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Protect this house

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 10:48 pm
by Benjamin
**The camera zooms in on Syxx in his locker room surrounded by his council.**

Syxx: We all know that the dominion of House Syxx knows no boundaries, but it is no secret that my lands and holdings are right here in the greatest city in the world...Minneapolis! It is no secret that Jay of House Briscoe, first of his name, is no slouch. He may even be the superior knight in House Briscoe but the fact of the matter is that all he is and all he has ever been is not going to be enough. Tonight I prepare for a siege, but I will protect this house. I will protect House Syxx and I will protect my home turf. I am going to take Jay Briscoe to the ground just like Everson Griffen from the Minnesota Vikings did repeatedly to Aaron Rodgers on Sunday Night Football! Just as surely as my Vikings are the division champions of the NFC North I will become the EBWF world heavyweight champion and it starts tonight by serving "dat boy" a little helping of some Minnesota hotdish. Not down with that? Moisten my genitalia!

**The scene fades.**