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Quick Stunt

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2015 11:07 pm
by Cory
The screen faded into a shot of Randy Orton, sitting on a bench in the locker room of the SAP Center in San Jose, California. He sneered at the camera as he threaded a lace through his black wrestling boot.

Randy Orton: I suppose the cameraman ran out of other people to bother? Didn't those irrelevant clowns in Vertex take five minutes to remove their lips from the Miz to cut a promo?

He sighed.

Randy Orton: Tonight, I'm put in a tournament to crown a number one contender for the World Title. Another match between myself and Justin Gabriel. It's not enough that Gabriel jumps out of airplanes and bungee jumps from bridges. Now they're going book him in a match, one on one, with me. I am sick and tired of seeing his name on the card, so I'm going to give him the last death defying stunt that he'll ever see. An RKO from the top rope.

Randy scoffed a little as he finished the tie on his boot.

Randy Orton: Well. Maybe you won't be able to walk away from every trick.

The scene faded with the logo.