CM Punk a name that had been synonymous with success in the EBWF. A charismatic figure to say the very least, that even when he was considered or portrayed as a 'bad guy' still had a large amount of cult followers and supporters. He had been as successful as anyone in the ring with regards to wins and losses, and is widely considered one of the more talented men to ever step foot inside of it. He also was as gifted a speaker as the business had seen in quite sometime as well. His sarcastic wit, and brash confidence made him as entertaining to listen to, as he was to watch compete. Certainly a guy like this was destined for greatness in a business that celebrates both of his major skills. CM Punk is a name that instantly incites a reaction from someone even not as familiar with the EBWF or it's going ons. The Miz another name that had been synonymous with success in the EBWF. Miz' niche was very much different than Punks. Miz seemed to be the guy that no matter what he was doing or saying.. you loved to hate him.. and he loved that you hate him. His confidence and arrogance reached a whole other level, and he was not afraid to push limits in the ring and on the microphone to get his point across.. and that point was usually that in his mind NOBODY wrestles and talks the talk better than him. He had the belt to prove it. The Miz was the reigning EBWF World Champion, and he had the support of the business most dominant current faction, The Vertex. They were a on an unprecedented run that seemingly had no end in sight. Miz had taken down adversaries such as Sami Zayn, and AJ Styles. It didn't look as though there was any slowing down, or any speed bumps on the horizon.. until the last episode of Warfare before Christmas Eve of Destruction. It was there that CM Punk looked to have The Miz defeated.. he looked to prove that Miz was NOT the man that was best fit to carry the company into the new year. This was until Vertex spoiled the party and the match ended on a disqualification. What this triggered was a man that had been determined to put an end to the reign of The Miz, Stone Cold Steve Austin, calling for a rematch at Christmas Eve of Destruction.. it would not just be any old rematch. Per Austin, the two men would battle it on inside an ELECTRIFIED STEEL CAGE. This would ensure that any thoughts Vertex, or the Heyman Guys, had of interfering would quickly fall by the wayside. It was going to be one on one in every sense of the phrase, and The Miz and CM Punk.. two men who pride themselves on being the best fighters and best talkers in the business.. would CERTAINLY have a chance to prove the latter.. but the more importantly.. the former.
The scene opened up outside of a log cabin. There was smoke coming out of a brick chimney, and some snow on the front lawn. The weather at the current moment looked calm, but even just looking at the air the viewer could tell the temperatures were brisk to say the least. There were 5 cars parked in a very long and rocky driveway. Each of the cars looked extremely expensive, so whoever inhabited the log cabin were individuals of means, this much was clear. The scene shifted to inside of the cabin. The feel to the inside was very rustic in nature. From the walls to the floors to the furniture. No individuals were initially spotted, until final a head craned into the camera's view. It was Kevin Owens. Owens doned a Santa Hat and a very 'ugly' green and red Christmas Sweater. He had a glass of egg nog, but knowing The Vertex it was surely not just egg nog. As the camera adjusted Owens now fixed his head so that he was standing straight up. He raised his glass.
Kevin Owens: Cheers man, Merry Christmas. I know, I know what you're thinking. Those Vertex guys they are so miserable.. I bet they don't even celebrate Christmas.. well Scrooge.. you are wrong.. of course we celebrate Christmas.. we love Christmas..
A voice was heard off screen.
Finn Balor: (Off Screen) That's right Kevin.. we sure do.
The camera panned to pick up Finn Balor, also in a Santa Hat.. also wearing an ugly sweater his was Blue and red. Finn had some sort of concoction of a drink in his right hand as well. No sooner was he in the scene did we hear a toilet flush, and see a door open, from behind the door Kyle O'Reilly emerged. He wore a black and white ugly sweater, no santa hat.
Kevin Owens: Bro.. where the fuck is your Santa hat?! We are celebrating Christmas.
Kyle O'Reilly: I didn't realize it was a requirement.
Kevin Owens: It was.. get it together.. go up those stairs.. get a Santa Hat.. get a drink.. and start acting like you take this god damn holiday seriously.. it's the fucking happiest time of year.. GO!
Kyle O'Reilly: Ok, ok, damn...
O'Reilly did as he was told and made his way up the stairs.
Kevin Owens: You are probably wondering just why we are so festive.. just why are we so filled with glee this holiday season. The answer is relatively simple.. each year around this time people look back on their year. Most of the time there's a million and one regrets that they have.. that they vow to do better next year.. This usually lasts.. oh I don't know.. until January 5th.. and then they just go back to sucking for the rest of the year. For us.. this truly is a celebration.. a celebration that's been earned. Because we've pretty consistently met every goal that we've set out for ourselves since we hit the scene.. and we're celebrating that.. and the fact that it's only going to continue as 2016 hits.
Finn Balor: We've had doubters.. people that wanna hate us.. and that's fine.. today we celebrate them too.. because without their hate.. well without their hate.. ahh who am I kidding.. it doesn't motivate us.. they are pretty much irrelevant to us in every way shape or form.
Ted DiBiase walked into the scene now from another room. He was wearing a bright orange ugly sweater and a Santa Hat. As you might of guessed, he also had a drink in his hand.
Ted DiBiase: Where's Kyle?
Kevin Owens: He's putting on a Santa hat and getting a drink.
Ted DiBiase: Didn't he know it was a requirement?
Kevin Owens: Apparently not, Ted.
Ted DiBiase: But we're celebrating Christmas!!!
Kevin Owens: I know I know.
Finn Balor: We told him!
Ted shook his head.
Ted DiBiase: How do you think the Heyman Guys celebrate Christmas? Big Holiday Ham.. that Paul eats while Punk, AJ, Lesnar, and Crowe go like Oliver Twist.. "Please Suhhh I want some more".. after they each eat like a couple crumbs.
Kevin nodded furiously as he sipped his drink.
Kevin Owens: It's like that bastard CM Punk- he's got a better chance at getting a slice of ham than he does of beating Miz this Sunday for the EBWF Title.
Kyle O'Reilly finally made his way down stairs Santa Hat on as well as a drink in his hand.
Ted DiBiase: Now there's a guy that looks like he's ready to celebrate Christmas.
O'Reilly gave a thumbs up.
The Miz: (Off Screen) Did somebody say celebrate Christmas!?
The Rest Of Vertex: MIZ!!!
They all came up to Miz- he was their Fonz. Miz was wearing an green ugly sweater that read "Your Favorite Ugly Sweater's Favorite Ugly Sweater" he also of course had on a Santa Hat and had a drink in his right hand, along with the EBWF Title over his right shoulder.
The Miz: As I was sitting in the other room, listening to you guys talk, it really did bring a slight tear to my eye.. because you guys are right.. you are.. you are absolutely right. What a year it has been for the Vertex.. what a year it's been for The Miz. Christmases have come and go in the past, where I've kinda looked at the year and said.. "ohh I should have done this.. or I should have done that." This is a year that I couldn't have scripted better if I tried.. and trust me Christmas Eve of Destruction is going to be the cherry on top of a fantastic 2015.
Kevin Owens went to say something, but Miz wasn't done, he had only stopped to take a sip of his drink.
The Miz: Now.. I know there are some who want to ruin my Christmas spirit. Some that would like to act like it was any old month.. like say July.. or March..
Kyle O'Reilly: Or April!
The Miz looked at Kyle and nodded.
The Miz: Right or April..
Kyle O'Reilly: Or September!
The Miz nodded again.
The Miz: Ok or September..
Kyle O'Reilly: Or February!
Ted put a hand on Kyle's shoulder letting him know that the point was taken. Kyle nodded.
The Miz: Right.. like it was any old month, any old season. Some people want to turn our smiles upside down, and put a damper on the holiday season. This year though guys I just won't have it. I refuse. Some people just have no respect for Christmas, they want to get under your skin and ruin your mood. This year though, this year nothing.. nobody is going to ruin Christmas.. this year we celebrate!
The Miz raised his glass as did the rest of Vertex.
The Miz: To another year of dominance!
Vertex: Here here!
They all drank. The Miz hit his hand on a near by wooden table.
The Miz: Seriously though guys what is wrong with CM Punk?
Ted DiBiase: Where do I start?
Ted went to continue but Miz cut him off.
The Miz: Honestly I mean does he really think that on Warfare I wasn't going to kick out of the Go To Sleep? Really? I mean the Go To Sleep... that's what's going to beat the greatest EBWF World Champion of all time? Really?! If Punk thinks that, then he's apparently the one who has gone to sleep.. because he's dreaming if he thinks that would have kept me down. Sometimes, sometimes I get incredibly bored facing the lack of talent that this roster has to offer. So sometimes, I make the conscious decision mid match to let my opponent hit me with the best move that they have to offer.
Kevin Owens: But.. why would you do that Miz?
The Miz: Good question Kev. I do it, especially around this time of year, because I'm giving. On top of being handsome, talented, charismatic, and a champion.. I'm also one of the most selfless human beings on this earth. I like to give people that warm feeling you get right as you think you are about to accomplish something. When Punk hit the GTS on me, his heart probably warmed with joy. In his head he probably thought "oh wow.. what a night tonight is going to be after this win. I'm going to go home.. get in my Star Wars snuggie.. drink some apple juice.. and tweet about how cool I am." That moment is a special one.. the excitement.. the happiness.. only to have it ripped away when he goes for the cover and the referee counts.. one.. two.. and then.. awww man The Miz kicks out.. now Kev.. I know you.. you aren't as much of a giver as me.. you didn't want that moment to even last the two seconds I wanted it to.
Kevin Owens: I'm a giver too Miz.. but instead of two seconds of happiness.. I just decided to give him an ass kicking.
The Miz: Kind of went another way..
Kevin shrugged and took a sip of his drink.
Kevin Owens: C'est La Vi.
The Miz smiled.
The Miz: So this is me, the Miz, the EBWF Champion, the greatest of the great, cream of the crop, your favorite wrestler's favorite wrestler, apologizing to CM Punk. You see in that moment, you were supposed to have some happiness, some anticipation, a little bit of.. "oh my god I'm going to pin the Miz" I wanted that for you.. in the spirit of Christmas.. but Kevin.. unbeknown to me- decided against it. Unfortunately though Punk- the moment has passed. The gift has expired, and I'd really like nothing more now than to give you a different feeling. A more honest feeling. You see Punk, there's really no excuse for you to be feeling anything when facing me.. except inadequate. There's really no excuse for you to have any other feeling when facing me.. except one of helplessness. Regardless of the miscommunication between Kevin and I on Warfare- and what it's probably led you thinking- you can't beat me Punk. You would have realized that had Kevin just not gotten an itchy trigger finger.
Kevin Owens: I think he knows anyway Miz. Punk, you had to know Miz was kicking out of that rag tag move. You had to know. He knows.. doesn't he?
The Miz shook his head.
The Miz: He doesn't Kev.. and that's why I wish you hadn't done what you did. Not because I think him having extra confidence is going to lead to him beating me.. because to that I say.. "pfft." but just because it is Christmas.. and I just hate to see anyone as upset and dejected as he's going to be when he loses to me on Christmas Eve. He's going to be like "but but.. on Warfare.. I was going to win.. I hit the GTS.. and that definitely would have kept Miz down for 3.. " He's going to be crushed Kev.. if you had just let me kick out like I was going to.. he wouldn't have these unrealistic expectations. He wouldn't think that the GTS could possibly be enough to defeat me.. he wouldn't think that HE was enough to beat me.. so he wouldn't be quite as upset when he gets absolutely demolished inside an electrified steel cage on Christmas Eve. That would have been the ideal situation.. but what's done is done.. we've created a monster.. Punk undoubtedly will now be falsely confident.. he'll think he has a shot to win.. he'll say it's a certainty.. sad really.. because as we all know.. Punk has no shot.. he's never had a shot of alcohol- and he's also got not shot to beat me for this.
The Miz held up the EBWF World Title.
Kyle O'Reilly: Never had a shot of alcohol? What a chode.
O'Reilly took a big sip of his drink.
The Miz: Well said Kyle. He is a chode- a total jamoak- and not because he's never had a drink- because I think my liver wishes the same was true for me. He's a jamoak for so many more reasons. As soon as a microphone touches his lips, he becomes one of the most intolerable people in the history of this business. He sat here last week and made fun of me for my catchphrases and the things I say, but at least mine have some truth to them. At least the things I say about myself are true. CM Punk gets off on saying things that cater to the haters. He reads dirt sheets and twitter, and youtube comments about his opponents and simply spews the the nonsense that they are thinking to make himself seem like he is their voice. "The voice of the voiceless" I think he likes to call himself.. well Punk.. let me let you in on a little secret.. there is a reason why they are voiceless.. and it's because they are fucking stupid. When you are stupid.. you shouldn't be allowed to talk.. when you are stupid you shouldn't be allowed to let your opinions be heard. That's why they hide behind their social media accounts because if they were smart enough or mattered enough, we would actually want to hear from them in real life. Let me let you in on another secret.. if you think the things that you and they say about me are actual true.. than you are pretty fucking stupid too. Do you think I really care what Jim Bob McLean in Tulsa, Oklahoma has to say about me via his youtube channel? Huh? More than that, do you think I really care about what you say about me Punk? The answer to both of those questions.. is one big Paul Heyman sized no.. because this belt.. this belt right here.. gives me the right to not give a shit about what you or what anyone else thinks or says about me. This belt.. takes any of your smart ass remarks and silences them.. it makes YOU VOICELESS because for all the trash talk that you want to put out there Punk.. for all the false promises that you'll make about proving that you are the best in the world.. until you have this... as far as I'm concerned.. YOU. DONT. MATTER... and trust me Punk... you are NEVER getting this.. I can guarantee you that.
Kevin Owens: I seriously hate that Eric Weddle look alike jackass.. so much.. I'm sorry I beat his ass Miz.. but I'm also sorry I'm not sorry. The guy had it coming, and he's got it coming again on Christmas Eve. You're too nice man, you shouldn't even have tried to let him feel good about himself.. even for one single second. He already feels good enough about himself already. You may have been in the Christmas Spirit but I wasn't.
The Miz held his hand up.
The Miz: It's okay Kev- and looking back you are right- he does already think highly enough of himself, he didn't need the 2 second good feeling before the disappointment.. I think he probably has enough of that in his life already if you know what I'm saying..
A collective "OHHH" was let out by Vertex.
The Miz: Which is why at Christmas Eve of Destruction- I'm basically becoming the Grinch- because I'm going to steal any hopes of CM Punk having a nice Christmas. All I want for Christmas is to knock CM Punk's two front teeth out of his head. I could go on with the Christmas references, but I won't. I can picture CM Punk right now watching this and rolling his eyes, because it's not cool enough for him. Nothing is ever cool enough for him, I mean if we had Yoda here he'd be making a mess of his underwear, but us talking some trash- having some laughs- it somehow makes us inferior in his mind.
Ted DiBiase did his best Yoda, poking fun at CM Punk's Star Wars love.
Ted DiBiase: A loser he is.
The Miz: Punk do you really think that you are the only one in this company who works hard at what he does? Do you really think that you are the only one who cares about being a good wrestler? Like I'm sorry man.. I'm sorry that I have friends.. I'm sorry that my friends are more fun to hang out with than yours are. I'm sorry you have to hang around AJ Styles.. believe me I feel for you on that one especially.. but just because I have friends.. just because we like to have a good time.. doesn't mean that I don't breathe for this business the same way that you do. I have come a long way in the EBWF- my story is well documented- I've been through it.. and instead of giving me the respect that I've earned you continue to play me off like I'm a joke. It's unbelievable really. You have a lot of resentment towards me Punk and it goes a lot further than just the fact that I'm wearing the strap that says I'm the best in the world. You hate that I'm on talk shows, in movies, you hate that my group is running things while yours is in the back twiddling their thumbs in silence, with only the sound of Paul Heyman scarfing down meatball subs in the background. You hate that I'm the man around here don't you punk? You hate that all the kicking and punching of mannequins that you do, isn't going to mean a damn thing at Christmas Eve of Destruction.. because unlike those mannequins.. I'm going to fight back.. I'm going to overwhelm you in a way that you don't think I'm capable of. You haven't been the most consistent person around here Punk, but one thing you consistently do is underestimate me. You claim to have respect for this business, yet you downplay what I have accomplished. You downplay that I have had every bit of success that you've had, and you downplay who I am. Who I am Punk- in case you've actually forgotten- is someone who has had a hell of a lot more success recently than you have. Are we a little afraid that this business you love so much is passing you by? Are we a little afraid that the business you've dedicated your life to- that you've sweat for- that you've bled for is slipping through your fingertips? Is that why you insist on trying to tarnish my name? Is that why you insist on trying to act like I'm not worthy to be in a ring with you? Because without explanation- it couldn't make any less sense. Even with an explanation- it's sad and pathetic- because anyone with a brain and two eyes can see how much better than you I actually am. You may do this as a defensive mechanism, but it sure as hell isn't going to help defend you in that ring on Christmas Eve. Will Ferrell, the rest of the elves, dasher, dancer, prancer, freaking rudolph, not even Santa Claus himself could give you the gift of victory... ok one more christmas joke.. I couldn't resist.
Vertex laughed again as the joke broke some tension for what had become a serious promo.
The Miz: CM Punk- Mr. I couldn't be more main stream yet I still act like I'm an Indy wrestler. He actually said last week that I'm ruining your guys careers.. can you believe that?
Kevin Owens: Career's going pretty well- but thanks Phil- I'll look for you next time I'm wrestling an Indy show.. but I'm sure you won't be there.. oh who am I kidding? Neither will I- thanks to Miz.
Finn Balor: Yeah Punk- always appreciated the kind words- and you know- you doing nothing to help us when we needed it.
Kyle O'Reilly: Compliments are great though- I'm sure you aren't complimenting us just to talk shit about the guy that helped us get to where we are- it's the fact that you're so genuine Punk that makes you such a great guy.
O'Reilly smirked.
The Miz: You see Punk- the only thing better than being the "voice of the voiceless" is giving the voiceless a voice of their own. A platform to show what they can do. You may constantly talk about your love and respect for Indy superstars because that's where you started- but what Ted and I have done for these three is given them a chance to shine that you never would have. You are and have always been too caught up in yourself Punk- there's not one Indy wrestler out there that gives a shit about all the nice things you have to say about them. They are still broke- while you put millions in the bank- and only act, dress, and have body odor like you are still one of them. No offense guys.
Kevin Owens: None taken- totally shower now- all the time.
The Miz: Good for you man.
Kevin Owens: Thanks dude.
Owens happily took another sip of his drink, finishing it's contents. He collected the others glasses and went to go pour some refills.
The Miz: Don't you get it Punk? You want to look down on me- but you sold out just like the rest of us.. and shit dude I don't blame you.. being rich and famous is a lot better than being poor and worthless.. but god damn just admit it man. Stop acting like you are this holier than thou guy, who cares about anyone but himself- because I may not know much.. but I know that the only person CM Punk gives a shit about.. is CM Punk.. and right now Punk we have that in common. I'm glad that I've been able to launch the careers of Kev, Finn, and Kyle.. but right now the only person I care about is CM Punk.. I care about shutting CM Punk up.. I care about shutting CM Punk down.. and even if you'll never admit it- I want to look into the eyes of CM Punk and see.. even if it's just in a look.. that he knows just how damn GREAT.. The Miz is. I guess I lied earlier too Punk- because you do matter. You matter to me more than I even care to admit- but the biggest reason you matter Punk is that you are trying to take this title off of my waist- and there's just no way I'm going to let you do that. You want to talk about hard to listen to, you want to talk insufferable- there's nobody worse than you when things are going your way. Luckily enough for me, there's also nobody more fun to watch suffer when it isn't. That's something I can't wait for when EBWF returns to programming after the holiday. The CM Punk self pity tour- always such a delight.
Owens passed out refills to the rest of the group.
Kevin Owens: Ahh the sun was in my eyes... ahhh I bruised my foot kicking plywood at Home Depot.. ahhhh I was hungover.. okay I guess that one doesn't work.
The group laughed, as they all seemingly seemed to sip their fresh drinks at the same time.
The Miz: Well not for him anyway.
More laughter, as Miz was alluding to the fact that he may be using the hungover excuse if he kept going with the holiday drinks.
The Miz: Sit down guys- I want to tell you a story that you may never have heard about our friend CM Punk.
The Vertex followed Miz into the room Miz originally had come from. They all took a seat and Miz began.
The Miz: Once upon a time there was a young superstar named Mike Mizanin who joined up in the EBWF.
Kevin Owens: That's you right Miz?
Owens smirked as the group laughed and Miz nodded.
The Miz: Yes Kev.. me. So you know, I'm getting my bearings about me one day, a guy named Phil Brooks.
Kevin Owens: CM Punk.
The Miz: Right again. He comes up to me and I'm thinking I'm going to get this great speech. Like that's going to inspire me, and I'm going to be able to tell at a log cabin someday to young superstars I was mentoring.
Kyle O'Reilly: Like us.
The Miz: Right. So Punk comes up to me, and I'll never forget it- I'm looking at him- he's looking at me- I'm kinda nervous- because I'm new- and he finally clears his throat- looks at me and says.. "hey kid.. move."
There was laughter from the Vertex.. including Miz.
The Miz: I know it's crazy right. I'm thinking he's about to impart some knowledge on me, because all I'd heard about was CM Punk being a guy who appreciated the process of becoming a pro wrestler. A guy that reached out to the new kids, and you know kinda took them under his wing and helped them out.. but the thing I realized is that, I guess my process wasn't ever good enough for him. I guess since I never wrestled in Indonesia for half of a hot dog and a can of beans.. made me unworthy of a great CM Punk speech that was going to put a little pep in my step. I guess going from reality TV and overcoming the odds and the haters and the doubters to become an EBWF superstar, just didn't do it for our boy CM Punk. Well that was early-mid 200's and here we are 8-10 years later.. and like it or not Punk.. I'm the EBWF World Champion.. I'm the pinnacle.. I'm at the top of the business you never thought I deserved to be in. Wahhh Wahh.. too bad so sad for you Punk.. The reason I was able to accomplish this goal Punk- wasn't because of anything someone told me when I was first starting out- it wasn't because of anything people did to help me out- because by and large Punk I was ALWAYS treated just like you treated me that day. Nobody wanted me to be successful, and THAT Punk is what's motivated me to be just that. I've taken great pleasure day in and day out of stepping over people that have looked down on me. I've taken great pleasure in dominating everyone of the guys in the back that didn't want me there in the first place. People look at me and they wonder how I can be so cold, calculating, and remorseless in my approach. The reason is Punk, NOBODY has ever cared about me- so why the HELL should I care about them. We started the Vertex so that in 8 years when you guys are competing with me for the games top spot.. you won't be looking at me with resentment, you won't be looking at me with fire in your eyes.. like I look at CM Punk and those like him.. instead you'll look at me and say "thank you, Miz." and then you'll of course lose to me.
There was more laughter from the room.
Kevin Owens: We'll see about that!
The Miz smiled.
The Miz: The point is guys- there are plenty of people in this business that come in and everybody thinks they are going to be the next big superstar- then they amount to nothing. There are also guys that come in and people think they are going to amount to nothing- and they become the next big superstar. You are looking at one of those guys right here. I have proven people wrong since I stepped foot in this company, and I'm smart enough to know- that even though I think it's flat out ridiculous- people don't think I'm going to retain this EBWF World Championship at Christmas Eve of Destruction- they don't think I have what it takes to beat CM Punk- THEY ARE DOUBTING ME. Which makes me about as comfortable as one can be. I've competed my entire career with nay sayers- with people telling me that I can't or that I won't.. so what I'm saying to you guys tonight is just ALWAYS KNOW.. that you CAN.. and you WILL.. and don't let pretentious douchebags like CM Punk tell you otherwise. The bottom line is CM Punk was then and still is threatened by anybody that comes in and has confidence. He's threatened by anyone who has success- so he does what he can to try and make them feel like they shouldn't be experiencing what they are experiencing. There's no doubt in my mind that no matter what Punk says- he saw me that day as someone who was figuratively.. and I guess literally..
The Miz smirked.
The Miz: In his way- and that scared him. So just think if he was scared by some snot nosed "toad faced"
The Miz smiled.
The Miz: A handsome toad at that.. kid back in the day- just think of how scared he is now as we are about to enter 2016 with that same kid.. standing larger than life.. on top of the EBWF Mountain- that he just hasn't had the strength to climb in a long long time. It's been three years.. three long years since Punk has held the games top prize, and the drought continues at Christmas Eve. I know this guy- and I know that the biggest problem he has with me is not the way my face looks, it's not that I'm a person who's celebrity goes further than just the EBWF ring- his biggest problem with me lies in the fact that I am the World Champion- and HE. IS. NOT. Let's call a spade a spade and be honest- that's what it is. When you're in this business and it drives you and it pulls you out of bed every morning, you become obsessed with being the best. You become obsessed with being the man. CM Punk is obsessed- but unfortunately for CM Punk- as I've said many times- SO AM I. I'm obsessed with remaining the best.. with remaining the top dog, with remaining that prime time all star.. that I've been since I stepped foot in this place. Punk is the back up quarterback that used to play a lot.. but has been passed by.. the only problem is he's that back up that still thinks he's better than the starter, so he talks shit about him behind his back. In some cases that back up QB has a case.. but in this case.. for as far as Punk is concerned.. I'm Tom Freaking Brady. I'm the greatest Champion of all time.. so he's going to have to wait until I retire to get to take a few snaps- and deep down.. he knows that.. and that MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE.. is his problem with me. That more than anything is why CM Punk doesn't like me.. but because he knows that deep down.. that more than anything is why CM Punk WILL LOSE TO ME.
Ted DiBiase: He sure as hell would never admit to that.
The Miz: Of course he wouldn't. Punk isn't a guy to ever say what he knows deep down, but make no mistake about it.. he may say stupid things but he is a smart guy. Punk is a guy who is constantly referencing everyone's history.. but he always manages to leave his own out. He would be the first to tell you how I'm not worthy of being champion because I've gotten the help of my friends to do it. Yet he doesn't make reference to "Elite" or even the group of 'Heyman Guys' he's running around with now. Some of your most successful days around here Punk were had when you were surrounded by people looking out for you..people that had your back. You take so much pride in being a lone wolf, yet you have been a member of a lot of the factions that have come to be in the EBWF.. but of course we'd never mention that.. no we'd never hear about that. CM Punk would also be quick to point out my personal life- and how I've been known to grapple with some of our female talent off camera- yet this guy has spent the better part of his career romantically involved with pretty much every diva that has ever signed a contract here. Somehow this type of thing makes me less of wrestler.. it leads him to downgrade my focus and how much I care for the business.. but when he does it.. it's because he's some sort of hooded sweatshirt wearing bearded Lothario. CM Punk would be SO QUICK to tell you that he and I are NOTHING alike.. and that the very thought of being like me shakes him to his very core, but as you guys can see.. we are cut from the same god damn cloth.. we aren't so different Punk and I, in fact we are quite similar.. except for ONE BIG DIFFERENCE.. and that big difference is that after Christmas Eve of Destruction only one of us is going to be walking out of that cage the fact I can suffice to say that only one of us will be walking out of that cage PERIOD.. and that man.. will be THE MIZ.
All of the men finished their second round of drinks. Except for The Miz who held his drink up to the sky.
The Miz: So bottoms up and cheers Punk. Cheers to another year of Vertex running this company. Cheers to another year of the Miz being on top of the EBWF as it's proud champion.. and a big CHEERS to there being ABSOLUTELY NOTHING you or ANY of your LITTLE FRIENDS CAN DO ABOUT IT. As far as I'm concerned Punk.. you are an obstacle.. a speed bump.. that is in front of me right now. You are an obstacle a speed bump that stands between another year of destruction from me and my boys here.. so Punk I only have one thing left to say to you..
"Hey Kid... Move."
The Miz finished his drink and winked into the camera as the scene faded to black.
A Vertex Christmas
A Vertex Christmas
EBWF World Champion (x7- Current) EBWF Intercontinental Champion (x3) EBWF Tag Team Champion (x2) EBWF PTG Champion (x2 ) EBWF Gateway Champion (1x)
EBWF World Champion (x7- Current) EBWF Intercontinental Champion (x3) EBWF Tag Team Champion (x2) EBWF PTG Champion (x2 ) EBWF Gateway Champion (1x)