Breaking Out

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Breaking Out

Post by Nathan »

We are greeted once again with a shaky hand held shot of Mankind as he fumbles around with the small camera. He looks down at it for a minute before shaking his head and looking away, mumbling something to himself before looking back at the camera. No smile on his face this time around, instead he looks angry.

“This is what I get? All of my efforts, all the work that I've been putting in week after week and I'm rewarded with a shot at nothing more than the Breakout Championship? Why? Because I already beat the Brokedown Chump? Yeah ok, I was the first one to beat him and end his little streak, but now I have to go out to that ring and see his ugly mug again? I don't know, it almost sounds like a punishment to me. I doubt Jeff wants to get into the ring with me again so soon, he doesn't need a second loss in a row, does he? Oh what Jeff? What are you gonna do, huh?”

He tilts his head back and lets out a laugh.

“What are you going to do Jeff? You going to get mad at me and tell us all about how you want revenge for the things I said about you and your family of trolls? I don't think so. You had your chance to beat me down for my comments last week and yet here I am, still standing tall. Are you going to tell us all how much that championship means to you? Go right ahead, I don't care about that championship, I don't care about that piece of tin you're carting around, what I care about is beating you and moving on. But you know, we've got two other people joining the party this week don't we. Kyle and Dolph.”

Mankind lets out a snort of laughter.

“These two are almost bigger jokes than you are, Hardy. You know they are just thrown into this match for filler. Someone out there looked at the card for Fanniversary and decided they needed to make this match more exciting. Do you know why this match needs to be exciting? Because Mankind beating Jeff Hardy for the second week in a row is not something that is going to put butts in seats. But Mankind beating three other rejects, now that is something that people will come out to see. I'm the one on the roll now, I'm the one coming into this match with the target on his back. You all know that when I come out of this match on top there will be little to nothing that is going to stop me from here on out. I'm taking the ladder to the top and I don't care how many of you I have to throw off to get there.”

He smirks into the camera.

“Fanniversary is going to be my night to shine. I've already proven to everyone that I'm not some washed up old legend and now it's time to show them all that I'm even more dangerous now than I've ever been before. I hope you boys are ready for what could very well be the most brutal match of your careers because there is nothing that I wont do in order to get a win. Then maybe, when I become the new Breakout Champion, maybe then that belt will actually mean something like it used to. Then maybe people will think twice about what it means to be the Breakout Champion. Me, I could take it or leave it, but if beating you bums makes me the champ then I guess I'll take it.”

His smirk fades and a stern look takes its place.

“I'm the one that is going to steal the show this week. When I'm done all anyone will be talking about is 'Hey, did you see what Mankind did to those guys?' The three of you will be nothing but footnotes to my greatness because if you think you're going to come out there and get a win over me you'll have to put me in a coma first. This year it's not Fanniversary, it's Foleyversary. And you can believe that I! Will have a nice day!”[/center][/b]