there.. nicely done.

Ted DiBiase: Thanks man!

The crowd was booing.

The Miz: So you are probably all wondering just who this not so health conscious but good looking gal is. We were too.. until it became oh so clear.

The next picture came up on the tron, Solomon Crowe was now coming out of the hotel. Another picture rolled of a hug, and another of a kiss on the lips between the two.


Ted DiBiase: It's hard to believe anyone would go for Solomon Crowe.

The Miz: Nice rhyme.. you're on fire today Ted.. dare I say it.. you are SMOKIN!

Ted DiBiase: I don't think it works there..

The Miz: Ah.. ok.. I'll find it.. NEVERTHELESS.. We didn't rule out that Solomon Crowe may have just been lonely, and called in... how do I put this.. a professional.. but unless this is Pretty Woman.

Another picture of Crowe and the girl were seen.. this time at a restaurant.

Ted DiBiase: Or Solomon Crowe has no idea what your supposed to do with a "professional" it would seem that this young lady.. and Solomon Crowe.. are quite close.

Another picture of the two kissing at the restaurant was seen.

The Miz: But we had to be sure.. we had to ask this girl for ourselves.. KEVIN..

Jim Ross: I don't like where this is going one bit King..

The crowd booed as Kevin Owens emerged from the back dragging the brunette girl by her hair she was yelling in pain and struggling as Kevin mercilessly through her into the ring.

Jim Ross: HEY! What the hell is this.

She began to try and make a quick exit, but Kevin grabbed her by the wrist, and detained her. The Miz quickly went from smiling to almost sadistic.

The Miz: Kevin.. keep her still.. will ya?

Kevin took out a pair of hand cuffs, cuffed one to the girls wrist, the other to the ring. She was incapacitated in the corner, still flailing around and screaming in fear. The Miz bent down right next to her face and brushed the side of her cheek.

The Miz: Shhhhh.. we aren't going to hurt you if you're quiet.. you keep yelling.. well.. then we might just have to shut you up..

Jim Ross: Well this is is just uncalled for.. somebody get out here and stop this.

The girl yelled 'HELP' but only the mics in the ring picked it up so it was barely audible.

The Miz: What was that? Go ahead say it into the microphone so everyone can hear you?

Miz held the mic to her face.


The Miz smirked.


The tron cut from the last picture that was shown to a zoomed in shot of Solomon Crowe which got a pop from the crowd. The pop quickly turned to boos when they saw that Solomon Crowe was tied to a chair. On one side of the chair was Finn Balor and the other was Kyle O'Reilly.

Ted DiBiase: There he is! Your hero! I'm sure he'll be out to save you any minute!

The Miz: Although it looks as though he's a bit... tied up at the moment.

A tear ran down the girls face as she knew that help was not on the way.

The Miz: Hey Solomon!!!

Crowe angrily struggled to get out of his chair but was not having any luck.

Solomon Crowe: I'll Kill you!!!!

The Miz: Oh I don't know Crowe.. I don't think your in the position to be making threats to anyone. You see.. you were the kid growing up that never got the girl.. weren't you buddy? You were the guy who sat alone and lunch.. who vowed that someday.. someday you'd show everybody.. that you didn't need them.. that you would someday get a girl who looked.. well.. just like she does. All the while watching guys like.. oh I don't know.. ME... get those girls.. have success.. score the winning touchdown.. make the winning basket.. but don't you get it Solomon.. you may think now that your here in the EBWF.. that things have changed.. but things haven't change.. guys like you.. don't get girls like this.. guys like you don't get to be happy.. guys like you don't get to be on top.. because as much as you hate to admit it..

The Miz knelt down in front of the girl again and looked into her eyes as he looked back at the tron..

The Miz: You know.. that for every guy like you.. there's always.. in your way... a GUY.. LIKE... ME.

Miz looked back to the girl and planted a huge kiss right on her lips. The girl struggled at first, but then surprisingly gave in to the kiss. When the two broke their kiss. The girl looked at Miz in a whole new way. She looked confused as to what she was feeling. Crowe was livid, his face was beat red and he was shaking in his chair trying to get out of the ropes. Owens uncuffed the girl. She continued to look dazed.

The Miz: Although as has always been the case.. even though the girls you want.. want me.. Even though the girls you want.. write Mrs. Mike Mizanin.. in their notebooks.. and day dream about being with the popular guy.. typically...

The Miz went right back up to the girl as if he was about to kiss her again.

The Miz: They aren't EVER good enough to ACTUALLY be with ME.

The Miz pushed the girl down by her head, she fell to the mat hard and Owens and DiBiase laughed. The girl held her head and looked up, Crowe was beside himself. The Miz looked at the fallen girl and then back at Crowe.

The Miz: Just like you aren't GOOD enough to ACTUALLY compete with me.. and at SummerSlam I will make that abundantly clear to you and all of these idiots... BECAUSE I'M THE MIZ....

The Miz got down next to the girl again...she looked up at him in fear..

The Miz: AND I'M....

The Miz kissed her forehead gently.. and said his last word softly.

The Miz: Awesome..

Awake and Alive hit again as the Miz cocked his head back to the tron and gave an evil smirk to Crowe who had stopped shaking but looked intently at The Miz..

Jim Ross: My god can you imagine what it's going to be like Sunday when Crowe gets his hands on The Miz.

Jerry Lawler: How personal did this just get JR?!


When Warfare came back from a commercial Stardust music was playing and he was already in the ring. Luke Harper was on the outside ready to support his buddy and fellow Tag Champ.

"AWEEEEESOMEEEEEEE" Followed by "Awake and Alive" was heard as Miz and the rest of Vertex made their way to the ring.

Ted DiBiase: Ladies and Genetlemen on their way to the ring.. the most dominant stable in the history of the EBWF.. Kevin Owens, Finn Balor, Kyle O'Reilly, Ted DiBiase, and the EBWF Path To Glory Champion, The Miz... VERTEX!

Miz slowly made his way down to the ring with his cohorts in toe. He entered the ring and gave his title to the time keeper.

Jim Ross: Well this should be a tremendous matchup Path To Glory Champ vs. One half of the tag champs.

The bell rang and the match was underway. On the outside Owens and O'Reilly talked trash to Harper who stared at them with wide eyes and said nothing. Miz and Stardust locked up. Stardust got the early advantage and took Miz over with a fireman carry. Miz went to one knee and still wore a cocky smile as he slowly made his way back to his feet. The two locked up again and this time it was Miz who got the advantage putting Stardust in a hammerlock. Stardust reversed it and Miz used his momentum to go into the ropes and shrug Stardust off. When Stardust popped up, Miz planted him with a lefty clothesline. He went for the cover, but only earned a one count. The two men were back up and Miz went for a left hand, but Stardust blocked it. He threw Miz head first to the outside right at the feet of Luke Harper. Harper looked down at Miz and Vertex was quickly over before Harper could move to throw Miz back in the ring. Owens and O'Reilly once again let Harper know just what they thought of him, but he remained stoic.

Stardust stomped Miz a couple of a times and picked him up by his head. Stardust picked Miz up for a scoop slam and connected. He then ran the ropes and hit a double knee on the fallen Miz. Stardust went for the cover and earned a two count.

Jim Ross: A lot of tension here between these men.

Jerry Lawler: You can feel it JR!

Stardust went to whip Miz into the corner, but Miz reversed it sending Stardust there. He then charged and hit his trademark clothesline in which he straddled the turnbuckle. Stardust fell to the ground as Miz posed to the crowd's boos with an arrogant smirk. He then got himself back into the ring, and Stardust was to his knees. He began to climb using Miz as the help, but Miz kneed him in the face which sent him right back down. Miz went for a cover and got a two count. Miz brought Stardust back up to a vertical base, he went for a neck breaker, but Stardust countered. He pushed Miz into the ropes and hit a drop kick right under Miz chin.

Jim Ross: Textbook dropkick right there! Here's the cover.. ONE.. TWo.. could have him.. no Miz kicked out..

Jerry Lawler: That was close.

Stardust was up quickly and appeared to be setting Miz up for Dark Matter. Sensing trouble. Ted DiBiase was on the apron. Stardust saw this and ran knocked Ted back to the floor below with a vicious running right hand. This gave Miz all the time he needed. He was up and planted Stardust in the middle of the ring with the Skull Crushing Finale.

Jim Ross: Skull Crushing Finale.. that should be.. wait a minute...

The lights flickered.. and Miz looked confused. All of a sudden on the tron.. the seat Crowe was once in was seen.. but it was now empty.. the ropes that had once tied Crowe to the seat were now strewn about. Miz yelled for Balor to go get him. The crowd was going nuts as Miz looked panicked.

Jim Ross: My god it looks like Crowe found a way out of that chair. Balor is on on his way back.

Miz went for the cover, the ref counted ONE.. TWO..THR.. no STARDUST kicked out..


Jerry Lawler: Miz can't believe it!

The lights flickered again. Miz was up and Stardust was slowly making his way to his feet. The tron showed Balor on the screen looking for Crowe. All of a sudden the lights started flickering like crazy and Space Dementia by Muse was heard. Miz yelled to Vertex to surround the ring. Owens was on one side, O'Reilly another, Ted another, and Miz exited the ring. To Man the fourth side. All men faced the crowd and motioned for Crowe to come get some.

Jim Ross: Vertex seem to be waiting for.. wait a minute..

The crowd popped as from under the ring Solomon Crowe appeared right behind Miz. Miz turned around, and Crowe quickly hooked in and planted Miz with a headlock driver right on the mat. The referee called for the bell and the match was over due to a DQ. Vertex quickly saw this and was over to help Miz. However, Luke Harper would have none of it, planting both Owens and O'Reilly with a double clothesline. Ted went to get a kick in, but Crowe beat him to the punch, and hit a headlock driver on DiBiase as well. Crowe threw Miz into the ring. Owens and O'Reilly were back up and began to go after Harper. Stardust saw this and was out to help his partner.

Jim Ross: Miz is in the ring. DiBiase is down! and Harper and Stardust want to get them some of one of the teams that will be in the triple threat match for their tag titles Owens and O'Reilly! Wait a minute it's AMBROSE AND ROLLINS! All hell has broken loose between these three tag teams!

Ambrose and Rollins from the crowd came in and all hell had broken loose on the mat. The three teams brawled their way into the crowd as the crowd didn't know where to look. Miz was slowly making his way to his feet, as Crowe entered the ring with a steel chair. Miz was to his feet only to be hit directly between the eyes with a chair busting him open. DiBiase slid in and got a vicious chair shot for his troubles. Balor sprinted down to the ring and he like the other two was planted with a chair shot. Ted and Finn rolled to the outside in pain. As Crowe repeatedly hit Miz with chair shots untill the chair was dented. Crowe threw the chair to the outside, and the crowd was loving seeing Miz decimated. Space Dementia hit again as Crowe wrestled the PTG Title away from the time keeper. He got down level with Miz head as he held the PTG Title right in his face. He stood up and threw the belt down on Miz' back. He then jumped out of the ring and made his way to the back. He was as intense as ever as the crowd popped him as Miz Balor and DiBiase all lay motionless.

Jim Ross: My God- Crowe and Miz rivalry has hit new heights tonight.. I can't wait for SummerSlam!

Jerry Lawler: Me NEITHER JR!

Warfare went to a commercial.


Jim Ross: And now it's time for our main event... The World Champion, Dolph Ziggler, takes on The Undertaker!

"Ain't No Grave" by Johnny Cash hit and the crowd gave a mixed reaction as Undertaker slowly made his way to the ring. After Taker had entered the ring, "Smackdown" by Thousand Foot Krutch hit and the crowd continued to give a mixed reaction as Dolph Ziggler headed to the ring.

Jerry Lawler: Well JR, it looks like this Philadelphia crowd is divided in their support for Undertaker and Dolph Ziggler!

Ziggler walked down the ramp with a cocky swagger, unfazed by the prospect of taking on the Deadman. As he entered the ring, climbed the turnbuckle and held the World Title up proudly, before stepping down and handing the title to the referee. The referee took the title out of the ring and called for the bell. Ziggler wasted no time getting started, charging towards Taker and hitting him with a series of punches. Taker fought back with some right hands of his own, and then went to whip Ziggler against the ropes, but Ziggler reversed it, sending Taker into the ropes before hitting a dropkick. Both men got to their feet and Ziggler whipped Undertaker into the corner, then hit the Stinger splash. Taker staggered out of the corner, and Ziggler hit a sitout facebuster, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: Ziggler with a near fall!

Jerry Lawler: A strong start from the World Champion!

Ziggler pulled Taker to his feet and set him up for a DDT, but Undertaker fought out of it, then hit Ziggler with an uppercut. As Ziggler staggered backwards, Taker whipped him against the ropes, before taking him down with a big boot. Taker stomped on Ziggler several times, then pulled him to his feet and whipped him against the ropes, before hitting a sidewalk slam. Undertaker hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: Another near fall! This time the Undertaker gets a two count!

Both men got to their feet and Taker lifted Ziggler up for a bearhug, but Ziggler countered with a jumping DDT. Both men got to their feet and Ziggler hit the Famouser, then hooked the leg once more. The referee counted – 1... 2... Taker kicked out! As Ziggler got to his feet, Undertaker sat up and glared at the World Champion. Taker then got to his feet, and Ziggler went for a superkick, but Taker blocked it, grabbing Ziggler's leg and spinning the Showoff around, then grabbing him by the throat and setting him up for the Chokeslam! Undertaker went to lift Ziggler up, but Ziggler fought back, kicking Taker in the midsection before hitting a swinging neckbreaker. Both men were down for several seconds before getting to their feet. As the two superstars got to their feet, Ziggler jumped on Taker's back, applying a sleeper hold. Undertaker fought back, slamming Ziggler into the corner. Taker then hit Ziggler with the ballistic punching combination in the corner, finishing it off with a throat thrust. Ziggler staggered out of the corner, and Taker lifted him over his shoulder, setting him up for the Tombstone Piledriver! Ziggler wriggled free, landing on his feet, and as Taker went after him, Ziggler hit him with a superkick! Taker got back to his feet and Ziggler jumped up behind him, hitting the Zig Zag! Ziggler hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Jerry Lawler: It's over! Ziggler wins!

The referee called for the bell and raised Ziggler's arm in victory.


No sooner had the main event come to its end and the bell had rang, than the arena was filled with the sound of deafening heat as none other than John Cena sprinted out from the back and down to the ring, sliding under the bottom rope, and pouncing on a still winded Dolph Ziggler from behind, delivering a fury of rights and lefts to the champion. Ziggler was helpless, pinned down by John’s knees on his stomach, the back of his head receiving blow after blow. Nicole had followed behind John, at her own pace, looking fantastic in a fitted suite with a pencil skirt and Louboutin heels. She was cheering on John from the apron, her back to the ramp. She was so wrapped up in cheering on John she didn’t seem to notice the fans’ reaction changing.

Jerry Lawler: What? What’s she doing down here?

At the top of the ramp none other than Brie Bella had stepped out and she was stalking at a steady pace down the ramp, dressed in her ring gear, and making a beeline for Nicole whose back was still turned.

Jim Ross: I’m not entirely sure King, but we did see Brie and Dolph talking to one another last week!

Inside the ring John had picked Dolph up and, in an impressive display of strength, was holding him up over his head with both arms extended as if preparing for a gorilla press. Brie stood behind Nicole now, smirking as she watched the other woman happily continue cheering on John, totally unaware of Brie’s presence. Then John turned around, Dolph still high over his head, and his cocky smirk instantly vanished when he spotted Brie. Nicole saw this and started to turn around but suddenly Brie reached out, brutally grabbed a handful of her long hair, and began shouting up at John. The floor mics were barely able to pick up her words.

Brie Bella: Put. him. down. Gently!

Nicole struggled to pull away but, with Brie still mostly behind her she couldn’t turn her body well enough to fight back or escape. John scowled, glaring at the Queen of the Ring, and, almost unbelievably, slowly sat Dolph down. The fans were eating it up as they watched the stand off. No sooner had an obviously hurting Dolph been placed on the mat than Brie shoved Nicole forward and to the floor. In the blink of an eye John was sliding out of the ring and chasing Brie. Brie ran around the ring to the side closest to the announce tables and slid under the bottom rope and into the squared circle. John was right behind her but as soon as he climbed into the ring there was Ziggler taking him down in a hard clothesline. The fans were going crazy as Dolph took a moment to deliver a few rights of his own then he slid out of one side of the ring and Brie slid out on the other. Dolph passed a huffing and puffing Nicole who was using the apron and steps to get back to her feet and he laughed right at her before he and Brie took their time walking up the ramp, both facing the ring to see Cena slowly trying to get to all fours and Nicole moving to his side.

Jerry Lawler: What did we just witness, JR?! What’s going on?!?!?!?! Why did Brie come down here? Was this John and Nicole trying to get revenge for what Dolph Ziggler has been saying and doing since Sacrifice?

Jim Ross: I don’t know, King! I have no idea, but I think we’re gonna get some answers soon!

Warfare slowly faded to black as the two men and two women shouted at one another, Ziggler and Brie from the top of the ramp, and John and Nicole from inside the ring.
Writers aren't exactly people. They're a whole bunch of people. Trying to be one person.
The only living, breathing, Queen of Efeds in captivity
"You can't blame a writer for what the characters say." - Truman Capote