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Warfare Results 08/24/15

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 4:43 pm
by Ben M

Jim Ross: Good evening and welcome to Warfare! I'm Jim Ross, joined by Jerry "The King" Lawler!

Jerry Lawler: We are live from the Air Canada Centre in Toronto, and Summerslam is just six days away!

Jim Ross: Up first tonight, we'll see the Hardcore Legend, Mankind, take on the "Big Guy", Ryback!

Mankind came out first to cheers from the crowd. The crowd booed as Ryback came out next. When both superstars had entered the ring, the referee called for the bell. Ryback ran at Mankind, attempting a clothesline. Mankind ducked out of the way, then turned to face Ryback and hit him with a series of punches. Mankind then grabbed Ryback and whipped him into the corner, before running at him and hitting a corner clothesline. Ryback staggered out of the corner, and Mankind took him down with a hip toss, then followed it up with a knee drop. Mankind made the cover and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: A strong start from Mankind!

Mankind got to his feet and stomped on Ryback repeatedly, before pulling him to his feet. Mankind hit Ryback with some more right hands, but Ryback fought back, hitting some right hands of his own. After overpowering Mankind, Ryback hit a knee lift, then whipped him against the ropes and hit a powerslam. Ryback hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: Another near fall! This time Ryback gets a two count!

Ryback pulled Mankind to his feet and dragged him towards the corner, then went to slam his head against the turnbuckle. Mankind blocked it, then hit Ryback with an elbow smash. Ryback staggered backwards and Mankind grabbed him, throwing him shoulder first into the ring post. As Ryback clutched his shoulder, Mankind hit him with a kick to the chest, forcing Ryback into a sitting position. Mankind stepped back, then charged towards Ryback, hitting him with a running knee! As Ryback struggled to his feet, Mankind reached into his pants, pulling out Mr Socko!

Jerry Lawler: Mr Socko! This could be it JR!

Ryback got to his feet and Mankind went for the Mandible Claw... but Ryback blocked it, then lifted Mankind up and hit a fallaway slam. As Mankind got to his feet, Ryback whipped him against the ropes, before taking him down with the Meat Hook. Ryback then signalled for the Shell Shocked! Mankind got to his feet and Ryback went to grab him... but Mankind fought back and hit Ryback with a swinging neckbreaker. Both men got to their feet, and Mankind hit Ryback with a kick to the midsection, before hitting the Double Arm DDT! Mankind hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Jim Ross: It's over! Mankind wins!

Mankind celebrated as Warfare went to a commercial break.


As Warfare returned from commercial break the screen came to life and four words began to slowly move across the screen:

Last Week After Warfare...

Then the backstage hallways of the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania are seen. A second later, coming around the corner with no less than eight Louis Vuitton bags in his arms and one single black backpack on his back, was John Cena. Trailing right behind him was an obviously outraged and flustered Nicole Ikeda.

Nicole Ikeda: My hair! My beautiful hair! Did you see the way Brie grabbed me?! Who the hell does she think she is?! I broke a nail, John. I broke. a nail. She must die.

John too looked rather incensed as the cameras continued to follow the couple out of the building and toward a long, black stretch limo.

John Cena: Who the hell does Dolph Ziggler think he is? Who the HELL does he think he is?!?!?! He has no idea what he just did. No damn clue.

John roughly shoved the bags at the chauffeur as the man came around the car and the uniformed servant dropped one of them.

Nicole Ikeda: My Louie!

John’s voice was gruff and violent.

John Cena: HEY! I’ve had a bad night and I’m about to take it out all over your face if there’s so much as a scratch on one of her Louies!

The chauffeur nodded with a fearful look and Nicole pouted. John turned to her and pulled her into his arms.

Nicole Ikeda: Why was she even out there?! That was none of her business! I wanted to see you smash Dolph Ziggler into mush. Again.

John Cena: Shhh... shhh... baby. I’ll take care of this. I’ll take care of everything.

Nicole Ikeda: She put her grubby hands on me.

John Cena: And she’s goin’ to regret it. I promise. You just leave this up to me. I’ll make them both regret this night. Now, what do you say we go back to the hotel, and I help you forget all about what happened tonight. Little room service, a nice bubble bath, a massage...

That seemed to make her feel a little better and she looked up at him, her seductive gaze meeting his suggestive one.

Nicole Ikeda: You really are an evil genius, aren’t you? I can’t take all the credit, can I?

John Cena: Just most of it.

He smiled then leaned down and they shared a single prolonged, deep kiss before he followed her into the limo, the driver shut the door behind them, and then a few seconds later, the vehicle drove off and out of sight.


Jim Ross: Up next, divas action as Torrie Wilson takes on Paige!

Torrie came out to the ring first, followed by Paige. When both divas were in the ring, the referee called for the bell and the two divas locked up. Torrie applied a headlock, but Paige fought out of it, then grabbed Torrie by the hair and tossed her across the ring. Torrie got to her feet and Paige hit a series of punches, then whipped Torrie against the ropes. As Torrie ran back towards her, Paige took her down with a short-arm clothesline. Torrie got to her feet once more and Paige whipped her into the corner, before charging towards her and hitting a high knee. Torrie staggered out of the corner and Paige hit a fisherman suplex, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Paige pulled Torrie to her feet and set her up for a suplex, but Torrie blocked it and countered with a neckbreaker. Torrie stood over Paige and stomped on her several times, then ran against the ropes and hit an elbow drop. Torrie hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1...2... kickout! Torrie pulled Paige to her feet and set her up for a back drop, but Paige blocked it and countered with a bulldog. Both divas got to their feet, and Paige took Torrie down with a drop toe hold, before applying the STF!

Jerry Lawler: STF by Paige! Torrie is crying out in pain!

Torrie stretched for the ropes, and was able to reach them, just. Paige broke the hold and pulled Torrie away from the ropes, then went for a cloverleaf, but Torrie kicked her away and got to her feet. When Torrie was on her feet, she ran at Paige, taking her down with a spear before punching her against the ring mat repeatedly. Torrie pulled Paige to her feet and hit a snapmare, then as Paige got back to her feet, Torrie went for the Nose Job... but Paige blocked it, and countered with a spinebuster!

Jim Ross: What a counter by Paige!

Both divas got to their feet, and Paige whipped Torrie into the corner once more. She then hit Torrie with a series of back elbows, before pulling her out of the corner and whipping Torrie against the ropes. As Torrie hit the ropes, Paige ran towards her, hitting a single leg dropkick. Torrie looked dazed as she got back to her feet and Paige took full advantage, hitting Torrie with the Paige Turner! Paige hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3! The referee called for the bell and raised Paige's arm in victory. Paige celebrated, then made her way to the back as Torrie recovered in the ring.


The camera cut backstage, where Summer Rae and Eva Marie are walking together, Tag Titles on their shoulders, worried looks on their faces. Sasha Banks had been MIA the entire week, ever since the original three Mean Girls had their ‘incident’ with Stacy Keibler. They approached a locker room door with Sasha’s nameplate on it, and Summer Rae knocked. The door swung open a few seconds later to reveal Sasha, who initially had a look of distaste on her face. But it was wiped away when she found her besties instead of who she expected.

Sasha Banks: Oh, it’s you two. Good.

She stepped outside, wearing her BOSS t-shirt and her ring attire. Sasha wasn’t acting like her usual self. She would’ve been much more excited to see her boo’s. Summer and Eva noticed this and were not pleased.

Summer Rae: Umm… Hi to you too. What’s wrong? You haven’t shown yourself since… You know…

Eva Marie: Since Stacy slapped her?

The crowd cheered and Summer turned to Eva.

Summer Rae: Really? Way to be discreet, Eva. We were supposed to keep it on the down low.

Eva went to defend herself, but was cut off by Sasha, who interrupted.

Sasha Banks: There was nothing discreet about what Stacy did to me. Tuh. She slapped me in front of all those people, including you two. But I’m not letting it get to me. A BOSS has bigger things to worry about. Obviously.

Summer and Eva turned to look at each other again, surprised by Sasha’s response.

Eva Marie: Obviously?

Summer Rae: Did you just say obviously?

Sasha stood with her arms folded impatiently, and shook her head. Before she could inquire further, she rolled her eyes and all three groaned at the arrival of Michael Cole.

Michael Cole: Ladies.

None of the Mean Girls acknowledged Cole.

Michael Cole: I’d like to ask a few questions Sasha, if you don’t mind. Particularly about last week.

Sasha stepped forward with a confident smirk on her face. Summer and Eva looked on confused.

Sasha Banks: I don’t need you to ask me anything, Cole. But thanks for bringing my mic. You can back up, boo boo.

She plucked the mic from Cole’s hand and held it up, looking into the camera.

Sasha Banks: I’m sure all of yous want to know how I feel about last week. I feel… different. Maybe Stacy slapped some sense into me, ‘cuz I’m not even mad at her. I can’t even tell you what I did for her to do that, but I bet I was bein’ a little extra. No worries. The BOSS will continue to be the professional she always is. I’ve been lookin’ at all the wrong things lately but now I’ma be focused. Determined. A true Head BOSS In Charge. I hope you’re ready Brie Brie, because when a BOSS works at maximum capacity there’s no stoppin’ the work that’s to be done. It’s like some switch has been flipped and now I see things clearly. Nothing’s complicated, it’s simple! I am the best example of what success is in the women’s division. And if you wanna try me? We can talk about that in the ring. Nothin’ will stop me from schoolin’ you again, boo boo. And I hope you cry about it just so the B-O-S-S can whoop your A-S-S again. And you can Bank. On. That.

Sasha stepped to the side and pushed Cole out of her way, allowing the three divas to occupy the camera. She held the microphone up so Summer and Eva could speak. But they seemed speechless.

Sasha Banks: Well boos, anything you want to add?

Eva nodded her head but was smirking herself, along with Summer Rae.

Summer Rae: You know what, Sash? I think you said everything there is to say. You used your words. Maybe Stacy is good for us after all.

Michael Cole: Wait a minute, Summer, Eva, I want to get a comment from you about the women’s tag match tonight--

Eva Marie shook her head.

Eva Marie: No, Michael Cole. We don’t waste our words on losers.

Eva, Summer and Sasha shrugged and smiled to each other, before turning back to Cole with a dead look and handing him back his microphone. All three walked off, leaving Cole behind as the screen faded out to black.


Jim Ross: Well we've just seen the Women's Tag Champions, Summer Rae and Eva Marie, and now we'll find out who their opponents will be this Sunday at Summerslam! Becky Lynch and Emma challenge Beautiful Dangerous, Trish Stratus and Natalya, for the number one contendership!

"Real Deal" by CFO$ hit and the crowd gave a mixed reaction as Becky Lynch and Emma made their way to the ring. After they had entered the ring, "Bossy" by Kelis hit and Trish Stratus and Natalya came out to a huge ovation from the Toronto crowd. The two Canadian divas looked confident as they headed towards the ring. After Trish and Natalya had entered the ring, the referee called for the bell and Natalya and Becky moved onto the ring apron, allowing Trish and Emma to start the match. Trish ran at Emma and went for a clothesline, but Emma ducked out of the way, then turned around and hit Trish with a discus elbow smash. Trish staggered backwards, and Emma whipped her against the ropes, then hit a dropkick. Both divas got to their feet and Emma hit Trish with a hair-pull snapmare, then tagged in Becky. As Becky entered the ring, she hit Trish with a pumphandle suplex, which she followed up with multiple leg drops. Becky hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: A strong start by Becky and Emma!

Becky sat Trish up and applied a sleeper hold, but Trish fought out of it and hit Becky with an elbow smash. Both divas got to their feet, and Trish hit Becky with a series of punches, then whipped her against the ropes. As Becky ran back towards her, Trish took her down with a Thesz press, before punching her against the ring mat several times. Trish then pulled Becky to her feet and hit a bulldog. She hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Trish got to her feet and tagged in Natalya, then the two Canadians hit Becky with a double suplex. As Trish exited the ring, Natalya hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: Another near fall! The momentum is with Trish and Natalya now, King!

Natalya pulled Becky to her feet and hit a Michinoku driver, then went to apply the Sharpshooter, but Becky kicked her away and got to her feet. Natalya ran towards her and went for a clothesline, but Becky ducked out of the way and grabbed Trish from behind, hitting a German suplex. Emma held out her hand, and Becky made the tag. As Emma entered the ring, Becky pulled Natalya to her feet. She whipped Natalya towards Emma, who hit a big boot. Becky exited the ring, and Emma made the cover. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Emma pulled Natalya to her feet and lifted her onto her shoulders, before spinning her around with the Emma-plane! As Emma released Natalya, the Anvilette looked dazed. Emma grabbed Natalya once more, taking her down with a reverse STO before applying the Emma Lock! Trish ran into the ring to try and break it up, but Becky intervened, running at Trish at hitting her with a clothesline. Natalya tried to get to the ropes, but when she realised they were out of reach, she tapped out! The referee called for the bell as Emma broke the hold.

Jerry Lawler: I don't believe it, JR! Natalya tapped!

Jim Ross: What an impressive performance by Becky Lynch and Emma tonight, King! They’ve earned another shot at the Women's Tag Titles!

Becky and Emma celebrated as Warfare went to a commercial break.


A promotional video package highlighting the EBWF careers of both World Champion Dolph Ziggler and number one contender, King of the Ring, Sami Zayn wrapped up and then the EBWF Universe found itself in the private locker room of John Cena and Nicole Ikeda. John sat silently fuming on the couch as Nicole paced angrily back and forth in front of him.

Nicole Ikeda: What are they thinking?! How could they do this to us?! To you, to ME!?! How in the hell could they leave you off the Summerslam Card?!?!?!

John looked ready to murder someone as he silently brooded.

Nicole Ikeda: You know the entire show is just gonna suck now, right? Don’t they know who we are?!?! I’m an Ikeda damnit! Idiots! I... I need to do something... I... where’s Paul and Brock? Why aren’t they here yet? We need to have a meeting. This WILL NOT STAND! What is happening? This makes no sense!

John spoke up, looking like he was chomping at the bit to punch something, or someone.

John Cena: They aren’t taking us seriously.

He clenched his jaw and then tilted his face slightly to one side, his eyes filled with meaning.

John Cena: It’s time they start realizing just how dangerous we really are again.

She paused and slowly a smile began to spread across her face as she walked over to him and sat on his lap, practically purring.

Nicole Ikeda: Are you thinking, what I’m thinking?

John’s arms had moved to her waist, but he still wore that dangerous gleam in his eyes.

John Cena: We don’t have to be on the card at Summerslam...

Nicole Ikeda: ... to steal the show.

John Cena: They want to try and ignore us?

Nicole Ikeda: We’ll show them that we can’t be ignored.

He gave that sinister chuckle, deep in his throat, and she nodded as the scene slowly faded to black to leave the two alone to scheme and plot their next move.


"Brand New Name" by 30 Seconds to Mars hit and the crowd booed as the EBWF Tag Team Champions, Stardust and Luke Harper made their way to the ring.

Jim Ross: And now it's time for our main event! On Sunday at Summerslam, Luke Harper and Stardust will be defending the Tag Titles, but tonight, Stardust takes on one of the men he'll be facing this Sunday, Seth Rollins!

After Stardust had entered the ring, "Constant Motion" by Dream Theater hit and the crowd cheered as Seth Rollins headed to the ring, accompanied by Dean Ambrose. As Rollins entered the ring, he and Stardust started intensely at one another. The referee called for the bell and the two men wasted no time getting started, running towards each other and exchanging right hands back and forth furiously. Stardust gained the upper hand, and after whipping Rollins against the ropes, he took him down with a dropkick. Both men got to their feet and Stardust hit him with a Russian legsweep, then ran against the ropes and hit a knee drop. Stardust made the cover and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! Stardust pulled Rollins to his feet and hit him with some more right hands, then whipped Rollins into the corner. Stardust ran at Rollins, going for the corner clothesline, but Rollins blocked it by getting his knees up. Stardust staggered backwards and Rollins grabbed him, hitting a reverse STO into the turnbuckle. As Stardust hit the mat, Rollins moved him away from the ropes, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: Another near fall!

Jim Ross: Great back and forth action so far!

Rollins got to his feet and stomped on Stardust several times, then pulled him to his feet. Rollins whipped Stardust towards the ropes, but Stardust countered, springboarding off the ropes and hitting the Beautiful Disaster! Rollins looked dazed and Stardust got behind him, hitting a falling inverted DDT. Stardust hooked the leg once more – 1... 2... kickout! Stardust looked frustrated at only getting a two count, and he sat Rollins up, putting him in a sleeper hold. As Rollins seemed to be fading, Ambrose began pounding on the mat to try and revive his partner. The referee lifted Rollins arm up, and as he let go, the arm dropped. The referee lifted his arm up a second time, and again the arm dropped. The referee held Rollins' arm up a third time... and as he let go, Rollins clenched his fist in the air! Stardust tried to increase the pressure, but Rollins fought back defiantly, forcing the Tag Champion to break the hold. Both men got to their feet and Rollins hit an Enzuigiri, followed by a belly-to-back suplex. The two superstars got to their feet once more, and Rollins hit Stardust with a superkick! Rollins hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: So close to a three count!

Rollins got to his feet and began stomping on the mat, signalling for the Curb Stomp! Before Rollins could hit it, Luke Harper climbed onto the ring apron, and tried to attack Rollins! Ambrose intervened, pulling Harper off the apron and pummelling him with some right hands outside the ring! The altercation distracted Rollins, however, and Stardust took full advantage, hitting Dark Matter! Stardust hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Jerry Lawler: It's over! Stardust wins! Will we see the same thing this Sunday at Summerslam?

Stardust exited the ring and pulled Ambrose off of Harper, then the Tag Champions made their way up the ramp. Ambrose was going to go after them, but Rollins stopped him. He looked up the ramp at Stardust and Harper, pointed to their championships and mouthed the word "Sunday". The four superstars exchanged harsh words as Warfare went off the air.