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Joined: Tue Feb 21, 2012 9:53 pm


Post by D.J »

The Miz continued to roll as the EBWF World Heavyweight Champion. His recent win at Survivor Series over AJ Styles did not come without some controversy as Miz used a chair that AJ Styles brought into play, against Styles to pick up the victory. On Warfare, Miz was informed that he would be fined for use of the chair. The fine in many people's eyes was induced because of AJ Styles threatening to sue the EBWF if they did not issue Miz a fine, since he himself had been fined for that very thing. As a result, Wes Ikeda cleverly gave Miz the 100 K as a "Christmas Present" which for all intents and purposes alleviated the debt for the EBWF World Heavyweight Champion. This certainly had to have gotten under the skin of Styles, and it would be one of AJ's crew members CM Punk who would have a chance to avenge his partners most recent loss. As Punk and Miz would go one on one in Warfare's main event.

The scene opened up zoomed into the EBWF World Heavyweight Championship. It was sitting on a coffee table in an upright position. As the camera panned out, The Miz was sitting in a chair behind the table. He wore a long sleeved "Danger: I'm Awesome" T-Shirt and dark jeans. We were in his living room, as the backdrop of the shot was pictures of Miz and the various championships he'd earned in the EBWF. Miz looked very focused as he began to speak.

The Miz: Consistency is a word that gets kicked around here too much. Being consistent, staying consistent, consistent, consistent, consistent. What does that even really mean in the EBWF. For me I think you're consistent if you are here week in and week out for a long period of time. That's what makes you a constant in the EBWF. However, there are very few people that can not only be here for an extended period of time, but they can be here for a long period of time and have sustained CONSISTENT success. The man who has done that more than any other person in this company, is the handsome piece of man that you are all lucky enough to be looking at, at this very moment. I'm The Miz.. the leader of Vertex.. the cream of the crop.. most must see.. most captivating.. greatest of the great.. your FAVORITE WRESTELER'S FAVORITE WRESTLER.. and I am the EBWF World Heavyweight Champion. There hasn't been many people who have liked that.. there hasn't been many people who have supported me as champion.. but guess what? There hasn't been anyone who has done a damn thing about it. Reason being.. they aren't CAPABLE of doing anything about it. I'm the best wrestler on this planet.. and if you don't believe me check out the belt that's sitting in front of me. I'm it... bottom line.. no debate. Which is why it always is fun to face the man I will face on Monday Night.. CM Punk.

The Miz smirked.

The Miz: Ah CM Punk.. it's the same old song and dance with you isn't it? "I'm the best in the world" The best in the world huh? Really? REALLY? You are the best in the world? The best in the world at what exactly Punk? The best in the world at showing up for months on end.. expecting people to give a shit.. and then crying like a little baby when they don't? The best in the world at bragging about all the matches you won 8 years ago.. but then forgetting to have any type of success today? Or maybe you're the best in the world at joining forces with people that people care even less about than they do you. You and AJ Styles have got to have the most warped sense of reality out of anyone I've ever met. You guys actually thought that when you joined forces it would SHAKE THE FOUNDATION of the EBWF. You actually thought people would fear your little duo.. so when it didn't what did you do? You panicked.. you and AJ were probably sitting around painting each other's nails.. and were all "oh my god.. we are a duo.. and not one person cares. What should we do?" and then AJ was like

The Miz pantomimed smoking pot.

The Miz: "Umm What?"

The Miz smiled.

The Miz: I'll tell you what you did.. you went out and enlisted the help of Paul Heyman and BAWROCK LESNAR.. well whoopee freaking dooo... Do you guys realize that nobody is in the position to even remotely care about you.. because the only people that matter right now in professional wrestling are The Miz.. and The VERTEX! We are the bees knees the cats pajamas... and you along with the rest of this company WISH you were us. CM Punk, I've always liked facing you.. because you are one of the most fun people to beat. You come in all brash and arrogant, like it's almost a joke to you that you have to face me.. or anyone for that matter.. then I beat you.. because well I'm me and you're you.. and you act all surprised.. all flustered.. like how could this have happened? Why I'm CM Punk.. I'm the BEST IN THE WORLD.. how could I have lost to The Miz? I'll tell you how.. you lose because you suck.. and that's what happens when you suck.. you lose. Especially when you are facing someone like me who not only doesn't suck.. but is someone who is ACTUALLY quite literally the best in the world. Punk- I'm fine with you living in fairy tale land, I'm fine with you convincing yourself every day you roll out of bed that you aren't a delusional idiot for thinking that you are better than anyone let along me.. whatever it takes for you to get through your shitty life.. but one thing I'm not fine with is giving you any justification for these outrageous thoughts. One thing I'm not going to do, is let you have any of your twisted self belief.. be validated. Punk, I enjoy nothing more than wiping that arrogant smirk off your face. I enjoy nothing more then to watch you look so surprised when that bell rings and you're lying flat on your back like you do for AJ.

The Miz smirked to himself and then picked up the title off the table. He unhooked it and threw it up over his right shoulder. Miz snapped his fingers and the rest of Vertex appeared. They walked into the scene and stood behind the Miz. All dressed in black with red letters "Vertex: You Wish You Were Us" shirts. Kyle O'Reilly had the Breakout Championship over his left shoulder.

The Miz: This is young talent- this is what dominance looks like.. this is what consistency looks like. We have run rough shot over this company since we've arrived. Week in.. week out.. we've been here. Winning.. making an impact. We didn't just show up and say "hey we're here look at us." Look you jamoaks did.. we came in and just starting brutalizing anyone that got in our way.. and MADE PEOPLE LOOK AT US. Our talent and our ability speaks for itself. We prove all of the time just why we are who we are.. You may claim that you do the same thing Punk, but you are a shell of what you used to be. You are a shadow of your former self. You were never the best in the world my man, but you weren't the worst either. Now look at yourself.. you say you've never done drugs or drank alcohol.. that you've never put any of that "poison" in your body.. yet you've chosen to inject yourself with the pure poison that is AJ Styles. You think AJ gives a shit about you Punk? Do you? AJ Styles is just using you in a pathetic attempt to draw attention to himself that nobody wants to give him because he's a washed up burn out nobody. His thought was that if he teamed up with you then people would care more about him. Is that really what you want to be Punk? The guy who makes people not say "Oh AJ Styles.. look at that.." and then go back to whatever they were doing before.

Vertex laughed behind Miz. Miz acknowledged that, and commented.

The Miz: Well I can't over sell it that is about as much as people would ever give AJ Styles attention. Punk whether you want to believe this or not.. AJ Styles looks at you as his lackey. He looks at you as someone that is below him, someone that should be happy carrying his bags. He doesn't see you as CM Punk the superstar.. he sees you as CM Punk.. the bitch.. which is EXACTLY what you've become.

Kevin Owens smirked at this, and the rest of Vertex followed suit.

The Miz: The Vertex is a different animal. It's a different breed. These guys behind me are my brothers, they understand what it takes to be the best. We don't expect hand outs, because we don't need them.. We just simply go out and take what it is we want. We wanted the EBWF World Heavyweight Championship.. so we took it. Kyle here wanted the Breakout Championship.. so he took it. CM Punk, Brock Lesnar, and AJ Styles are three of the biggest premadonas going that do nothing but lose and then blame everyone else for their failures. Look in the mirror guys.. look in the mirror Punk.. what you'll see if you're truly honest with yourself.. aside from a scraggly homeless guy beard.. is a man who's best days are behind him. A man who once meant something in the EBWF.. who now can't do anything but resort to hugging his little slammy's from 2010 and thinking about what used to be. Look in the mirror and I guarantee if you're honest with yourself.. that you will see a man who is NOT WORTHY of being in the ring with a man like me. That's not a good feeling to have Punk- I get it- but at least then you'll be being honest with yourself. At least acknowledging that I am superior to you in every which way- will help you cope with that moment that is inevitably going to happen on Warfare where you just realize there's nothing you can do that is going to get the better of me- a little bit better. Punk if you think about it.. I'm really looking out for you as I give you this advice.

Kevin Owens: So selfless..

Finn Balor: Like saint like even.

The Miz smirked.

The Miz: I know right- and people say I'm a bad guy. I'm not a bad guy.. what I am is a realist. I'm honest and if that makes me a bad person well then so freaking what. The realist- the honest person in me is telling CM Punk that he is WAY out of his league here. The realist- the honest person in me is telling CM Punk that there is no way he's walking out of Warfare with a victory. You have a better chance of seeing CM Punk at a kegger doing Yaeger Bombs with LAX bros than you do seeing CM Punk with his hand raised in victory. In case you haven't noticed.. I don't lose very much anymore.. and when I say very much.. I mean like hardly at all.. and when I say hardly at all.. I mean like never.. and I don't blame on starting Monday Night. Shit maybe at CEOD I can face Brock Lesnar.. and that way I can get "I beat irrelevant losers" bingo. Then maybe after Lesnar I can face Paul Heyman.. I'll tip him over and then just laugh as he tries to get up but instead just sways side to side like a weeble wobble. Punk you guys may need to add some dudes to your little crew because if it's just you Styles and Lesnar that's not even close to enough fire power to hold my attention for very long. You're going to have to do a hell of a lot better than that to think that you guys could ever come in and take any thing away from this group that you're looking at right now. We are on top for a reason- and the sooner that you, Styles, and Lesnar figure that out- the safer you're going to be. Don't be a hero Punk.. don't say something that you're going to look back later and say "shit I shouldn't have said that.. that got me my ass kicked." I know that's going to be hard for you- because you know.. it's all you do... but at least I'll be able to say I warned you.

Ted DiBiase: He really does just run his mouth doesn't he? Why so confident Punk? Huh? Why so brash? What have you done lately besides put sweet and low in AJ's coffee? I think being an AJ Styles lackey may be officially rock bottom. It's great to watch.. I mean really.. it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.. friggin joke.

The Miz: Except I'm not laughing. Watching you is.. well sobering these days Punk. It's sobering because it reminds people like me what can happen if you lose your way. Seeing you reminds me of what can happen if you lose focus.. if you rest on your laurels. You can go from a guy who has the business in the palm of his hand.. to a guy that well just sits around and talks about the time he had the business in the palm of his hand. That's you in a nutshell.. but I can guarantee you one thing Punk.. you won't be sitting around EVER talking about the time you beat The EBWF Champion THE MIZ.. you won't be sitting around talking about THAT was the night where CM Punk returned to form. Consistency.. that's what it's about right? Stay consistent.. be consistent.. which means Punk.. that you need to keep doing what people expect from you.. that's what you gotta do dude.. you just gotta stay consistent.. which means you have to stay... well being terrible.. I'll stay consistent too Punk.. I'll staying being The Miz.. which means I'll stay being... yep you guessed it...


The Miz winked into the camera as the scene faded to black.

EBWF World Champion (x7- Current) EBWF Intercontinental Champion (x3) EBWF Tag Team Champion (x2) EBWF PTG Champion (x2 ) EBWF Gateway Champion (1x)