Back with a vengeance

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Back with a vengeance

Post by Jon »

Houston, Texas is popping with Buzz for Survivor Series. The Stars have already arrived and have for the most part gotten ready for the big event that goes live on pay per view in a few hours. Paige and AJ are chilling outside of the arena. AJ is sitting on one of the tables and Paige is sitting on one of the tables across from her.

Paige: You ready for tonight?

AJ LEE: Of course, after all the scratching and clawing in the gym to get ready for my return from my arm injury is now paying off in a title match against Trish Stratus, you know what the best part about being here in the EBWF is though, Paige? I can speak my mind but against an opponent like Trish Stratus there really isn’t thing bad I want to say about the woman.

Paige: Hard not to have respect for her.

AJ LEE: I do respect her but as far as that goes going into that match respect isn’t going to matter because she does have something I want. I swear to you though Paige that Survivor Series, I will be the lone survivor when I make Trish tap to the Black Widow dead center in the middle of that ring.

Paige: When you win that title I call dibs on first title shot.

AJ LEE: You already know me, I’ll take on any and all comers once that title is around my waist and even though we are B.F.F’s be it you or anyone else I’m not going to let the title go once I win it from Trish, we both know me walking out of Survivor Series with the title around my waist is inevitable

Paige: I can almost hear Lilian saying it now, “And Your New Women’s Champion, AJ LEE.”

AJ LEE: I love the sound of that

Paige: Who wouldn’t?

AJ LEE: Someone who is in the wrestling industry and likes settling for mediocrity..

Paige: None of which you are’’

AJ LEE: Damn, Right I’m not and can’t wait to get into the ring with Trish. Has always kind of been a dream of mine to wrestle her and now get to do it in the EBWF at Survivor Series for the championship. But unfortunately for her the dream isn’t going to be exciting for her when she is tapped out in the middle of the ring and I leave Survivor Series with that belt.

Paige: The Night Dreams get Shattered.

AJ LEE: It’s the Holiday season….. I’m feeling generous so I’m not going to do all of that. I’m just going to pull out the Black Widow and make Trish tap and call it a night. For once I am not going to be How the Grinch Stole Christmas, but Trish and the other girls better now get used to it. Despite the fact that I do respect Trish that goes out the window when competing for the championship, the clock is ticking down on Trish’s championship reign, I hope she is watching as the minute hand slowly ticks away and title it arrives at the point she is a former champion. But I don’t want to talk about this anymore, I’m so over all this talk it’s time to get ready and get prepared to kick her ass.

AJ gets up off the table and starts heading towards the arena. Meanwhile, Paige stays back at the table giving an conniving look.

Paige: I hope you win, because once you do, pumpkin, I am coming for you.